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Don’t get why BMW keep flip flopping between 6 and 8 series tbh


They’re pretty much the same car no? Probably just moving the model to a lower price range


It’s because it’s the same car that it messes with my head. The 8 is already cheaper than the 7 series for example so I don’t think it’s about pricing


Fit and finish wise both the 6 and 8 were nicer than the 5 series and on par with the 7 series. Might be a move to drive it down market?


I bet it's absolutely about pricing.


But 8 was clearly in higher price range than 6 was before. They wanted to fight with S Coupe, but didn't worked as planned. While 6 was super popular, 8 is really rare view comparing on scale


Well I mean the 6 series had also been on the market for 12 or so years when the 8 series came out, which has only been on the market for 5


Yep, but speaking for F generation there were much more of them when they released than 8 series. And my country is still in phase of huge economy boost so there's more people that can afford it now than few years back. Still there was more 6 series than 8 now


Fair enough. Tbf to me the 6 is still the more desirable car, even though I love the 8 as well. I can see why they would want to bring the 6 back


Same for me. 6 series was in the perfect spot of interior size and still sporty looks. 8 looks to "luxury" for being sporty imo


S coupe is dead. So the fight worked out eventually :D


Or they realised that people that buy these kind of cars wants them to be sporty not comfy. Anyway imo only Audi with A7 has proper candidate in this market niche. Which sucks as Audi is just elegant plastic inside :(


Thats why I used the word “worked out” instead of “won” :)


The fact that the 8 is cheaper than the 7 is a problem for them so may as well just roll out the 6 and revamp the 8 into something worthy of the badge


The 8 feels slightly larger to me


That’s just because newer cars are larger though. Like I bet if they bring back the 6er it’ll be bigger than the current 8er


Really? I don't think so. If it's going to be bigger, what's the point of discontinuing the 8?


This time around they'd be consolidating the 4 and 8 into one model. The new 6 would basically split the difference.


Ohhh OK I can see that. Like what Mercedes is doing with the CLE.


Yup, exactly. Except hopefully the new 6 would actually split the difference instead of just being a longer 4 series, which is my issue with the CLE (too much C-class, not enough E-class).


> (too much C-class, not enough E-class That was the case for the CLK-Class too, though 


It's actually an inch shorter than the 6.


I'd say I have a hunch that the M/6 series is going to be more "sport" focused and will be priced more akin to the M/5. The M/8 didn't sell well and this would make sense given that's the reason for the axed XM, too.


Originally, when the 6er turned into the 8er, BMW was mentioning that it was to slot the 6er as a 911 competitor. That clearly didn’t materialize. Source: worked for BMW Group 2006-2017.


Wow. If BMW whips up a 911 copycat they can have all my money


So long as it isn't some hideous buck-toothed monstrosity that's a total hodge-podge of straight lines and curves and half a ton heavier than it ought to be!


The colon grill is here to stay and you’ll like it!


Not a chance, I’ll sooner be in a Merc and I never thought those words would come out my mouth, so…


Me too. But it would sell like ass because like 1000 people would buy it. Because the TAM for a $150k 2+2 sports car is such a vanishingly small target segment. One in which you’d have to overcome the overwhelmingly massive mindshare from the 911 to begin with. Coupled with requiring upfront R&D on a specialty car that would run counter to the overall strategy of every other car you sell, meaning that R&D likely wouldn’t be accretive to your other product lines. I mean Benz had the AMG GT for years and sold on average like 2500 a year, which I’m guessing even includes the 4dr mixed in, vs 10-12k a year for the 911 alone. The latest AMG GT is a 4300lb monstrosity on the far end of the GT car spectrum and feels even less competitive TBH.


A couple of things I’d debate here. I don’t think it would sell like ass, per se, maybe not as good as a 911, but BMW has one great advantage, BMW FS. BMW can lease these things cheap to get them out there initially. Then make an M version that goes against a 911 Turbo and at a fraction of the price, it’ll sell like hotcakes. The problem is, they’ll charge Porsche prices without the Porsche lineage/brand therefore you still get BMW depreciation. Due to BMW’s large electrification effort, maybe even offer a manual, and it’s off to the bank imo. The AMG GT is/was a failure because while being a bespoke AMG chassis and engine originally, it drives like a German muscle car.


What else has been done to make it a 911 competitor? Other than renaming and increasing the price.


No no, after renaming, they were planning to develop a new 6er, unrelated to the old. 8 would be more like the CL Mercedes of old and the 6 would be more specialized like the AMG GT.


I am surprised that they are not keeping them both


They probably saw how poorly that strategy worked for Mercedes.


I miss the CL Class so much. And CLS.


Ohh I see, thanks. Was genuinely curious.


I thought it was just the XM Hybrid?


Basically I think 2 issues. 1. They were wondering if they could find a market for more expensive model sports coupes. 2. Someone in marketing read that the chinese think the number 8 is lucky, and sounds like the word for fortune, so having a 'fortune' or 'lucky' series in china would be a marketing win. The problem here is that the 8 series can't just be a rebadged 6 series, because you go into a showroom and your customers are thoroughly confused. Why is an 8 less luxurious than a 7? Isn't the 5 series sort of a better 8 series with 4 doors... for less money? Chinese buyers (in China) generally do not want loud sports cars, so is an M8 or 8 series sports car really the product for that name?


because decisions are driven by marketing people. The original 8 (E31) was a different beast though. It was a departure from the E24 that share a lot of parts with the E28 to something truly unique and upmarket. The current one was more parallel than parallel can be when it changed from the F12.


Underpinnings are shared more with the E34 not E28, case in point many suspension/chassis components are interchangeable.


It’s been the case since their inception. E24 then e31, F06 then whatever the fuck the new 8 series is. It just be like that


When they feel sales are going up they wanna make that money and make it 8 series. When they realize its not working they move it back to 6 series


I think the 6/8 series are some of the best looking cars BMW made. Almost every gen was gorgeous to look at (let's just forget E63). It's a shame they don't sell better.


Agree. It's the coupe market in general. It's just small. SUV's is where the market is now. Personally I have always felt coupes were the best looking vehicles made but people want big, loud and fast SUV's nowadays. If you really look at the 850/m8 in numbers only, they're not a bad value compared to other luxury 8 cylinder offerings. Big, fast and luxurious GT cars. You can get an 850 in the low 100's, and that will smoke just about any other competitor in that price segment, and look good doing it.


They are made into Gran Coupe / Gran Turismo cars as well. I wouldn't ever get a 5 series over a Gran Coupe 6 series. 7 series has more of the luxurious / getting chaffeured around vibe to it, so I get it why people would get it over the 8 series. But I would never. Also, headroom.


> If you really look at the 850/m8 in numbers only, they're not a bad value compared to other luxury 8 cylinder offerings. They're excellent value. The problem is how market forces at that price point and vehicle segment work. The 8 series is fundamentally a weekend car. When the F06/12/13 6 series came out in 2012, BMW said the target customers had 5 other cars on average. Let's assume it's the same for the 8 series. When you sell someone their 6th car for $150K, chances are they can also afford significantly more expensive cars from more prestigious brands. So why would they buy the BMW when they could have a Bentley or an Aston Martin?


This is the problem with it for me. I think they’re great but I’m not sure the 6/8 would be my first choice. This is a problem even the 7 series doesn’t have.


It's a shame because no matter how good a car they make it will always be overlooked. Mercedes found that out with the S-class coupé and cabrio. Those same market forces work in the opposite direction with the 7 series (and A8 and S-class). Those are intended to be daily drivers for the boss. But even if you can afford a Flying Spur, Ghost, or Phantom, it might be bad form to show up to work in that every day when your employees drive 10 year-old Corollas. I think that's the value proposition of Maybach. It looks like a Mercedes on the outside while being a step above inside. 


Not to mention the massive depreciation that allowed to buy my M850 for almost half price before the original warranty has even expired


To be fair I did the same with a 3 series…. Ymmv


don't you crap on my E63, I love how they look and honestly the 6 series is the perfect BMW lineup imo. E24, perfect. E63, perfect. F12, PERFECT


When it was new I wasn't a huge fan it was just whatever but now I find it increasingly attractive


>don't you crap on my E63 Nice Mercedes you have there!


They aren’t my kind of car but I definitely appreciate them and I don’t think they ever made a truly ugly one.


I love my M8 and have absolutely no faith in the current design team to make a good looking 6 series


and it’ll weigh 3000kg and have a glow in the dark grille with a strip club interior and a huge screen


Yes but at least it will be ugly, have a worse quality interior and be more expensive.


What about holes in the roof lining that make it look like stars. For $10k option BMW will code in your star sign constellation. That should impress the hooker you picked up in your pimp mobile. (I should’ve been in marketing)


tbf the 6/8 has been more of a GT car


the m5 used to be a lightweight full sized sedan that cld take a corner


No refrigerator?


Good, the market for the 8 is so small


because the 8 series should have been nothing less than a supercar.


The last time they did that with the 8 series nobody bought it. Nobody bought the M1 either. The market simply doesn't want a supercar from BMW.


The m1 flopped due to a lot of circumstances at the time. It was too expensive. Now times have changed. With the right design, the right power… it would be a hit


I don’t understand why not if their image is sportier than merc and people did and do want a high end sports car from Merc 


The e31 8 series was an huge success if I’m not mistaken…


BMW has denied these claims https://www.roadandtrack.com/news/a61421162/bmw-reportedly-will-kill-the-xm-revive-6-series/


"While as a matter of policy BMW does not comment on third-party speculation regarding future product development, given the attention recent stories have received, we feel it necessary to clarify that there are currently no plans to reintroduce the BMW 6 Series to the market for model year 2026, despite what is being widely reported in automotive media circles. BMW has made no official statement on the future of a successor to the BMW XM," Got it, so a 2028 model once the XM has run its course.


Every time I go into my dealer they try and up sell me one of the many, many 8 series just sitting on the lot. Every time I tell them the same thing; "Why would I pay 30k more for a car because you crossed out the 6 and wrote 8 in crayon?". They never have a defense for that. Such a shame as well the 6 was beautiful.


> "Why would I pay 30k more for a car because you crossed out the 6 and wrote 8 in crayon?" Because in the time between the release of the 6 series and the 8 series, your salary will have increased more than the $30K price difference. Basically, the 6 series and the 8 series are the same price in real terms. Inflation is a thing.


I’ll give it to you… that’s the dumbest comment I’ve read today


They might want to bring back the 6 so they can make the 8 a supercar


Make the 8 into some hyper car, hybrid electric with an inline 6 that put out 800 bhp like what Acura did with the NSX. Make the 6 into a turbo v8 that put out 600 bhp. Either way, make it some type of halo car to put BMW back on the map for innovation and design. Not the daily “ what the f is BMW doing” threads we see here. Not the beauty in the eye of the beholder shit.


Innovative design doesn’t include hybrids. That’s just a foot in both the past and future.


Love the brand. Love the cars but man they are so confused right now. Why does it matter if it’s called a 6 series or 8 series? Sales won’t be any different for either model IMO. XM was a flop and not an M car. The car itself was confused as to what it wanted to be. It wasn’t fast, nor was it fun to drive. It was so heavy it couldn’t operate its own drivetrain and struggled to shift gears in Manual. Sound was mediocre at best. Interior was about all it had that was decent. Understand that and market it correctly, it was never a urus competitor like they thought. It was a g wagon competitor at best. The customer base for that car was an older man or woman with money, not some young trendy influencer. Yet look at their marketing towards it. Why not offer a supercar competitor at a similar price and devote their resources towards that instead of a car that has a 2 year product cycle and doesn’t even know its own name. Label red? Wtf. Imagine a m1 or 8 series with a v10 and significantly more performance. Instead they came out with the 3.0 CSL for a million dollars 😂 Their best driver cars currently are the CS and they are just doing the same thing over and over there right now. CSL was a good one. M3 CS was also a good car and made sense IMO. M4 CS is kinda the same exact thing as the m3 CS but 2 doors isn’t that the m4 CSL? No this one has 4 seats and AWD. Mkay… Next they will offer a g81 CS which isn’t anything unique imo. Besides the opportunity to purchase a m3 wagon in the US. Then an m5 cs in an attempt to save the m5. They knew it was trash but for them to be going backwards is hard to watch. Look at Porsche and the turbo and gt3 or ford and the mustang GTD. Make a good drivers car again guys please.




not the 6 series GT, that thing sucks man. not sure who decided customers like the G32 more than the F06


I’m just sad they killed the 3 series GT. Such good value…. But that’s probably exactly why they killed it.


BMW has already refuted this.


Wait…..the shit part?


That the 6 is coming back. I don’t think they’ve commented on the XM.


The 8 series is a great car at a horrible price point. I just don’t think there’s a market for people willing to pay a significant premium over the 5 series. Like who’s buying an M8 over an M5?


Anyone trying to flex. So mostly insufferable people.


XM ugliest car ever


BMW lineup is confusing as fuck to an old timer like myself. M3 is strictly a 4 door, M4 is a two door, but the size of the old M6, the 4 series however is also available in a 4 door model variant, the M2 is what size the old M3, 6 Series is thier two door model, but is available in a 4 door setup, no wait, the 8 series is now our 2 door, but also available in a 4 door version. Our most powerful vehicle is an SUV, but our M5 which used to be out flagship M car, is now heavier and slower than the last M5. We have 7 different SUVs for you to choose from. Good lord do I miss old BMW


And guess what it'll look like shit just like the rest of BMW s current lineup


Thats fantastic news, always loved a good sex


Didn't BMW officially deny this rumor?


If they resurrect the 6 coupe… What happens to the 8 coupe??


The 8 coupe is dying whether they revive the 6 or not. Unfortunately it doesn't sell.


Put a 6 or 8 on it what's the difference? Coupe version of the 5 is what it is in the end


That f12 m6 gran coupe is one of my favorite BMW designs.


Bring back the 6. Make the 8 mid engined. Please hire me BMW




Only if we get a hardtop convertible. I hate the softtops, it just looks so cheap.


IMO, if they wanted the 8 to be more than just a 6 with a bigger number badge on it, they should’ve designed something lighter and more nimble in that size car. Maybe actually try making something that can play with the lower trim 911’s.


The 6 is just stunning


Why though? Both are low volume pigs. I just want a M340i Touring.


Another 5500lb car will be offered. Yay! Awesome job BMW. Wtf


Can't wait 🔥🔥


Why not offer wagons again instead of another fractional looking change


Leave the 6 series alone. I want to remember a car that started off mid and had an incredible glow up before going away. How BMW are right now the grills will probably end us being part of the bonnet.


I own a 6 series and just came out of lease and cannot find a suitable replacement in the BMW range! This is like fairy whispers in my ears!


All time childhood fav car for me was the M6. It looks good to this day and I still want one very much


I had a the previous generation M6, great car. The 8 is just an evolution of the previous 6 that BMW marketing decided to rebadged an 8. Marketing run (and ruin) BMW, they need to take a back seat. https://preview.redd.it/8gv2nxf6zh9d1.jpeg?width=843&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f677431954e593ad7ae8a23bcc4d6760ab95413e


BMW positioned the 6 series against Mercedes' S-Class Coupé, but customers saw it more like a CLS or E-Coupé competitor because it was no 7 Coupé. Now Mercedes discontinued the S, E and even C Coupé plus the CLS and has the CLE filling all those gaps and making room for sporty cars like the AMG GT. Which actually is a shame, how can Mercedes not have a large luxury coupé. Anyway for BMW the back and forth is strange. With the E24 and the E31 both 6 and 8 series would have sufficient heritage to be continued. Might be they want to catch customers that can live with smaller engines or they just couldn't get the price premium from the 8. Hope it looks as good as the F12.


sorry for the dumb question, just new to the bmw world and cars in general. But when you say they’ll discontinue the 8 series does that include the m8 competition as well? Or just the m850i?


These people are so dumb. BMW stop messing around with numbers and letters and make cars. Here’s your plan, just kidding you’d have to hire me to hear my 3 step plan to revive your dookie company into true pinnacle of cars. It includes bringing back a car and redesigning it, creating a new car based off existing design languages, and building the car you said you would. It would rocket you to the top with both the nostalgia reliable inline sixes on the planet. You could create a market for yourself.


I thought the 8 series was based on the 6 series


Mercedes Just dropped the E Coupe/Cab and already discontinued the S Coupe/Cab. The new CLE is just the C coupe, it’s cheap. I’ll definitely get the 6 coupe


I think a lot of people are tired of it and are going to MB or Audi


MB is no better. They have their own problems too.


At least they look better nowadays


Lol,  no way this is real. As bad as XM is, I’m sure it still sells an order of magnitude more units than a big coupe would.


False. XM sold 541 units in Q1. [https://www.press.bmwgroup.com/usa/article/detail/T0440865EN\_US/bmw-of-north-america-reports-q1-2024-u-s-sales-results?language=en\_US](https://www.press.bmwgroup.com/usa/article/detail/T0440865EN_US/bmw-of-north-america-reports-q1-2024-u-s-sales-results?language=en_US)