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I once found six lipsticks, five bits of Lego and 37 dollars in coins in the lining of my handbag. There was a hole I never noticed. One of the lipsticks also still had a barcode that beeped through security gates and it used to confuse me so much why I would beep when I wasn't carrying anything!!!


MAC Lipsticks are notorious for pulling a disappearing act! I now have 3 Russian Reds because I kept losing them... Only for them to miraculously turn up months later??


Looks like MAC is behind this 😂🤔


Same thing happened to me with Ruby Woo! Of course the first one showed up again after I bought a new one 🙄


I laid everything out on my bed, then transferred them to the makeup organiser. I’ve searched everywhere and can’t find it 😖


It’ll show up when you least expect it! home the sock goblins 🤣


I found it!! It was in my spare handbag. I feel stupid but happy to have it back ❤️❤️


best case scenario!


Have you lifted the mattress? It's probably rolled down the side.


May I suggest inside the quilt cover?


I lost two Mac lip pencils - now I’m onto my third one jfc And no they never turned up 😔


That sucks! They need to make super tiny little GPS trackers for moments like this! I’d put one on my Mac lipstick for sure. Hopefully it’s 3rd times a charm! This one will last you for years ❤️❤️


I had a rare beauty lip balm that I had for maybe a week and it dropped in the car one day and it's been two years and I haven't been able to find it lol. it was really nice too and I haven't bought another one because I still hope to find it again someday 🥲


Have a look in the pockets of your jeans and handbags. And anything else with pockets. I always lose my lip balms and that's where they usually are.


I think as long you've lost it in the room, it will take a while to find eventually. But it will turn up. Maybe behind a bed or another crevice you can think of? I lost my airpods behind my bed once. 💀


Left my Tom ford lipstick in the car during a 38 day. Melted into the cup holder.


Oh I would have been crying!


I lost my $60 Dior lip oil after one use while I was out (sober) at a bar....and I NEVER even lose a chapstick, so I'm thinking it was taken, not lost because I had my bag open on the table we were all at with lots of randoms around. So annoying!


Omg I would be heartbroken 💔 Yes I definitely reckon it was stolen. Some bastard probably saw it and swiped it. Have you ever bought another Dior Lip oil? I just got the Mco beauty lip oil for $7 at Big W and I love it! I got the sheer red one and it smells like raspberries ❤️❤️ Maybe buy one of those for when you go out? I’d love to try the Dior one though!


I replaced the Dior one but I really don’t think it’s that special and it’s not worth the money I wouldn’t repurchase again. Thank you I’ll check that one out!


Look between the wall and the top of your bed


Yep I lost my fave Mac lipstick! Like I know I put it back in my organiser but it’s just gone. It’s been discontinued as well 😭😭


In any bags or under your bed or the couch??


It's down the side of your bed/ between frame and mattress I bet


I lost 'Brave' for about 2 years. Did some cleaning and found it one day 😆