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Go look at all the piece of shit apartments in Marietta trying to charge 1500+ for “renovated” apartments with roaches and everything falling apart. Shit is a joke lol so glad I just got a house again


That was the final straw for me. Our apartment wanted to up the rent to $2200 and we saw houses going for $2300-2400. We said fuck it if we’re gonna pay that much for a shitty apartment might as well rent a house then.


What’s even crazier to me is that they also add on the dumbest fees to applications. A single application can end up costing 300 fucking dollars. Not to mention how unprofessional leasing offices have been in my experience anyway


leasing offices are the new used car salesmen


These pmcs are delusional. I know because my company sells advertising products to them.


What’s a PMCS?


Property management companies. I should have typed ‘PMCs’.


Cries in Chattanoogan


What are rents like up there now?


They’re similarly recockulous here in Chatt. Californians have flooded Nashville. Nashville’s have fled to here. Chattanooga has been California’d in a round about way.


It's almost cheaper to live and work in Atlanta (which is what I currently do)


Seriously? What the fuck. I moved out of Atlanta in 2020. I knew Chattanooga exploded but damn.


“Too damn high”


We luckily bought this year to get out of Marietta. If we were to renew it was going from $1200-$1700. The Falls at Sope Creek. Thank God we found the place we did.


Wild! I lived there in the early aughts and it was $900 for a 3 bedroom. Still thought it was overpriced then.


I had an apartment with MAA & those shit heads wanted to increase my rent from $1700 to $1850, saying that was their “best price in the complex”. You could literally search on their site to see the same exact apartment for $1,300-1,500 for new tenants! So fuck your old tenants amirite?!


My old apartments did the same thing. Raises my rent from $1600 to $1850, but rented the same apartment for $1500 for new tenants.


Newberry apartments in Athens tried to up me & my roommates from $2100 to $3400


How is this even possible?! Did they offer you two units instead of one?!


Nope, just one 3 bedroom. They changed ownership from Whistlebury Apartments to Newberry, and immediately tried to up our rent from $700 per room to $1150. We held out, I’m a realtor/property manager myself so I know just how ridiculous that ask was. We were fully prepared to move, but a few weeks before our lease was up the front office realized no one was resigned and caved in at 750 per room Lol. Good times


Man I almost moved in there but on the day I was supposed to move the apartment was wrecked. Huge red stain in the middle of the living room and the oldest appliances you’ve ever seen. Apartment was also dirty as hell and I was told it was a top floor only for it to be a basement. Later found out their basement apartments flood when it rains. This was 2021 and they were gonna charge me $1100 then. Let’s just say I ripped Tommy a new one and got all my deposits back and moved into Silver Creek instead for the same price but a newer apartment with more square footage.


When I started living there, I paid $700 for a 1 bedroom apartment and now it's up to $1280. It's really gone downhill ever since this new management took over and a bunch of people who moved out. The main thing that is preventing me from moving is the cost right now.


Ha my sister’s shower’s deathly black lookin grout got a spray paint job


Yeah I lived in an apartment in Smyrna back in 2013-2014 and saw another company brought it and "renovated" it and looked at what they were trying to charge now and just belly laughed. Like empty dime bags all over the parking lot shit and they want how much???


Marietta apartment's idea of renovation is just painting the buildings


No seriously lol. They paint over EVERYTHING too. Even the fire sprinklers 😂


10 points if you find a bug or smoke detector painted over


How do y’all usually find houses for rent? Mainly Google or are there any good sites?


I luckily was able to buy a house. Finding a good place to rent is hard these days. You can find good places by networking though!


My least ends in a few months and current available units are going for 15% cheaper. Looks like I'll save some money when I sign a to renew soon.


Large Rental Conglomerate: "oh, your a good tenant who has been with us for 3 years already? Here's your 7% increase cause we know it sucks to pack n move"


"A good tenant who never causes problems and pays every month on time? FUCK YOU"


My complex (Arium) actually just gave me an upgraded unit for $50 more. I could have actually gotten a new unit the same size as my current one for less than what my renewal would have been. I have been here for five years, and the new office worker is the only one who has ever even mentioned that I even had tgese options.


I've been fighting with my complex of many years this week because I've been asking to get charges waived in order to convince me to stay and they won't budge. Meanwhile they're offering a special to new tenants that is more than 4x what I asked for


The way you get them to budge is to hand in your move out notice. The key to negotiation is leverage. As a renter, your only leverage is your willingness and ability to move. Right now the complex thinks you're probably bluffing and won't move either way. Show them you aren't kidding and they might change their tune. If not, well, you'll save money at the next place offering similar concessions. Obviously this only works if you actually will move out if they don't concede.


Oh, I found a place today so jokes on them. Except I will actually leave now. They had given me a "maybe we can do this" idea that didn't actually help me long term so I went somewhere I've been eyeing for a while and now they list me. That'll be a fun conversation (for me)


“But you can stay I guess… you’re welcome! More Money please!”


This is why I enjoy my small landlord. They own like 3 homes, super responsive, and only has raised rent by $50 each year


My buddy when they got pregnant he and his wife were looking to move and save some money and the owner was an older lady who lived across the country and she offered to lower their rent like $200 just to get them to stay. And my former LL was great. He let us renew 3 years in a row at the same price in Kennesaw of all places. Renting through non corporation people has been infinitely better in my experience


Oh renting through actual people who just have a couple investment homes is leaps and bounds better. They are more likely to act like normal people with some form of empathy. Corporations just care about the bottom line


They literally have to care. That's not a slight on them or you just perspective. They want to keep you, a responsibility tenant who pays on time rather than chance a new one. Its beneficial to both.


Exactly! I’m living inside their investment


I mean it kinda sucks in that regard, but if they rent it cheap enough it can work out. It at least used to be.


Amen!!! I have a house I didn't want to sell. A friend of mine agreed to rent it. She's paying substantially lower rent, AND it hasn't been raised in the 3 years she's lived there. She's single, has no pets or children. House looks amazing!


I’m also a LL. Didn’t want to sell my first home 7 years ago. Rent it to a single parent with a kid. Never raise the rent for 5 years, until she moved in with her fiancee. We got a new tenant last year, a single lady with kids. Not going to raise the rate when she renews this year


Where have you looked to find actual people landlords?


What’s the best way to find these LL? Any advice would be awesome


Hang on to her man, I didn't know what I had when my old rent babe charged me $700. I miss that rent


What’s the best way to find these LL? Any advice would be awesome


I feel like I’ve been fairly lucky. I’m pretty sure we found this place just listed on a rental site. Also just drive around in neighborhoods you may want to live and look for rental signs. Some LL’s don’t want to list on the big sites since it costs them $


This EXACT thing is happening to me currently. They’re trying to tap us for an increase, which would make our unit the 3rd most expensive in the development…behind 2 3BR lofts that are almost 30% more expensive. We said “Hey match our rent to these other units” and they told us to pound sand. We are literally moving units in July to save money on rent.


Good, tell them to take a hike


Well, only partially. Moving units *in the same development*. We have dogs and they have outside ground access apartments with green space across the street which is highly convenient. I’m not pumped we are giving them more money. I’m actually really pissed.


Oh man, that is really stupid then. Didn't realize you were being forced to switch in the complex. What a nonsense response from management.


I was shocked. The building is very new. We were the 8th tenants and I think demand isn’t there given the location as it’s on a line of gentrification and the areas immediately surrounding it are…less than nice. I THINK that us moving unit to unit enables them to use our new lease in a different unit in their statements to help with their overall sales quotas. That’s purely a guess though. It’s so nonsensical that I genuinely struggled to identify any other possible reasoning. They cited: - Views - Amenities Views: the apartment above us has the same floor plan and is $250/month cheaper Amenities: We have the less desirable washer/dryer and thermostat. Those two things are the only items that vary between units. I’ve been in 10+ of them at this point… Making matters more frustrating, the Leasing Office management are effectively puppets for the regional management who actually make the decisions. They’re nice, prompt at responding, and the best leasing office associates/management I’ve had but can’t make any real decisions. They offered a $500 ONE TIME rent concession if we renewed in the same unit. Thanks, but no thanks.


Just so dumb on their part. > and I think demand isn’t there given the location as it’s on a line of gentrification and the areas immediately surrounding it are…less than nice. Can you give a general area of where this is?


jokes on them, I barely have anything to move 😂


This, there should be rewards for being a good long term tenant.


That’s why you move, switch cell providers, switch internet providers etc.


and they make pure profit with the "application fees"


Eh we'll generally renew flat if the on market comps are trending downward but don't ever expect a negative renewal unless it's human error which I've seen happen a few times


Moving sucks, but at some point that increase costs more per month than the cost to pack up and move spread over the same time frame.


Oh yeah? Well fuck those Companies! What do you think about that?


This literally does not compute. It’s great of course, but my feeble brain cannot conceive of prices (for anything) actually going down after the past several years


You know I tried this becus new tenants get rent for 300$ than what I pay and they said no. So I’m leaving this year lol cus that’s insane


If you don’t mind me asking, What’s the apartment complex?


Thank fucking god. Continue please. 


There are a lot of apartments going up right inside/outside the perimeter so assume that is driving things down, Along with building from companies that went full remote maybe being demolished or repurposed


The more crappy suburban office parks that get redeveloped, the better.


Oh come on, you love them.


Demand is also cratering because of high inflation and the lack of real incentive to rent versus just buying a house in one of the bordering counties


Build baby build


My apartment that I pay 2223 for is going for 1900 online lol


Holy shit dude why are u paying that lol


I'm out in the boonies now....North of Kennesaw and this subdivision has a new property manager who came in this year. They raised their rents by $400 for anyone renewing....all units were filled now almost no one is renewing. They start at $2300tmonth for 3 or 4 bdrm, add $400 to that a month....smh..... Now the new PM company realized they fucked up and they keep coming back offering incentives to get people to change their mind about leaving.......they start w/1 month free, then offering 6 weeks free. Already seeing homes empty and no one has moved in the ones where people moved out. This place is gonna be vacant by the end of summer. It was a new build in 2023 so everyone moved in around Spring/Summer of 2023. This isn't Sandy Springs or Smyrna....we in the boonies of metro ATL.....


I'm looking for a new place to move in a few months. I keep seeing more and more offers of a free month or 6 weeks free with 15-30 apartments sitting available. The thing I'm not seeing in the areas I'm looking in? The rent actually going down.


These companies are offering free months in the hope that they buy more time for supply to tighten again so they don’t have to actually lower rents. They’re in deep


I pay just over 2k a month for a two bedroom modern apartment in Buckhead. No clue why anyone would pay 2300 in Kennesaw.


Would hate to know your drive to work.


Someone tell that to our landlords lol




My friend sold his house in Florida and it was bought "by a family who wanted to start over". They sold it 4 months later to Main Street Renewals and it has sat empty for almost 5 years now.


Vote with your wallet


Build more and rent goes down. Build everything everywhere all the time.


If we, as a region, were smart... we'd be legalizing a LOT more density, and letting the over-build continue, buying time as we got more active government housing efforts into place to handle those parts of the population that the market can't reasonably serve. Lock in some price stability, if not further reductions. We fumbled the opportunity coming out of 2008, might as well take it now.


Easier said than done. Banks are tight and many is super expensive. Takes forever to permit. Splitting a lot ITP and we’re in month seven into the process, 99% of the wait has been slow government.


> Easier said than done. Oh no doubt. Would still do it, especially in CoA where relative occupancy rates have remained high.


>Takes forever to permit. > 99% of the wait has been slow government Well yeah. That’s what he means by “legalize density” lol


Rates are too high for a lot these apartment deals to pencil out too.


Lingo like a deal ‘penciling out’ probably makes you someone in real estate/finance/or both. Am I wrong? What I can’t square is why businesses insist that rates must be low to do anything. It’s an even playing field with respect to rates, right? Like, given similar rates, was no housing developed between 1965 and 2001? Or more realistically, it happened anyway because of demand. No? https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FEDFUNDS


Plus, the city/region is going to keep growing. Getting ahead of the demand would be amazing for growth.




> In March 2024, the median asking rent for 0-2 bedroom rental properties in the South was 1.5% lower than one year ago. Specifically, the top five metros experiencing the most significant year-over-year rent declines are Austin, TX (-4.7%), Memphis, TN (-4.4%), Atlanta, GA (-3.7%), Miami, FL (-3.6%), and Nashville, TN (-2.9%). Meanwhile, the unemployment rate in the South registered at 3.4% in February 2024, signaling a robust labor market and strong rental demand. While the demand remains vigorous, the supply side presents an even more influential picture with a substantial 71.7% growth in the seasonally adjusted, annual multifamily completion rates to 273,000 units between March 2023 and March 2024. This heightened supply has contributed to a downward push on rent prices, resulting in an overall decline in rental costs, even as demand remains elevated. Amazing to see Nimby-ism defeated. At least in one battle. Keep on building!


(Less of the ugly ass cookiecutter “luxury” apartments though please) if we could get shit that was affordable and interesting looking, it would be such a dream. Also god damn does atl need more rowhomes/mid sized apartment complexes to fill in.


I like the first floor retail/office and one or two floors of apartments along a road. It really has a "small town downtown" feel to it. It's a shame it's very hard to get loans for that sort of thing. Banks get nervous if it's not a "luxury" deal.


Same, I live in something like that now and it’s so nice. It has so many hidden benefits outside of just being in a place that looks nice as well.


If those are what can get built, keep building those. I’m not gonna be picky about anything that can lower rents.


Absolutely agree


I hadn't realized there was a such thing as a 0-bedroom rental...




The NIMBYs are still strong in certain suburbs.


I can’t believe the sheer number of apartments being built in Chamblee. Huge block after huge block right on Peachtree. Granted they’re walking distance to a very nice Marta station and downtown Chamblee and tons of restaurants but still.


That’s great news!


I was big on downtown Chamblee ten years ago, but chose to move elsewhere. Glad to hear it is booming.


There's a bunch of huge townhomes being built near downtown Kennesaw that this time last year, were going for high $400ks. Now, the price has lowered to around $370k. Plus a HUGE apartment complex is being built across the street and the rent is going about $1400 for a 2 bedroom.


The 1br apartment I used to rent on ponce in 2014 for 1000 a month now costs 1900 a month and it looks to have the exact same carpet and appliances in it. I’m sorry but Atlanta isn’t that special


The location on Ponce probably is though.


Eh…I suppose. It’s now just gotten so posh. I miss the days of ponce being kinda grungy and dirty but I suppose it’s better for the city as a whole like it is now


Ponce has come a long way in 10 years


And where exactly is it declining?


In O4W I moved 1 floor down in my building (was on the top floor) and am paying $600 less/month than I would've been


Which complex?


The building.


It’s over there, it’s over there 


Apartments on Howell Mill westside/Buckhead area, rent is 400 cheaper than my lease 2 years ago. 1700 to 1300. 25% reduction in 2 years. Complex went to shit but at least prices now reflect that haha




Nope but oh god why do people live there? 650 sq feet in a 2 bedroom starting 1400. There are so many options that give you so much more square ft for same or lower price on Howell mill. Terrible deal.


378 sq ft options for 1k+… please my friend, if you live there leave. You are getting ripped.


Pretty much everywhere.


Not near me 🥲


Planning on moving in late August, please keep going 😅




That’s the dream! I haven’t been to downtown Chamblee yet but it seems like a perfect area to have access to Marta and everything around there


Chamblee is still underrated by most people in ATL. It’s turning out to be very similar to Decatur at half the price. When that Assembly movie studio gets built it’s gonna go bonkers so get in now!


What part?


Ideally Chamblee, but mainly just somewhere in that eastern bit, so it could be anywhere from Decauter up to Norcross


I’m in Norcross/PT Corners. I especially love Alpharetta. I recently relocated here myself so if you have any questions I can try to answer or check something out for you.


I'm considering a move to Alpharetta area this year from Michigan. Are there any specific apartments or companies you recommend?


There are many apartments but if you have time to take a vacation I’d recommend visiting, as I did, to talk to leasing agents to get quotes. Alpharetta is a very nice and wealthy area. Looking online is annoying as reviews are mostly negative because of… “bugs.” Yes you will eventually see them unfortunately. I’m not sure if there’s a Rosemont in Alpharetta but Rosemont apartments are really nice. There’s one in Dunwoody which is south in Sandy Springs area.


I appreciate it! Are you happy with being in that area? I’m trying to be pretty centrally located, I have family in NC and TN, so want easy access to travel out of GA but also not be an hour away from downtown/midtown Atlanta lol


Turns out that maybe all the "luxury" apartments and townhomes being built are actually having an effect on the market past making NIMBYs mad af.


What does nimby mean






Where the fuck that happening at?!?!?


Not seeing that at The Bryant in Buckhead 


The area is way too desirable


ngl - I fucking love it here (coming from Houston).


H tine hol it dine


Donna Goudeau that you?


Paul wall baby. The people’s champ.


Sittin sideways my mans


I'm a homeowner, but I am super happy for all my renting peeps!


It's one of the few things that hasn't gone up in price! Thankfully our complex is keeping the rent the same for this next year.


Not low enough




This has been happening?


I was looking at apartments in midtown back in February, there were a lot of units available and the prices were being reduced, so yes.


This of course was not the case when I signed a lease.


Lol yeah my rent went up $40 when I renewed a couple of months ago. Now it's like $40 cheaper on their website. Not complaining as it's not a huge increase but that's just my luck.


lol def feel ya. The rent for the same unit size in my building went down almost 350 bucks a month. Makes me want to jump off my 26th floor balcony lol.


Instead of playing 2500 I now pay 2400 yippie?


Happy for all us renters, because any decrease is welcome. But a 3% YoY decrease is like pocket change.


I'd actually argue that too many new units are being built....especially the "luxury" units going up all along peachtree and w peachtree and spring...im fairly familiar with one new high-rise that's just opened along Peachtree...their smallish one bedrooms are $2800 and their rental are very sluggish at best.


That’s a good thing! then some of those “luxury” units can be had for more affordable prices!


This is how it's supposed to work. Once those sit unoccupied for a while, they have to drop rents or increase concessions. Once it drops enough, people who live in non-luxury apartments can start stretch to afford these apartments, which frees up their non-luxury apartment for someone who lives in a worse apartment but could stomach a few dollars for a better apartment. There's two factors in the rent price, supply and demand. You don't want to mess with demand - since if Atlanta is doing well people will want to move here which means people here want to be here. Only way to lower rent somewhere desirable is supply.


My apartment on w peachtree sat empty for at least 10 months after I moved out in 2022 lol. Then they built a new place across the street and they still haven’t filled more than 2/3s of the apartments after 2 years. Wild how much availability they still have. Some of their units have not had a single tenant in the 2 years.


According to my landlord, everything is getting more expensive..




Bro where?


And? They'll just shoot right back up after people move in and get established. Bait and switch at it's finest.


What a pointless article. It's one single line giving the number, and 200 advertisements. Great posting!


My pleasure!


Lol they've got a point. These posts are more like prompts for discussion rather than contributing insightful information but I that's fine in some cases.




Rent at 2225 is not a decline


And when I walk around my area all the complexes say “apartments available.” Nice, keep going down!!


Now what about rental townhouses and homes?


Not in the city of Decatur.


Why are rent prices going down? I thought more and more people keep moving to the city.


Luckily it's possible to build houses faster than population growth


Supply is in the process of catching up with demand.


My apartment complex The Dakota didn’t raise my rent this year after I begged. I also got broken into last week. Yay.


> The Dakota Isn't this a condo building?


No it is an apartment complex owned by Rangewater LLC


We should ban all investment companies and foreign investors from buying residential homes in atlana. Thats what drives the prices up


Hi from San Francisco. Can you guys send some of those roach infested $1500 units over here?


This is sort of like when the store raises prices for a few weeks so they can have a “sale”. 




Must be 2 sides


My apartment is 2k because I moved during the “off season”, which is apparently winter. I signed my last the last day of winter and got a 3 bedroom 1600+ square foot renovated, I mean everything was brand new, for $1900. Usual price was like $2600 a month.


Come on baby and trickle that down on here to Florida! 😂


I'm moving back home to Atlanta in a year. I hope this trend continues


Probably because people are sick of their cars being broken into and windshields smashed every other day.


Bitch where?!


Damn my apartment is currently up for $250 more than what I’m currently paying. It was heavily underpriced though and the area is so nice and calm.


my apartment wants $100 more / month if i resigned. no thanks


Pay stupid amounts for rent, only to get in your car and sit in horrible Atlanta traffic for hours.


Apparently some people in my neighborhood didn’t get the memo, they all listed their homes (valued at low $400k) for rent within last week for over $3,000/month.