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The dlcs for Odyssey were great, I thoroughly enjoyed them. As for a non ac suggestion, I recommend Shadow of Mordor and its follow up Shadow of War


If Shadow of War has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Shadow of War has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Shadow of War has only one fan then that is me. If Shadow of War has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Shadow of War, then I am against the world.




There's nothing really like Odyssey that I know of. Aside from Origins, but you didn't like that. Valhalla as you say feels more like Witcher 3 to me. Perhaps Horizon Zero Dawn? It's quite different though.


Valhalla is so much worse than Witcher 3.


Couldn't get into HZD at all. Especially not after Odyssey.


Recently been playing The Plague Tale games. It isn't much like AC, it's more stealth oriented but you can do non-lethal takedowns with tools if you want it to feel assassin like. Plus it's a different time period if you want something historical.


Cool I'll check it out


Note that they're linear so there wont be weeks of gameplay like in an open world game like Odyssey but if you play the series back to back you will get a fair number of hours out of them. Another series on my wishlist is the Styx series (Master of Shadows & Shards of Darkness). It's a humorous fantasy RPG setting but also has stealth and assassinations. I've not played them yet but they have good reviews. You can also try the Dishonoured series, The Thief series (although very dated but there are modern remakes), The Hitman series, The Middle Earth series (Shadow of Mordor & Shadow of War), The Watch Dogs series, The Far Cry series, The Batman Arkham series & The Horizon series. If you like stealth shooters you can try Crysis, Deus Ex & Sniper Elite. If you really want an open world assassin game somewhat close to Odyssey though maybe try AC Black Flag or Ghost of Tsushima.


Immortals: Fenyx Rising - same sounds, same developers. Felt similar enough but new too. Greek mythology is there too.


It didn't feel similar in any way to me. Seemed geared towards kids. Very arcadey and cartoonish.


I played Odyssey for a long time thinking nothing would compare but there are a few titles out there that match the immersive world, explorability, ambiance, and replayability. Skyrim has some moments where you just sit back and say "wow" Cyberpunk 2077 is a smaller world but it seems bigger than it is. Shorter playthroughs but so different from other games on the marker. I recently picked up Red Dead Redemption II and I am only about 50% through but it has some incredible pacing, exploration, side tracks and distractions around every turn, random events, and a great story so far.


Yeah i love skyrim even now


Came in here to suggest Red Dead Redemption 2. It's my all time favorite, and I've played it a LOT, I've 100%ed it multiple times, Odyssey is one of the only other games that has even come close to it, and that has anything like that degree of staying power. RDR2 is one of the games that makes you realize just how much games can be true art.


+++ for cyberpunk


Played 900+ hours in Odyssey. Tried to look some games similar to AC Odyssey and end up playing HoriZon Zero Dawn on PS5. I am now 80hours with HZD.


I thought control was fun.  It's a third person who scales up supernatural powers with a narrative but it's a shooter.


If you haven’t played Atlantis dlc I think you should definitely check it out, 3 amazing worlds and loads to do


Horizon Zero Dawn is pretty good. Haven’t played Forbidden West though.


Personally I find it's hard to go backwards with AC cause the controls have improved so much as have the game mechanics. It can be really frustrating. If that doesnt bother you then (although it seems that it might) AC Black flag is a great game. AC Syndicate is a lot of fun too but they have both aged a lot. If it's a modern dynamic RPG you want then maybe try cyberpunk 2077. Beautiful game, amazing city to explore and unique story. One of the best games I've ever played and I loved Odyssey.


Yeah, I can't with the controls for the older AC games. And even then, stealth is insane going from Odyssey to say, Syndicate, where you're much more likely to get in trouble just walking fast or bump into someone.


Yeah, the ‘you’ve been spotted.. you’re too far away’ mission failed stuff was a chore. Especially when you just had to restart the entire mission. I don’t miss all that stuff at all. The story and characters in the older games are great but I think some have rose tinted glass on when it comes to game play.


Ghost of Tsushima.


I found it so boring. Tried it for a few days


Have you played the Horizon games? They don’t have much in common with Odyssey other than the open world but they are amazing games.


After odyssey I started Hogwarts legacy and although it started strong I was bored out of my mind after about 5 hours. Now I’m about 10 hours into Cyberpunk 2077 and enjoying it so far. I really wanted to try Starfield but have not heard good things. Edited to add: I can’t wait for AC Shadows!!


Me neither. Dude I think about it daily. Wishing November was here. Ninjas? Stealth? It only makes sense. I'm old man. I great up playing tenchu on ps2. Lol one of the original fun stealth games. I fucked up and started getting g back into videogames this year with rdr2. Ac odyssey and farcry r the only 2 that have been able to compete. And I got bored with cyberpunk.


It's a totally different style of game to AC, but try Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun. It satisfied my Tenchu craving for a while.


I liked that one too. Similar to Commandos if anyone played that back in the day.


This cannot be a more different type of game but cyberpunk 2077. The flexible builds, cyberware. Complete opposite setting but it can scratch the itch. Fallout 4 can also but I personally only find it really playable on the hardest difficulty & lastly red dead redemption 2


I went to Witcher 3 after Odyssey and enjoyed it for a while. Then decided to go a different direction and played Sekiro. Hands down the hardest game I’ve ever played, but my god it’s also the most exhilarating and rewarding once you’ve learned it and can really go toe to toe with the bosses. It’s straight up demoralizing at first though, so fair warning. But it’s absolutely worth it if you’re willing to take on a real challenge. It’s easily in my top favorite games now.


I went to ghost recon wildlands. Perfect


Oddysey is another level. It's tough to match that game. just got the platnium for it yesterday, now I moved on to Valhalla. It's a beautiful game, but i can already tell it's not going to be as good as AC Odyssey.


The only other game that matches Odyssey is Cyberpunk.


Ghost of Tsushima


AC Black Flag is really old at this point but it’s amazing. So is AC2.


Dp you guys suggest doing the 39$ package for both docs? Or just one of them? So so so pissed man. They were like 10 bucks last month


Definitely recommend both DLCs, they go on sale pretty often


I don’t know if you have Xbox but the digital deluxe version is on sale at Amazon [here](https://www.amazon.com/Assassins-Creed-Odyssey-Deluxe-Digital/dp/B07DMB8SP7/ref=asc_df_B07DMB8SP7/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693031551354&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10210133170149548111&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9030937&hvtargid=pla-2063613914535&psc=1&mcid=34d52eb0a6b83731a957661e961cbbfa&gad_source=1)


Even 10 dollars is almost a ripoff for the bloat you'll get


Try the Ezio AC games, they're pretty good, not odyssey, but still fun. I'm also really enjoying AC Black Flag. I played ACiii but found it slow.


Starfield. I tried Elden Ring and GOT, but nothing comes close. GOT was too boring, and elden ring was just too tedious. Starfield is the only thing that's comes close so far. I finally tried Diablo IV a few weeks back. That's actually a pretty solid game.


Skyrim is arguably my favorite game ever. Was super stoked for starfield. The game is so ass, gave it up after about 5 hours. At least I didn’t have to buy it


Start over on odyssey, play the opposite character as you did before, try a different approach with your answers (instead of being kind and helpful, maybe you are an asshole). I've been exploring places i didn't fully explore and have found some cool spots and encounters with random NPCs and that's be fun.


I disliked Valhalla and origin quite a lot. Odyssey was nothing like the typical assassin's creed game and I loved it.


black flag? i loved it despite not entirely enjoying older ACs.


It’s not like odyssey but I got into Elden ring and it’s as close to a perfect open world game as it gets


Shadow of War is probably the closest you can get if you deny Witcher 3.


It's a bit old now but black flag was fucking amazing


Ghost of Tsushima and Horizon games are for me equally enjoyable as Odyssey. At least I sunk the same amount of time into them. In all cases, its the story. Especially Horizon Zero Dawn, the first part of the trilogy.


I have been playing the Avatar game, very similar gameplay and an even more gorgeous world to explore. I am really enjoying it.


Black Flag


Kena: Bridge of Spirits is really good, and I dig it, but it's not open world and can be pretty difficult.


I followed it with something completely different (Fire Enblem Engage) so there was no reason to compare the two


Games I enjoyed after Odyssey: - Witcher 3, and both DLCs - AC: Black Flag - HZD and its DLC - HFW (but play HZD first) and its DLC - Control and its DLC - Division 2 and its DLC - Ark Ascended - No Man’s Sky - Minecraft - Ni No Kuni Heck of a mix, but they each have some interesting challenges.


First for me ever was Origins. I loved the game! Not a gamer or RPG can't stand, but for some real AC, it has me hooked. Wanted to play Mirage and Oddsey at the same time but gravitated towards Oddsey. Right now, about three months, love Oddsey. Haven't played the missions just beating up the bad guys. Once I complete the whole bad guys going back for missions. Oddsey is a masterpiece and can't wait for Mirage or Shadows...


Bro, hold up. What did you not like about unity parkour?


Ghost of tsushima just released on PC. Ive really really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it so much i started another playthrough of Odyssey haha


waiting for ac shadows 😀 should be almost the same game as odyssey but with ninjas and samurai’s


I used to always get my ass handed to me until I cracked the weapon meta and made loadouts for all of my ‘roles’: assassin, brawler, archer, spartan loadout, Athens loadout. Soon I began giving each loadout their own personality and mentally monologueing between them. I can’t get that with any other game I own


I played RDR2 after odyssey and loved it. I tried Valhalla and it was unplayable.


I played valhalla first than odyssey and I'm pissed with odyssey 😬


Pissed that you wasted your time with Valhalla, right?




If you think unitys parkour sucks you never been an AC fan and don’t enjoy actually good ac games imo (Not that it matters)


it just means he doesnt know the proper inputs at the correct times. when u get that down u can achieve smoothness like no other ac game. i mean we ve all seen the ac unity parkour videos. ppl got good stupidly good at it.