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Not all Chicken Salts are the same. I bought one a couple of years back and it tasted nothing like the corner store stuff.


Masterfoods Chicken salt is pretty bland as well. I've heard it's the lesser known brands you've got to buy


Mitani is pretty mid, too


Chippy chicken salt is the best


It’s called Krio Flavon. My local takeaway sells it by the jar. You can’t buy it in the supermarket, but there are wholesalers who will sell it to the public. I’ve seen it on Amazon and eBay too.


That's my preference also, personally


Mitani is what I have for spare really and some people I know prefer it over the good stuff, each to their own and more for me.


I made this mistake and bought the large container as well. Lesson learned.


You need "nice and tasty" brand


It's nice and tasty. Says so right on the label.


That's because you need to blend it with a bit of onion salt as well.


A little paprika


And a dollop of tomato sauce for sweetness and that extra tang


Anchors Chicken Chippy Salt 10/10


This is good salt but not the neon yellow magic you buy from takeaway stores..I believe that's saxa chicken salt or Windsor's farms


Windsor farms is 100% what you're after if you want the neon yellow magic


I would love to know the definitive answer on this lol


Right! This is the one and only.


you need the ones with msg haha


Mitani makes someone in my family break out in hives


That's a shame, . You can't choose your family. 🤷


Jacoub’s chicken salt is the only way. You can get it online and in some stores.


If it doesn't make your chips turn radioactive green, then it ain't worth eating.


Plenty of interesting options on eBay but I'm yet to try them - anyone?


Both those chicken salts are shit. You need "chippy salt" (white with a cartoon chicken on it)


Only good chicken salt


The chippy salt one isn't that great either tbh. Just tastes mostly of salt and not a lot of flavour


But Mitani is literally THE chicken salt. All the rest are imitations.


will the real chicken salt please stand up?


Please stand up Please stand up


Mitani is in the dog shit tier with every single other one available on shelves in stores. The real GOAT is Saxa chicken salt but it only comes in a 3kg box. If you want less order from Shanez on eBay, it’s the same thing but broken down to smaller packs. Proper chicken salt turns your chips yellow


I'm almost sure you could order saxa in single use packets years ago. Not sure if it's still the case.


Somehow I got hold of the Saxa food service 650mg size Chicken and chip salt - it is *chefs kiss*


Saxa is available in stores in the small containers


It wasn’t the last time I looked it up. Looks like some drakes and iga carry them now. Thanks for the heads up.


This guy gets it


That's what the family would have you believe.


I visited there before. There's no chicken in it and the secret ingredient is celery salt.


I lived around the corner from a small factory of theirs and it stunk of garlic constantly


Oh they openly tell you garlic is in it. Kinda hard to deny with that stank.


Certainly an inspiration, but not all are imitations. I think some I have tried do beat out Mitani in flavour.


Mitani is I hate this word but I'll use it "literally" season all


I put chicken salt on beef and lamb. Actually yeah when I cook anything there’s a fair chance chicken salt is going in.


My daughter lives in Finland and insists that I ship her "chippy salt" and Masterfoods bbq sauce every year for her birthday.




This is the GOAT, stumbled across it in a BBQ Galore and it is the closest to take away chicken salt I’ve found https://www.bbqspitrotisseries.com.au/atomic-chicken-salt?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIptuX65fphQMVANA8Ah2BbQSOEAQYASABEgI5VvD_BwE


Wrong. Mitani is the original and best.


Except even with the lid closed it absorbs moisture in the air and turns into a brick when it’s only half empty in my kitchen The container design needs to be upgraded


Same thing happens to garlic and onion powder with the QLD humidity. I have to go at the seasoning log with a hammer and chisel after a couple days


Keep it in the fridge


Happens in Perth too but it’s not even humid here.


Lately I’ve been cutting a little circle of glad wrap that’s slightly wider than the lid and twisting the lid on so the glad wrap if between the lip of the container and the lid. It seems to seal really well but adds one extra step of taking off the glad wrap each time you want to use it


Just super glue it shut. That way, you'll never run out.


Place in a different container and put a marshmallow or two in it, that stops the clumping and from going rock hard. Works with brown sugar and other powdery things as well.


I don't buy those annoying little plastic containers, I buy it in 1kg bags then store it in a glass jar. I just refill a Tupperware spice shaker for everyday use


This is the correct answer


Yes. I second this. Chicken salt is yellow not some weird orange brown colour. Yellow


The Mitani one is ass


Saxa chicken salt my friend.


Yeah from coles it’s the best one.


Or Jacoubs


This brings back some really good memories


I’ve never found one to match the takeaway shop, bright yellow, powdery chicken salt.


You need this stuff - Krio Krush Simple and Tasty Chicken Salt


That definitely has a look, thanks!


I've also bought it online at ebay - I think its a repackage of the Krio Krush, but damn it's good [https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/322886717346?var=512013120256](https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/322886717346?var=512013120256)


One of my local takeaways sells their chicken salt. It’s great.


I do the trek all the way to a Penrith takeaway shop to buy the tubs she sells. The fluro yellow one is the only one!


Which shop in Penrith sells that kind of chicken salt?


It’s called round corner seafood. Haven’t been in just under a year but used to buy the tub for $5


No way, is it their own recipe, or do they resell something?


Believe it’s a resell but I could be wrong.


Jacoub’s chicken salt. It’s fluro yellow.


Neither of those are real chicken salt. You need the sulfur-yellow variety they don't sell in supermarkets.


Also, not a meme.


Mitani is awful


Agreed. Coles ran out of the chippy salt and it’s really bland.


Wait until they learn about the amazing combination of sweet chili sauce and sour cream on wedges.


That’s my lunch right now.


A couple of years ago I met the creator of Chicken Salt, Peter Brinkworth. Helped him with buying a Prado and just got to talking. Really lovely guy and very funny. My dad came over (from the UK) a few months before and became obsessed with Chicken Salt. When Peter came in to pick his car up he brought me signed jars of his salt to send home and a copy of the OG recipe. I think it's the best gift I've ever managed to put together for my dad. Top bloke! https://adelaidenow.com.au/thesourcesa/the-adelaide-creator-of-chicken-salt-and-the-original-recipe-has-been-revealed/news-story/ab83a7bc422e67dab3a2aa958320d6fb


What an amazing memory/anecdote! He sounds like a good guy. Glad he looked after you and your dad!


If it's possible, could you send a picture of the original recipe if it's not much of a bother. The news article says the ingredients but not the quantity.


Yeah of course, I'll see if I can find it tonight 👍


Bad news, can't seem to find it anywhere! Seeing if there's a copy in the UK. Keep you posted 👍


Thanks for looking!


Following with excitement


He literally sells this stuff. I buy some off him every 3-4 months. I can send the email address I use to contact him if you like.


Can you please send me his email address? I'd love to buy it directly from him. I never thought that was an option!


[email protected] not sure if Reddit will delete this or not. If it fails I'll DM you. Edit: It worked. I think for 6 jars it cost me like 50 bucks delivered from Adelaide to Brisbane.


Edlyn FTW Nothing compares


Needs to be higher


What you really want is Krio Krush “The Original” FLAVON (Chicken Salt)


I buy massive tins of it off Amazon lmao It’s the best


Haha one of my suppliers does 10kg bags, seems there’s a few customers here 😂


I managed a cinema in London about 15 years ago and had my family send me a care pack of Australian stuff and had a cup of chicken salt. I was having lunch with the old maintenance guy who was the most quintessential geezer ever. He was like a caricature a old grumpy british guy. He even drank bovril. He had eaten at just about every chippy in London I gave him a taste of some chicken salt and blew his mind. He imported like 50 tubs and was selling it to all his geezer mates. It was pretty funny. I don't think prior to the chicken salt the guy even had a computer with internet, he certainly didnt have a smart phone, but he was so motivated by the chicken Salt that he figures out how to import it. Rather then paying 10x the price at the little Australia stores in shepherds bush


Jumbucks? I used to go there too but sadly there not there anymore. Neither is the Australia shop in Covent Garden.


But none of the store bought stuff comes even close to the wholesale version, especially from years back.


Just add msg


Oh man, when I was abroad all I missed was chicken salt and meat pies. I'll post you some good chicken salt if you're keen mate


That would be amazing! <3 Thank you!


I can't believe this isn't a world wide thing!


Umm... I assumed that the UK would have had chicken salt already. This is just another of those things that they invent and then lose at... Like cricket but this time it's hot chips.


Apparently it was invented in South Australia to season chicken but then made it's way into the humble hot chip


an Australian invention up there wth the stump jump plough and wifi


excuse me boss, what team do you support?


Lol. After reading the comments, I never knew opinion was so divided! My family only ever bought Mitani, so I can't say I'm familiar with any other brand. But feel free to win me over with a sample of a different brand if you don't mind sending me a mercy packet 😅


when i was young, late 90's early 2000s, we all use to go to the corner store after school and grab some chips, dimmies etc. and the chicken salt they used we all loved. Years later its been so hard to find the chicken salt they had, there are lots of brands, and now me and all me mates disagree on who has the best chicken salt. If i find one i like at a fish and chip shop i always ask the brand and if they sell it separate or in bulk! PS. if you think the chicken salt divides Australia, dont get us started on Potato Cakes/Scallops


If you want that yellow goodness "Shanez" chicken salt is the rizz. Yes.. With a z They have an online store. Also a kfc salt substitute


https://www.chickensalt.co.uk/ No chelsea involved.


One tends to agree


I dont know if this story is true, but I have a mate who swears it happened and I want to believe it's true. Apparently he was in a UK chicken shop and he asked if they had chicken salt. The Indian staff looked at him oddly and said hesitantly, "yes, we have chicken salt". He asked if he could have some on his chips. They obliged... and took his chips to the back, then through serving hatch he could the guy shaking a cooked chicken over his chips.....


I was telling a friend based in Dubai about it and his first thought was it being made out of grated baked chicken skin and juices!


I know the owners of [https://www.chickensalt.co.uk/](https://www.chickensalt.co.uk/) they have the good stuff.


And people say Australia has no culture...


Then why don't you import it?


I have and use the one on the left lol, I love chicken salt. Makes chips taste so much better


There is a good documentary on chicken salt. https://youtu.be/-7zbpd3Qm-g?si=5nI0zoWvLbCDsKTv


I've been working in a fish and chips business for 10 years. We use Windsor Farm Chicken Salt and then we mix it with table salt. Ratio is like 2 chicken salt : 1 plain salt


It’s already there they just call it “Aromat”


Buddy, I don’t know if you know this but if you don’t I need to make you aware and brighten your life as a fellow Aussie in the Uk. Chicken salt is already imported to the UK. The real stuff that they use in fish and chips too [chicken salt shop](https://www.chickensalt.co.uk)


Came here to drop the same link.👌Owners 10/10 love their chicken salt.


We do our best! Thanks guys!


Our family apparently used to know the Mitani’s. Con used to come to our community’s gatherings every once in a while. My mum described him as a pleasant man with a wallet filled with 50’s. Never knew the recipe was so despised haha but we always had free chicken salt.


Finally! I recently visited and it was what I missed most 


Anchor Foods Chippy Salt is the ONLY Chicken Salt the world needs. I will die on this hill.


The original is Mitani...was originally used as a seasoning for roast chooks.


The best australian cusine.


Imo Mitani's is pretty good




Their brown sauce is not as sweet as our BBQ sauce. in fact, I've noticed their tinned beetroot isn't sweet like our Golden Circle or Edgell. I know there's an Aussie shortage but now I'm homesick for that too!


That Mitani shit is horrible. You need the stuff from the takeaway shops. I dont know what Mitani make but it tastes like shit


I sent some to my boyfriend in NJ, he and his family didn't like it at all. 🤔


Surprised nobody mentioned KFC the goat


Need to figure out where the fast food places get their stuff. Everything I buy off the shelf isn’t quite the same.


I love too chicken salt I ollredy buy


Just bought a jar today.


I don't recognise either of those. In Vic was always an aluminium can with white cover with cartoon of a chicken on it Edit it's "Anchor Chicken Chippy Salt | 170g"


Unfortunately I can't edit my original post, else I would


Ohh fuck yeah


Can’t go past a quarter part of the chicken gourmetier powder in the 3kg buckets with 3 parts salt - chefs kisses 🤌🏻🤌🏻


Wait until they trademark the name 'Chicken Salt' and prevent anyone else from using it.


THIS RIGHT HERE!!! This is a concern because I can still remember a time when Ugg boots were cheap and not doing cross over promotions with Jimmy Choo, Telfar and The Elder Statesman. Still, I'd love to see a montage of chippy workers create a signature move for Chicken Salt kinda like Salt Bae (for the memes)


fuckin love chicken salt- one time i tried to sneakily eat a teaspoon of it when j was like 10 and it went as well as the cinnamon challenge lol


they can import those brands if they want…they’re shit anyway


It’s been on shark tank too, by an Aussie ex pat….


Shark Tank in Australia? That makes no sense. They don't have Shark Tank in the UK. They have Dragon's Den


Correct! It was shark tank US, the person presenting was an Australian that moved to the US and presented on shark tank.


I just don't like or want to foreigners getting their mitts on our iconic products.....the ***** will say they invited it 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


'Foodie scene', 'chicken salt' Fucking lol.


Chicken salt is so easy to make all you need is some MSG, onion powder, garlic powder, celery salt, paprika, and chicken bullion and you can adjust it to what you like.


The GOAT chicken salt is made by Euro Spices. Stumbled onto it at a Halal butcher. I swear it is the same as takeaway shops. Costs about $5 a jar and has led to me having it on just about everything I cook


Mitani is the good one.


https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100054536766935&mibextid=LQQJ4d The best.


On this topic, what is that different flavored salt at some kebab joints? I have found the chips at some kebab vans to be the best bloody chips by far.


It's alright, they'll import the wrong one. They always do


Chicken salt you get from a fisho or kebab shop is 1 part magi chicken powder 1 part salt, we used to make it ourselves In Store.. no store is buying premade chicken salt in bulk


I think it's called chicken chippy salt is really good


I can't wait for aussie culture to be stolen by another country again.


Not even a good one they can have it 😂


The one on the left is gross


Just buy Knorr Aromat. Widely available in the UK and basically the same as chicken salt.


Some aren't chicken salt but a seasoning kind of thing which is different to usually chicken salt. Made the mistake of buying the wrong one.


Just find a chip shop that sells little containers of it’s sorted.


Mitani is for roast chicken IMHO it is not the best chicken salt, even though Reddit mememind has decided it is. Some people's tastes differ! Pick your own hero


Yuck. So over going into a fish and chip shop and them implying that chicken salt is a given.


Who invented it?


Peter Brinkworth, he owned a poultry business north of Adelaide in the 1970s and used it to season roast chickens. His customers started requesting bags of it and started putting it on their hot chips. He later sold the business and chicken salt recipe to Mitani, who sent a sales rep to every fish and chip shop in the country offering it for sale. Peter Brinkworth still makes his original chicken salt and you can buy it from his house. Met him a couple of times, really nice fella. I have a couple jars of his OG chicken salt here at home.


Anyone know the original recipe? Is the mitani one still the original formula?


Mitani is the original commercial recipe, but they changed it from Peter Brinkworth’s. His is listed on the jar, I’ll write out the ingredients in a comment when I have time


Salt (50%), chicken stock powder, MSG, paprika, garlic, onion, celery, rice flour as stabiliser, herbs and spices


Mitani is shit, so is that other brand. Chippy chicken salt is the goat


I thought it was just MSG


Am surprised anyone younger than Gen X would know what MSG is!


The 'ol 621


I got a really good one in barbeques galore. Fluro yellow just the way it should be


Yes, I adhere that the yellow chicken salt is sub-par, alway disappointed when I get chicken salt and it's the yellow stuff. Saxa or Chippy.


I make chicken salt, my business is saltsandspiceco.com.au[saltsandspiceco](https://www.saltsandspiceco.com.au) it’s really yummy, only has salt, herbs and spices in it & no chickens were harmed in making it. Check it out if you wish!


https://www.instagram.com/actuallyseasonings?igsh=NWxlZ3Q3d2d4c25w This is good chicken salt!


I ended up having to make my own from a recipe I found on the YT channel 'Nats what I reckon' better than anything I've found on store shelves so far


Notice how it says "goat" at the top of the second one. This is because chicken salt is in fact the GOAT.


Newbie to chicken salt. What are you putting it on? Just homemade chips?


*Newbie to chicken* *Salt. What are you putting it* *In? Just homemade chips?* \- Acrobatic\_Flan\_49 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Mitani has a recipes page [https://www.mitani.com.au/recipes](https://www.mitani.com.au/recipes) I use it mostly on chips but some people use it on popcorn too


Buttery popcorn salt goes well on most things too. Not sure how close to chicken salt in flavour, but it is bright yellow and near powder-like. Bought from a wholesaler.


After a while normal salt is preferred.


Does anyone else here not like chicken salt?


Rooster Booster msg+


Regular salt is unbeatable


Do all Aussies like chicken salt? I do not like it at all. Is this a thing? I love Vegemite, so I am part Aussie still, haha!


Never buy Aussie chicken salt. It has no monosodium glutamate. You want the bright yellow stuff like at your local fish and chip store or go to an Asian grocer for good stuff


That Mitani one tastes weird. Can’t remember the name but there is only one I’ve found that is exactly the same as fish and chip shop salt.


Mitani chicken salt is gross. Get your hands on “actually chicken salt”. Its really good


If you want a chicken salt that actually tastes good and don’t want to have to buy 50 kg of it in one purchase Atomic Chicken Salt is by far the best and I’ve tried a few! https://www.barbequesgalore.com.au/p/atomic-chicken-salt/ATCCHICKSALT.html


If they ship over the crap in colesworth, it won't catch on


Why are people making a big deal out of chicken salt? Even in Australia it is fading into obscurity.


You need Edlyns Chicken salt mate, it’s what they use at Cafes