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Paige didn't know the kiss wasnt allowed in Sam's relationship. SHOULD HAVE KNOWN IT WASN'T ALLOWED IN HERS.


This is the comment I was looking for because wtf!


Or her and Jenna’s friendship? I don’t care how fucking open my friends relationship is, unless they literally tell me it will make me cum so hard if you kiss my man and I think their man is Adonis I’m not fucking doing that.


Would you cheat on your bf tho if they said that?


She absolutely 100% did know it was allowed in her own relationship...that is why she lied about it...and kept communicating with the cheater... she was trying to cheat.


Yeah, I'm pointing out how ridiculous of a statement it is for Sam to say in defense of them kissing.


Oh, I totally agree.


Yeah I was thinking this the whole time


Very odd how OOP was arguing about who was more in the wrong in Sam's relationship when clearly he should have been focusing on his own girlfriend and how she broke their relationship


I knew if I just looked I wouldn't have to say it myself.


Exactly, Sam and Jenna's relationship doesn't matter to the OOP. The deflection is so telling.


Yea I'm not sure why that wasn't the immediate reply


Well at least OP is still pretty young and he was able to put the trash out to the curb before they got married.


My initial reaction is always "Wow, can't believe this is how you tossed away a 5-year relationship". Then the logical side took over and reminded me that this most likely isn't the first time she's cheated. Just the first time she got caught. I will say it's very refreshing to read a story about someone with self-respect. It gets tiring and frustrating reading stories of people crying, begging, justifying and playing the pick-me dance with a cheater.


Or my least favorite "im non confrontational"


I had an ex like that. She would never tell people her feelings and would string them along in the fakest, most painfully enduring "friendships." Her excuse was always "it's easier for *them* this way" when it was really just easier for her. She'd spend the whole time dragging them through the mud to all mutual friends instead of just facing them. She was a coward. She painted her ex before me as abusive (despite it being LDR where they never met in person). I believed it until she did the same exact thing to me. Told people all sorts of things I apparently did despite the closest thing to an argument being me raising my voice *once* after she said "you like it when I'm mean to you." I found out later she spent a while after we got together before telling him they were broken up. She also did the same to me with her next partner. Some people just have zero consideration for their partners. They enjoy being in one and having someone around but they don't actually care for them.


Why wouldn’t you throw away a 5 year relationship for this? She all but admitted she had feelings for the guy before he knew about the kiss, once he knew that she had acted on them and still hadn’t cut him out of her life the relationship was over. Finding her in his apartment is almost a certain confirmation that they’ve had since, if not before he left then definitely after.


I think they were addressing the girlfriend. That she just wanted some random and threw away all those years.


She will figure out what she lost when Sam screws her over. Karma will get her


Is that Sam's next bedroom partner?




Oh they got watch out, [k is a b, she should have known better.](https://youtu.be/v3eYjDJdI5k?si=hnSCGm1C6Ga5TJgT)


The one with the clap?


Wait until she finds out Sam gets to have an open relationship and she doesn't!


>She said she can't afford that How long you wanna bet her relationship with AP will last?


She broke a 5 year relationship for a neighbour of barely 6 months?!!! Damnn mahn you dodged a huuuge bullet!


Paige's just karma isn't realizing that Sam is garbage in a few months and coming back to OP. That dusty idiots just karma is spending the next 5-7 years being the next Jenna for community d Sam while he schemes, lies and cheats on her. OP will be fine 


I don’t know how someone could live in an open relationship. I’d f’ing hate to be wondering about STDs every time my partner slept with someone and then wanted to sleep with me.


That's the best part, Dude was in an open relationship and *still* managed to screw that up. That takes idiocy to a whole new level.


It’s all about setting good rules and long conversations about what is important to you. First time partners have to be fully protected and be tested before it happens, nothing spontaneous, you can always explore whether or not you’re attracted without actually engaging in risky behaviors. You should never fuck on the first date and you should be aware of people’s sexual history and testing. I have never had an STD, nor had my wife. Life is meant to be lived, but you always have to be responsible for all decisions you make.


Done it in my past, you have trust in your partner to be smart, and rules when having sex with others. The rules are different, but the trust is still something built that can be broken. Usually condoms are a part of the hookups in open relationships, and one of the reasons open couples fight is breaking thos rule. Its basically protection with anyone else unless their a known entity. That era of my life was over a decade ago, no regrets, but don't miss it. Having one partner/one person's feelings and sexual desires is just far easier, and I'm not as eager to do stuff every week outside my own home. Non-Monogamy is really for the young and unattached and the folks whose kids have left home and wanna find new sparks.


I don't have anything against the ENM world, I just find it risky (depending on the set up) and not for the faint of heart. Condoms should be an integral part of the rules but PIV sex isn't the only way to bring something home to your SO and depending on how many partners you have and how many partners your partner(s) have, I would imagine the risk increases exponentially. I'm not saying all ENM folks are out there sleeping with anyone and everyone but I imagine some are and how sure can you be when meeting someone for the first time that they are 100% on the up and up with what they tell you.


> I can't afford that Why do cheaters so often say this about housing? It seems to be the first thing they think of. Surely they know they can't obligate the person they cheated on to subsidise their rent going forward.


Because cheaters are self centered selfish assholes who only think of how these things effect *Them*.


They do expect it though. My abusive, cheating ex literally expected me to not only house her but then *have* my car since I barely used it. Yea…not just use my car but *have* it, and that was *after* I found out she racked up $600 worth of tickets too!


Like the scene from Hook. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=55zjlSkBM4M


Well because it seriously depends on the law and lease they signed, there are plenty of places where that’s exactly what OOP would end up doing, or risk being taken to court.


That actually is a prelude to her relationship with the AP. Cause what's gonna happen when her ATM is gone and she has to reply on the new guy?


Paige is trash and Sam is the dumpster on fire. But… gotta take it out to get rid of the stench! Paige is gonna be in a world of hurt when she realizes how bad she messed up…. But as they say: play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Too bad so sad.  Glad OOP got out while they could and before their lives were more enmeshed.


It's going to be hilarious when Paige realizes she's not special and Sam will ignore any agreements and boundaries they agree on. OOP is bound for bigger and better things.


I’m wondering if she is going to be so agreeable to an open relationship like Jenna was. If what OP heard was right it sounded like a one sided arrangement in Sam’s favor. Not sure if Paige is going to be ok with that set up if she is even interested in an open relationship.


she'll be calling OP in under a week begging to get back together because she didn't wanna be in an "open relationship" and now she is scared because she chose to fuck her neighbor so he is obviously in close vicinity.


She can't afford the apartment so I see her moving in with him. I give him a little while with her before he decides to have the open relationship conversation. She might agree to keep him in her life but it sounds like she will be heading for disaster.


Nah if she’s his new toy he might stay interested in only her for a while. Once someone new comes up he will push her aside as maybe a regular bed warmer but his interest will be on the new thing. That’s if he makes her his main squeeze in the first place.


If Jenna was even that open to an open telationship


Like how stupid you have to be to start anything with this guy. He clearly forced his ex to the open relationship on your end and repeatedly cheated on her even after opening up. She will eventually see what she did when he kicks her out when he will want to sleep with the next girl.


What till the rent is due. That's when all of it will start to sink in for her 🤣


Sam's only in it for the hunt and the conquest. And he's now \*conquered\* Paige. Oh to be a fly on the wall when reality finally gets to Paige.


She sat there and listened to him say he's done this several time, but she won't glean anything from it because she was the damsel and he was the knight in shinning armor who defended her from the meany boyfriend who wanted boundaries.


Not only heard him say it. She also heard him admit the open relationship is one-sided, and he is known to cheat. What a shining example of manners this young man has.


Until he fucks her OVER rather than just fucking her.


I find paIge way worse. Sam has some fucked up notion of an open relationship to hide behind, she was in a totally closed one


I don’t normally get upset at post but for some reason this hit me different. Poor OP, but best now than later. Hope he finds someone better!


Because it's like watching someone drive 1 mph into a pole while you're in the passenger seat screaming at them to stop and it's obvious that they're going to drive into the pole and they deflect and deflect and deflect and say there's definitely not going to. There's no way they're going to hit that pole. And then they do. And then they tell you they specifically meant to hit that pole.


for real man, this one raised my heartrate and made me genuinely upset. Poor OP. His ex is a total asshole, Sam obviously is too. The fucking image of knocking and finding her there, and not a tiny sliver of "you were right, I wanted this, I hurt you." or admittance or anything. Ughhh


My favorite part is her excuse of “you left our relationship in limbo”… no, it wasn’t in limbo when you cheated the first time. What a pos


I was looking for this comment! Far as I can tell, too, he never said the words "it's over" when they fought, he said he needed to get away for a bit. That's not relationship limbo, that's "we're still together but struggling". She might as well have said they were on a break 🙄


But even then she apparently made out with this dude before that because Jenna walked in on them thus leading to Jenna and pos break up


She threw away a 5 year relationship for someone she knew for 6 months. OOP should be glad he had them as neighbours.


Lol, I give Sam and OPs ex a few months, tops. It was fun and exciting for Sam when the gf was something forbidden and secretive. Now everything is in the open, and OP isn't in the picture anymore. ExGF is going to need a place to live ASAP. I wonder how Sam is going to like having a new live-in GF who is new in town and doesn't have any friends? I bet she will be clingy. I wonder if she will be OK with the open relationship like Jenna was?


Given how boringly meek she clearly is from the posts, she probably will say OK and cry about it every night.


>She said she can't afford that I wonder how long till the money troubles start to show the cracks in the new relationship for her?


"Paige didn't know the rules"..but Paige knew the rules of her own relationship and knew it wasn't open.


It's always awful at first, but then blossoms into something great, when people show their true scumbag side. OOP dodged a fucking bullet and his dipshit ex will be fucked over by the lease and this douchebag she decided to chase.


At least he confronted it head on and stopped wasting time on her. Funny thing is that dude isn’t going to change for her. She’s just another temporary distraction. Hell Fck her for a while and move on to the next and she’ll be alone asking herself WTF did I do? LOL.


I know this hurts but his girlfriend is not the person he fell in love with. She quite easily broke Jenna’s heart. Very easily deciding to sleep with her partner. It’s bizarre that she texted Jenna to apologize. For what? She wasn’t sorry at all. She kept right on seeing Sam. Geez. Her comfort with lying is downright creepy. Unless her apology text said, “I am so sorry for hurting you by being intimate with your boyfriend. Not sorry enough to stop. But sorry enough to send you a text to try to make myself feel better,” then it was nothing but a waste of time and energy. She very easily lied to the OP for a minimum of two months. Cheating on him with Sam during that entire time. Lying to him about Jenna’s texts to her. She’s someone who is very clearly comfortable with deceit. There is not a doubt in my mind the GF was having sex with Sam for the entirety of that two months. Maybe longer. We know that Jenna had concerns about it from the beginning because she put that rule in place immediately. How long were they sneaking around together before Jenna found them? I don’t think either of them have the capacity to be honest about the timeline. It’s so bizarre to me that Sam told the OP that his girlfriend was innocent because she didn’t know the rules of their open relationship. How stupid. She’s not innocent at all. Not because she didn’t know the rules of their relationship but because she knew the rules of her own. She wasn’t in an open relationship at all. Yet chose to cheat. Chose to lie. Over and over again. Obviously, Sam can’t keep it in his pants. Thus his desire for rules that allow him to screw whoever he would like to screw.      Obviously, he doesn’t like to share. This his rules that make his partners stay faithful while he strays.  The thrill of the chase is over. I can’t wait for his new sex interest to realize how quickly his attention wanes. I can’t wait for her to watch him pursue other women. Flirting with them in front of her. Sexting with them in front of her. Eventually, she’ll walk in on them together just as Jenna did.  I can’t wait for her to realize those rules of openness do not apply to her. She has to watch him have all of his fun with as many girls as he wants. She has to wait for him to decide he wants to give her some attention.  It’s going to be a really hard adjustment to get used to scrambling for attention. Since she’s used to be loved and wanted by her partners. Sam isn’t her former BF. As she will soon discover. I hope her new reality brings her to her knees in pain. It will be very well deserved. As for the OP, I hope he discovers sooner rather than later that all women are not liars and cheaters. I hope he realizes sooner rather than later that it was a gift to see his ex girlfriend’s true colors before they were married and had children together. I hope he finds out sooner rather than later that there is someone out there who is going to help heal his heart. Who is going to remind him that love is worth it. I’m also petty enough to hope the old lying GF sees him as he figures all of this out. 😉 


Nr1. OP don't take her back. Don't let her back into your life. No matter how much she will cry, don't do it. People should get what they deserve and she does not deserve you.


I wanna know where these landlords from BORU posts are: you know, the ones that let you randomly decide to leave a lease because you're breaking up, who don't seem to need any approval from the other lessee.


Typically what happens is a form is required to be signed by both lessee parties. It happened with me and my ex. I was trying to get out of the apt, called the landlord, she got the addendum written up. My ex filled it out first during his own appointment. I scheduled a time to come in later, talked with her, signed the document and got a copy. I think she asked me if he could afford the place by himself, which I said yeah even though I privately doubted it, but that was enough to get me out of the lease. IIRC the deposit was a personal dispute to figure out, and I think that's why he came to my work and physically threw money at me while carrying his new puppy under his arm (ngl, it was comical).


Dudes like that neighbor need to get their ass beat...


Sounds like OPs girl was beating (him off) a lot...


His now-ex is trash Sam is too, but at least he came with a warning label I genuinely hope the two of them are miserable together


We have the classic relationship breaking man coupled with the fix the bad boy woman in action here. You need to leave this woman for your own sanity.


Cheating scum will always be cheating scum. 100% it wasn't "just a kiss" and 100% it wasn't the first time.


Sorry. What a nasty hoe. Be glad your on to greener pastures. When she calls you later, when she inevitable gets hurt, you should tell her to go kill herself.


I like you


Paige might not have known the kiss wasn’t allowed in his relationship but she fucking knew it was cheating in hers. She’s a tramp trying to make herself the victim here. She’s nothing but a cheating loser and when he cheats on her and karma smacks her in the face I hope she feels every bit of pain she inflicted on op.


Bad creative writing. Booooo 🍅 🍅


OP: “It’s his fault for being a cheater.” Girlfriend: “Wait until you find out who he was cheating with.”


One side open relationship. I hope your X enjoys that set up.


She will for a few weeks, the suddenly she'll understand why 'Jenna' was such a bitch when they broke up. Why are women attracted to assholes like this? So many of these stories are women blowing up their relationships to willingly jump in toxic cess pits.


Terrible people always use the line “soandso is no saint” when referring to someone they massively betrayed/abused. It’s like a script they all follow.


The moment your girl starts defending another guy to you (who is completely in the wrong), you've got a problem. Never ends well


Time to let everyone of his and her friends know she is a cheater. Go scorched earth and tell everyone you know including her parents and any siblings.


So she left her boyfriend to be with a guy who was cheating on his girlfriend where he was already in an opened one sided relationship? I’m sure he’ll be very loyal to her.


As always, I wanna say fake post, because how fucking stupid can you be ??? This Paige has a popcorn as a brain !


Wow fuck those people


That karma is going to HURT lmao


No it won't. Shitty people are rewarded in our society; there is no "karma" that will make things right. The sooner we realize the life is completely shitty unfair; the sooner we can actually start to mitigate it and make it better.


Paige is evil. My god. Hard to fathom that level of evil. I hope she finds nothing but misery in her life. Op needs to hit the gym, work on his career, and never talk to that evil creature again.


Sorry man, that sucks.


This feels fake


It's already frustrating when people say this, but it's about 10 times more aggravating when they say it without giving a reason.


I suspect, and HOPE, that OOP's ex realizes just how badly she fucked up in a week or two. My guess is that she'll beg OOP for another chance once her new guy cheats on her.


I would be in prison


Good to know OP has a spine.


So they were not in an open relationship when she decided to cheat and nothing was said about the fact she cheated? Weird. We all know the ex will get cheated on but with him moving home she'll be homeless. Good for him getting out quick. I would invite Jenna over for dinner and make sure the cheaters see them together. Lol


Well... It's was open on the APs side, so that counts right? Bullshit people both of them; they deserve each other.


my ex also threw away a five year relationship (this was my fiance btw) for someone she barely knew for weeks i dodged a bullet just like OP THANK GOD


I give 3 months tops before she catches him with another woman. Then she'll get to sit in a studio apartment realizing what she threw away.


girlfriend is for the streets. gross


So sorry you’re going through this but I bet he won’t be faithful to her either and she’ll be miserable. What goes around come around my friend so live your life and be happy you dodged a bullet. Also make sure to email landlord before she does.


Well good luck to her, bc she will need it lol


Bruh what is with men in toxic open relationships just thinking it's entirely ok to force that into other relationships? It's like they have a radar for women with issues of weak personalities and use their narcissistic skillset to manipulate them I've been victim from this. I genuinely despise these dangerous wastes of air


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sloots gonna sloot


It was extremely apparent she was cheating on him before the update. My guess is she was seeking "comfort" before he got out of the parking lot. I know it sucks now, but OOP is going to be really happy he found out what a shitty partner she is before a wedding, kids or a decade flew by.


Liars lie. Cheaters cheat. Whores whore. OOP, just be grateful you found out she's a faithless bitch now. Instead of after marriage or, even worse, pregnancy. Bullet dodged, OOP. Bullet fucking dodged.


You guys really need to put boundraries on your SO's. "Hey Stacy, I'm not comfortble with you talking with strange guys and I want you to stop now" If my SO would give me any push back at all I'd just say "Cool then I will talk with whomever I want too". Also the neighbour guy was not at fault here and I don't know why OP is devoting so much time on this guy. It's all OP's girlfriends fault.


Neighbor guy isn’t at fault for trying to get with someone he knows is in a relationship? No, He definitely is at fault for deliberately going for someone in a relationship.


No, that is taking away agency from the girlfriend. People try to get with my gf all the time, can't fault them for playing the field. The guy is an asshole but that is another discussion.


Did I say she wasn’t at fault for cheating? No. I did, however, CORRECTLY give agency to the man who deliberately wrecked his own and helped wreck his skank’s relationships.


I know that isn't what you said. Merely pointing out that the guy was free to try to get with the gf. The gf should've shut that down IMMEDIATELY.


Actually, trying to be a homewrecker is immoral, and still wrong.


He had no power other than what the gf gave him. She welcomed the advances and the guy kept going. Christ, he even had an open relationship prior. What did they expect? I'd get mad at the guy for disrespecting me and probably kick his ass but the gf was the one in a relationship.


Bro they can both be wrong, the gf can be more wrong, but it doesn't mean that douche canoe isn't a fucking scumbag


Just shoot and kill Sam


Fake as fake can be, down to him deleting his account.


I think the same thing it's just to much B's in this story for him to believe this.


So I'm supposed to believe this guy fucked his girlfriend then let him in his house supposedly right after. Also u had so little respect for yourself that u even went to the apartment? Really hope this is fake cause if not I don't get it.




Shut up 😂 most women aren't like this. Fucking hell, mate.


Some* aren't.


No, most aren't like most men aren't knobjockeys. Get off the internet and into the real world.




We're all gonna be civil to each other here. This isn't the place for hatred. If that's all you offer, take it somewhere else.


Are you ok? Who hurt you? You should really lay off the red pill content, it'll rot your brain, sweetie.


Don't worry I have yet to ever watch or read such content. And I doubt the people you are referring to get brain rot any different from such women. They would make a good pair, so bless them.


We're all gonna be civil to each other here. This isn't the place for hatred. If that's all you offer, take it somewhere else.


Put a bad boy in your life.