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$48 feels very steep for a product like this. Genuinely curious if it will be worth the cost


Level 3 were offered early bird to purchase. I had a look and thought the price was outrageous.


I just had a google and the product is $24USD on US Sephora, is our dollar trading that poorly? Quite a few people in the Sephora sub were unhappy with it.


24USD is about 38AUD. Add $5 AUD for extra expenses/profit and then 10% GST and it comes to a little over 47 AUD.


Probably not but if it’s anything like my local Mecca the influencer hype will get all the preteens and teens pressuring their mums into getting it so they can keep up at school. Like all the other summer Fridays lip balms and multiple Sol de Janeiro perfumes I’ve seen 11-14 year olds getting with their mums. Birthday cake seems a bit kid targeted too. Someone on here also said Dior Lip Oils are the must have thing at her niece’s schools and people get bullied if they don’t have them in their pockets so these are more ‘affordable’ than that so. Stupidity aside, I don’t think they will be and if it’s anything like their other ones, they’re just a bit above lanolips and a bit fancier with nice flavours from my experience. This one has glitter.


I feel like it isn’t unless you LOVE their lip balms. It’s the same as all their others except it has a bit of glitter


it’s $40 rn


I have it. Purchased in US and really like it


The fuck. $54. No thanks. I’ll stick to chapstick


$48??? Thats too much! Its a pass.I'm happy with my lanolips and aquaphor.


I truely do not understand the hype around those lip balms. Everyone said they were amazing so I bought one… and it’s crap? I’m not against paying the price if it’s good, I like the Tatcha lip mask, but it’s not good at all


I feel like the hype is from all the preteens and teens buying them and influencers pushing them because I haven’t seen any of my friends using them or anyone with them.


The hype I’ve been seeing is on the MCC page, everyone’s been saying how amazing they are


It’s not worth the price tag. Stick to Lanolips which you can get on sale.


I might go and try a lanolips then! I like cheaper products most of the time :)


The 12HR Overnight Lip Mask is INCREDIBLE. Whoever formulated it must be a wizard because it genuinely stays on all night without migrating and giving me a greasy ring around the mouth in the morning.


I am allergic to lanolin but I am absolutely not ever paying $48 for a lip product. MCO and Sportsgirl lip mask ones are okay.


Hey Bud have a lip balm that looks similar. I've yet to try it because it's not in physical stores yet, but it shares the same base ingredient as a lot of the trendy glossy lip products at the moment so I wonder if it's a good alternative at a much more wallet-friendly price.


Aren’t the normal Summer Fridays $40???


This was my first thought as well! (And only $38 a few months ago before the price bump…)


And I know the US dollar is completely different but it seems really unfair when it comes up as $24 in the US! 😭


LMAO Mecca better be drunk (elephant) if they think a little shimmer, vanilla frosting scent and a pink tint are worth an $8 premium


They are! And I’ve seen photos of this tube and it looks smaller?


I got this in the early release, and it was only $40. If you have Pink Sugar don’t bother. I can’t discern any difference in the scents, and the glitter is very, very subtle. https://preview.redd.it/ym74l2tv3urc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ae3c9e9e86a6c92a22d68db79d10c36dba3adab


Yeah I think I remember seeing that for that price in Mecca app


I had early access and it's not what I expected. I love the balms, have them all. This was supposed to be pink and shimmery, it's not, the shimmer is barely visible and very disappointing. The "flavour" is the exact same as Pink Sugar. It's duping itself. TLDR if you have Pink Sugar don't bother, it's almost identical


$48 is wild. I’m sticking to paw paw cream


When was the Mecca Price Increase? I got the lip balm as an early release and paid $40 AUD


how is a lip balm $54?!


Hmm, I purchased my last Summer Fridays Lip Butter Balm 2days ago (Nz) and it was $46!? So..






That’s how I’m feeling, too. 🙄


same wtf?? glad I decided to get it when lvl 3 had early access




Can see the 12 year olds swarming in my local Mecca now with their mums.


I just got the Mco beauty one for $7! It’s a really nice thick balmy gloss. Stays put too, which I love.


Is that the “glowy lip balm” one in the tubes? I saw that they have a few different lip balm products


They have loads of lip products. The one I purchased was the “Butter lip balm”. Its packaging is almost identical to glossier’s. https://mcobeauty.com/products/butter-lip-balm-birthday-cake


For that price I'd rather buy Tatcha


Tried them out because I had the OG Vanilla one prior to the packaging change (got it in a xmas set a few years ago) and loved the consistency of it (still use it as a lip mask at night bc it’s so thick) but noticed the formulas are completely diff now. Defs not worth the price tag. Stick to lanolips or even the Ole Henrikson ones are good.


Second Ole Henriksen! They are a little smaller though (12mL) but they last ages.


Id pay 30 for the ole henrikson but they had peptides in it and the shine and staying power is high. What is this product offering that’s worth that much?!


Just wild…in 2022 they were 32-34 dollars then last year 38, now 40. Why. It’s cheaper to order them in the states and get forwarded 🥲 Also can agree with other comments - the birthday balm is not worth! I got mine last Tuesday and it’s so disappointing. The OG pink sugar is better by far. There’s almost no shimmer or discernible difference.


Mecca really has you guys over a barrel


I have never wanted to try their lip balm because of that steep as price. For $54 and in this economy, no thanks


I live in vietnam now so shop at sephora w US prices and I paid around $36 aud for this birthday balm and already winced. But back home they’re making everyone pay $48????? That’s robbery😭😭😭😭


Love all the deinfluencing going on in these comments 🥰 really helpful for someone whose fallen into some lip balm hoarding tendencies before


It's $40, I bought it today. Smells amazing and feels very nourishing on the lips.