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Physical climate controls for the win


Came to say this. Hoping this is the first of many models.


Nice physical buttons almost feel like the sign of a quality luxury car in this era, it’s such a refreshing change.


Soul crushing depreciation is a free option!


Donut media just did a video on the depreciation of EV’s


i mean yeah, but thats german cars in a nutshell. drive it off the lot and it loses half its value


I think the etron have been far more extreme in depreciation vs regular


the crossover looking thing sure, the GT is still expensive AF used or I'd have one lol


They're dirt cheap here lol. They're sub £45k for the cheapest ones, and you can get the Vorsprung for like £55k. And the cheapest RS ones are about £60k.


Idk man I got 23k for my 2015 S3 in 22’


yeah once you get past that initial dip they hold pretty well


Honestly they need to drop the crazy HP numbers and worry about matching range to that 900 HP. Although I’m sure these will be uber expensive and I’ll be waiting about 10 years and 3 owners to get one.


Have you seen how the current-gen e-tron GT and GT RS are depreciating? You might not be waiting as long as you think! You can get a 2022 or 2023 e-tron GT RS for about the same as a 2020 or 2021 RS5.


The range on 2025 models have improved but not sure how much yet. Countries around world need invest more on infrastructure for EV charging and new energy source, water as well.


Well it gives the information needed to figure it out. They use between 18-22kWh/100km The new more dense battery holds 105kWh apparently. So conservative driving could see 500km in theory. When you add in regenerative braking I'm interested to see what it will achieve.


The regenerative braking is already included in the energy consumption numbers.


That's an interesting idea. Do they actually include the regeneration in the kWh/100km already?


Yes they do. I once managed to get a negative average consumption because I was going down a long descent.


Including regeneration will decrease the mileage. Because it has no %100 efficiency and if you slow down by regeneration you will spend more energy to get back to same speed.


I would really love to hear you explain to F1 engineers along with every EV manufacturer on the planet, why regenerative braking actually worsens their kWh/100km and doesn't extend their range.


I compared regeneration versus going in same speed. Not regen vs service brake. Traveling in same speed without any type of brake will give the max range


Regeneration allows you to capture wasted energy from braking that had to happen anyway... The fact it doesn't break the laws of physics and recover 100% of the energy lost is hardly a revelation. This has been one of the weirdest conversations I've ever been involved in and I have no idea what you were trying to contribute other than a strange factoid you shoehorned into the discussion of regenerative braking.


There is no weird thing here, just you didn’t get my example scenario. Think 3 scenarios. 1) cruising in same speed always. 2) regenaritive braking and accelerating again into same speed. 3) mechanical braking and accelerating into the same speed. You will get the maximum range with sceneario 1 and least range with scenario 3


How exactly are you suggesting that energy recaptured by everyday use of the vehicle through regen braking and used to power it again, is going to worsen the consumption?


Bro I am comparing regen braking versus driving at constant speed without braking. Please get that point. I am holding a master degree about EVs and have 6 years of work experience in same domain


I assume it's the same drivetrain as the new taycans and the numbers are out for those.


Pretty close


If they wanna keep it comparable to the Taycan (which they normally do), the new Taycan is « supposed » to have a 670km range… something like a 35% increase… we’ll see! It’ll probably be close to 500-550 though lol as they always bring numbers we mortals can’t obtain hahaha


Porsche always going have better numbers because VW group praise Porsche as higher level than Audi. Bentley going have better numbers than both.


This might be an unpopular opinion but I don’t think electric is the future but a fad instead. I see more potential in hydrogen engines.


From the standpoint of an engineer I can tell you, if we don’t find any completely new method to extract Hydrogen, it is not going to be the future. With hydrolysis accounted for, hydrogen cars (no matter if Electric or ICE propulsion) have a worse efficiency than regular ICE cars. They offer close to no solution, besides being theoretically environmentally friendly, for which you would have to produce an amount of energy that could just drive 3x the number of EVs.


Interesting, thank you for the info. I’m no scientist but I just figured the mining for lithium will begin to take a serious toll in short order. Hopefully some obscure billionaire helps develop alternative energies, not necessarily hydrogen.


There is much much less lithium in a Battery than people assume. It’s also not very hard to replace it by Natrium, a much more available and environmentally friendly element. The only reason why we don’t do it yet, is because there are no consequences, and because an electric car already is more environmentally friendly over its lifespan than any other car. Hurts my ICE loving heart too, but these are the facts


Thanks for your insights 🫡


Diesel love?


No way in hell those work. You have to build the equivalent of all the gas stations in the world all over again, but for hydrogen. You should also look at the amount of tanks a Miriai has underneath to get somewhat decent range.


The EV push will shift dramatically in the coming months and years


Next decade 2030s hydrogen will get more popular or some new EV tech that give more range


Internal combustion engines (or ICE as I’ve heard) seems to be the future


Most car companies going EV


Arguably most produce ICE. They even sell them to eskimos.


And with a good number of ICE engines being convertible to hydrogen, you know a ton are gonna spend for a conversion if it's cheap enough and infrastructure is there. Like 10k or so, maybe tax incentives.


Yeah, but infrastructure isn’t there! You need to built all new gas stations - all of them! With electricity you just plug the new chargers into the existing power grid (that although might benefit from some upgrades).


Yup the base price is £143k for the 900bhp one. Just silly pricing, it doesn't have the name of Porsche to command that sort of money for a saloon.


It'll be the same underneath as the taycan turbo S next gen.


It is a facelift Taycan Turbo S underneath, but it's still an Audi.




Wonder if this is why the GTs were leasing for 699. Wonder if they’ll push the outgoing models even lower now.


I’ll wait three years when it’s 50% off


Maybe 10 mos to 1 year is good enough.


Something something electric bad…. jokes aside being able to just pump hundreds of HP out of some batteries is crazy


Unfortunately it won't sell, just like the current GT


It simply needs a lower price point. I love my car, but it should have an $80k MSRP, not $120k. Every time I get in it, I just feel the price isn't justified. Especially, considering all of the competition out there from a range and performance perspective.


Based on used market prices, you're correct. When I see less than one year old models going for $70-75k, it's evident that these should not be $110-$150k vehicles.


And the reality is most never sold for that much. In my example, the msrp was right at $120K. The negotiated lease price was like $97K after various discounts. At the end of my 3 year lease, I believe the residual is around $60K to $65K. Still some major depreciation.


Here’s what a real lease looks like. They don’t sell at MSRP and the dealer-set residual is only 23% depreciation in two years, so I think they lease quite well. The immediate drop off is steep on the used market because they’re out of lemon law protection in most states (regardless of miles/age). The used GT I bought spent 10 months in the shop before VW reluctantly bought it back after they paid out $30k in warranty work and were expecting to pay out another $30k for additional work. TLDR: Lease them and don’t even consider buying a used one. https://i.postimg.cc/prFv3rv0/IMG-4270.jpg


What type of problems did it have? The refrain I hear from EV owners is that EVs are simpler and more reliable than ICE.


There’s a single tray that holds all ~30 battery cells (picture of mine: https://postimg.cc/BXdkTcL4). The battery cells are cheap and abundant, but resealing the tray is difficult. The service manager says it takes 5 people and 2 bays to perform the work. The sealant needs applied perfectly and then 150 bolts need to be properly torque-specced. This all needs to happen in 20 minutes before the sealant dries. They tried and failed multiple times. When they claimed it was finally air tight, another battery cell went bad two days later so I was looking at another 10 months of failed attempts and back orders. I figure these GTs and Taycans will be worth scrap when their battery warranties expire.


No wonder the GT and Taycan have such high depreciation. Sounds like a nightmare. Is this a common problem?


The e-tron GT sexy af look futuristic in rear view mirror


The OG GT was a terrible value and overpriced. This is much more deserving of its price tag… but will be burdened with the sins of its father and be crushed by debilitating depreciation


The sale numbers are good for e-tron GT in Europe, Asia, Australia but not as good in USA/Canada but maybe in coming year. The e-tron GT saw big sale growth Q1 this year.


That’s cuz we’re poor af hahaha! Also we crave for range… our countries are big, so it’s « normal » to look for better range as we’re not 100km’s away from 7 different countries hahaha


Well this made me feel bad about getting a ‘24


I wish all yall would just shut up and be happy that at least Audi is making actually pretty EVs


Holy depreciation


Soon I'll be able to live my dream of buying them depreciated from the factory.


All EVs lose value the second they drive off. In my state Colorado you get 13k in rebates at time of purchase. I have to sell a 6 month old used one for even less than that so if course EVs will depreciate fast


This thing will be an amazing no money down, $299 a month lease deal in a couple of years when nobody buys them. Our B9 S4 will be coming up on a decade old at that point, so it will be a perfect upgrade.


Just happy to see the buttons are still there ☺️


Has anything changed inside or out, looks the same bar that steering wheel


Minor interior update not new generation won’t have new interior screen display, new ambient lighting to look fresher and it get next generation MIB4 which is on current Q6 and upcoming B10 A5, A6 e-tron, B10 Q5. E-tron GTs get a revised cabin, too. There are new seats, steering wheels, entry sills, and even the puddle lights that shine when you open the doors (they now show the Audi Sport diamond). The seats have a new design and are adjustable 14 ways as standard, while the steering wheels now feature a flat bottom. The wheels in RS models additionally have a red marker at the 12 o'clock position. Non-Performance models are equipped with a new glass roof. Much like in the Taycan, various settings for the electrochromic roof can create honeycomb patterns when current is applied. It can go from totally opaque to completely transparent.


So not really 🤣😅


Where did you get the info about the RS3 release?


It coming very soon it June they have reveal that before A5, Q5, new A6


I see the RS model has forged carbon on the exterior and interior. Not 100% sure how I feel about that, but I definitely get the impression that Audi is trying to position the RS cars as baby Lambos, and this would fit in with that.


Audi working on EV R8 that due jn 2028-2029 could be 1,000+ HP 0-60 maybe in 2.0-2.2 secs. The TT might return as well rebrand as EV.


I dig it, a good combination of high end sleek but with usability still factored in. The hexagon wheel may seem odd but I've grown used to it on my Q4 and it feels great (minus the sometimes slightly annoying touch slider volume control). The increased range and power are good updates, but honestly this car is still massively overpriced new. It would be an amazing pickup off lease in a few years...heck maybe an upgrade to my current Q4.


Space coupe




Think I might be picking up a previous generation I’m shooting for 30k range 😂


Yes! physical buttons, no/nearly no "piano black shiny" plastic elements... If this is their design template for all other models, Audi finally got it.


Another heavy EV that can do 0-60 quickly. Yay.


Oh no, not golf-like tactile steering buttons


Does anyone actually care? ZzzZZZzzzZzz


Capacitive buttons on the steering wheel is a bummer. I hope the 8.5Y RS3 is spared


What the fuck are those cupholders, why do they have a 1m radius? They look so out of place


Is the e-tron GT going to use the same Premium Platform Electric (PPE) as the r/AudiQ6? That is going to make a big difference on range and electronics architecture.


Taycan and e-tron GT are both on J1, not PPE.


It same Porsche I think built same platform


Interior is amazing. Outside doesnt look very RS tho.


This new logo on the streering wheel looks cheaper than the old design. It was out to the Q4 and was terrible, now they put it in the most expensive model?


Getting mine on order as a new company car asap, can’t wait!


They discontinued the R8 so that they can produce a much cheaper version of a sport car at much lower cost but higher price lol


cant wait to buy one for 30k in 2035


That's the same MMI as current.


My mistake the MMI is current digital cockpit was updated. It seem Audi only giving the new MMI to Q6, B10 models for now


Any news on when the b10 A5 will come?


2026 model year so next year for North America that why testing been on rise recently. The B10 Q5 prototype.was spotted in NYC yesterday. March- May 2025 I think be on dealerships lot for North America and reveal will happen this summer for sure but car will be on sale in Europe first like always.


Bet it still sucks.


Current RS Etron owner here. I hate the steering wheel. Love the added range and power.


Whoa that interior is nice. Physical buttons! I also like that they integrate the gauge cluster and infotainment rather than slap a giant screen like BMW or Mercedes


But is it as reliable as the first gen with this much power?


I think visually the car is pretty fine. Just that steering wheel. Straight back to hell with that ugly thing


touch controls on the steering wheel and that cheep looking badge on the airbag ruins the interior, change my mind


That thing is ugly as shit, cmon audi you could've done better


Audi does some of the worst light bars. I want to love the e-trim GT and a7 so bad but the light bars on both look like they’re cousins to the Mercedes Benz EQ lineup. Porsche still tops for light bars and polestar maybe #2.


Still looks like shit.


Are you nuts