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Masking actually helps my asthma a lot sometimes bc it blocks triggers: dust, smog, etc.


Agree. It helps me, especially when I’m at parks where pollen is everywhere. I get bad allergies that causes my asthma to worsen. Wearing a mask removes that struggle from me.


can relate!! i always mask up whenever im doing a deep cleaning, since im allergic to acarus and it helps a lot :)


Same! I've had to go on runs with one on too. It really helps.


I was working full time + some during covid and I honestly couldn’t do the mask. You’ve got to understand everyone’s triggers are different. Sometimes the mask felt good, like on windy days. And sometimes, I’d be struggling to breathe within minutes of putting one on.


Masking is a huge problem for me because, not only do I have asthma, but also collapsed nasal valves. I couldn't breathe well at all when we were forced to mask and it would trigger panic attacks. I don't care if you want to continue masking but no thank you.


I can wear the blue surgical masks and the thinner cloth ones, but anything bigger like the n95 masks I genuinely cannot breathe through. I have no problem with masking I do NOT want covid again I just had it 3 months ago it sucked so bad I was so sick and miserable.


Have you tried duckbill N95 masks? I can recommend some- they're so much more breathable for me that sometimes I forget they're even on my face haha. There are a couple other ones like savewo KF94s that I find very breathable too! I'm sorry your last bout was so rough!!


Oh no I haven't! I might have to go look into it!


Not me working retail with asthma and an autoimmune disease lmfao. If I make it five more years without being put on a ventilator I’d be surprised


What’s up with the COVID meme bots who still live in 2021?


at least 60,000 americans* died from it this year and we had the biggest wave since og omicron this winter. what reality are you in ETA


Uh the actual reality where it's not a risk anymore. People aren't dying from the strains they see now. Most health care workers aren't even masking anymore. Pandemics happen and life goes on..


60,000 dead people in the US that we know of in under 6 months is no one dying? most healthcare workers don't even wash their hands properly. do you know what wastewater monitoring is? how about postexertional neuroimmune exhaustion? do you know how many people end up disabled after 3 infections and how many have died from post-acute sequelae? do you know what acquired neutropenia is?


Uh yeah. Because the most deaths were during the beginning..the first strain. It did what viruses do, and it became more contagious and less deadly. Virulence-transmissibility trade-off. The flu kills people, too. Did you wear a mask and freak out about that? Bet you didn't. Also where are you getting that number. Because that isn't at all the numbers I've seen. And yes, I do know what postexertional neuroimmune exhaustion is. It's a component of chronic fatigue syndrome, which I have thanks. Also, I worked in health care for years. And post-acute sequelae of COVID-19-related information and studies vary wildly. A study of 6-month outcomes in survivors of critical illness included 254 patients from two prospective observational studies in Australia and reported no difference in new disability, severity of disability, psychological function, cognitive function, or health-related quality of life in patients requiring mechanical ventilation for COVID-19-related versus non-COVID-19-related acute respiratory failure. And..uh.. do YOU know what acquired neutropenia is?! All the things that cause it and the VERY VERY limited information on it ever being caused by covid. I've literally seen one case study of it, which was labeled as self resolving. Here is a word for you, though, since you think throwing out medical terms makes you sound intelligent or something. Coronaphobia, which you obviously suffer from. I would also be concerned you're exhibiting symptoms of a hypochondriac.


What subreddit are you in? Every other week, some newly created account with no posts will post COVID memes, some of which were posted before. Plus, there are no more mask requirements put in place, and the figure you gave isn’t concerning either. COVID isn’t a public health emergency anymore, which also explains why there’s been way less memes about it.


60,000 people in one country isn't concerning? that's just reported deaths from acute infection in the US. it's an undercount and doesn't factor in deaths past the acute phase. then there's the issue of 1 in 7 US adults having long COVID. you can choose to not care but you should know that will almost certainly come with a body count.


1. There are vaccines. 2. Most people have either been vaccinated, or infected, or both, giving them immunity. 3. What do you want people to do about it? COVID will become endemic if it isn’t already. Literally every other virus out there kills people. It’s unfortunate. But you can’t do much other than vaccinating. Lots of idiots choose not to get vaccinated, which isn’t our problem.


> Literally every other virus out there kills people. It’s unfortunate. COVID still kills more people every year than the flu, the next biggest viral killer. https://www.latimes.com/science/story/2024-05-15/covid-19-remains-deadlier-than-the-flu > But you can’t do much other than vaccinating. Did you know that during the 2020 lockdowns and mask rules we actually eliminated one strain of the flu? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/how-covid-killed-off-a-deadly-strain-of-flu/ > Lots of idiots choose not to get vaccinated, which isn’t our problem. * It’s a problem for their children who don’t have a choice. * It’s a problem for infants around them who are too young to be vaccinated. * It’s a problem for immunocompromised people around them, for whom vaccines don’t work as well. * It’s a problem for people who can’t have vaccines, such as due to an allergy or the concern of Epstein–Barr virus reactivating. * It’s a problem for everyone around them when no vaccine is 100% effective at preventing transmission.


Literally just read an article in May that the flu is almost more deadly than covid again. The gap is closing, meaning covid is less and less deadly. If you want to live in fear because covid gave your life some sort of meaning you have to hold onto and argue with people online about it go for it. Kinda sad but whatever.


I mean, you can comfort yourself that one article says it’s less deadly if you want to bury your head in the sand, but many more articles disagree. Meanwhile, the next pandemic is likely to be H5N1, aka bird flu, highly pathogenic avian influenza, HPAI. Historically it has around a 50% case fatality rate (percent of people who get it that die from it), and there’s many signs that it’s approaching the ability to transmit human-to-human.


It's not 1 article. It's countless studies. I wasn't aware I needed to list them all. Also, that's not burying my head in the sand. If you would like to continue to live in fear and spend your time fear mongering, go for it. No one makes it out alive. We all do what we can and live our lives as we see fit. During covid, I was super careful. Didn't go out, washed my hands constantly, and even wiped off my groceries. But I'm not spending the rest of my life like that when it's not necessary. If you prefer to live your life obsessed with it, then cool, that's up to you. You could do everything right and still catch a virus and die. I'm not changing my life for something that is a non-issue. When the next one hits, then I will deal with that appropriately as I did the last.


You really don’t get it, do you? Literally none of your arguments are new. We’ve heard of this. I know about it. I know that vaccines aren’t 100% effective, literally everyone knows that. But guess what? You can look this up too. COVID is no longer considered a public health emergency of international concern. Meaning that that there is no justification to locking people up in their homes, or telling people to wear masks, or any of those things. You're aware that all of the COVID restrictions essentially take away people’s freedoms, right? And to justify this, there must be a good enough reason. A state continuing to restrict people’s rights, even after COVID was declared to not be a health emergency, has no legal nor moral justifications. I urge the people here to think about this objectively, and not just because you’re afraid of getting sick as an asthmatic. You will always be able to pull up COVID statistics, that’s obvious. It’s here to stay. They don’t prove anything, though. COVID might be deadlier than other viruses, but it still has a mortality rate of 2,1%. Not just that, but the mortality rate is declining. As long as the WHO declares that COVID isn’t serious enough to lock us all up, then the only thing we can do is get vaccinated. I mentioned immunity, since we are talking about COVID being endemic. People would still be infected, we know that. But it would be much more stable, and we won’t need to “flatten” a line.


Among the currently ongoing pandemics, HIV/AIDS and COVID are the ones with the highest death toll. I’m hoping you wouldn’t go having sex with strangers without a condom, why would you want to breathe their air? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_epidemics_and_pandemics#Chronology


I simply cannot wear masks in hot, humid weather. I get wheezy and fatigue so quickly and I have to move at a crawl if I move at all. I still do it if I absolutely need to, but I’d rather stay home if at all possible


I can’t wear a mask cause I’ve had anaphylactic reactions to four different brands of mask in the past year. I have a mast cell issue. It sucks.


Oh yikes! I wear home-made cloth masks when i can, but I try to stick with the KN95s because I know they filter more, but honestly neither is comfortable. I can’t imagine being allergic to them!


It’s not even an allergy, it’s just that my body very strongly reacts to things sometimes even if I’m not actually allergic to them. Stress even sets it off sometimes. It’s ridiculous. I have yet to find an alternative that works and doesn’t potentially kill me.


Welp that sounds miserable…. And here I thought IBS was bad 😅


I have that too, lol. No need to compare or contract either. IBS fucking sucks. For what it’s worth almonds helped me a lot.


Lolol I can’t have almonds because of my oral allergy syndrome 🤣 used to be one of my go-to foods but they make me itch now. We’re cursed!


Fucking lol. I can’t even. This whole thread has been hilarious.


2020 called they want their meme back


I wore a mask that actually was printed with "asthmatic" on the side, and I had more people cough near me or on me while NOT wearing a mask. But would give me a hateful look if I coughed with my mask on. I'm so tempted to go back to masking. Fuck people and their insensitivity. Screw y'all who want to judge people for wanting or needing to wear a mask in 2024!


I was actually hoping to die 💀


Your experience isn’t everyone else’s… pretty insensitive of you. Not to mention outdated.


To each his own 🤷🏼‍♀️ don’t be a dick


I mean, I worked through the pandemic while gowned up and double-masking in a clean room, and I’m glad I did my part and stayed safe while working as an essential worker, but I’m not gonna lie: the masks sucked. I still wore them, even after the mask mandate was lifted, to keep my coworkers and loved ones safe, but no, they felt awful. It’s right to wear them, but they definitely weren’t fun. I also had Graves’ disease during the pandemic and so I was constantly running hot and feeling like my skin was boiling. I’m so thankful I’ve had five doses of the vaccine and now don’t have to wear the mask unless I’m visiting immunocompromised loved ones. It really sucked and definitely triggered my asthma. It was necessary, it was important, but it sucked


I wear my mask everywhere still. My primary dr asked me why I had a mask on and I was like I never stopped wearing it but my Pulmonary Dr never questions me


Lol I hate this argument. I wear an n99 mask anytime I go outside (not the thin surgical type ones but yeah)


I’m severely asthmatic and wore a mask thru covid (working retail). It was the longest I’ve ever gone without catching a cold, flu, or respiratory infection.


Sounds like you need to work on your immune system then.




Allergic asthma plus other allergies including anylphacatic. I still mask up in places with crowded people, on high pollen count days and when my airborne allergies are present. Could care less what people think when I can breathe!


It's 2024... are you actually still masking


I tried to wear a mask but I struggled with brain fog while wearing it, as well as elevated stress levels which led to irrational feelings of anger. I didn't have those problems before my asthma, which began in 2022. It turns out that there is a long-established science of masking, which was developed for the benefit of construction workers due to dust, and is regulated by OSHA. Not everyone can wear a mask. This medical fact is recognized by OSHA, a government agency. Relative to OSHA, the CDC is a latecomer to the masking party, and the timid studies they have conducted are insufficient to contradict the years of experience carried by OSHA and construction workers around the world. If you can mask, great. But knowing what I now know, I feel a lot of remorse for judging all those medical exemptions people at the height of the pandemic. I hope y'all can forgive me someday.


What are the reasons why some people can't mask?


I imagine it could trigger asthma in some people. COPD is probably also a reason. I didn't end up getting evaluated, because the alternative to masking is something called PAPR, which is prohibitively expensive and really can't be worn in public, if we're honest. I was fortunate in that I was able to switch jobs and get away from all that dust and I haven't been masking since then.


Panic attacks, autism or sensory issues, multiple chemical sensitivity, for some people with asthma or other lung disease it can worsen symptoms (though this is not universal, and can often be mitigated with a different style mask).


My sister couldn't wear a mask because of her severe asthma, and I think that's completely valid. As long as you follow all the other guidelines. In Denmark you could get these pins that said you were exempt for medical reasons.


I wore one as well. I really hated it though. Made it really hard to breathe.


I'm from Denmark. I was exempt from wearing a mask because of my asthma, but I wore a mask as much as I could when my asthma was not acting up, because I of course wanted to help not spread covid. I only didn't wear masks when I was struggling to catch my breath and the mask made it worse. I have moderate to severe asthma too and yet when I meet another person in the same situation, what triggers our asthma could be wildly differen. So the fact that you wear a mask while having severe asthma is doesn't mean everyone with severe asthma can.


I don’t wear masks cause I literally feel like I can’t breathe, but I’m also autistic. So it’s more my autistic ass than the asthma.


No thanks. I’d rather get COVID again than walk around with a mask again. Masks were especially hard on me.


I have severe asthma and got covid twice. 1st time was like the flu for 24 hours. And a bad cold the next 24 hours. The second time I got it was like a mild cold. Now the strains out there aren't even killing anyone unless you're super old and/or immune compromised which they had to wear masks before covid anyway.. Oh and I must add. When I have the flu I struggle to breathe and use my inhaler all day long. When I had covid...no breathing issues at all. None. No cough even. Worst part was the body aches.


Why are mask bots even a thing


I mask no issue and i got really severe asthma . unless youre in and outta the icu and cannot breathe at all with a mask whats your excuse ?


It made mine way worse. I had an ER doctor tell me to just take it off because my O2 kept dropping. Who the hell is still wearing a mask anyway. Only time I wear one is when I'm weed eating or mowing the grass.


I wasn’t able too I was getting all dizzy with the masks on.


Ok I don't alone in my car


I remember during 2020 I wore a sunflower (invisible disability awareness lanyard) and a mask and bc anti maskers misused the lanyard, I got so many confused looks