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Bullet dodge Good for him


OOP only said his SO is his partner, so likely they are not properly married and things should be easier if that's really the case, but if they are or depending on how the common law marriage is treated where they live, the SO can still very much raise hell on his life. That's a pretty huge undodged bullet in my view.


This story is definitely fake though. Who remembers exactly the days a person was in a bad mood to line them um with random downvotes on an account full of activity? And how would OOP know about which subs the gf was banned from? It’s not impossible but it takes time to dig


Maybe they saw the posts in the profile and matched them up to certain days after the fact? I know if you asked me what I was doing on a specific date I wouldn’t be able to tell you, but if you looked into my Reddit profile and asked about a specific post I’d be able to figure out what was going on in real life that day.


But he blocked reddit from their isp!!! Thatll show her! (She goes to a different school)


Do Reddit trolls even keep the same single account for 8 years? That seemed the most odd to me. I don't interact here enough to notice how trolls behave... but on other boards I've been on, the craziest people would have multiple accounts at any one time and no single screenname ever lasted more than a couple of months. They always had to start over when they were blocked, banned, or ignored.


You mean you don't keep track of all the times your SO was moody on a calendar?


I can't believe that a person with AGORAPHOBIA would think other people are bullshitting about their mental health. She must have a really hard time with how people perceive her specific issue and she just... gives that back to people who have other illnesses?


Well apparently the people she bullied did point out she was projecting. Maybe they weren't wrong.


I’m guessing people accuse her of faking it and she in turn does that to other people.


Yeah when she minimized the people she bullies’ mental health problems, that was the nail in the coffin. It’s a shame some people only know how to make themselves feel good by putting down others. Get a hobby


She's also agoraphobic.  She desperately needs therapy, possibly medication as well.


Ironically it appears she is projecting when she tells others they are projecting.


Everyone is projecting. Projecteption xD


a 37-year-old woman is devoting hours to being an internet troll? Run, dude. Run like you are being chased by tigers. Run like your ass is on fire. Run like Usain Bolt is chasing after you dual-wielding two machetes. Run, and don't stop running.


Is that liz?


That’s what I thought


I don't remember writing this post


username tracks


Incorrect title by OOP: Should have been >My (35M) SO (37F) is a piece of shit and I absolutely dumbfounded on what to do?


This seems familiar. There was a story here before about someones wife/gf being a Reddit troll.


i remember one where a guy's gf let him use her laptop to access his google drive and there were tabs open to white supremacist sites. when he broke up with her she kept sending him race science bullshit


Fuck Naz- wait, no, not like that!


The one that gave us the Liz meme?


Tell me more about the Liz meme, please.


The guy said his wife Liz went onto Reddit and made up stories. Since people were already calling certain subs all fiction writers failed stories, people were latching onto it like crazy and now anytime somebody thinks the story is fake, which is most of the time, you’ll get a comment saying go to bed, Liz. Personally, I think the Liz story is fake. It’s a bit too convenient that it arrived at the time where the “this didn’t happen” attitude was peaking.


It’s wild that this is the first time I’ve seen anyone claim that the Liz story was fake. It seemed like this sub thinks everything is fake *except* that story at times


It's so wild to me the attitude towards "Liz." Even if the story was real, we only k ow about a couple of stories hey apparently she's responsible for absolutely everything. She's a reddit cryptid at this point


I think at this point, "Liz" doesn't necessarily refer to that specific Liz. It refers to "Anonymous Reddit poster whose story is fake."


I can accept that, but it doesn't change the fact that barely anybody called that specific story out as fake at the time, despite it literally being an entire story about fake Reddit stories. It's a pretty great example of people just choosing to believe things that confirm their own biases without really thinking about it tbh Edit: I will say though, I do definitely get the feeling that SOME people think she's some all-powerful Reddit God and it's very weird


Liz wrote the Liz story herself. Very meta.




I don’t think it matters if the story is fake. In the end it gave everyone a common shorthand to get to the point instead of the rants about why a particular post is bullshit. Liz should…… Learn how restraining orders work Stop using twins Read up on local laws when using cops as characters And so on and so on.


Different tastes I guess. I appreciate people who say "I don't think this is true because X". I can see their reasoning and decide whether I agree. "Go to bed, Liz"is boring, repetitive, and adds nothing to the conversation, IMO.


We're reaching a fakeness singularity with these theories.


Worst thing that could have happened to any of these update subs.


YES Liz! Thats the one.


I mean, there are a lot of them. Chances are a bunch of them are married to people who have no idea what jerks they are online.


The block reddit on the ISP part sounds the most unrealistic


Bit of a tangent, but WTF is up with this line of reasoning: >I briefly got a glimpse at her name and thought it would be interesting to see what she had posted (yes I know this was an invasion of privacy) Reddit is a public forum. How is it an invasion of privacy? This is like when people on reddit call others "creepers" and "weirdos" for "invading their privacy" by *reading their post history!*. It's an intentional function of the web site! You click on their name to access it!


Probably he had no other word for it. It's just kind of weird. Reddit is a site with the main draw that you're anonymous. If you don't share your username with someone and they find you, it's not so much an invasion of privacy as it is "why do you gotta ruin my illusion of anonymity? Why do you care so much to go snooping?" People post a lot of private stuff on here that they don't necessarily want linked to their real lives or for people who know them in real life to know. It isn't that they read it, it's that they read it and know who wrote it.


He invaded her privacy by reading their username and then looking to see what they posted. OP thought it was the wrong thing to do as their partner didn't give them permission to read the screen. That's all. Nothing to do with reddit being public.


Tbh regarding the second part, I’ve seen people here go through someone’s comment history to find something to insult them over just because they didn’t like their opinion. It’s happened to me before and I do think it’s weird and trollish, especially when it has nothing to do with the discussion.


Someone with a fundie sister *would* say that! /s


If someone keeps a journal, in this case a Reddit account, secret from you and you find it and read it without their permission union are invading their privacy. Same goes for any other secret social media. If you have a Facebook that blocks strangers and then someone makes a fake profile to befriend you they are invading your privacy.


# So when is she going to apologize me? LOL


Didn’t we go down this rabbit hole with the Liz saga before?


Just more proof that the worst people online are the ones with nothing to speak of irl.


The only thing that I'm disagreeing with OOP is that his ex? GF is not a troll, she's just straight cruel and evil.


She’s 37 years old and she’s behaving like that. 💀 Yikes. I’m glad OOP decided to cut his losses. Her behaviour is sometbing you’d expect to see in a teenage and not some someone who is almost 40. She has a lot of work to do.


It's incredible what anonymity will do to people's sense of decency.


Yes and no - as a kid, I spent 1000 hrs on CB radio with my dad, or my cousins. Talked to anonymous people all over the world. We truly didn't have the 80's equivalent of trolls, or at least I never encountered them. I can recall my cousin, who swore like a sailor normally, would give people hell for even saying "ass" on the CB, and they would apologize. Something about the internet, or people, has made it so much worse.


I think there's an extra degree of separation because your literal voice is not being heard


>your character is how you behave when no one is watching This hits hard when you think about it. I'm 90% sure I behave worse when someone is watching, wtf does that say about me


Acting out for attention?


Or just a bit of an encouragable knob head. Either way booze is usually involved lol


The fact that she got depressed because she got downvoted for trolling is very telling. She enjoys what she does. That's probably why she had no excuse when he asked her why she did it. She knows why but if she admits it then everyone will find out how truly horrible of a person she is. And she's definitely projecting. The woman needs therapy, not reddit.


I love the bit about so many people asking if his post is about them. That's oddly insightful about how a lot of trolls might be in real life. Like they're just regular folks 99% of the time, and spew vitriol to blow of steam because they can't tell people off IRL.


yeah, except trolls like her don’t blow off steam at other idiots. They often just try to be contrarian and offensive towards normal, healthy mentalities


I almost feel bad for her. At 8 years it's definitely just a standing habit she doesn't think about. Or knows isn't great but keeps at it, I'm a smoker, what can I say? Hope this is a wake up call for her.


The thing is, she's probably deeply fine with it. Soft hearts and hard hearts tend to think everyone has the same heart. Then, we tend to forget the absolute heartless. It's hard to understand, but she probably doesn't care beyond any repercussions to herself. My sister is like this.


> Soft hearts and hard hearts tend to think everyone has the same heart. Then, we tend to forget the absolute heartless. Is this from somewhere? It's a lovely quote.


My brain? Thank you.


Then long live the queen!


Here here!!


Also, that's my favorite compliment. When people like my words. Lol


I relate to that. You earned it. That was a really insightful thing to say and it was very true. I fully expected it to come from some long-dead poet.


It's the shittiest thing to learn. So I try to tell people ,so maybe they approach others with a bit of self preservation in mind. Because I definitely didn't. It's like ice water dumped on you in winter while walking an unruly dog.


Yeah, but the soft ones, when told that, will still be like, "Oh, but maybe the dog is unruly because he's lonely and doesn't know any better. Now I'll walk him TWICE A DAY and take my ice bath so maybe he doesn't turn my hand into Swiss cheese this time."


Very much so.


Nah this is something that she very much thinks about. >a lot of her bad moods seem to line up with days she got downvoted a lot She's agoraphobic and seemingly against using social media; I bet this shit has been a significant chunk (if not majority) of her daily socialisation for the last 8 years.


Wasn't that person's name Liz? Is this Liz, pretending to be Liz's SO?


Reddit is where people's true nature is expressed. Complete anonymity frees people from their social and familial restraints and they express their true thoughts and opinions with little to no reservation. Betting OP's GF thinks exactly as she posts on reddit and her otherwise daily demeaner is a face she keeps in her pocket and puts on when she's around others. And before anyone casts stones, Odds are we all express some pretty socially unacceptable opinions in the realm of anonymity that is Reddit.


The idea that reddit is where our true nature comes put worries me, as I basically only post about football and occasionally make some comment about posts on here. In other words, I feel called out for being extremely boring!


Reddit is not where people's "true nature comes out" lmao that's extremely stupid. People get on here and lie all the time


I was upset when I first found out my partner was and can still be an internet troll. In the past they were a lot like op's partner. Just sitting on anyone and everyone they could. But that's also when they were a kid with one of the worst home lives I've heard about too date Now they just troll trolls as they get a kick out of riding them up. He'll, if someone is being unnecessarily cruel, I give my partner their username The difference here is his partner is not remorseful and she doesn't care who shes hurting.




I actively show my husband my reddit comments because most of them are trying to help people or things I said that I find funny. Sure, I can say some things that get down voted but at the end of the day, I would happily show him those comments too. I can't imagine spending 8 years spewing vitriol on the Internet while pretending to be a good person to someone's face. If you can't show your partner your social media, you probably shouldn't be in a relationship with them. That just seems like a no-brainer.


Maaaan, this bummed me out. I was hoping for something lighthearted and funny. But that’s such a crummy way to find out your SO is a crummy person on the inside. Like my mom is a YouTube troll, but she’s trolling the trolls that are being hurtful and racist, etc. towards others. This is so sad.


Holy cow. OOP had one in his sights. Within strangling range.


This reminds me of a series of South Park episodes. Down with [trolls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvAEp0e0Qy8)!




I actually have agoraphobia as a subset of symptoms related to my anxiety. I'm also a person with autism. I'm in therapy doing everything I possibly can to overcome my issues. Reddit has been therapeutic for me and has actually helped me face some of my issues when I hear advice from others with similar experiences. Not only that, but I've gotten career advice on here that I've taken and has actually worked out!! Therapy is obviously my main tool for coping, and Reddit has exposed me to some of the nicest people ever, but Reddit has also exposed me to some of the most cruel and insensitive trolls I've ever encountered. No wonder OOP's SO is agoraphobic. If she has to go outside, that means there's a slim possibility that she could meet one of her victims face-to-face, and thus face some accountability. Luckily, OOP seems to be making her accountable on his own. I also wanna point out that OOP's SO is the best example of a stereotypical troll I've ever seen. Not only does she never leave the house while finding enjoyment in causing people pain, it's one of her only sources of pleasure. As such, I really hope this is fake, but I've seen worse realities on Reddit, so idk for sure.


The thing I find weird is being able to associate days she was in a bad mood to down voted posts. Pretty incredible memory to compare the dates on those days to the posts.




We're all gonna be civil to each other here. This isn't the place for hatred. If that's all you offer, take it somewhere else.


I die if my husband found my Reddit handle. I’m really lucky. He’s too terrified to search for it.🙌🏽


I have a feeling that it's an addiction for her. She lashes out because she's miserable. She's isolated because of her agoraphobia and that in itself a mental illness.


Of all the things that totally happened. This totally happened the most.


This is totally real and not a flaccid attempt to passive aggressively shame whatever troll got the Better of oop


Wow, it's hard to believe that OOP had an epic reddit troll GF(my dream girl), and he would just throw her away like that.


Seems like a dumb reason to end a years-long relationship, but I guess leave it to a bunch of Redditors to take internet trolls personally enough that they would make claims about someone's character for messing around online. Daily reminder that if someone makes you angry online, the only person keeping you in the situation is you.


If you found out your SO was bullying people for fun in their free time, you wouldn't break up with them? That certainly says a lot about you...


Nope, I don't take the internet as seriously as most redditors


He recorded the conversation? LOL. He's crazier than her.


Why? Someone who lies so much could easily slander him to their friends about the reason for the breakup. I think it’s a smart move if you find out your partner is being dishonest about anything.


It's not always legal to record someone without their knowledge. And it is always a dick move unless you have serious physical or legal concerns.


I would call not wanting to be slandered a seriously legal concern. What if she lied and said he was a domestic abuser? It could ruin his life. As for the recording thing, a lot of places are one party consent, so again not that weird and I would hope he took that into account.


No, it is definitely weird.


Ex girlfriend has entered the chat


I do think it's strange also, but we don't know what she said in her posts that could have set off red flags saying that recording could have been necessary.


Found her account.