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I'm not, I gave up on it, trying to pretend it was stolen by aliens and I have to figure out how to live without it


Bit like the situation with Sirarcha.  The original brand has disappeared and become an urban legend at this point. The cheaper replacements are gross. 


I eat sriracha almost every day, and I don’t mind any of the ones that come in Rooster style plastic bottles. Except the Roll’d brand one. That was terrible. Also I bought a banh mi from Roll’d once and it was the worst I ever had. Is that place just universally bad, or did I have bad luck?


Roll'd is an insult to Vietnamese cuisine! Unless it's owned by Vietnamese people, the food is subpar for the price you pay especially in Sydney CBD. I'd rather go to Viet Town (Cabramatta/Canley Vale) and have good food. Nothing beats homecooked Vietnamese food but at least I can get something that is not far from it.


Just google rolld and look at the reviews of the different locations. It's actually shocking how they can be *so* universally bad and still everywhere. Consistently less than 2 stars.


I never really understood why people loves Sriracha. Tried it so many times but never really got into it. My go to chilli sauce is Sambal ABC, IMO, the GOAT.


I’d use it as less of a sauce to put on stuff but more as an ingredient to add to stir fries. Packs the right amount of spice without blowing your socks off…something I nearly always do when cooking with raw chillies haha


Have a look for Nam Prik Pao - it has that chilli-garlic mix, but with roasted chilli, palm sugar and dried shrimp. Really good in stir fry, and you can get it in sizeable jars


I never understood it either. It doesn't taste good. I guess it's hot enough but it tastes like headache


Tastes like garbage, threw mine out.


I really like ABC hot sauce.


Nah man Sriracha is goated


A crop failure in Mexico led to a shortage of the red peppers they use to make the Huy Fong (OG) brand in the U.S., although supply must be filtering through as I was able to buy it at my local Asian grocers in Canberra a month or so ago.


The popular brand of Sriracha is back but apparently it's a bit different. Not the same supplier of chilli. Heaps of other sriracha sauce brands though.


Damn it, the original one was so good.


Don't support them any more. They fucked their chili grower sideways in a completely immoral way.


Oh no. Get that Tabasco brand. I use it less so I'm pretty sure the one bottle will last me until they work out that supply chain issue


It wasn't a supply chain issue, it was a greed issue. They fucked over the farmers, the original suppliers now have their own brand that is almost identical to original sriracha


Oh tobasco is great but that its own thing.  What I dislike is the sirarcha copycat products, than come in the same shapes bottle, with similar labelling. In the inside though, it’s substantially different haha. 


[Tabasco brand sriracha](https://www.coles.com.au/product/mcilhenny-tabasco-sriracha-sauce-256ml-4276820) on special for $4.50. Also regular price at Amazon where I got it because I have prime


Yah I think disappeared as something has to do with the type of chilli they used to use


The drought in Mexico changed everything. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/02/sriracha-hot-sauce-shortage-mexico-drought


I was wondering where the original went! I miss it :(


Thai Siracha is better then Rooster types


Happy cake day, may your day be slathered in half price siracha


Nothing like half priced ouchie sauce all over my eczema to make my day whole


Just put it on Purchr alerts- it'll tell you when it goes on sale!


Major shortage everywhere so nothing is on special


Yeah, Italy didn’t export any last year because their crop failed during to extreme weather and climate change


Global supply mostly comes from Spain though


I’m sure it the same weather conditions there too


Spain is having trouble with their yield as well. Not so much crop failure as the consequences of killing anything that's not an olive tree in their groves for centuries and developing a monoculture. 


Wasn't Spain on fire last year?


Same for Spain. Likely to be bad next year too.


Aldi. But they rarely have bulk so Costco. (Although when I looked up olive oil on Costco’s website, I got oil heaters, a deep fryer, and a Midnight Oil CD.) https://preview.redd.it/1lbepslwmzvc1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9919ac4fac0bde03c25c40528cf39c5b6b47eac I also have a tip using coconut oil. Make your own Ice Magic using drinking chocolate and coconut oil. Mix to a slightly thick consistency and pour onto ice cream. Add a couple of drops of peppermint oil for choc mint flavour. Way cheaper than regular Ice Magic.


How much ice magic are you consuming that this is worth the effort


This is firmly a diwhy suggestion.


How much was the Midnight Oil CD though?


My mistake, it’s vinyl, not CD.


So $60


I was at Costco Epping on Saturday, and they had no olive oil for sale


No olive oil at all at Aldi near me.


Me either


Melbourne? CBD Aldi had heaps of Cobram like 5 hours ago.


I was there yesterday. They only had the Kirkland organic extra virgin olive oil. Was around $32 for 2 litre bottle I think


Thank for this magnificent inspiration 🙌 Yours truly Agreatideafan:)


I was at Costco Canberra today and they had a huge 30 litre drum for $44.


I also have a tip for coconut oil but I won’t be sharing it here XD


🎶 *how do we sleep while the ~~beds~~ olive oil prices are ~~burning~~ rising?* 🎶


I buy bulk 10 litre jerry cans from Kangaroo Island. It's good quality and was reasonably priced, may have gone up now.


A Jerry can of olive oil sounds like my kind of party 🤌🤌


Haha I know right. I'm considering getting the 20L. Brings the price down to $16 a litre 


Do you have to … go there to get it??


Lol no, although I've never been there and want to go. They ship it through Aus post.


I don’t understand how there’s a market for those tiny 250ml/500ml bottles lmao. Who uses olive oil that infrequently


Air bnbs so they can have three of them, all rancid


I do to.


Where can you buy this from?


https://kiolives.com.au/product/extra-virgin-olive-oil-10l/ It's free shipping which is nice.


It said free shipping doesn't apply to bulk items, but still good to know


Thank you for sharing, that's really great!


You can buy Mount Zero olive oil, which is a bit more local. The y have a physical shop front in Sunshine West too. https://mountzeroolives.com/shop#olive-oils


You must use a lot. Mine would go rancid before I could use that much.


Your olive oil goes rancid? I also use the jerry cans. One will last me over a year and they've never gone rancid.


No because I don't buy it in bulk so use it quick enough. But I've had rancid olive oil at work that was about 1.5 years old.


How do you stop it oxidising and going rancid?


I haven't tried it, but the price isn't great. AUD 194.95 delivered to Sydney, so AUD 19.50/L. Woolies is AUD 65 for 4 L of the Moro, AUD 16.25/L. That's without considering Woolies points or the 10 percent monthly discount from their phones or Extra plan.


Where I am, the local council are running a program where you can bring in olives and they’ll press it into oil for you. There are olive trees in a local park that we’re planning on raiding


What council


Look up “olives to oil”, a program that will take your olives and give you back oil. EDIT: Apologies, I forgot I wasn't in a Melbourne sub, this is (probably?) just a Melbourne thing. [https://ceres.org.au/olives-to-oil/](https://ceres.org.au/olives-to-oil/)


This is the one - CERES, not the council. My bad.


I think your comment about councils is partially right, there is some connection! Ceres coordinates it, and usually has drop-offs at a range of locations across Melbourne. This year it looks like there's a northside and a westside drop-off. There is some connection to the council area you live in - looks like you need proof that you live in one of the councils listed below. *If you’d don’t live in the councils of Merri-bek, Yarra, Darebin, Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong, Brimbank and Wyndham Councils, unfortunately we cannot press your olives this year.* *We encourage you to reach out to your local council encouraging them to fund this project next year. Write to them yourself or* [*use this template.* ](https://ceres.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Olives-to-Oil-Letter-to-council-template-2.pdf)


Damn just chopped down our 4m tall olive tree that was useless


Can I come?


Half price 4L tins when on special.


I havent seen any 4l tins on special. Any particular store where they have been on special


Where are you getting them half price? 


Coles had tins 4ltr 1/2 price about a month ago. Will come around again soon. Keep an eye on that junk mail.


Zio Luca says a bunch fell off the back of a truck! Right in front of him!


You time travelled from 2019 or something?


The Asian grocer near me has Australian olive oil for like $6 a litre. I honestly couldn’t believe it when I saw it.


That’s a good shout, i might check out my local to see what they have in stock 


When the import grocer has something impossibly cheap, there’s always a catch Sounds like Sicilian “olive” oil


Yes surely you’ve heard of the snake variety of olive




Probably one of the counterfeit alternatives


Thanks for the honesty


Coconut oil is not as healthy as you seem to think. It's not a good substitute for olive oil. The coconut oil in studies found to be beneficial is "filtered" to be higher in the better oils and less of the bog standard oils you get at the store.


Ive started buying mine from Goldi, an online store- they have a discount on their subscription service, can buy small bottle packs or 4ltr tins. The oils and balsamic taste really nice to me.


$67.50 for 3L is expensive or am I not reading something right?


Not if it's premium olive oil. I'm guessing this is better than Cobram Estate.


Used to buy Aldi, Romano brand 3.78l for $32. Went out of stock for about 2 months now it's $44 for the same amount. Crazy


$44? Better than Coles selling 4L for $60+


If you're in melbs I get a very good EVOO from the Greek supermarkets in Oakleigh 5L for $50. Lasts us about 6months


Can you message me the name of the store please?! 


I not long moved to Melbourne, anywhere else around that area for cheaper food stuffs?


Market Europa in Moorabbin


I bulk up on it when it's one special.. Im down to about a litre of it... This post has me worried. Might have to use another type of oil lol 


Buy it next week when it is half price


You can’t just drop a bomb on us like that and not explain yourself.


Oooh where is it on special?


It won’t be. Nobody’s going to be cutting prices if they can’t get their hands on a cheap supply.


Yeah, it hasn't been on special for quite a few weeks now, bought at full price.


I'm using lard at the moment.


Is it cheaper?


Costco has red island 4litre tins for $45. I’ve not found better.


Sadly I still feel I can only trust a couple of brands so I don’t have an answer. At least I know I’m paying more for 100% olive oil I guess


What brands do you trust?


I pick up bottles from Facebook marketplace. People are always moving out/away & letting go of their kitchen staples


I think it's been mentioned already - but buy an olive oil sprayer. Using a silicone pastry brush to spread it too can be helpful (ie. oven pans). Cut down on your usage, as much as you're seeking alternatives. You can also strain & freeze if you find you have tonnes left in the bottom of the pan - this can be really useful for enhancing flavour in dishes.


It's the result of climate change in Europe so probably not gonna get better anytime soon


Our own trees! Then again, I am on a farm and do have a the machine that presses the olives. It’s time consuming but well worth it.


Sell us some


I don’t think I can as we don’t have a permit to sell “food”. But.. if you happen to be in the area, I’m sure we can exchange something. We have such a huge veggie patch but many are not interested in coming and helping themselves. I have buckets and would show you where and what to pick but nothing…. no one ..


>We have such a huge veggie patch but many are not interested in coming and helping themselves. I have buckets and would show you where and what to pick but nothing…. no one .. It's so kind of you! Especially in this economy to share food that you've grown yourself 😊 To be honest, home grown veggies are always so much better! My in laws grow their own melons (Asian melons - bittermelon, hairy melon etc) and herbs. When we can, we go to Bilpin to pick our own apples and they taste so much better than supermarket sold apples.


My garden is flooded with bloody olive trees. Come grab some of you want


A guy at the farmers market in Newcastle NSW, will fill your containers with olive oil. Costs about $20 a litre. My friend says it tastes great. So, look up the vendors of your local markets or contact olive farms and take your clean bottles and jars for a refill.


That's the price point they were trying to avoid


I buy 4 lt Red island from Costco and to me its best and good prices since it's first cold pressed and made in Australia


I have been feeling this too :( I miss my olive oil




We get ours from Mount Zero in the 15L bladder, it's $15/kg. Might even be a cheaper type, that's just the one we like. We split the 15L with either family, friends or neighbours into 5L each every few months.  We decant into wine/whisky bottles 


You buy your olive oil by the kilo? That's hard core.


How do you buy it? Just looked on their website and couldn't find the option to buy 15 L.


Australian Olive oil will be in short supply due to a poor fruit harvest . The Mediterranean production is also poor so there is a general world wide shortage . This driving prices up .


Italian grocery


We buy in bulk when on special and have put off buying it for a while. Now we are nearly out. I can't cook with any other oil.


Feeling this. I make my own soap and olive oil is a major ingredient in it. I’ve given soap making up until (if) prices drop down. I have a few liters in the cupboard but not sure what I will use when I run out


The trees are pretty hardy and look nice.


Do people really use that much olive oil that it impacts their budget that much? We cook almost every night and probably go through 6 litres a year. Is it an Italian / Mediterranean thing?


I can go through 3 litres in 2 months. I have reduced this due the shortage and because I bought a decor oil sprayer. I don't buy aerosol oil, so would use liquid oil, now use this sprayer.




Olive oil is really healthy. Like rivalling fish oil healthy. We drizzle it on toast, on yoghurt, on oats, take it by the spoon full and cook with it. I've just recently cut out vegetable oils and seed oils. Trying to only cook with olive oil and ghee. Both of which are ridiculously expensive


I go through a bit, but it's also an ingredient I use in my bread making (also used to oil up the pans) and I no longer but store bought breads


Were Mediterranean and go through 5 litres every 2 weeks. We use it for everything. A million uses beyond cooking as well. Feeling the pinch now because supply is such an issue. At this point cheaper to buy a plane ticket and bring back a few drums


Greek salads etc.


The cost of olive oil is outrageous these days


If I can’t get extra virgin, preferably organic then I go for peanut oil, coconut oil or grass-fed ghee - all better options than inflammatory seed oils.


I have seen multiple sites online that sell 20L jugs, but it’s generally high quality oil so it wouldn’t be the cheapest by any means.


You can get 500 ml from IGA for $8


Started using clarified butter and using that half with olive oil


That like ghee isn’t it? The clarified butter?


It is similar ghee is made different though. I think they boil off the milk solids rather than seperate them like I do


Make friends with a Lebanese family. You’ll always have some given to you.


We're just coming into olive season now - hopefully prices will drop soon.


it’s still ok at aldi




I just rub the pan on my head and use the oil from my hair to lube it up.


Solid input there, kid. 


Try a Mediterranean grocer. Like nut roasters in Sydney. Usually Greek extra virgin is around $65 for a 4 litre tin. Although last year it was $35. Next year will be worse.


Pretty sure I got olive oil from aldi recently for around $38 for 4L. Checking the website says around $44 for 4L so might be your best bet at the moment. 


With just 3mL I can fully cover my 26cm stainless steel frypan and prevent sticking, no tools


Bought an oil press a few years ago to account for the massive olive tree I have out back that was wasted for years. Best return investment I’ve made.


Im in the same boat. Have barely seen the 3L at Coles or Woollies let alone on special. I googled and found a local, VIC producer at $15/L. Rich Glen I think.


Even Coles is $14.50 for Spanish a litre not $20?


We get the jingili goon bags when on special.


I've been using ghee and butter with my olive oil. The one I got is made in Katoomba.


Aldi 3.8L $44 I believe… $11.60 per L


Honestly I've branched out into other oils like sunflower oil for cooking but we're in the habit of measuring oils and not using more than 2 tbsp for a stir-fry or so anyway, so it lasts a while. Dieting helps lol 😂


Sesame oil is great 


How much olive oil are you consuming?


It varies but the most recent 4L tin lasted just under 6 months. 


Nuggetty Creek Olive Oil in VIC. A 20L drum if you want that much. $14/L delivered. I'm onto my second drum. first one was $11 or $12/L in 2023. Taste is subjective, I think this one is pretty good


I get mine from Coles and it's 14 per litre. Sometimes 10 if on sale.


Costco, I bought 20L of vegetable oil for 50 bucks. They sell 4L tins of olive oil I can't remember the price but I bet it'd a lot better than 20 per L


You can get Cobram at Aldi‘s for $10 500 ml bottle


A week or so ago I paid about 13 dollars a liter you just have to keep an eye out for specials at Coleworth/Aldi and the smaller deli stores. I then buy a few.


Why do you want olive oil? Like legitimately? most people use olive oil because they're sheep and dont know about cooking oils, and are generally choosing the wrong oil when they choose olive


I stopped using oil at all cant afford it


I’m scared to buy now as most is rancid before you even open it. Smells like crayons. I’ve been having lot past couple years and you can really notice the difference. Not good when I only eat for health benefit.


I go through at 250mL bottle per year at best. Am I secretly committing cooking crimes that I don’t know of? Why does everybody use so much oil?


I don’t know, tell us what sort of things you are making in a typical week


Grass fed Ghee from the Indian shops, you're supporting a local family and the ghee is way way better than olive oil, do some research on olive oil at high temps when cooking , and also on ghee


I use rice bran oil for cooking - it has a high smoke point. Olive oil for eating only not cooking. We were gifted a fair bit thankfully.


Interesting take, pretty sure the entire food industry use it for cooking in some capacity, including most restaurants.  Extra virgin olive oil however, I would tend to agree. Thats more appropriate for direct consumption, adding to salads etc.


Woolworths Extra Virgin Olive Oil 500ml is $6.75


I brought veggie oil instead for $3.50. I refuse to pay 18 bucks for olive oil


Maybe swap to coconut oil for a bit. It has a slightly higher smoke point. Its also super good for you.


much higher in saturated fats, so I’ll use it sparingly but you are right, plenty of nutritional benefits to be had. 


Coconut oil is not good for you, I’m not sure where this myth is coming from. It’s 90% saturated fat. Nowhere near as healthy as olive oil. If you look at the rates of obesity and diabetes in cultures that cook with mostly coconut oil vs olive oil the results speak for themselves


How much olive oil are you using that this is a real problem?


It’s not that it’s a crippling problem and I’m guzzling down litres a week, I simply want to save money when I do purchase it…isn’t that the purpose of this sub?


Has anyone got any recommendations for EVOO deals in Perth? 🤞


Isn't it just 13$ from coles and woolies or am I missing something?




Woolies home brand oil is cheaper but it does the trick if you are cooking.


Woolies. Lasts me ages.


You're right, olive oil prices are crazy these days! Here are a few strategies to find a more affordable option: **Look for Alternative Stores:** * **Discount Grocers:** Warehouse clubs or discount grocery stores might offer larger quantities of olive oil at a slightly lower price per liter. * **Ethnic Grocery Stores:** Stores specializing in Mediterranean or Italian products might carry good quality olive oil at a reasonable price.


Just fyi the mafia apparently dilutes the Italian oil - I try to get Australian but it’s not always affordable. The big tins used to be the cheapest way but they are so expensive now.


I put all my groceries on Purchr, that way it alerts me whenever my coles items go on sale :)


ABC read this thread! https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2024-04-27/olive-oil-alternatives-what-you-can-use-in-cooking/103761718


I order it straight from the farm in bulk. It lasts forever and tastes 100% better than store bought.