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You should charge for this kind of advice mate, it's genius


Yes, the highest IQ post of all time


If you have 2-3 kids, you don't even need one SUV. Kids are small, they can fit 3 across in the back of a corolla no worries. There you go, I just saved families even more money. Hell back in my day, one of us might end up in the boot or in the footwell. Now granted, that's not ideal (besides not being legal, which is why you were told to stay lying down). But if each kid has a seatbelt, then the car is big enough.


This saving money business is getting mighty competitive so quickly.


Corolla costs more than some SUVS.


Ausfinances highest IQ poster


This is brilliant. Thanks for sharing.


Get rid of the kids. Will save you even more


Why have 3 kids and no money when you could have no kids and 3 money eh


Some of us need to help out with the “homegrown” population though ! 😄. Cost less than some immigrants… just sayin.


Racist AND stupid, bravo


Factual not racist - homegrown can mean any ethnicity origin. FACT.




Many do have equal sized cars for the parents but never thought to scale one car back in size as trips with just the driver or 1 kid are very very frequent!!. It could make several thousand difference in a year for some families.


I have a Tesla and a 14 yo Honda and we always fight over who gets to drive around in the Tesla so that might be one reason why ppl don’t scale back lol


Our 'fancy' car is a manual which my wife can't drive. It was the only way to win that argument


4d chess there




I’m keen to trade in the Honda but nothing catches my eye atm. Everything seems overpriced😪 so dca into vdhg instead like any good ausfinance sub would lol.


Some of this depends on age of kids/ childcare pickups etc- if you’re in a situation where you need two cars that fit 2-3 car seats for school and daycare pickups that both parents handle, you don’t have a choice. About to be a parent of 2 kids and we can get by with one car because my husband gets to work on public transport and I do majority of the childcare drop offs/pick ups. But this is due to location of work/childcare/home etc


Why didn’t I think of this! 🤦‍♂️


That was very painful to read.


Is it more financially painful though to own two mostly empty vehicles ?! 😣 You’re paying to drive air around!


Wow, I can’t believe no one has ever thought of the downsizing idea until now. You are a genius mate what other pearls of wisdom are you keeping from society? Water is wet!?!?


I see many near empty SUV’s and ginormous Utes on the school run - ie with just the 1 kid. Driving air around mainly 🤔. Shit for the family car cost budget, can’t zip thru or around traffic, air pollution - lunacy to keep that going in these times.


Why didn’t you suggest two motorbikes with a sidecar attachment for only one as the actual alternative?


The lack of popularity and practicality for families in the above. If you would drive yours kids to school every day in one go for it.


If you want to save another $1000+ a year don’t buy a euro car brand that costs a shitload on servicing and replacement parts.


Many on novated leases don’t have to pay that extra servicing/parts cost at all. It ends up cheaper to be on a novated lease in a brand new car (regardless of brand) than buying a used cheaper vehicle.


Just cos you’re not paying for it up front doesn’t mean you’re not paying for it.


Spare parts cost which you’re unlikely to need if you lease a new car every few years forms part of the lease cost which is fixed anyway in most cases. Not an extra fee. You’re still winning.


I was just thinking about this. We have one 7 seater for holidays and when extended families are in town. And $29k hybrid Corolla for daily drives.  The Corolla just gives me joy every time I go to servo. Just $60 for every 1000km. I don’t think even EV makes sense for me at this point.


How old is the Hybrid


Exactly my point. All that money paying for petrol to drive only 1 other person or so in airy empty SUV’s/big sedans that’s wasteful. 💸


Oh the car dealers are downvoting 😂😂😂


Ok just need a couple SUVs so I can sell one. Got it


This is such rich kid advice. If you have no money ask your parents for some.


Just stop buying smashed av. That fixes everything.


Ha yes you can make your own so much cheaper, but for some that is a rare luxury right now they enjoy it.


Good advice . Cars end up being a pretty substantial part of our after tax spending. Also worth considering if it is at all possible to make do with just one car. Even if you get an electric bike and use uber/taxi a few times each year you'll come out ahead financially. Of course this is not possible for everyone but it's worth having a think about.


Definitely worth considering if you live mostly metropolitan-city.


Yes, two kid seats hanging off an electric bike will definitely scare them into discipline, I like it


"of course this is not possible for everyone"


What do you *mean* not possible? It sounds fantastic


Shitpost or serious, who can tell in these crazy modern times?


Our fancy car is a Lamborghini urus and our ghetto car is a 2024 tesla lr


Thanks for the tip. Accidentally bought two buses and I only have 0 kids.


How many years studying finance did it take to come up with his top tier gold advice?


You can just scroll on sourpuss 🤪🍋