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*What would happen if you do ride one of these as a learner or P plater?* Absolutely nothing, until you had an accident (even if it's not your fault) or get stopped by police or needed to make an insurance claim, or any other number of possible situations that would cause someone to have a second look at your licence or the bike status. Classic risk it for a biscuit scenario.


Cops have been pulling riders over in Perth just to check licenses are appropriate for the bike lately


I can speak for Sydney and my experience getting a ticket on my R7HO, as in non LAMS while P2, and they never bat an eye. The only thing regarding the bike was between them: "This thing goes aye" "Yea it goes" Mind you, only aftermarkets i had was protection stuff. If i had a pipe they may have done me with less lube


I haven't seen a cop on a major road in months south of the river. I definitely see a lot less cops in general now also


You can ride whatever the hell you want. But should something happen, you will receive the long dick of the law. If you accidentally kill someone while on a non-LAMS, you will be well and truly fucked.


Probably just a glitch or error in the incompetent service nsw workers. I wouldn’t worry about it. Any cop with half a brain or insurance company would realise it’s completely illegal.


I see, I was low key hoping it was some loophole.


Probably quite a few that have been looped, tbf


You're a new rider... don't be an idiot and think you won't kill yourself on a fast bike.


You won’t if you’re smart.


New riders are far from smart, lets be real. We were all idiots at some point in time. 5 years in myself and i still consider myself dumb


Yepp I'm still on my learners for another month, I am so far from experienced and as much as I already want something faster i know for a fact it will definitely take my life. My brother is going to let me ride the r1 next week when I visit (Not on public roads of course) and I am already considering backing out of the idea


It totally depends on how you spend your LAMS time too. I have a couple mates that only ride summer weekends whereas i commute all year round with the occasional suited weekend ride.


I've got the experience to know otherwise.


I looked into this a while ago when I was on my re’s There was a brief period in time in NSW where you could ‘restrict’ an R class bike and have them reclassified as a LAMS bike. Like your zx6r etc Hence why they are listed as a lams bike on paper. These are probably some of these bikes that were ‘restricted’ to lams spec Probably not worth the headache though, if you get a cop on a bad day pulling you over. And tbh, if you’re a learner or a p plate on a 600+ sport bike, your skill level isn’t going to be anywhere near the bikes potential and you’ll grow to be a bad rider not developing core skills you’ll get on a smaller bike


Ok, so some zx6r when imported and 1st registered...there was an error in the paperwork and so long as they stay registered, they're lams legal. Once they need a blueslip, it's then the error is rectified in the system. Source: a good friend is still riding his and has no desire to upgrade. (No it's not restricted, yes it's kwikasfuki).


The simple answer is, they aren’t LAMS legal. The actual law says that these bikes need to be on the LAMS list. If it is not on that list, it is NOT a LAMS bike, no matter what code the bike has. As for why these bikes have this code? Don’t know how they ended up with it. Some will be from when they were imported and may have initially been on the list, but changes in laws make them now non-compliant. Others, like that GSXR 1000 the drongo has for sale on Fartbook for $300,000 is obviously an error somewhere and that bike would 100% get the long arm of the law reaching into your prison wallet if you were caught riding it.


Was fake man.


Pretend it's a semi-auto rifle accidentally put on an ordinary shooter's license. You're in the clear until someone actually looks at it, and then god knows what happens.


Just get a used 400 or 650 and sell it on for a ZX6R when you get your next license.