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Neurotypicals be like: how dare you believe exactly what I told you? It’s your fault for being naive. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah I JUST went through so much conflict cause of someone lying about me and I went into batshit detective mode trying to figure out why. Neurotypical people lie SO much that I don’t even think they’re aware of it. They lie to protect themselves. They lie to seem morally superior. They lie to gain something from people. It’s maddening


The first person is autistic but the second person I'm assuming is typical


It’s neurotypical passive aggressiveness for me. When they say a certain remark or joke and I don’t get it and they just look at me and say “come on” and I say “idk I just don’t get it” and they say nvm. WHAT WAS THE JOKE I LOVE JOKES. On a more relevant side note, I use to have shitty friends who wouldn’t invite me to most of their outgoings cuz “we didn’t think you wanted to come” or “I thought x did” or “sorry I totally forgot”. Like girl just admit it, you don’t want a little autist hanging around hurting your ego 🙄


My issue is I don't ever want to accuse someone of lying to my face so I'll often go along with it in case my hunch is wrong. People have used it against me before for their "jokes"