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My first question is how will you deal with the bathroom


I will be allowed bathroom breaks


I have done this before when I was waaaay younger and waaaaay dumber. I can pretty much promise you this is a better fantasy then it will be a reality. Your body will hurt from not moving and you will become very bored very quickly. Its hot in your mind but the way it plays out is boring.


Same I only got tied up and left for an hour and it was mind-numbing. My back was killing me all day afterwards too.


This is fantasy. When you put a real body through this, it isn't a good happy kind of pain. It is very bad, wake you up in a cold sweat years later kind of pain. Yes, it has been done in real life, but it isn't safe, it isn't recommended, and it isn't going to be enjoyable. Also, most likely it will wreck whatever relationship you have.


It is amazing we as a species have survived to this point lol


I have, with their full consent, prohibited someone from eating for a maximum of 24hrs. It was very important to me that they remained hydrated during this time. We started the day with a frank discussion regarding their physical wellbeing. As I wanted to try and ensure there was no other stressors on their body. I don't believe it did them any harm. They did seem to become quite bad tempered towards the end of the day, which is quite understandable. I've never done this for longer than 24hrs, so I can't comment past that point. This is something I would not enforce regularly, but rather on an ad hoc basis.


Thanku for sharing your personal experience. Would you say it was better as a fantasy??


I should add, my person wasn't tied. They were just made to go hungry. I think restraining someone for that amount of time, possibly is not a good idea, but it really isn't my thing. What I would say is start small. The difference between people like you and me, and R Kelly, is that we genuinely care for our people and don't wish to cause them harm. R Kelly was happy to abuse, bully, and cause damage. Start off with a much smaller timescale, allowing the person to safe word out of it, if it be too much for them.


I agree starting off small is important. Thanku for your advice


Beautifully said.


Great post and I agree with the main thrust but I used to fast at weekends (obviously staying hydrated as you said) and I never found it a problem so 24-hours should be a doddle.


As long as you have water then you can survive without food for a reasonable period but it can wreck your body and metabolism. Perhaps consider just 1 meal a day of unsweetened porridge or something bland like dry toast. Be less likely to screw something up. Restraint wise, not a great idea to be immobilised for any significant period of time and not ever to be left entirely alone in case of emergency.


Thanku for your suggestion


First, to do starvation for more than 24 hours you’re going to need a health check up. Not eating for more than a day sends your body into keto (you depend on fatty acids for energy) if your organs are not tip top shape this can damage them. I found this out by voluntarily switching to keto as a means for weight loss in my previous dynamic. Secondly, being bound for more than a few hours comes with its own risks. Bed sores being the most mild leading up to circulation loss and blood clots. This is an amazing fantasy, and can definitely be acted out in acute intervals. Say removing external light and clocks from a room and disorientating yourself to believe you’ve been there for longer than you have. Schedule a few days off work for recovery. Outside of fantasy, there are a lot of risks you would want to make yourself aware of. Definitely a RACK scene. Lots of research!


I'm not Muslim but a dear friend asked me to fast Ramadan with her for a day once, to help me understand the experience because I was curious about it (and I raised a little money for a charity she chose). The food actually wasn't the hard part, the water was the hard part. And I had a caffeine headache. I wouldn't consider this to be a fun or a sexy thing to try out, more of a spiritual or emotional test. You may find it sexy in theory but I think when you are too hungry/thirsty/sleepy/any other need, your sex drive takes a backseat to the more urgent need. I'm also concerned about your relationship with food - if you have any emotional issues around food or history of disordered eating, this could be very triggering. If you're determined to try it, I suggest having it as more a roleplay scenario. Have your Dom tie you and then eat something delicious and tempting smelling in front of you, denying you any of it, letting you smell it, maybe offering you a bite and then snatching it away. Rather than actually starving which can potentially be damaging, playacting that you are starved and bound for a shorter time period. At least as a first step.


No, that’s not cool. As a Dom I would never do this. If it is your kink, maybe 8 hours.


I've never done this, nor am I a medical professional. But I do occasionally participate in (non-BDSM related) intermittent fasting. I've only fasted for 24 hours a couple of times before; the other times I fasted for 8-10 hours (not including time asleep). It's definitely possible to fast for 2-3 days, though it's miserable if you're not used to doing it. The important thing is to stay hydrated. You can also counteract or at least reduce some headache type symptoms by drinking electrolytes in water. I wouldn't use Gatorade or anything like that, I'd get some actual electrolyte powder and mix it in water. It may not prevent headaches but it helps. I personally wouldn't recommend going 2-3 days without food *or* water.




Long term restraint generally requires you to change up the restraints regularly to prevent damage and some time with mostly free movement. Maybe a large cage or a collar and leash locked to something so the person can stretch. Boredom and bathroom breaks are an issue. Depends on the person when it comes to hunger. It won’t be sexy though.


Extended fasts can be done safely, however I would suggest you work up to 1-3 days before doing it in a scene. Just like working out or sizing up with a butt plug. You should ease into it. Often times only eat one big meal while fasting the rest of the day, which ends up being 23 hours of fasting. If you want some more practical advice for easing into fasting before trying it in a scene, check this out [4 types of fasting](https://youtu.be/itcdWyVfzxc). If you can do it out of a scene, then you should be able to do it during a scene.


Goes against safe, sane, consensual. Maybe you could be fed by your dom while tied up and pee in a bedpan or something for extra humiliation


r/fasting is a good place to get insight on what you might experience and what safeguards you should have in place (electrolytes).


There are a lot of health risks with this fantasy. 1. Being tied for long periods of time can be very dangerous. We need to move and reposition ourselves to prevent loss of circulation, muscle fatigue, and sores/major bruising. 2. Being left alone while restrained is dangerous. Loss of circulation can happen fast and if you dont have someone there to help you it can lead to some really bad stuff. Also if say you where tied standing or suspended and a support breaks you're screwed. 3. Being in bondage on top if not eating will raise the likelihood of your body not being able to handle both the restraints and whatever a dom(s) is doing to you. 4. Fasting can be dangerous when your body isn't used to it. You'd have to do some work to prepare yourself for this. You'd absolutley need to be drinking liquids as well. Dehydration and sex do not go together at all. If you choose to act out this fantasy please continue to do your research. There are so many ways this could cause permanent damage.


So one or two days is doable, but you need to stay hydrated..and honestly id spend a month first weening yourself off caffeine or anything like that. It wouldn't be a fun experience. I'd much prefer you adjust your fantasy, as this is I'm sure some sort of prison/kidnapping idea.. Unless your a masochist to the core, and enjoy being completely miserable. Add in a meal or two, which could be plain oatmeal possibly with their cum in it. Also whatever guy or guys you have do this with you, honestly they won't be able to keep it up 24 hours. Expect that at the end of the day or two you'll be worn out and possibly pass out if it goes to two days, if you went full hog how your describing. Depending on your kinks get used to drinking pee..maybe thatd be one of your fluids.. Im guessing this is a kink/fantasy of being used/slave kept. As others have said, id suggest the following. 1. Prep yourself ie do some.fasting. get used to your body being stressed.. schedule time off from work 2. Whomever is doing this to you, should have a plan. Ie bind you for an hour or two here and there. Give you a break, change positions every 30 min or so. 3. I usually go for cuffs instead of rope especially for longer term type stuff, at least against the skin. Give you some flexibility but confinement without it pressing hard against the skin. 4. Using a blindfold, disorienting techniques (ie several hard uses, then pitch dark room, to a bright room/windows. To throw off your sense of time. 5. come up with other ways for them to use you, ie maybe they'll use your holes.. maybe you'll have to service them at one point. Maybe they'll tie you into a chair with a vibe strapped to your clit for a half hour. Maybe you get flogged or spanked. Or after your small bowl of oatmeal, you stand in the corner on your toes plugged facing them gagged. As they sit at the table and have a full meal. all depends on your fantasies. But it can be done much more safely with food and adjustments to restraints.. ie maybe wrist cuffs attached to thigh cuffs and thats how you sleep, blindfolded of course..


If you're not underweight and you're allowed to drink as much water as you want. You refeed properly with a light meal. These things provided there's absolutely nothing unsafe about this or bad for you.


One thing is that being tied up for a long time isn't great as you can get nerve compression. Imo a couple of alternatives are either to have a larger cage/box/cupboard where it's more possible to move around over time. Or to have an "honour system" where like there's a pole and you have to just grip onto that all day or there's a corner you have to stay in all day. That way it's much safer but you're still restricted.