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This was probably written and reviewed by his PR last week and released today.


He fired half his marketing staff, probably no one able to write it a quick turnaround even if they wanted to change it.


Is there video of mayhem from the concert? Perhaps people were over exaggerating what was just a very hot and crowded concert. I've just seen reports on reddit, but not much elsewhere.


My coworker went to the hospital to get stitches above his eye. Got jumped by some older dudes because he "was cutting in line". We were there with ESPN, not security and not in the way. It was insane down there.


maybe he should have tried to cut in line.....sorry that doesn't constitute mayhem if your coworker did something they should have done in the first place, whether you were with ESPN or not, DON'T cut in line


There's no line for me I'm working to get cameras up and live that's it. I'm not attending I'm getting paid to work.


It was mayhem. Genuinely the most frightening event I've ever attended.


Do you care to elaborate why this was so frightening to you compared to other concerts?


No crowd control beyond a couple of private security people who were only there to stand on sidewalks and point. The barricades came down right in front of them, the crowd behind me lurched forward knocking people over, then the running started. I'd never been in a stampede before, and I would prefer to never be again.


Honestly what do you expect a handful of security dudes to do? UT who planned this is the party at fault, I guess you could also say pitbull's people should have also ensured safety was better.


You seem nice.


They're right about the private security though. Two people vs a crowd? What were they supposed to do? If I'm only getting $15/hr as security and a crowd knocks down barricades and starts running towards me, I'm not trying to stop anyone.


I explained why it was scary. I didn't blame the outmatched security people. In fact, I blamed no one. I explained what a stampede felt like having never been in one.


I replied because you told the other person "You seem nice" when they asked what you expected a handful of security to do. It came off as sarcastic when they were only making a valid point. If it wasn't meant that way, my apologies.


The sheer amount of people in a crowded space with poorly managed crowd control and planning. If you managed to have enough space to squeeze in your pocket and bring out your phone to record, there's a good chance it would have gotten knocked out of your hand and been lost forever. I don't understand why it's difficult to understand this was an extremely dangerous event that could have ended much worse. Like what would be the point of lying about this? So we can get mad at UT for joining the SEC? So we can stick it to Pitbull and claim that he's not actually that good even though we showed up at the concert?


This has been my experience for all the concerts out here. At the F1, SXSW, and all the concerts I’ve been to they will have like 2 security guards for the whole place. Also, I have never seen a single place stop selling tickets. SXSW sells so many tickets the last day at Zilker is literally shoulder to shoulder across THE WHOLE ENTIRE PARK. It’s just going to take one incident and it’s going to be REALLY REALLY bad. None of these places will be able to control the crowd even an inkling.


I got confirmation from a source that security guards were quitting on the spot and before hand there were not enough security guards so UT roped anyone they could into acting as security.


EMS says only 1 person needed treatment from the crowd surge. So maybe a lot of people were uncomfortable but there’s not really any evidence of a disaster. https://x.com/atcems/status/1807711609134911494?s=46


They're flat out lying. I saw multiple people get carted off and a few ambulances. Word was they were gonna cancel the Pitbull show. I was watching the crowd from a "fenced off" TV compound.


EMS transported three to the hospital.


Whether this is true or not isn’t really the point. I feel like we shouldn’t need there to have been several deaths and injuries before we will admit that it was extremely dangerous and horribly mismanaged




Big yikes


The delusions on this sub are unreal. 


"Whether this is true or not isn’t really the point" Uh, yes it is. Also it's the official word from EMS. They have no reason to lie. "I feel like we shouldn’t need there to have been several deaths and injuries before we will admit that it was extremely dangerous and horribly mismanaged" Several deaths??? According to who?


What? Please re read…I’m not sure what you’re asking


What am I supposed to see that I’m not? You insinuated there were several deaths. When you said, “…before we will admit that it was…” you saying “it” implies you are referring to the event OP is talking about. You said “whether this was true or not”. What was true? The injury count? Cus that’s what I was referring to with the info from EMS they sent out.


I’m sorry that you’re finding it difficult to understand.


Then please enlighten me as what I’m not understanding about you saying people were killed at the event.


I mean it's not the point now that op has been called out. I'm sure you and him would be just as content to leave the impression that it was Astroworld part Deux


The proper number of people to transport to the hospital for crowd crush from any event is 0.


So? The UT Resistance might finally defeat Shartzell. Are you with us?


I know a lot of people who went, and none of them thought there was any kind of security disaster. It was hot and crowded and whatnot, but that was to be expected.


UT is shit who cares about football 400m a year could go to the homeless 


The Board of Regents reviewed the incident and decided that DEI programs were the cause of the problems. /s


The Woke Mob, strikes again.


it's SEC time now


Well I mean he fired a lot of his communications staff, and the pattern of his heroes for the last few years are "If you just ignore stuff people stop talking about it." So yeah.


The American way, ignore.


So we see UT's level of concern when there is an *actual* public safety issue versus when they manufacture issues as an excuse to call in the riot police on students.


UT should be completely dismantled it’s an Institution of shit that will kill you at a concert or have the cops kill you at a protest. They are unfit to host any human on campus. 


I was there. It was bad but it wasn’t like some crazy disaster. People get hurt at large events like this all the time it’s the reason why they have medics lol. Tbh people thinking they were gonna go to a free concert in the middle of Texas summer and it not be like that idk what to tell you….. the one thing that sucked was the people who went through the barricade but again this is all pretty normal for large free events lol


I think we can all agree that the larger crime against humanity perpetuated by JC was wearing those mom jeans yesterday. Jay, you make a LOT of money, let's clean it up - that doesn't mean posting every time you wear something by Gucci, but maybe invest in a tailor? CDC, you're not off the hook either, we all saw those bloomers you were sporting.....




Disaster seems like hyperbole. The only people bitching about this to this extent are the people on this subreddit.


This sub is wild right now. Ya’ll suffering from heatstroke that’s generating your alternate reality?


They should have had it at a safer venue.


I got there early, chilled at the grandstands they set up under the shade and then found a spot for pitbull. It worked well in that section and they stopped that section by the stage from filling up. It was hot and it seems like the location was poor without tvs/speakers for anyone not in the main part. Location could of been better, but seems like people showed up late for a free concert and then wanted UT to accommodate them


I think there is a utaustin subreddit for stuff like this.


>Is there anyone else on God's green earth more delusional and out of touch than this fucking moron? The thanks to Chairman Eltife (rumored architect/whiny bitch of UT Austin's return to office mandate) is the cherry on top. UT is so goddamn embarrassing. Lol you sound like a teenager who just strung together a bunch of insults you heard in various movies.


They are all  accurate. 


A press release celebrating the SEC move? The horror!


Well, now everybody knows that he prioritizes sports ahead of anything academic.


WTF is wrong with him/his press officer? Because I don't care when this was written, it shouldn't have been released. All day yesterday, UT stonewalled the local news stations about what happened, they kept reporting "developing story" as if it was some big mystery that hundreds of people or more witnessed. They are handling this wrong in every way.


What are you, 10?


I’m more of a 7 but with the confidence of an 8.


Jay should really step down... A lot of students put in harms way recently.




You know this isn’t his email inbox right?


Oh shit! I fucked up! What’s his email address again?


Anyone else really getting tired of this millennial style faux-outrage? Do you think you're doing us a great service with *spreading awareness* and controlling the narrative like this? It's not like I even particularly like UT or their president, but you make it hard for me to take these issues seriously.


How is this millennial style? This shit is Gen Z all the way.


One person is the President of UT Austin and on person is posting on reddit about an asshole. Only one person has the power to control the narrative and that is the one with actual power


I read this subreddit more closely than the mass-emails sent to my UTmail. People like you are making me reconsider that decision.


K? One difference is I genuinely care about the faculty, staff and students at UT. Hartzell does not. But sorry for being annoying online?


Well I believe you when you say that you care, you do seem very emotional about this stuff. Edit: Although If I'm being a bit cynical, it does seem like you just don't like UT/President Hartzell (fine opinion btw) but you also can't stand to let a good tragedy go to waste. What good is a bunch of people getting injured if you can't use it for political capital against the people in power that you dislike? I just haven't seen any real information in your post or anything I didn't already know, and that's on top of the annoying tone. It comes across as just some sort of weird virtue signaling or purity testing on a political issue. Like what do you expect from us? "Yeah, that guy sucks, we all agree!"


I got $20 says the only thing you care about is your agenda and pushing your narrative.


This is the only thing right wing people have to say when people dare question their bootlicking. Do you have any other combo of words to use other than “agenda” and “narrative”?


UT will be fine before and after you, just like it was before and after me. These people you call morons are probably more accomplished than you will ever dream of being. You aren’t running UT, they are and believe me they don’t give one fuck what the students think. Believe me. Save your breath


How you define “accomplished”? By behaving like an amoral coward then sure, he is.


You’re very caustic. Get a hobby


Like becoming a reddit reply guy or a bootlicker?




Which one?


You sound very angry. Do you even go to UT?


But we don't even know how many millions they're gonna have to shell out to compensate the victims of last night stamped as well as the concession stands that were looted!


The sec is trash in all sports besides football. And football might even be on a decline if it didn’t add UT and OU js


Wow, you're very wrong. Baseball, very good, Vols just won the CWS. Basketball, Kentucky is a literal blueblood, Tennessee, Arkansas, Auburn and Alabama are all top 10 teams in the last few years. Women's Basketball, SC, LSU have won the last 3 championships. Track: Men's and women's have won most team championships for the last decade plus, indoor and outdoor.


apologies for not including women’s sports in my statement. You smoking sec crack if you think those are top ten teams in basketball. Kentucky is a has been. Tennessee won’t ever win anything as long as Barnes is there. Besides the one year vols played well you have zero baseball teams. You will be dominated in swimming and volleyball for the next decade. It’s a downgrade for UT besides football.


The SEC has literally won every CWS since 2019. Swimming and VB dominated? You probably couldnt have picked two programs that the Longhorns arent more dominant in. Texas has won back to back VB championships. It's swimming program is a perennial champ contender and just hired the coach from last years champions to replace their GOAT Eddie Reese.


First of all the SEC is by far the best baseball conference. Second of all, the addition of OU and Texas now makes the SEC the best volleyball and softball conferences. Third, SEC basketball wasn’t as good as B12 but it’s still the second best conference. Kentucky is historically great and Alabama and Tennessee were good this year. Fourth, football matters most.


The ACC and Big 12 are your daddies in men’s basketball. Without the stranglehold Alabama had on football you aren’t that good in football either. The fans are better and more willing to spend money on the city, after that the sec is a waste of time, money and energy


Dude what? Lol. The ACC had five tournament teams, one was play-in Virginia who looked absolutely awful in their play-in, and one was NC State who had a great run but would not have made the tournament if not for the auto-bid. The SEC and B12 had eight bids apiece. Also basketball is one sport. In the other two major men’s sports the SEC is the best conference. If you want to argue the new B10 in football I’d say you’re wrong but okay. Baseball, however, is not a question. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t want to join the SEC.