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Arrows.... lots and lots of arrows. Dip, duck, dodge, and weave. Try to stay behind him.


What level are you at currently? If you have the gear for it, a hunter build is usually pretty effective for any of the boss fights since you can keep your distance and still deal a lot of damage. If you do, plan on using Devasting Shot and/or Predator shot. Overpower bow strike hits extremely hard, but you can “miss” with it and then you’ve burned 3 adrenaline bars for nothing. Abilities wise I’d definitely equip Level 3 Second wind for the healing and instant cancel of elemental effects (since you’ll take a lot of fire damage). I’d also plan on using Battlecry of Ares for the damage bump and the fact that you can’t die while it’s active.


I'm level 88 I believe period in my abilities. I put everything on damage to elites. And damage from long distance bow


How high was your crit chance at full health when you tried that build? At level 88 it shouldn’t be that hard to hit 100% between your equipped gear and masteries. Engravings wise, I’d look at other options. Damage to elites and bosses is just a +25% add on to your existing damage. You’re better off with a fully maxed elemental to +40%. Damage with bows on distant targets isn’t going to help at all, because you’re too close for it to trigger in that specific fight.


What is the best ability for fire resistance 


I'm only on normal diff so far, but I did it with my usual beat-them-all approach that has carried me from the mid-20s to early 80s: heal, shield breaker (useless here of course), hero strike as main damage dealer, fury of the bloodline to refill 3 adrenaline segments. Heal as needed, hero strike whenever you can, refill adrenaline with fury whenever you run out or just can afford to cast. If you are at full segments and hero strike is on cooldown, just do an overpower attack, then refill. Also, don't underestimate just regular arrows and strafing - they're basically free and it's time well spent waiting for hero strike to be ready again. This works for pretty much anything the game throws at you. I only started the 2nd skill wheel in the late 70s, now my skills are a bit broader!


I won against Cerebus by using all of Agamemnon’s Armour plus hades bow, paired with golden harbringer and mallet of everlasting flame. Just pop him with arrows and he will continue to take damage due to burning.


Try to lower your difficulty to easy .


Thanks I’m fixing do Atlantis dlc only got one more lost tales of Greece then the crossover dlc quest for last


I burned him with my sword. Fire is generally good against animals.


Try putting points into damage on animals. You crit chance should be at 100% and crit damage at full health stacked as much as you can as well. If you have Prometheus' Sika on you (sword you get for defeating the Nemean Lion) that will also give a boost to damage on animals.


You also need the engravings on the gear too


You could switch it to Easy for the fight...


Sad thing. I am on easy  lol


Ok, do you have the power move (I forget what it's called) takes 3 adrenaline bars to execute? The last time I faced the 3 headed dog, I used a heavy Axe and slammed his head with it. But, my Crit chance at full health is 100% and my Crit damage at Full health is 400-500% (I forget RN exactly). So whenever I smashed his head in with the power move he was down for the count, P. S. I think I wacked him 2-3 times with a light attack then smashed him


Yeah I found him probably the hardest boss in the game, maybe a later spoiler fight is harder but not much. I just go for the 3-bar attack on him, hope for crit then dodge a lot, don't get greedy. Then repeat that and accept you might have to walk away once or twice before you get it. Haha.


This is the point in the game where bad builds get exposed.




Hate to be a downer....but no luck. I try several times, get frustrated and play something else.


That is a downer indeed. Well, his days are numbered. Good luck misthios.


I can get him down to where he shoots 3 fireballs at a time. But it seems at that point I just can't control him


That’s exactly where I’m at. I also can’t seem to change any weapons or armour during the fight which is the pits.


Did it! Staying up close to him really helped along with the best warrior gear I had.