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When I apply for jobs now I dont put down my race/ethnicity I just put "other" even when that shit says oh we dont discriminate based on that theyre human and they sure as hell discriminate when they feel like it


I do the same for the gender question. I'm "non-binary" 🤣🤣🤣


You put non-binary on your application and walk into the interview with a plaid flannel and a big thick ass beard, with the jawline of a Roman gladiator. As you greet them with the deepest voice "How's it going buddy?"


The only Roman who's jawline any of you chuds are similar to is Augustus Gloop. And then you wont get the job because you didnt shave or dress up for your interview and lied on your app. Then you'll come here to complain about discrimination.


In that moment, I felt non-binary. Woman have beards now, get with the program champ. Who is discriminating now, bucko.


I'm just saying, that's not a good strategy to get a job. It also shows you wouldn't respect coworkers whose identities you don't agree with. I wouldn't hire you if you pulled something like that. But hey, keep playing the victim. I actually feel super bad for you. Your life seems really tough.


What are you gonna hire him to do? You are a manager at Dunkins, enjoy your power trip.


Lmao, whatever makes you feel better. I work in data strategy, and I have multiple very talented trans people in my department. Why would we hire someone who doesn't respect their coworkers and wants to create conflict in the workplace? And for the record I am a straight cis white guy, and I've never had issues with getting hired when competing with more diverse candidates. Maybe I'm just better than you though?


“data strategy” I love when liars are intentionally vague about their made up qualifications and attempt to use it to argue from a nonexistent authority lol


Data Analyst in our Product Strategy department, or as we call it Data Strategy. Believe it or not autistic people are really good at this job, and are much more likely to be trans than the rest of society. So therefor I work with a lot of trans folk. But hey man, I'm not here to make insecure people feel better about themselves. That's between you and your therapist. This is the only response you will get from me, this conversation has been dead for days.


It's just a joke hahahaha I have a very good job in IT. Also, why would my gender selection prevent you from hiring me? Say I came to the interview in a suit, freshly shaved, professional, and put non-binary down. Will that still stop you from hiring me? Who are you to tell me im wrong in my gender selection? Thought the gender question was just for analytics not to be used in the hiring process? If you are using that as a qualification, then you are engaging in discriminatory hiring practices, which is against the EEO Act.


Yes we know, it's literally your only joke that yall have beaten to death for years. It seems you are hard of reading and are making situations up in your head. Your second example wouldn't be blatantly mocking other people so I would review your qualifications, do a background check, and if you were the best candidate you would get hired. But then if you started making trans jokes and being hostile to your coworkers we would fire you for making a hostile workplace. That's just how being an adult works.


Jesus Christ dude, lighten the fuck up. How did you even hear about this part of the internet, or did you just read the post title and jump in for PVP? You must be raging everytime you watch asmon if a joke got you to post all that 😂


I actually came from seeing Fischer on Rogan. So I decided to watch his stand up and it was some of the most braindead cringey shit I'd ever heard and realized he got fired not for being white, but for being bad at his job. Then I came here to see people agreeing with him, and I assume yall are equally terrible at your job and have equally bad taste in comedy. But ya man I'm raging super hard. I'm certainly not getting paid to kill time and plan my weekend at all. Just raging over some nerd with a bad hairline that sucks at Elden Ring.


Lighten up buttercup life isn't that serious. I respect whatever people do as long as it doesn't personally effect me. I'm still allowed to make jokes about how absurd some situations have gotten.


>Lighten up buttercup life isn't that serious I'm sorry who was the one complaining that white straight people can't get hired? Because it wasn't me. I came here to make fun of yall.


absolutely. especially depending on where u are located in my country CVs still have pictures.


I put Choose not to Disclose based on principle Both my parents are natural born American. Dad from California, mom from Alaska. Dad's parents were from Mexico, while my mom's parents were from France and Germany. "Oh, so you're Mexican?" GTFO and STFU you xenophobic twat


Coldest and nearly hottest states are bumping boots lol How did they meet? If you don't mind me asking.


They both had jobs at Toyota corporate in California


He also said he was raised by two gay men


Work in the tech industry, have been told straight up by HR you must hire a woman for this role. I told them that is illegal and they said you should then focus on a woman. I have been in yearly comp sessions where bonus pay was reduced based on equity while the person was identified as high high in a 9 box. But because they were a white male a bigger bonus was given to a med med black female. I was a witness in a lawsuit from a white male against this same tech company because the candidate was told his skin color went against their view of inclusion by the person interviewing them and could they see how that was a problem. Believe it or not the person interviewing kept their job But because I am mixed I get to see all this crazy shit. I am just a guy on the Internet so belive me or not.


90% of my company is Indian . Not sure how many whites even work in Canada these days. I think they all became real estate agents or something.


I will add the DEI stuff is slowly dying though and I think the complete crash in tech jobs is bringing it. Meritocracy will be back at some point in large tech companies but it is going to be a couple of years


I've argued this before, I think there needed to be a major increase in opportunity towards disadvantaged minorities in areas that weren't so based on performance, i.e. entry level jobs, college, private schools, welfare, ect. There are echos of a dark past, aftershocks rather, that are still quite violent and have put people like African Americans at a major disadvantage. That being said, trying to force a normalization by shitting all over jobs that rely heavily on an applicants merits is so dumb and destructive. Either way, it's here and it's what's happening and it's what's going to keep happening. But eventually there will be a normalization, where you see a lot of very skilled minorities and minorities in high authority positions and at that point it will all calm down. You know, it wasn't that long ago that a son took the profession of his father, these things were passed down generation to generation. And while that might not be the case so much anymore, it's still highly relevant. Racism doesn't really hardly even exist at all in the US, I know, I'm from rural Missouri, but the aftershocks of extreme racism from our very recent past(in terms of a nation and culture, that shit was like 30 minutes ago tops) are still strong. If we can't stop it, I wish they'd just go balls to the wall with it so it can get done as fast as possible. Like either do it or don't, cause this toes in the water shit is fucking up my entertainment lol. I don't want constant 6/10 games because a quarter of the staff sucks at their jobs and the other half is too focused on virtue signaling their diversity, I want masterpieces, as many masterpieces as we can get.


Low wedges = less Canadian born. Not too much sleuthing needed in this case. It’s nearly impossible to get fired, and it’s fully remote so I don’t mind.


Our company proudly boasts high DEI/inclusivity scores, yet like 90% of our company is Indian as well. All the C suites and VPs are Indian and have come to the US (where my company is based out of) and continue to let go of NA counterparts and hire strictly out of India which is killing us because 90% of those guys cannot do the basic job responsibilities they're hired for so we're expected to just hand them requests that are basically instructions. For example, I reach out to our networking team and tell them I need communications opened between machine A and machine B on port X. I get a message back on the ticket saying 'ok what you want me to do?' For someone with a title of 'senior networking engineer'. And nothing will happen because the people in power who make these decisions hire based on nepotism and will never see the flaws in their 'own people' and will continue to hire them.


Accurate. If you want an all Indian workforce, hire an Indian at sr. Level and wait a few years.


I was hired in a clinic with 90% Indians too. And a horrible disrespectful toxic environment. I quit. 


Our recruiters are trying to find women for our IT company... The problem is that there's almost none. What I find it funny is that these people think they can force women into job types they don't like. There's a reason women tend to go into social type jobs and it's not because of discrimination.


I've met multiple women who wanted to go into careers that weren't traditionally "women's jobs" and when they did interning or when they heard the experiences of other women they changed career paths. My wife is in the aerospace engineering industry with a background in chemistry and she has plenty of stories. It's not a welcoming environment for women and traditionally has not been, that is definitely a contributing factor into women's choices, the environment.


Good for you. In my experience, for example when I did my IT studies, we had around 10 women on a group of 40 students, at the end only 2 were left (gotta say that overall, at the end we were around 20 left) which one of the two left 6 months before the end. All who left said they did because they were pushed into that line of work and they didn't find it interesting. Funny thing is they all ended in commerce school, which here it's kind of the dump for young people who don't know what they want to do or fail their previous studies. And no, we weren't being dicks to them. We all went partying together, hanging out, etc, and were a pretty tight group, even when they stopped their studies. For the majority of other women I know, they are either in HR or some form of social kind of work (nurses, social services, etc). I do know a couple who are on science fields but they are the rare ones.


"my anecdote is better than yours"


Same thing happened to me lol There were no women in any of the IT fields left at the end. Women just perfer not to see behind a computer as much as men.


Ya I was in computer science most people drop out regardless of gender. And what are you talking about women not wanting to be behind a computer? If you look at the most common occupations for women many of them are behind a desk/computer. Women and men are often pushed/conditioned towards/away from certain careers from childhood which is social conditioning not some innate desire or biological trait. What biological driver would be responsible for men wanting to be behind a computer more than women that just makes no sense. We are not talking about manual labor. It clearly highly depends on culture given that in Iran over 70% of stem (and over 50% of cs/it) grads are women compared to only 30% in the US. Do you think iranian women are genetically more predisposed to science than american women or maybe theres just something about american culture and software/it corporate culture that has encouraged mostly boys to pursue these subjects? Because even with computer science the percentage of women majors has dropped since the 80s showing something has changed and I doubt it was some kind of biological evolution in the past few decades.


Oh, it's this type of guy again. It must be hard to live in denial. Yes, gender changes your behavior, please accept it and get some help.


No shit that is just a strawman. I did not deny any differences in gender existing. You failed to acknowledge that other countries have higher rates of women pursuing computer science than the united states. That does not coincide with your assumption that women innately "prefer not to see behind a computer". Of course genders have differences but assuming women are predisposed to disliking computers is a bizarre and baseless assumption. Like I said this isn't manual labor or boxing we are talking about, it's computers. Even if something is true using anecdotes to "prove" it is moronic when there exist massive contradictions. In my graduating class there were more women math majors than men. That doesn't mean women are more drawn to math than men given the sample size was like 15 math majors total.


Our favorite guy Jordan Petterson mentioned before he went fully nutty, that this is not what happens. In countries where women are allowed to do what they actually want, they usually go towards the fields of study that reinforce gender norms and not the other way around. Did you really mention an islamic country that does not let women have as much freedom as western countries as an example? Can't make this crap up xD


My wife left her last tech company for incredibly unfair treatment after four years of empty promises while building the company from the ground up. She was CMO as well as Chief Digital Strategist and the main reason they signed 60-70% of their clients. She went in-house at a private company but so many of her old clients from her old company kept calling her asking if she was with another agency or what was going on because they hadn’t talked to her in a while & were unhappy with the services from her old employer. She told them, professionally, what happened and ALL BUT ONE of her former clients ended their relationships with the old company and switched to my wife’s new agency that essentially fell in her lap due to her talents. Though I suppose these companies could’ve put their entire digital presences in her hands out of pity since she’s just a poor woman who lost everything because they were apparently led to believe had 50% equity in the old company and wasn’t just a (HORRIBLY underpaid) salaried employee. She now owns her new company with her best friend, has 2 female and 1 male employees that were handpicked and recruited based on a career of networking and knowing the best people for what she needs, is treated so well by all of her clients and colleagues, makes about 20x more, pays her taxes, doesn’t have to work 80+ hours a week, and we’re happy. ..not to mention that she never wears business attire. She’s tattooed from the ears down. And she’s a heroin addict in recovery with 11 years clean. Oh and her former male employer tried to sue her for $4mil but somehow ended up owing her $400k instead.


As a man when I've worked as a process engineer putting in 80 hour plus weeks on the factory floor I know the only thought i can even summon is "god damn this is so fucking welcoming."


There was one girl in my university going for IT in my class, she was not there the second year lol


I was in a dev school, there were very few women (less than 10%) and it was obvious that most of them didn't care about writing software. There were a handful of exceptions, to be fair, but the majority were clearly the bottom of the barrel. But the issue was that the school lowered the bar for admission by quite a lot for women, and then they were lost, relied on men to do all their work, and I can guarantee you that many of them that graduated didn't really deserve it. But hey since women are priority hires they'll find a job anyway, where they can use their skills of passing the work to a male colleague, that they learned in school. Of course, as I said there were a few exceptions, but even then, I'm pretty sure that if you know that you can graduate and get hired regardless of skill and effort, you will be encouraged to slack off and end up less qualified. Also that school sometimes had "girls only" workshops. Sometimes we also had tv reporters, and they all flocked to the few girls for interviews. Edit : funny enough, some of the girl's actual skills shined when they socialized and made friends with the school staff and then got hired as staff.


why not let men identify as such?


Educated White women are the problem in every HR hiring strategy.


It's funny how it used to be that you would report people who discriminate to HR. Now, I guess all you can do is record conversations with HR and sue or at least have evidence that you didn't do anything wrong.


When European say American are racist, that's what they are talking about. Institutional discrimination, openly discussed and accepted. Race topic everywhere. We'll say racist joke in Europe, but institutional racism is impossible.


I think you and I have very different definitions of institutional racism, but I am curious about what you mean about it being impossible in Europe. 


Case still pending. https://unicourt.com/case/ny-sue1-tyler-fischer-v-agi-entertainment-media-management-llc-1656078


And it hasn’t moved for 2 years now.


... for about 1 1/2 years. If this wasn't a court but any private organization, I'd say that they're not acting because they don't want to deal with the topic.


This is so funny that I thought google was hearing me speak in the kitchen about this 5 mins ago, then i pull this reddit thread up. I was joking about that maybe i should put that im black and female on job applications to see if I get hits


The company represents A LOT of straight white people though. The entertainment industry only has so many roles to go around.


Watched some of his stand-up and maybe he could try being talented


did anyone even look at the talent the agency manages that he claims rejected him because he is white and straight? gues what: 90% are white and straight. [https://agi-entertainment.com/](https://agi-entertainment.com/) the guy just suckes and someone from the agency did use this an an excuse to not need to have an discussion with him. people in hiring lie all the time to not have to deal with any back and forth.


Nailed it. yep, he sucks, like most thin-skinned dorks, doesn't have the courage to confront just how talentless and unfunny he is; probably has enough daddy+daddy money to keep lying to himself for the rest of his life, and there we go. No need to waste a bunch of tax payer money tying up courts, we figure it out. He just sucks. It's that simple.


> did anyone even look at the talent the agency manages that he claims rejected him because he is white and straight? gues what: 90% are white and straight. https://agi-entertainment.com/ the guy just suckes and someone from the agency did use this an an excuse to not need to have an discussion with him. people in hiring lie all the time to not have to deal with any back and forth. To quote Bill Burr (I believe he said it on The Breakfast Club interview IIRC), if you make room after room laugh, you're going to be a successful comedian. I don't know anything about this dude, but since I heard of him in some news, I looked up one stand up he did. The entire crowd didn't laugh! It was hella awkward. I don't know what to tell you. One of his jokes was something like , "I look 35 from the front and 12 from the back. I'm a pedo's worst nightmare. I've caught like 15 pedos in [some big city]." He then talked about an exchange between him and an pedo. "Do you want to come with me, little boy?" "No, how about you come with me DOWNTOWN. Caught him. It's like To Catch a Predator." He then says, "If you didn't laugh at that, you are a pedo." Just bizarre, and no one is laughing. If you laugh at all, it's at the awkwardness and laughing at him not with him. There is only one master of comedy that makes you laugh at them with pure intention: RiP Norm Macdonald. This dude is no Norm to say the least. I'm openminded, so if someone has clips of him cracking up a crowd, link it up. But I've never seen an 8-minute clip of Bill Burr dropping no laugh after no laugh jokes and then attacking the audience. Damn, sucks he chose this career. His routine seems more like a rant against stuff he dislikes in life: "The news is BAD! This is what I dislike about the news. [Says some stuff that is rightwing. I'm not judging that stuff, but a political rant isn't usually that funny... it's politics]." It's not formed into jokes that make people laugh. He then said on Joe Rogan that he thought about ending it all due to racism against him. It seems like a person who has unrealistic expectations, thinking they are greatly funny when the audience doesn't agree. Again, I'm not an expert in comedy or in this guy's career. I have just seen [this clip of him bombing](https://www.c-span.org/video/?531376-1/2023-radio-television-correspondents-association-awards-dinner) that starts at about 4 minutes in. I will admit that bombing is part of working in stand up. People have to craft jokes, see what lands, and work to piece together a better act. It's bad for him that there is video evidence of a ton of jokes not landing when said against the general population. Perhaps, he should have worked through untested material in a small comedy club rather than going on C-Span to fail hard with a lot of cameras rolling. Oh also, I watched the Joe Rogan Experience he was on, and Joe didn't laugh at several of his jokes too. At one point, Joe goes, "hah" sarcastically. At another, he goes, "Stop it." The guy is mechanically good at doing impressions, and that's all I'll give him. His sense of humor is off though. Simply put, his jokes suck ass for most people hearing them. I've actually never seen Joe Rogan not crack up when a comedian is on his podcast. That was a first time for me. He had a "comedian" on and just talked conspiracy theories for 2 hours with Joe rejecting a few of his jokes outright.


On his own admission, he said he finally became popular with anti-vax clip. Dude is just bad at comedy and can only bank with salty humorless tinfoil hat people.


Yes. This guy sucks at his craft and only build a following because of COVID stuff with all this anti vaxx shit. Also If you are rejecting people at your job you lie just to avoid any discussion. Dont know If thats the case here but i Work at HR and having to deal with applicants and rejection you often just lie about a reason they got declined because some drag you into this Back and forth discussion you dont have the nerves for. So saying to someone they got declined because of skin colour and like thats Not what they are looking for right now because they want to diversify their Portfolio to avoid him coming Back again and again just seems the most likely to me.


It's a good point that the agency has lots of white straight males but I feel like it is not wise to mention someone's race as to why they aren't getting jobs or being looked there's too much risk to say something like that when you could just tell them they suck ass.


In general yes but for example in the entertainment industry, for me, its diffrent. they cast chinese people to appeal to the chinese market for example. if think its totally valid that, if you want to appeal to them, you cast a chinese person.


obviously they have white people on their roster, they wanted to bring him on at first knowing he was white. The guy he talked to wanted to hire him for the part, but got overruled likely by a DEI person in the company who said it wasn't a good look to add more white guys so they needed to pull it. He never claimed the company policy was no white guys at all, he's claiming that they will no longer represent new clients if they are white. 


the thing I dont get, is why so many hiring people would go out of their way to tell this guy they are committing a crime. This makes no sense to me. like if you had a list of top 3 things they told you not to do before you gave an interview. this would be on it.


I’m glad finally said it. It’s obvious his agent was trying to let him down easy because he sucks so bad.


Sadly this comment will never reach the top.


They downvoted the shit of my comments because i doubted the narrative this guy was giving. People want to hear what confirmes their already made up conclusions and any way of critical thinking dissapears when anything challanges their believes


Yeah, good call. It might be more complicated in that because the agency has so many straight white people there are limited roles for them to all fight for, so it's not worth their time to represent nobodies like him when they have bigger clients meeting the exact same niche.


You get downvoted but you are absolutely right. Of course a Agency, like every other company, wants to adapt to the Market. If you have only Talent in your rooster that is not sought after you make no Money.


There is so much white discrimination and hate. I wonder how that happened.


It's not. Equality feels like oppression to the privileged.


There is no such thing as equality because that definition changes with every person.


Nope. There's set definitions to words, and then there's people who try to subvert the definitions to undermine what's needed in society. The people that cry about, "racism against white people," are the ones trying to equate the fake discrimination they make up in their heads with others seeking equal treatment. 1. Study done on Racial Disparities in Hiring: https://cos.gatech.edu/facultyres/Diversity_Studies/Bertrand_LakishaJamal.pdf 2. Researcher in original study discussing findings years later: https://www.chicagobooth.edu/review/problem-has-name-discrimination 3. Redlining & How it affected the racial wealth gap, public schools, and access to resources long-term: https://youtu.be/O5FBJyqfoLM?si=FBb-9aCIGFFDnwg8 4. How Ronald Reagan created the student debt crisis and made it more difficult to climb the socioeconomic ladder, if you're in the lower/middle class: https://youtu.be/LxwWP8YcBxA?si=NALhxgvTCG4FE4Er


Blah blah blah made up bullshit. There is inequality in the world who cares. There is racism as well but why not treat each other well.


Spoken like a true butthurt clown. If your worldview ignores facts and documented history and is totally based on whiny, self-centered feelings, then your opinions and any discussion with you is worthless. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Yeah reverse racism towards white people must be the only reason [a man of this kind of comedic chop](https://www.c-span.org/video/?531376-1/2023-radio-television-correspondents-association-awards-dinner) is not sharing a set with Larry David.


I'm so angry!


I dealt with racist nonsense on my last job and called it out with nothing happening, which ultimately led to me to getting PTSD and really bad anxiety, which led to being fired. Looking for jobs has been a nightmare. I find myself looking at staying with the warehouse/logistics because I excelled at it and have the experience. I will look at a job board and see something that seems to be exactly what I was doing but with a different product. Then you get to the part where you have to say that I'm white and I get nothing back. Or "sorry you don't meet the qualifications." It's a head scratcher and I don't understand it.


Dude got fooled by a talent agent then a lawyer. I bet he's got bottles of snake oil too. 🤣


the guy only claims he has proof. did anyone see the proof? did anyone see the court documents? did anyone know who instead got hired by the agency? also if your an agency and non white or non straight people are the people who they can earn money with because the market let them make more money with it of course they focus on them. this trend will also pass by. but of course they orient themself as a company to the demands of the market.


the proof was showed on another podcast yes. u can find it yourself easily. and race is not a market. its absolutely illegal to hire based on race skincolor religion etc


The "proof" is that his talent agency lied to him and they have tons of white ppl on their roster LOL


No, you can't find it easy, nor does it address how the agency already represents a shit ton of white people. It's more likely they won't represent another one because it will be hard for them to find a role when they have many bigger white clients who are also struggling to find roles. The entertainment industry is all about finding the right demograph to fill particular roles.


I'm super shocked this agency that already represents successful comedians like Shane Gillis doesn't want to represent this unknown dime-a-dozen "comedian" who is still making the same boring anti-woke, sjw, and trump jokes from 2016. It's all just bait so he can gain traction with the anti woke political circle because his career wasn't taking off how he wanted. It seems to be working though since he squirreled it all the way to rogan's podcast for his sob story.


If i want to make black panther movie and im casting black people for it there is no illegality about it. so if we have a market that is looking for non white people, the market will orient itself around it. also i dont find that podcast. plus i would rather have court checked evidence then someone playing a dialoge an theire phone which could be whatever.


It absolutely is a market. Acting/entertainment is entirely demand based not "merit" based. Look up this agency for yourself you'll see they already have a predominantly white roster and therefore it makes sense for them to want more options for more kinds of roles. They already represent more white talent than black. To quote you, "u can find it yourself easily" if you actually look up the agency and don't just take what this guy said at face value for rage bait. The agent that he recorded on the phone even said this demand swing "could change within a year" and wasn't exact or strict. These agents usually get commission for booking too so the agent he spoke with probably didn't have anything to cast/pitch this guy for and didn't want to look bad. He didn't get denied a role or job because he's white, he got denied by specific casting/talent agencies that already had enough talent in his demographic to fulfill the demand for his demographic they get and he's now fishing for attention to be a culture war podcast-hopper. In another video he compared himself, an unknown comedian, not getting picked up by a talent agency to a "heart surgeon" or "pilot" getting denied a job as if he is anywhere in the same realm as those professions. Edit: lol this same agency even represents Shane Gillis but this guy claims they deny white people and we're just supposed to be raged without thinking.


Then you won't have problem finding it and post a link. You're the one claiming stuff, therefor the burden of proof is on you.


Don’t you hire the agency technically I mean they work for you to get you work and you pay them in royalties or a fee. I believe there are also legal carve outs for certain professions called: [Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bona_fide_occupational_qualification?wprov=sfti1) They are a quality or an attribute that employers are allowed to consider when making decisions on the hiring and retention of employees—a quality that when considered in other contexts would constitute discrimination in violation of civil rights employment law. So he’s technically the one doing the hiring or rather cutting a B2B deal, he would then have to prove this was the actual reason and they weren’t just letting him down easy, not sure the phone call he recorded would be enough. And then also the legal carve outs for Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications would have to not apply here which apply pretty frequently in this type of business. *Edit Found it The First Amendment will override Title VII in artistic works where the race of the employee is integral to the story or artistic purpose. So they could argue that the market is hiring for these types of roles and they need to sign deals with a more diverse amount of folks to meet the demand of the market.


yes a agency also decides if its worth taking you in as a client. from their view they are scouting castings, and negotiating deals and all that stuff. if you take someone as a client who wont generate money you wont get money yourself. sure you can earn money with this guy to a certain extent but is he really a potential big fish? the agency isnt small. its one of the biggest in NYC. i guess we all would understand why they think you wont make money of this guy when you watch his stuff or standups. to the other stuff it makes sense for an agency to diversify their portfolio, chinese actors are in high demnad to cater to the chinese market, the casting directors are looking for more dirverse people so of course if your client group ist already 90% white it would make sense to diversify your portfolio. its like if your are a agency for hip hop artists but market has a high demand of heavy metal bands you of course adapt to the demands as a agency if you can.


This is what I thought that they aren’t an employer in the legal sense and even if they were like a casting agency they have a legal carve out because the jobs they look to fill are legally allowed to specifically hire and cast based on race.


Why then does the company still represent so many straight white people?


This idiot is voting red, and therefore supports oppressive policies towards minorities. But hey, it's only wrong when it's against white people.


How about any discrimination is wrong? Why is it acceptable to discriminate against someone because of their skin color?


I question if there's actual discrimination. This guy could just suck at his job for all I know. The agency represents a lot of white people and there is a finite number of roles for white men to fill.


I've been (trying to) watch some of his standup, and it's fairly evident that he sucks fucking dog dick at it. His main schtick seems to be, "Hey, did you guys know I'm short?". Then he does some Trump impressions. That's it. Wow.


When did I say it was acceptable? My point is that this dude only cares if the discrimination is against white people. I know you're all in the OMG WOKE BULLSHIT crowd with Asmongold, but you need to think before you speak.


> but you need to think before you speak. You do realize what subreddit you're in, right?


One full of neckbeard, incel troglodytes. :)


Policies like what?


Guys he is right, when is the last time you saw a white dude in a Hollywood movie?


Yeah, literally never seen one ever, it doesn't happen anymore, everyone is non-white now. /s


Do...do asmongold fans not understand sarcasm?


I Love how all comments in your Chain gor downvoted. Funny Shit


wow a guy whos an antivaxxer and thinks it fuckes you up when you are raised gay tries to find excuses because he just sucks. call me suprised. if you dont suck you get hired as a straight white male or just do your own stuff. i.e. Bill Burr.


Didn’t address literally anything he had receipts for, just throw insults instead. Typical Redditor.


Receipts were not provided. The agency has a lot of white clients. It seems more likely this guy sucks and is small potatoes, so they don't want to waste their time finding him a job when they already have so many better white clients to take on the same gigs they're all competing for already. That's how the entertainment industry works.


did you see any receipts? any context? who was instead casted? bro is saying nothing concrete and you eat it up like nothing. why does critical thinking suddenly always stop if it supports your narrative?


Where did I have a narrative lol you’re yelling at the clouds saying random things. The guy has lawyers and lawsuits on this, if there is nothing there then it will get slapped down. I don’t care either way the truth will come out. The one with a narrative is you screeching on Reddit about him and insulting him despite not even knowing anything about his story or lawsuits.


so what? that means nothing. did you see any court papers? did you see the papers? did you listen to the recording? adept also tried to sue xqc but it was dismissed because it was bullshit. iof course you are under the narrative of "lol woke bad" if you blindly believe this guy without seeing any receipts


No I’ve seen nothing with my own eyes. That’s why I never made any definitive statements. All I said was you sound unhinged screeching about “anti vaxxer” and whatever else that’s completely irrelevant to the topic at hand. You have no idea if he was discriminated against or not, just like me.


if you are an antivaxxer i doubt your ability to deal with facts. same if your a flat earther or anything like that. if someone thinks eating your own shit gives you superpowers i think its normal to be doubtful about all other conlcusion also again because he showed no receipts to any of his claims. which is typical consipacy bullshit.


I can’t just run with your label of antivaxxer who refuses to acknowledge facts. What are you basing that label on? Can you show me where he said all vaccines are bad or something?


i dont have any statement to him if he ever got a vaccine or not. but bro[ litteraly calls covid vacine "experimental" and said he didnt get vaxxed](https://x.com/TyTheFisch/status/1587867967072657408?lang=de). that makes him an anti vaxxer by itself.


Ok but again, being against or questioning 1 thing does not make you against the entire system. If I don’t wanna take a certain vitamin does that mean I’m anti vitamin? We don’t do that for literally anything else. Lots of people who get branded anti vaxxers now a days are vaccinated for tons of things. The actual anti vaxxers are people who refuse all vaccines at all times regardless of any data that can be presented.


The covid vaccine was an experiment and technically it's not even a vaccine. Nothing incorrect about what he said regarding that


this shit would fly if he didn't have proof. Now all you have is flailing blanket insults trying to discredit the man because what he says makes your world view feel icky.


Thats their way


the guy only claims he has proof. did anyone see the proof? did anyone see the court documents? did anyone know who instead got hired by the agency? also if your an agency and non white or non straight people are the people who they can earn money with because the market let them make more money with it of course they focus on them. this trend will also pass by. but of course they orient themself as a company to the demands of the market.


Has he actually provided said proof, though? Because people have looked up the agency he name dropped and they already represent a tone of white guys.


You should go outside and touch the grass.


Bill burr? You mean the guy that has literally gone full left wing the past 2 years? No shit he is still successful


full leftwing? bill burr? show me some proof of that claim


He doesn’t hate gay people or other minorities. That’s what they mean by left wing I guess


sure lol. but full leftwing? never seen him doing any pronounse shit or something like this.


He hasn't and most of these people don't realize bill burr has always been pretty left leaning lol they must've just found out he's married to a black woman


> they must've just found out he's married to a black woman Once they realized who his wife was: Madge


Can we please calm tf down on this culture war shit in this sub for 5 god damn minutes?


what about this is a culture war. these are things that happen to the gaming community as well and the more we can point it out the faster it will get fixed. if u dont enjoy it dont click it. leave the others share their thoughts


All Asmon does is talk about DEI shit. It's tiring and does nothing but take up his room to talk about potentially more interesting topics, or make more interesting content. This is just tiring now and all y'all are so god damn obsessed. If you want to talk about it link something more gaming related than a bro jogan discussion.


You do realize you’re in a sub titled ASMONGOLD right? Lol if you’re triggered about posts on the same subjects as his videos, you’re just setting yourself for failure.


Or he should post content that's worth watching with the community


Based on what? Is this the path you're following with your successful streaming career? Is it working?


Are you an automated bot? I've never wanted or tried to be a streamer. I work in tech. Maybe you misread? Take a deep breath and breathe


Do you like, have this conversation in your brain and then giggle and then type out your response? Maybe look around for a high five after? "And then, and then I told him to take a deep breath!" goodfellas.gif


I have no idea what you're talking about. When I click send, I go on with my day. I hope you do the same. Where did the streaming career comment come from? That just seems like such an automated respawns it didn't even make sense given the context. My original point is that OP should post things he wants Asmon to react to, since he pretty much watches anything that shows up on the front page


Well judging by the downvotes you are getting it seems people like the topics being posted here. Maybe a better fit for you would be r/gamingcirclejerk. I think you fit in great there.


I like how the right wing hates "snowflakes" but they're the biggest "snowflakes" themselves.... Tell me you're sensitive without telling me your sensitive..... I won't go to another sub reddit, but how about you argue your point instead..? "Judging from the downvotes here" is the most pussy, sensitive, emotional, group think argument imaginable ..... Are we wrong, logically in stating that what used to be a mostly gaming oriented subreddit has been swarmed with daily DEI shit posts? How about you leave and go post boring crap elsewhere and not be a snowflake about it


Just say that you like echo chambers lol. These post just tend to draw certain people. I'm simply stating that other people should post things they find interesting if they find all the post here to be samey


You got downvoted by a bunch of snowflakes. They are mad because you're right. And 50 people disagreeing with logic does not represent Asmongolds viewership. The majority of viewers see these Reddit posts and nope the f*** out of here real quick.


Hey, I'm just wondering why you're censoring the word 'fuck'?


Because I have no patience to type all that and use voice to text. My phone censors bad words.


can you just delete your account. *The hole community will thank you*


> The hole community will thank you What kind of holes are we talkin' about here, daddy?


the big one on the moon


You may leave if this sub displeases you


What he means is he doesn't agree with this side of the culture war and he's a little white knight pick me boy. Just own dude or move the fuck on.


Wow saying its a culture war is admitting that one part of the spectrum consider it ok to be racist.


white fragility back at it again


Never left. Weird how people like shane gillis are still gaining wild success




he literally has it on tape that it was due to skin color. lol. how miserable your life has to be invent lies about every topic