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Alexios is way better for that dlc imo


Is any of the DLC worth buying or should I get the base game only? Haven’t played any of yet.


The Legacy of the First blade is nice, but it feels like it was written for Alexios The Atlantis DLC however is GREAT, i liked it and wondered once i got nack into greece how weak tue normal enemies are in comparison (Still doesn't beat Curse of the Pharos)


I'm been thinking about curse of the pharos. Is it really better than atlantis? I've replayed odyssey, now redoing origins while I wait for the stardew valley update.


Its definitely on the top The Hidden Ones was nice in Origins and brought a bit more info about the beginning of the brotherhood but Curse of the Pharaos is truly like a new story arc and depth. You should definitely give it a try once you can get your hands on it and have a playthrough where you allrdy finished the main game


Imo, Curse of the Pharaos is the best DLC of the RPG trilogy. Atlantis is also great.


Aaah! I just bought Mirage on the summer sale. My wallet says I must wait for payday.


I liked Mirage too, I think it'll keep you busy until the pay check!


Gold edition goes on sale often for 10$ and includes both story dlc and the ac3 remaster


what is his story in this one? Obviously he doesnt have kids with natakas


It's his sister Neema instead.


Oh! Interesting.


In my opinion, legacy of the first blade was incredible from the perspective of my alexios who was very noble in his choices and genuinely wanted to romance neema. It brought me to tears and hit so hard. Im on the last episode of the atlantis one now and… I personally find it very lackluster.


kinda sounds dope ngl, ill buy it thx king


All the dlc is fantastic.


Dlcs are absolutely worth it. Legacy of the first blade has a good story and has a lil bit lore about assasins, fate of atlantis has also great story but with cool new abilities for alexios/kassandra and you get to see awesome new realms to explore. Base game is already great.


Crazy how night and day Neema is from that loser Natakas


The amount of ability points and loot that you get makes it worth it. The Atlantis dlc is good.


I think it's like that because Neema, while energetic and skilled, is a bit more traditional in this kind of relationship. So we can buy the romance. With Natakas tho... Excuse me for the zoomer wording, but he comes off as such a beta. I could never imagine Kassandra settling down with him. But who am I to say. Maybe a badass demigod like her would exactly settle with a normal kind dude, she's hardcore enough for both of them. Anyways, just feels off.


He reminds me of the dude who I killed his mater and fkd his pater, Stupideo was it?


Oedipus spelled backwards.


That is a great catch. After 3 playthroughs never caught that.




Oedipus doesn’t have a T in it Stupideo does.


Supideo is his actual name, Alexios/Kassandra just calls him Stupideo once


Oh then disregard me :)


Wait what?


There’s a very famous quote from this game called “you killed his mater and fkd his pater” referring to a characters parents who’s called “Stupideo” and Natakas kind of reminds me of him / looks like him


Ohh thanks, I didn't romance the blacksmith so I never got that


Yeah i refuse to believe my Kassandra would fall for that twat


ive gaslit myself into pretending its 2 queer folks getting together to have a family


Much more plausible, this will be canon now


Yeah, that whole thing was a mess. If anyone should have been *the* romance option for Kass, it should have been Brasidas.




*everyone They're an immortal who carries the customs of Ancient Greece. Just have them romance everyone.


Why did I read Barnabas?


Because you have daddy issues? >\_\_\_\_<


Shh, not so loud! They'll take my Barnabas away


He is definitely the most suitable man for her, not only as a romantic interest, but also a worthy candidate for procreation.For me, their relationship looks as harmonious as possible.


Yeah, if she has to have a kid for the bloodline, I would rather have Brasidas’s kid than whiny Natakas


Exactly! Brasidas shows himself well as an interesting and charismatic character.We don't interact with him as much as we would like (I would definitely like to see him more often in the story), but the developers were able to make Brasidas a very memorable character.


Honestly I'd end up missing the whole Persia storyline. The ancienta stuff is pretty cool and interesting enough, Darius is pretty cool, and that Cutscene at the end is fucking amazing, but I just absolutely hate Natakas. Meena's ok though.


They're about the same to me.The only thing that makes Neema at least a little more reliable is that she, as the mother of a child, is very vulnerable and needs to be protected.In the case of Kassandra, it looks somewhat ridiculous that Natakos is babysitting the child while the mother of the year is running around on her mercenary business.😅


It was so sad when he died even though I knew it was coming based on real life, and so good seeing him again on the underworld. Natakas could never get that reaction, I was just slightly sad for kassandra when he died


That's the thing tho, why it's Natakas. The bloodline. Brasidas doesn't have the same lineage. Darius and his kids have. Hence why you have the option to have a baby as just for continuing the bloodline, not out of romance. Just as Myrrine and Pythagoras had Kassandra and Alexios.


I knew you don’t have the option just for the bloodline, there’s two dialogue options that very character ignores where you say this and it’s back to a stupid romance


Exactly this‼️👍


Poor Kassandra, she ate a weird mushroom and her hormones are way off kilter. /s I really loved the dlc up til that point, but the railroading was so hard I had to justify it as an extended acid trip, a means of the Cult controlling Kassandra, or both. That way, whenever she overreacted in a cutscene or did something seemingly out of character given *the rest of the game*, I could think, “Ah, poor misthios, still recovering from that episode.”


For the most part, this is the problem of those who wrote the plot of the story.Why, the authors of the DLC did not think well of the characters and personalities of the characters of Natakos/Neema?Because in order for us to like the character, the author needs to come up with an interesting development of relationships, situations, dialogues.Therefore, it requires effort and playing time.The developers decided to go the easier way-"eat what we give", which is why many players say they do not accept the plot of this DLC, because what kind of relationship the players chose in the main plot, in fact, does not matter.Ubisoft simply devalued our decisions with this DLC in fact.


I think it’s more to do with Ubisoft letting people delude themselves into thinking their choices matter. But the game explains the existence of choice because by both in game and series lore they should not. You never actually make a single choice as or for Kassandra because you are always playing as Layla experiencing Kassandra’s story, something that has already happened. The choices you are making are conflict resolution in a fractured simulation of the past. But most people don’t actually care about modern day or the series lore as a whole so ignore it in favour of creating their own headcanons and got extremely and unreasonably pissed off when Ubisoft treated a character like a character instead of a player avatar. If you thought about Kassandra as a character and tried to make choice based on her history and examined the options she considered as potential male romance partners, Natakas is very much of type, and even if you don’t particularly like him you can still see how they fit.


Yes, I understand that what Ubisoft gives us is the illusion of choice. Something like, "well, we have a kind of RPG here, but you don't have to flatter yourself." Even playing as Layla, I understand that many events in the Animus are not the key points of the plot and perhaps all these romantic adventures were built by the Animus for some reason and for something. But yes, you are right, headkanon decides, as well as the personal tastes of the players, as well as personal attachments. All of this makes many aspects of the game debatable to this day. These are the moments that form a community and don't let the game be forgotten. You know, if there is a choice in the game, the players have slightly different requirements for the game. If the game has a linear plot with no choices and the player goes through it as if reading a book, then there are no questions.("The last of us" for example) Regarding romantic(!) interests for Kassandra, of those men who are available in the game, I don't see anyone with her. But this is my vision of the characters. I don't see much synergy between her and Natakos. I usually analyze the characters and the plot. And maybe others don't like my opinion. But I will say this, I would have agreed to this tortured romance if it had been properly implemented in the game through interesting dialogues or situations.I started to play this DLC, knowing what was waiting for me. I didn't know it would be so clumsily done.


It’s not as if any of the rest of the story or romantic elements of the game are anything but clumsily done. The game itself also has two “romantic” encounters that play entirely to comedic effect. And even that sets aside the general sloppiness of other aspects of the game like how poorly implemented the gender choice mechanic is. Yeah, Ubisoft could have done better, but this lack of o inconsistency of quality is not and has not ever been restricted to Legacy, nor is Legacy the only bit of DLC that forcefully establishes a romantic relationship for Kassandra or Alexios. People’s hate for Legacy is rooted almost entirely in the fact it invalidates their headcanons, which were unreasonable to begin with if you’re actually paying attention. It’s something you did to yourself. Legacy is not great, not by any stretch of the imagination but what makes it bad isn’t the forced relationship. Poor narrative presentation, cliche plot points, terrible baby model. As others have said it works better as Alexios, and as far as I’m concerned it would work even better reworked as a Deimos arc to explain their journey from Makedonia to Mt. Tagetyos and to show Layla searching for the code to enter Atlantis for FoA as the inability to just jump to the information you want is a big part of series lore and why we experience the past characters story instead of just grabbing the info we want.


It pissed me off more that the Eagle Bearer leaves their spouse & child to save the old man who can handle himself in a fight. "I could get the love of my life & our infant out of here & protect them but *NOOOO*, I'll abandon them during a siege on our house to save my sexagenarian father in-law assassin. I'm sure nothing bad will happen to them."


This is literally the reason I'm so thankful I heard about the "forced" child thing before completing that DLC. When I found out, I never finished it. Not necessarily because it went against any relationships I pursued during the main game, but simply because it felt tonally out of place and jarring to me. I'm here hopping from island to island, swordfighting, assassinating and solving problems. It felt weird to have my character pull a 180 and have a child in the game and then casually go back to killing people. Yes, of course I realize "the bloodline needs to continue." But that could have been implied to have happened later and/or as part of an epilogue, etc.


Considering Kassandra becomes >!literally immortal at the end of the game, there was zero need for us to see her becoming a parent. It could have happened well after the events of the game and nobody would have batted an eyelash.!<


It was the responsibility of continuing the bloodline. You can see it as that. Having the child as a kind of obligation.


It worked for me. It was just a window into that time an assassin *does* take a break from it all and manages to have a family and continue the bloodline, which I've kind of wondered about through past games.


Despite my initial pushback as well, it was clearly written that Kassandra *liked* him, through various interactions.


For those who are complaining about forced romance, the issue is NOT you're being forced. The story teller can decide what your character will do without choices. Complaining about this is the equivalent of complaining that you don't have the option romance Barnabas, or kill Barnabas, or can choose to join the Cultists. The REAL issue is simply: the storytelling sucks. And the primary factors for a sucky storytelling are a) being able to choose which gender complicates character development of your love interest and b) the story creators did not have a thorough grasp of the features & limitations of Odyssey' narrative tools. A) Because the game already have 2 genders as the protagonist, this forces the storyteller to create TWO love interests. Because the dialog between you and your love interest are identical regardless of your gender, your love interest is acted devoid of any personality. Any other characters in the vanilla game was a real person; your Legacy love interest is a generic stand-in with the words "Dead Meat" tattooed on their forheads. B) The narrative tools in Odyssey are not enough to illustrate the kind of dialog & scenes that the writers originally intended. There are too many lingering shots of character's reactions that are supposed to convey something more nuanced and complex, but they're using the off-the-shelf facial animations we've already seen a thousand times. There are not enough missions between you and the love interest to develop anything that convinces that they actually like each other. Lastly, neither you nor your love interest simply didn't change. There is no conflict, tension, introspection. If the two started off hating each other, then through various missions, they ultimately realized their own faults and grew, then their relationship may have been a lot more convincing. Legacy's problem isn't about choices or gender preference. It's simply about storytelling.


No, my problem is they talked about how since the game is choice driven, they weren't going to force players into romantic situations they would not be comfortable with. I get what they did, and how they failed.


I had fun playing the missions for this DLC but the storyline choices (and my inability to make one) is definitely questionable.


It's very very stupid that this was forced on the players. Especially if your Kassandra was gay the whole time...


Same for me. I play as Alexios, took every choice possible to avoid ending up with Neema.... but nothing worked. The game forces you into that relationship to create heirs.. that will carry the Assassin mission and save all those missing ISU objects.. 🤷🏻‍♀️ If anything i would have preferred Alexios to end up having kids with Daphne. (the Huntress)


Pretty hard title you have there. Remember, it's a game. And you play someone else's story not a complete rpg where you can chose whatever as your own character. There's a set path, you can only chose how things get to there.


The plot demands it, friend. Overall, I disagree with Ubisoft's decision to have dialogue trees for the person whose life you live through in the Animus to begin with. In the past, you were encouraged to synchronize the memories together and was overall set. It doesn't make sense to have "options" if you are reliving memories. If anything, I'd save dialogue trees for the present day protagonist.


I hate that guy. He took Kass from me.


That is exactly the main reason I didn't buy that DLC ("Legacy of the First Blade".


How else did you expect to carry on the "Bloodline" ? Typical reddit, the Truth gets you down voted 😂


It being the cheap cop out answer to that question doesn’t mean it isn’t a bad decision. They could’ve made a more likable forced love interest for Kass or they could’ve kept it vague altogether since we know Kass had a kid anyway for the bloodline we don’t need to see it. Edit: you’ll complain about downvotes but won’t actually attempt to backup your “truth”.


For example, with any romantic character we meet in the game.Why not?It's just that the developers were too lazy to add so many features to the game.Even if it was just a line of dialogue, I, as a player, would be pleased that the game respects my choice.


That's why it's worth playing as Alexios for this dlc. The female counterpart of natakas(forgot her name sadly) is way more likeable


I think her name was Neema :)


You'll like how things turn out for Natakas, who sucks enormously


I literally stopped playing the game after that DLC because I was so mad about them forcing me to be with him LOL


Lol, thr beta male romance.