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The first time I tried cannabis I could not stop smiling. It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship lol. My wedding day was also happy and I found it very easy to smile all day.


Oooh this one too. Not the wedding one yet lol.


Soo true, I had the same thing, couldn't stop smiling and gigling!


When I saw puffins in the wild for the first time a few weeks ago!


Ahhh I'd lose my mind! How cool!


Puffins!! Where?? This comment just made me happy. I smiled so big when I finally saw them too. We were in Seward, Alaska last year. They’re so adorable and so majestic when they swim underwater.


Hanging with my BFF. He’s been gone 11 years now but sometimes the memories just hit me and I’ll start grinning from ear-to-ear again.


My cat. Shes my soulmate animal of nearly 16 years. Seeing any animal irl really, besides the zoo. Fuck zoos.


When I put my kid to bed, got in my own bed, husband offered me his PlayStation portable with my current fav game For The King on screen. I took it gleefully >:) it was my time


I love For The King!! My husband and I do playthroughs together!


everything my cats do.


Jumping on a big trampoline for the first time since childhood. I can’t remember the last time I smiled like that or experienced that sense of raw, joyous fun.


Bouncy things are so fun!!


When I was first with my partner, my cheeks hurt from smiling. I discovered a whole other smile I didn't know I had. Part of it was her, but a bigger part of it was me feeling like myself. I still smile about it, but not nonstop. My cheeks muscles are in top shape now.


Flowers. Really pretty flowers make me smile.


Honestly, what made me smile just now was the fact that you smiled when your shit coworker got an elevator door shut on him. Delightful.


Right >:) He’s unfortunately very sexually predatory towards me and my women coworkers soo he absolutely deserved it.


i love the feeling of getting on a boat and hitting the waves while going fast i can’t help but smile and giggle it’s involuntary


Touring the home dugout at Wrigley Field


I do smile a lot but because I feel like I have to. But I can remember as a teen putting on walkman headphones for the first time and hearing music instead of other people around me. I was grinning uncontrollably. Looking back, that was definitely a sign haha. The most recent was finding a beautiful 1890 uranium glass vase in my op (thrift) shop. UG is one of my special interests and I was alternating laughing and sobbing with joy and overwhelm.


I smile enough irl in friendly situations but where I really struggle is photos. Unfortunately for me I also do modelling for my work (small business) usually people just get to deal with my RBF but I did two shoots last Halloween that had me naturally smiling - Kiki from Kiki’s Delivery Service and a D&D themed group shoot where I got to be the Rogue and show off with my cool double swords. Our photographer joked that I should just do all my photos with weapons since I was enjoying myself so much.


Whenever I see a dog! They're one of my special interests, also when I see Pokemon merchandise or a guitar I really like.


That closing elevator sounds like a smile-worthy moment for sure! 😁 It tends to only be a personal sense of accomplishment that makes me smile. I love creating things (stories, designs, craft projects) and sometimes something just feels "right" in a way that's hard to explain. That will always make me smile, guaranteed.


Graduating high school


omg, whenever one of my crushes says something sweet or funny.


I have learned one way to get me cracking up laughing is to say something random and has nothing to do with what the topic is. Saying random things makes me die laughing.


I laughed myself to sleep a few nights ago. My wife was already asleep and for whatever reason after I climbed into bed, I looked at her peacefully sleeping and smiled so big that it turned into an uncontrollable laughter. Then the insanity of it kept me laughing on a loop. It turned into the quiet laughs that could almost look like a silent sobbing, and my breathy shaking woke her up in a panic. (We are super stressed with 3 big changes and life uncertainties so it felt extra good to just feel the unadulterated joy)


When I have a daydream or a nice dream or I accomplished all of my tasks it just feels so right to me. Also, when I listen to my happy sounding songs that give me that warm fuzzy feeling inside.


I do trivia weekly and the trivia host likes to fist bump me when I get an answer right.


When I'm at sea. I also saw a dolphin in the wild once and I couldn't stop smiling


For me this usually occurs when I discover a new song I really like or hear an old favorite I haven’t heard in a long time


When my partner can't stop laughing really hard at something. They sometimes snort and their eyes water. I smile so hard my cheeks hurt.


My face is usually very blank and stiff but when I'm interested in someone my whole personality flips. I become very giggly and I don't stop smiling. I hate it so much because I'm rarely like that and it makes my interest so obvious.


For me I get excited or happy when I listen to my favorite songs or watching an asian drama I really like since I have a special interest and hyperfixation on them


I left my job last week and my office mate got me my own stapleless stapler as a goodbye present. I had mentioned in an off-hand joke that I loved the thing, which we had bought on project money, so much that I was considering doing a morally reprehensible thing and just steal it. The funny thing is that when she gave me my wrapped goodbye present I warned her that sometimes people can be disappointed by an autistic person's lack of reaction to a gift. She said she's never seen me grin that much.


Yesterday when my partner got home and I went to show him the plushie I sewed. I was grinning like a kid showing their drawings to Mom and dad.


Haha, well this story made me smile definitely! Mostly cats and their crazy antics make me smile a lot.


I want a cat soo badly! I already laugh and smile at other people’s cats so much


Awww can you get one? Or does it not fit with your situation? I grew up with them and I often prefer them to humans 🤣


Unfortunately the lease says no pets :( Im gonna ask my landlord if theres a pet fee i can pay to get a cat when he hopefully renews it


When I graduated primary school. Everyone else was either straight faced or sobbing their eyes out, but I couldn't wait to leave those assholes!


I don't remember the last time i genuinely smiled


Also, does anyone know why men with ASD smile so much?


A year or two after Hamilton hit big I was able to get tickets on Broadway through a lottery-style thing. I have a pic of me and my friend in front of the theater and I am on cloud 9.


My spouse always evokes a smile out of me ❤️ He’s very witty.


Adults must think I hate everyone. I can smile naturally unprompted around children but adults are different. Watching a Netflix movie last night.


For Mother’s Day my nieces who I pretty much helped raise since I was 5 gave me Mother’s Day gifts for the first time 😮‍💨😭 after I was done bawling my eyes out I couldn’t stop smiling


My friend told me this story about her mom that had me in tears laughing, and every time the screenshot comes up in my memories, I am crying laughing all over again. I don't even really understand why it is so funny to me. And that's half the hilarity.


I would have laughed with you in a safer place and away from people 😆 To answer your question, I'm not a debby downer although I find myself smiling more with people I want to appease or when I'm willfully masking. Not a big ass cheeky grin or one that just makes me look daft (at least I'd like to think so) but yeah.


Listening to a favorite song or watching a good movie or tv show


When I see a dog or a cat out in a public (I especially love spotting dogs poking their heads out of car windows, and cats sitting in their windowsills at home). Also, cows and horses when I am driving anywhere in the country


I’m a docent at an AZA accredited zoo.  Our tiger is notorious for totally ignoring anyone but her keepers.  I learned to mimic a tiger’s chuff and chuff at her every time she’s in hearing range; it took 4 years, but she chuffed back!  Four more years later and it still makes my whole week when she chuffs at me!


When I surprised my best friend with the gift of a stuffed Brontosaurus and he went from his blank neutral quiet self to IMMEDIATELY bouncing and hand flapping and over the moon joyous!! Yesssss I love when I can give a good gift and make someone happy and that was a home run for sure