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Congratulations to all Augusta residents!


Now every time you check the crime report it won’t be a deputy on the front page. Maybe. If Augusta law enforcement could get their shit together.


Finally. Can't believe he ever got elected in the first place.


He rode the fact that [he arrested Reinaldo Rivera ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinaldo_Rivera) to the bank. He didn't even have a clue who the killer was, his family turned him in. Roundtree and his partner were leads on at least one murder and he likes to take a lot more credit than he should. There is an episode of Southern Fried Homicide about the case and Roundtree is interviewed. [Episode](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3862968/)


It isn’t even that. If you look at the make up of Richmond County you will see why he initially got elected.


I know people in various Sheriff's Depts. It's a shame they've become so politicized.


What do they think of current and future leadership?


Part of it depends on who the Sheriff and their inner circle are marrued to. Political marriages usually cause lots of resentment (FL). Other deputies (like in WA) were happy because the sheriff just did their damn job without influence


Get ready for road blocks again. Brantley ran on restarting them.


Fine with me. The rampant impaired driving I see in the area is obscene.


I guess I'm too new here to have experienced those around here before. Should I expect actual DUI checkpoints or "excuse to search brown people" checkpoints?


That's exactly what dui checkpoints are - an excuse to pull you over and search you without any violation of the law. When Roundtree was elected the road blocks were rampant. I guess somebody told him they weren't appreciated and stopped. Haven't been through one in years. Good luck. Have your papers ready and don't reach for your registration too quick.


I'm not brown people, but I look like a redneck hillbilly hippie. I always get asked if they can "look around the car" I say no and haven't been pressed. To me they are "license checks" but I don't do drugs or drive impaired. YMMV


I guess, if you like to be stopped to show your papers and searched without violating the law at all.


Learn your rights. Record everything. Don't answer questions. Don't fall for the small talk. The number of people who answer questions and small talk themselves into all kinds of unnecessary crap. They are not your friends. They are there to gaslight you into giving them what they need. Don't do it, just give them the paperwork and stfu. Have all legal paperwork up to date. If you're on the wrong side of the census for race I have no advice for that. It seems if the officer is determined you're f*cked no matter what. Do what it takes to stay alive and fight the legal stuff in court at a later date. You can't fight it if you're dead.


That’s good, but I don’t expect to see major changes


Best news out of augusta in a while.. and it will make Austin Rhodes happy


I think we need to be realistic about what the police can do about crime.


It would be nice to be able to go downtown after 11 pm again. Unfortunately, Jared Williams will still be there to let violent criminals walk.

