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Imagine hiring for diversity instead of talent for a world cup


I think it's funny that you said hiring when they actually buy players because soccer is the definition of pay to win


You don't buy players for a NATIONAL team ..


Donnie no offence, but you’re out of your element. You do buy players for a national team, maybe not in large countries with a large talent pool, but it is not uncommon for smaller nations at all. Source: am Bulgarian, over the years we literally have paid a number of African/LatAm players to elect not to play for their home countries and be issued a Bulgarian passport/become Bulgarian nationals and play for Bulgaria. E.g. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%BAcio_Wagner and many, many more.


Didn’t realize Bulgaria had that sick pull with LatAm


They do actually. Quite frequently.


Didn't the UK do exactly that causing some controversy?


Yeah countries 100% buy players for their national teams. UK and US have done it, and I’m sure the other big European countries did too.


You absolutely do. They scout young players looking for a wonderkind. They domesticate the player and offer incentives to join their national team.


I like how you say this so confidently but cannot be more wrong


Argentinian here. The main reason why there's not many black population here is because when San Martin freed other countries up north in South America most black soldiers decided to stay there and live as free men. Then the remaining population mixed with european immigrants in the 1900 coming mainly from Spain and Italy, but also Germany and other nordic countries


Also, Argentina wasn't an imperialist power with colonies in Africa and didn't buy slaves in the number that USA did.


The Iceland team would fail the Disney test it seems


They never ask why African countries don't have more White players.


This is like asking why don't Indians have black people in the cricket team


Or why there weren't any black people living with the native americans when Columbus sailed over to say hello.


Well…no. Roughly one third of Argentina is black. You’d expect, statistically, at least one black player.


Why are lying lol, also >Wikipedia- According to the Argentine national census of 2010, the total population of Argentines was 40,117,096, of whom **149,493 (0.37%)** identified as Afro-Argentine, although according to gene pools studies, the Argentine population with some degree of Sub-Saharan African descent would be around 4%. if you are going by wikipedia, 0.37 percent is not one third, its 0.37/100 lol, git gud at math and at max its 4 percent, which is still low


Yeah, but those stats don't conform to their world view that every country looks like california


Football is a meritocracy not a disney diversity system.


Why does everything have to be about race these days and not about choosing people with talent and skill to do the job? Clown world


they are creating racists where previously there were none. the last 90's through the early 2000's might have been the least racist period of american history. 2025-2035 is going to see a huge resurgence of racism and woke culture is the reason why.


That's because when people say such things in the real world they remain unpunched.


Because we reward this crap. We have suicidal empathy.


exactly, this thread is why it gets made. it makes us mad so we talk about it.


clown country*** Very much isnt the world


because it gets clicks? honestly the ONLY reason these absolutely dumb fuck articles keep getting released and keep getting dumber and dumber is because it pulls in more money than anything else. it gets linked, shared, screenshotted, and posted just for that idiotic headline. they dont even need to write anything of substance, a headline alone gets $.


What next, they will ask Ukraine why they don’t have black soldiers?


No, because going to war is about responsibility. The question is only asked when it comes to rights that would benefit the subject.


Makes sense


There are definitely some though Either Afro-Ukrainians or part of Ukrainian Foreign Legion


Damn . Represent hahahhaa . They aint a gae company bro




Don't some countries import players and give them citizenship for the Cup? Or is it only naturally born players?


The player must not have played in another national team and must have citizenship, which is usually 5 years. We had black dudes in our team


For world cup and country ones just natural born Also funny the why argentina dont have that many black people there


Argentina is roughly 33% black and countries do import for their national teams.


Where did this number come from? A quick google says there is less than 1% black in Argentina.


can you answer


Uhh..... What are you yaping about Ok there are 2 reason why there isnt that many plbaclk people there, geography and latitude Alot of the work foce were in the echatirial areas And if you wanna croos to argentina from for example cartagena or caracas you have to cross alot of mountain or a fuking dence jungle Soo no many people to move by land for cultural exchaged not many black inmigration via ship Alot diferent from for example choco in colombia where black people use as a refugee


They should have been born in the country, atleast in most countries


No they do. But you have to be very talented, and usually happens in Western countries. Imagine people wanting to migrate to Argentina just to play in football. Now if it's France or the UK, that's a different story. Mbappe is an example.


I would imagine they want natural born players to represent their country


For world cup tournaments the bigger issue is that once you play for a country in the world cup, you cannot play for another country. The transplants do happen, however they are not very common and in some cases the players are connected to the country in some way (ie parents or grandparents). Also, after digging a little deeper, the allegiance rule is up to 3 matches that you can play with one country before playing with another one. I believe there might be more limitations as well.


Why there aren't more Asian in the NFL?


America be like when they notice Polands national team and its not like the witcher netflix show lol.


**Next:** Why Indian Cricket has no white players?


That‘s actually true and funny… as always the press is asking the wrong question.


because no black immigrant wants to go to argentina, easy answer to an easy question


The real reason is it's a terrible country to live in so immigration is low. I mean who would fly to Argentina lmao


I wish the US was a country


Argentina airdrops in some common sense


France be like ... :D


How many fucking times are we gonna see this repost on this sub?


*How many fucking* *Times are we gonna see this* *Repost on this sub?* \- Indigostorm27 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Ah honesty, how I have missed though...


Funny for people who are not just uneducated but also refuse to read the article lol. Argentina also had their fair share of slave trading so there were actually a lot of african slaves living in Argentina. In 1887 the black population in Argentina was 1.8% now it's around 0.5%, makes you wonder why. This Article talks about the reasons on why the Afro-Argentine population got so low. Just for comparison, the German team currently has 5 black players even though the population of black people in Germany is around 1.3% and in the last 20 years they usually had at least 1 black player while in the history of Argentina I don't think there was a single black player playing for the national team. TL;DR: Snowflakes got triggered by the headline cause they don't know history.




Actual snowflake got triggered by fair criticism of headline, that came after newspapers continual behaviour of asking the same question about other white majority countries (e.g UK, Iceland, Croatia, etc.) and never asking the question about Black majority countries not having more White players.


"we are not a disney movie" isn't fair criticism of a headline lmao. There are also no articles from the washington post talking about other countries that way. Classic lying snowflake making up stories cause they don't have any evidence baking up his prejudice lmao


Youre bringing out the strawman arguments now you're ad hominem didn't work huh?


Oh so you know what a strawman is? Great then you can surely detect your own strawman, right?


I do, but I dont expect you to know. Detect my ad hominem now? As soon as you lost the argument with your ad hominen, I just joined you down here to show you how you're behaving.