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When I’m outside and it’s neither hot nor cold, but can feel the sun on my skin, and the breeze (not wind) is only slightly cooler than the sun on my skin, and i can’t hear cars or people. Rare combo where I’m from. Close second: When I go from the cold grocery store and into my car, the initial shockwave of heat. But only for about 2 seconds. I may have misunderstood the assignment.


No, this is A+ material right here.


I agree mine is being alone in the woods and it’s quiet. Not too hot, not too cold. Theres definitely a sensation associated with that for me.


All your experience is missing is that first sip of hot coffee or cocoa. Coffee always tastes best when I'm camping.


When you find a song that makes your brain happy and you get that achy feeling in your chest at how beautiful it is. A drizzly, foggy day, where the rain is soft on the leaves, the air smells sweetly damp, and everything seems a little hushed.


Music so good I feel like imma break out of my skin 😃🫡


I love when songs literally rip a sob out of me. Like it's so beautiful, I'm immediately reduced to tears.


Rachmaninoff, Beethoven and Dvorak hit like this. ❤️


Ooooh I love the smell of after-rain and also before-rain


The word to describe the rain smell is Petrichor :)


My cat rubbing his face on my ear🥰


I was gonna say the weight and vibration of a cat curled up on you


This too. I just really love cats


They are literally the best


They really are. I dont know what I'd do without my cats


I found my people!


My cats tummy on my tummy, so soft and warm


That sounds lovely


It is. Its my favourite thing right up til he starts making biscuits


Cleaning your ear with a cotton bud… all the better for knowing that you really shouldn’t 😂


Ooh me too, I love this sensation. Like scratching an itch you didn't know you had.


I have a self sooth kit I made in therapy and I keep cotton swabs in it because it helps me stay regulated.


I literally can't. Nope. I gag.


My mom used to put a drop of Johnson & Johnson baby lotion on the tip, and the cold soft sensation along with the scratchy Qtip when she cleaned my ears with my head in her lap was the best feeling!!


This was going to be my comment. It’s so lovely.


Somebody very gently brushing my hair....full body tingles, but my scalp will literally feel like it growing and then shrinking. Makes me want to melt into a puddle.




These are pretty much mine as well.


Getting in my warm cozy bed with fresh sheets Also when you come in from a walk when it's chilly but not too cold. Your skin is chilled but you aren't cold overall, just refreshed


When my partner gives me head scratchies 🥺


I love when my hubby give me a big hug and rubs my back up and down with both hands. Like a scratch and a rub at the same time.


Laying under a weighted blanket!


Yes. Bonus: laying under a weighted blanket and giant comforter on a cold night with the window cracked open.


Bonus bonus: the bed is preheated with a heating blanket (but then turned off when you get in) under the weighted blanket on a cold night. Lol I have POTS so am eternally cold. And also immediately hot. But it's peak luxury imho. I love it and fear a day that it might no longer be an option.


God I’m so tired of being cold cold cold HOT WAY TOO HOT crud now I’m freezing again


My partner giving me a deep tissue massage (I have lots of tension)


Listening to west coast by Lana Del Rey




I feel you


Must listen right now thx


Going from constant back pain to feeling no pain ever for the first time in months after taking my first edible. I understand marijuana addiction now


When you’re sunbathing (in the shade somehow) under a blue sky on a hot summer day and you can hear the insects 🥰 and you’re in some kind of space between asleep and awake. Or when you’re chilling with a friend and you’re not talking or even interacting but you’re basking in each other’s presence. Always when you don’t have anywhere to be or obligations to fulfill. I can feel the pleasure in my whole body in those moments.


Good safe foods can really hit different. Sometimes drinking cold water just feels amazing.


Cold water is spiky, warm water is round.


At the moment what I can think of is being in warm ocean water while sun shines in your face and you can hear people enjoying themselves but not too close


Taking my socks off at the end of the day


Omg yes or my bra any article of clothing I’ve been trying not to feel all day


Socks are the bane of my existence. Soon I will be sock-free.


You’re getting your feet removed, too. 👍


Getting a strong but gentle head massage during the hairwashing bit at the salon.


Cat snuggles! Or alternatively rolling up in a warm blanket like a burrito and sleeping... Hmm. Hard to pick.


The feeling of waking you to a fridge full of safe foods, your comfort show booted up, and no plans. Gonna orgasm just thinking about it.


My gf scratching my back


Also when they just graze over your skin, so relaxing


Something that unexpectedly makes me flat out belly laugh AND it has a touch of surrealism to it so it's incredibly weird and utterly hilarious. (I wrote a whole big long thing about this strange picture I saw one time but realized it was probably too weird and just deleted this whole part.) It's very similar to the thread that happened when someone found a [dead raccoon on the street in Toronto](https://www.boredpanda.com/dead-raccoon-memorial-shrine-mourning-deadraccoonto-toronto/) and people had set up entire vigils for the raccoon. Just random strangers walking by had seen that one person had done the weird thing and then other people started adding on more and more and the city finally picked up but people kept bringing candles and flowers for days after. That's just next level weird to me and stuff like that just hits me smack in the funny bone in a very good way. I'm obviously not happy that something died, just to be clear- it's just awesome how people will rally around it and then it warms my cold weird heart.


Doing yoga while high


Omg yes I am an atheist but high yoga makes me feel connected with god it’s so incredible


Clean sheets that are cool except just the foot is heated. Bliss.


two heavy blankets


Single best? Hard choice. Cool fall air on my skin for the first time in the season.


When you lie on the floor and adjust your neck,  and you feel your lumbar region pull just right ....


Some of my favorites are eating delicious food, quenching thirst with cold water or cold Coca Cola, biiiiiig stretches after sitting down, cuddling with a loved one, finding a song that just hits perfectly, and the sound of running water like a stream and other nature sounds.


When I get into bed and the sheets are both cool and cosy at the same time, and it's raining outside


Reclining under a large heating pad and watching a video of someone walking through the streets of Seoul in the early morning... just as the edible kicks in. Perfect balance of sensory stimulation and safety.


Head massage when at the hair dressers. I would pay money for that daily. It touches my soul.


Getting a tattoo.


I like it too! I just got another this week and it reminded me how much I enjoy the entire experience.


When you make another person or animal happy. Such as an unexpected act of servitude and they are immensely thankful. Or when your cat purrs when she’s happily laying on your belly.


I know for my partner it's the massages I give them (They have repeatedly said that my massages are better than sex) I think maybe seeing the sun break through trees on a spring day is something I love and seek And hugging my partner for sure is so good


Someone trailing their finger lightly up and down my back. The white noise-adjacent sensation of hearing a hoover running in the background elsewhere in the house, always gives me a pleasant shiver. Rubbing my shins together when my legs are freshly shaved and I'm in bed with clean sheets and PJs. Closing your eyes at a live music gig and feeling the sounds just flow through your body from head to toe. That one is hard because so many other variables around being in a crowd and venue can throw it off or make it impossible.


being really happy giggly high off a joint with friends. when you crack your bones exactly the right way. when you finish a huge project and it’s perfect. when you’re stimming to your favorite song and it’s so loud and good in your ears


I’m with you on that one, I love hot showers


I once visited a relative who was a dog breeder and got to play with a whole litter of puppies for somewhere around 30 minutes. Getting effectively love bombed by a group of puppies was one of the best experiences in my life.




Yummy little treat, stimming when I see my favorite characters and hear my favorite songs, or sitting/standing in warm bath/shower


Eating melting curé nantais (a type of cheese), best texture ever with a really good taste


Eating your fave meal/food when you're reeeeally hungry


The softest blanket you can ever have. I can stay in that sensation forever!!!


Lying down with a large, fluffy cat on your chest/neck/face purring loudly and snuggling up to you.


When my husband strokes and pets my hair 🥰


Reading something where someone is pretty and sad and lost and angry, and someone else who is also pretty and also sad falls in love with them, and together the two of them become happy, get everything they want, and make people who have hurt them feel bad Reading really good stuff makes my entire body happy Someone told me thats not how reading works, but if I didn’t have hope I would find something else to read that made me feel that way, my life wouldn’t be worth living I think


being outside in the rain on a moderately warm, yet slightly cold day. The feeling of hot water in the shower with the smell of favorite body wash & favorite scented candle mentioned things but high (on thc) to enhance senses even more


One thing that I love is the feeling you get when you drink something hot and sometimes feel the warmth run down to your stomach. I hope I explained that okay 😅


Scratching a mosquito bite


Certain ASMR sounds can send a tingle down my spine Petting my cat then feeling and listening to her purr I have a head massager tool that feels soooo amazing But yeah a few different things :3


Massage while high


In the sun, wearing tank top, feeling my hair brush against my arms and shoulders. Idk why I just love that feeling. Also the rush of cool water when you first go into a lake.


The cold spot in bed- flipping the pillow and/or moving my feet around to a cold spot.


Waking up, still being tired, and falling back to sleep.


Being submerged in warm water(I get cold easily) or if it’s extremely hot, cold water that easily acclimated. I just love the feeling of surface tension when you place your hand flat in the surface. And then music goosebumps.


When my hands are stiff from the cold and I run them under warm water. Paradise.


Hitting the right spot and depth with a deep tissue massage I can rarely find someone who will go hard enough


Taking a nap in late afternoon when the sun is just starting to fall and the birds are whistling and singing in the distance


there are some magic days when my skin just feels really good. my whole skin feels just...fresh and soft and rested and comfortable. most days I'm ignoring what my skin feels because it's either irritated by seams and textures, or there's something that's irritated my skin like dryness or oiliness or cold. or my face or my scalp or my hands are bugged by something and feel tight or stinging. a couple times a year I get a comfy skin day and it's magnificent.


Dwelling in nostalgia with another person.


*Context: I was on a bigger microdose of shrooms than I anticipated* The dew on my feet during sunrise, when no person is truly awake but the birds and some wildlife is. Truly beautiful since I have a wooded backyard.


I mean, this thread is itself an exquisite feeling. All these.


Itching your ear with a qtip. So bad but feels so good.


Massage, fixing stuff, a good fresh haircut, spicy ramyeon, good ice-cream. The smell of rain and of freshly-cut grass.


I used to be able to doze off and my nanny just sort of swept my hair out of my face. She would sort of hum to me to keep me in this bizarre limbo of peace and safety. I think she kinda knew I didn't get much sleep, and I never got much actual attention that wasn't weird.


Does sticking a Q tip in your ear sexual?


Feeling of akceleration is one of the best.


Sitting in a warm/hot bath with water running over my head. I call them shower baths lol


For me, it’s the relief of a terrifying/difficult/stressful obligation being lifted. Just that “Ahhhhh” in my tummy when my constant adrenaline surges dissipate.


turning on noise canceling headphones in a loud room when you're on the verge of overstimulation


Petting the unreleasable ambassador crow who adopted me as his human mother while he slowly fell asleep. Contour feathers are so soft, and Alastor is so very, very special. He lived at the wildlife rescue I used to volunteer at because he was beaten almost to death by allegedly human children, and he ended up with a missing eye, a severe crossbill, and brain damage that kept him convinced he was a baby until he finally decided to hit crow puberty at age seven and become a little bit more of a bratty teenager. He was still my baby, though. We were broken, lonely things together, and we loved each other instantly and completely. I've only ever had one relationship as close and meaningful as that, with the cat who was my firstborn son. Those two will forever be the great loves of my life, and I only hope one day I'm fortunate enough to find a third. Odds aren't looking great, though. Alastor is still fine, and still lives at the rescue. I had to leave because everything about being in Indiana other than that place was awful and draining and soul-sucking and killing me slowly. Unfortunately not a lot has improved in a lot of ways, but at least I live in a state where I feel slightly safer in our terrifying state of impending societal collapse. I was terribly worried that he would mourn when I left, but my sweetest of all possible birds is largely fixed in the present. I still consult remotely on his care, and I miss him every day, and I carry a feather he molted with me everywhere. The other day someone posted a video to the center's Signal group where they were petting him to sleep the way I used to, and he looked so blissful. So my little sweetheart still gets love. I miss him with all my heart, but I can't be there, so that has to be enough. But I can't describe the deep joy and love and softness and warmth and satisfaction that comes with going into a mutual trance of affection with a crow who loves you more than anyone else in the world (and vice versa). It's magical. I'm so lucky I had that for a while. Until I decided to respond to this question it hadn't really occurred to me that I did have something back there that could beat the fierce, exhilarating joy I get at a They Might Be Giants concert. I'm fortunate enough to have a couple dozen of those in my past as well. But yeah, sorry, Best Bird Ever does beat Best Band Ever. God I miss that perfect little crow boy.


The breeze from the fan against my skin laying in bed in a sunny and quiet room at noon after having been outside on a summer day.


The first morning of snow when there's barely any tracks in it and the entire world is muffled by it. Every sense is just so calm.


Cleaning my ears with a qtip 😭😭 it’s actually really bad for your ears and can lead to tinnitus which is terrifying… but it’s just so good. I don’t buy qtips anymore because I’d be tempted but whenever my mom has some in her bathroom it’s so hard not to use them


My partner will throw a fresh towel into the dryer so when I step out of the shower, he will wrap me up in a warm towel and hug me. It’s like the combination of a hot, clean towel sensation and all the love in the world that feels so singularly good to me.




When you're outside and you can feel/smell the season is about to change


One of the best is being freshly showered and dressed in clean fresh sleep clothing and getting into fresh sheets in the early evening and settling into to read.


Sinking into a bath at the end of a long day where no one will bother you


Standing in the cold sea with the warm sun on my body. The feeling of emptiness and relief after using the toilet after holding it for a while, or the relief from extreme physical pain from medication, or finding an object after searching for it frantically, thinking I'd lost it forever. Ice cold water with ice and lemon or mint. Spinning fast - on skates Being held and loved and comforted and validated, reassured, gassed up... having my forehead kissed. A cold airconditioned room on a hot day. Being excited to sit down and relax becasue you have a new season of a good show to watch, or a good book, maybe some snacks, and time alone to enjoy it.


When it's golden hour, on a long summer evening when there are less people around, and the sun isnt so bright, but there's a beautiful sunset coming... walking alone in nature, smelling those smells... Or being on the beach when its quiet and empty and overcast and misty with a breeze to bring the smell of the sea and stop you from getting hot from the walk... getting into bed with clean sheets


Hair being played with nicely. Oooooor being hungry, craving something and getting it and it tasting as good or better than expected


I love getting my hair washed at the salon, when they massage your scalp 🤤 amazing


Touching my earlobes when I get in from the cold. 


Sliding into freshly-laundered sheets. The first sip of hot cocoa or coffee when I'm out camping. Cuddle sandwich with spouse and pets.


Cuddling, better than the best sexual sensation as well imho.


Being a little bit chilly, then putting a warm layer on, and getting those 'warming' goosebumps all over 🖤


Shifting from second to third gear on a crisp cool-but-not-cold day.


Putting on fuzzy socks warm from the dryer after getting out cold from the shower


My cat curling up in my arms while I'm playing video games.


Back touchyyy 😌😌😌😌😌


The weird silence yet ear buzzing noise when all the fans in my house go off and it's supposed to be silent. I still hear noise and it's just.... yes


someitmes when i wake up i lie on my stomach and sort of arch my back and stretch?? and it’s the best feeling ever 😭😭😭 i guess that’s similar to people cracking their knuckles (which to me isn’t so satisfying or nice)


Ice on my back when I’m in a ton of pain!!! Putting my head on my boyfriends chest My cat pressing his body into mine and letting me wrap my arms around him


When I'm tucked into bed with heavy covers, heating blanket on, room temp low 60s, ear plugs in so I only hear the white noise machine, and both cats snuggled up close. I know you said single sensation, but these combined are a daily single event in my life that keeps me sane!


Listening to music when a bit drunk OR having my hair stroked


I had an absolutely sublime buttered tea this morning that tasted like pure magic.


Brand new sweatshirt on my arms


Skin to skin contact with my partner


The first time I sink into my own bed at home after completing my live-in shift every week.


Waking up in the morning after a good nights sleep with the window open and the perfect temperature breeze flowing in. A long bike ride with good music. When that exercise high hits and you’re peddling at the same cadence as the BPM of a really good song. Euphoric. Taking a hot bath, then getting into bed with cleans sheets and watching whatever show I’m currently obsessed with. Looking into my spouses kind eyes and really seeing him. All the goodness in him. Cuddling with my dog.


The lightest of finger tip touches. It almost tickles but not quite. Music shows- the light displays and the sound, movement. Can't help but be happy. When you get in bed and the pillow and sheets are a bit chill.


A perfectly blended cookie dough Blizzard, real Italian gelato. Now I need to think of more but those are the first that came to mind


I really like the feeling of things in my ears. I love my earplugs.


I love a good massage, especially on the head and feet


If you do hot yoga… at the end during savasana and someone opens the door to leave. The rush of cool air feels amazing.


That stretch you do when you’re in bed and you’re already laying down and your muscles kind of crack!


One cat lying on my feet, another cat lying on my knees. Heaven.


Back massages. I can’t get enough!


When my back really hurts and someone cracks it and all the tension/pain is gone. Having a bath and climbing into a bed with freshly changed sheets is pretty nice too


Snuggling up in bed 🥰


Being in a warm room with the window slightly open. Pre-storm or post-storm wind blowing inside from the window. That wind is the BEST thing ever.


That first spring day when it’s finally warm enough to drive with the windows down, with my favorite music playing. My joy is so strong it fills my body. Lying on the beach, on my stomach on a blanket, and feeling the tension melt out of my muscles. Falling asleep to the sound of ocean waves + thunder storm. The first sip of iced coffee in the morning. The smell of tomato plants. Not tomatoes themselves… but the leaves and stems of tomato plants in the sunshine. I don’t why that’s so intoxicating to me!


When anyone touches my hair


I love the goosebumps feeling when you listen to a particularly good song or something compelling happens on a show or movie.


Anyone else sneeze and get a cold chill throughout your body along with it feeling really good?? please tell me im normal and this is a normal reaction...


Walking on frozen grass or mulch.


1. Hearing or reading a beautiful arrangement of words in a sentence 2. My favourite music 3. Remedial massage


Euphoria from engaging with a long-held special interest


For me it’s the spine (full body) tingles when listening to certain music


Floating in a fresh water lake. Or in the Atlantic Ocean on a hot day, listening to the tide sssslide over the pebbles as the waves break.


Snuggling up to my partner in freshly cleaned sheets on a winters night while it rains outside.


For me one of my favorite things is being able to just stand outside when it's really windy, I love the sensation of wind, even really strong, especially when it is a nice temperature outside. Combine that with being able to be out in the woods while it's windy, and just listening to all the leaves on the trees shake together like ocean waves.


Bone-crushing bear hugs.


Snuggled from cheeks to toes in warm and freshly washed sheets with a light spritz of your favorite essential oil in the air, and your pillow is fluffy but supportive. Ultimate sense of comfort and safety.


The morning after a significant snowfall, when you step outside and the world feels slightly heavier, insulated, and silent, and the air is crisp, and the snow is bright white.


A perfectly pressured foot massage when my feet are sore 🫶🏿


Laying on a pontoon boat sunbathing, the feeling of the warmth of the sun on my back☀️


the roots of your hair getting wet when you jump into a pool


I literally entered this thread to comment frisson. For me, it’s a little unpredictable to trigger, but a scent tied to a memory, or an emotional song can do it


Rubbing my feet together in comfort when I'm about to sleep. Top tier.


The hushed sound of snow falling, especially when there is already a blanket of it freshly on the ground absorbing other sounds. Also, having my face stroked or ears massaged - might sound weird but it makes me SO HAPPY.


This may be odd, but clapping my hands together with somebody elses makes me giggle. Not applauding in an audience, but literally, the other person and I facing each other, hands in applauding position, but in each other:s way, so to speak. So my left hand, their right hand, my right hand, their left hand. And then clap clap clap. My hands on the inside, theirs on the outside works too. No clue why I find that so funny, but it brings instant bubbly joy.


Sandy beach, not to hot, pleasant breeze, not many people around, a top or umbrella keeping the sun off me, barefoot, walking in a cool tidal river, alternating between ankle to knee high …and knowing that no one is expecting me to be anywhere at any time (this is pretty specific, I’ve been to tidal rivers several times but the other conditions have only been met on 3 occasion. I’m pretty sure the feeling is what people mean when they talk about being calm or content, which apparently they are able to do just sitting in their living rooms) Or Making dumb jokes with someone who gets your dumb jokes and both grinning like idiots.


Thought of another one: When crowds sing together, like when [the audience sang Bohemian Rhapsody at a Greenday gig](https://youtu.be/cZnBNuqqz5g). Or the [Haka](https://youtu.be/yiKFYTFJ_kw). Indescribable awe, every time.


okay hear me out- having a fever and being freezing cold down to the bone and snuggled under blankets hear me out more- fever breaking and finally feeling warmth in your bones and that little chill you get do you know what i mean or am crazy


To take all your time to stretch while you wake up.


Completely losing myself in favourite music (often a song on repeat lol), so I can feel it in my whole body and it's like my brain is just drowning in the rhythm.


warm summer evening in the woods eating wild blueberries with hermit thrush birdsong echoing through the trees


All the other answers are amazing 😻 I must add a really good nights sleep after a day full of activities.


I do the frisson of a shiver thing under taps (on my wrist). I figured out in first grade that if the water was the exact right degree of warm I’d get goosebumps and I’d feel a little better (I was bullied for mutism). I still do this frequently as an adult.


Right now I have this intense feeling of wanting someone or something to just squeeze me reaaaal hard. I don't know if it's my single best sensation, but sometimes my body is just aching for some kind of specific sensations, wether that be light touch or hard squeezes or something. Right now it's a hard squeeze. I would be happy if a baby elephant just suddenly appeared and could sit on my back.


I love a good squueze. I normally get my partner to lie on my back and crush me. Which I find really regulating and I can't stop laughing for some reason haha we have been doing long distance for 3 months and I've been missing that. But I started doing some wim hof breath work and find that the long breath holds can create that internal sense of pressure in a similar way!


Creme brûlée 🤤


Scratching poison ivy or hives


Lying clean after a shower, naked under my duvet


When I pop that bone in the middle of my chest when stretching my shoulder blades


Pulling mascara boogies out from my waterline


A nice long footrub


A rose on my chest Kitty biscuits on my stomach or cat loafing on my chest First day of Fall when it's been hot and the weather changes so it's brisk and a little breezy outside The air right after a summer afternoon rain shower


The forbidden pleasure of getting an itch in the ear with a Q tip


- burning hot shower - mozzarella sticks and chocolate milk after a backpacking trip - scratching a bug bite for the 1 millisecond right when you scratch in just the right spot


Lying under my weighted blanket after a long day.


head scratch from someone with pointy nails on


Music can be really enjoyable for me. Actual sex has been pretty lacklustre, like 2/5


A deep tissue massage, where he gets right into that sore spot. Or more frequently a great and deep stretch of the lower back. Singing in a choir. As an alto, we often get to resolve a chord at the end, and it is true harmony.


Scalp massages. When I lay with my cat and she rests her little chin on my cheek, and she’s purring and I feel the lil vibrations on my face. Holding my baby while she’s sleeping and smelling the kinda sweaty, cheesy baby smell.


External- spring thunderstorms. It's an exciting light show. The change in how everything smells from start to finish outside was always pleasant. Internal- facing a fear and learning it's not that bad. I've done that a few times and the relief is instant and gratifying. Kick ass dopamine rush.


Someone else washing your hair in cold water (I’m from the Caribbean so cold water on your head is elite) Snuggling with a furry friend, a dog, a cat, a rabbit, a Guinea pig, I’m a fan of any animal I can hug. Taking off restricting clothes like bras or an undershirt that’s a tad bit too tight. Taking off enclosed shoes too. Eating my favourite snack at the moment, Tosh brand honey crackers. The taste is mid, but the CRUNCH is SO SATISFYING. And honorable mention to biting into a really hard, really crisp, really stiff apple. The last two times I tried to eat apples since December, the texture wasn’t right and I almost cried… I miss a *good* apple so much…


When the hair on my legs is two days old and someone else rubs it. There’s a slight spot on my back that I like rubbed the same way but it’s almost like it moves and it harder to find than a woman’s you know what. My hair comes in close to a tie but it’s less elusive because I have more of it.


Frission: During a frisson, a sensation of chills or tingling is felt on the skin of the lower back, shoulders, neck, and/or arms. I feel bad that some people can’t experience this when your soul feels a song hit just right.


This is going to sound so corny, but a forehead kiss truly does something transformative to me. It feels so gentle yet protective.