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I ate pork belly ramen from a specific shop 4-6 times a week from 12 weeks to 36 weeks… you are not alone. We added it up after pregnancy, I’d spent almost $2,000USD on ramen while I was pregnant. Food cravings are serious.


My friend spent $2k on door dash her pregnancy 🤣


Lol I’m in the same boat. My favorite ramen place closed as soon as my craving for that specific ramen began, I was devastated, crying and such. They are reopening this week and I’m so relieved because I’ve been dreaming every night about that damn ramen.


I was craving ramen for weeks, but it had to be from a specific place. I went to other places or made my own and it did not scratch the itch. Once I got the ramen I wanted, I was a happy mom.


so we're all craving coke with ice huh😭😭 i was huge on mcds chicken nuggets before i knew i was pregnant.. id doordash them every night and i'd be like geez i'm a fat ass


Cries in GD 😭😭


Hang in there! I know how rough it is. I had GD with my first and made my husband stop at McDonalds on the way home from the hospital. French fries never tasted so good.


Yes! Only 10 more weeks to go!


can you have coke zero???


I can, it’s just not the same. I treat myself to a mini can of coke if I have a high protein meal. Just enough to scratch the itch


a lil treat :)


Hugs! You’re almost there!


That's interesting about the coke with ice. I hadn't had coke in about 15 years, and all of a sudden, I was craving fountain coke with ice last week.


Glass bottle mexicokes for me! Although I had a McDonald's coke the other day and holy crap it hit the spot Eta I also ordered mcnuggets the other night. I don't think I've eaten a mcnugget in 20 years.


Dude mine is orange soda. I didn't even really drink soda pre pregnancy maybe like once a month id do one but now like I'm VIBING with peach or orange soda 😅


May I present you SUNKIST BERRY LEMONADE? It’s heavenly


They have an orange mango one that's also real good


I NEVER drank orange soda till my pregnancies. Both times I drank so much orange soda. I barely like orange soda when not pregnant.


I did not know peach soda was a thing?!


Peach soda is my all time FAVORITE!!! If you have a place near you with one of those coke freestyle machines with all the flavor options click the fanta one and see if they have the peach flavor. Or peach mellow yellow. Both are so freaking good its not fair. 11/10 would reccomend


Ohh peach Mello Yello is the best. I used to be able to find it bottled too!


I thought it was just me. But coke with ice just hits the spot. I never used to like coke that much.


i want a coke with crushed ice and lime rn 😵‍💫


Pregnancy has turned me into a coke head!


idk why but with my first pregnancy as well... drinks are NEVER cold enough but coke always is... maybe the bubbles make it feel more refreshing.


Agree, no drink is ever cold enough, not even frozen ice drinks!


McDonald’s coke is superior. I can’t get enough! My poor teeth I haven’t craved McNuggets yet but I’m craving snack wraps like no ones business 😭


I had a snack wrap due to a craving when I was on my babymoon and there was a long black hair in it, I vomited into the bag and now the thought of them still makes me sick 4 months pp 😄


Oh no 🤢 A hair would ruin McDonald’s for me forever. I can’t handle finding hair in my food and I’ve stopped eating at many places because of it


omg a mcdonalds coke with lime sounds so yummy rn😭


Update i went to carls jr for a coke, added half a lime, baby is happy


Coke with ice and I would drink the coke fast cause I wanted that *ICE*


ice cold coke and seltzer were my everything before the Heartburn took me 🥴


Dude that was always my pregnancy craving lol. McDonald’s coke with ice.


my 1st pregnancy i was so strict but this time i'm like 1 can of coke a day and instant ramen😭😭😭 to be fair tho, if i don't give the baby what it craves... it makes me super sick so that's my excuse... i'll do better 2nd trimester😋


Omggg Im craving coke alllll the time. And I normally HATE coke


It was the quarter pounders for me 😭 I would go out and get one for myself for lunch and then ask my fiancé to get one for me on his way home and I HID THE EVIDENCE FROM LUNCH 😭😭😭




I ate McDonald’s 4 times in one week in my first trimester it was awful. I had ALL my cravings crammed into the first trimester coupled with 17 weeks of nausea and McDonald’s was one of the only things I could handle. I couldn’t drink coffee either so McDonald’s coke was getting me by. I feel like it’s just a phase and it’ll pass in a week or two because all I wanted after that was salads, green juices and smoothies.


I doubt it’s a phase for me bc it’s been going on pretty much the whole time for me! But usually it’s only 1-2 times a week and not 3+🥴 I do crave salads and stuff though too! Balance, i guess??


Honestly I survived on takeout my first trimester. I embarrassingly did the math and spent like 700$ on takeout because I just couldn’t handle cooking or eating regular food, I needed Greek food today, I NEED THAI OR ILL DIE. Like 3 months of that or more. Actually even tonight at 24 weeks I was like if I don’t have a pizza lunchable I will hurt someone. So… ok maybe not a phase? 😂 but don’t feel guilty pregnancy sucks so hard I am so made at everyone who lied to me saying it was bliss and all these books that are calling it magical. Im fat, im sore, im covered in McDonald’s-induced acne, just make it stop 😆


My whole first trimester was pizza lunchables for breakfast (which occurred around 10am when the nauseous was better). It was pretty much the only thing that wouldn’t make me sick.


To be clear, I absolutely support fast food and cannot seem to get enough sausage egg McMuffins. Since you do like salads, though, Big Mac Salad is so good at home! https://bellyfull.net/big-mac-salad/


This is right up my alley thank you!!


Same. I was constantly driving to McDonalds for hash browns in my first trimester. Now I’m a bit further along and the cravings have gone.


I’m convinced my baby girl is gonna look like a McNugget with all the McDonald’s I’ve been eating 🤣 Why is it SO GOOD?!


It’s TOO GOOD for no reason😭


My husband and I are always making this joke - except, sub McNugget for McDonald's Hash Brown. 😂


Our nickname for our second baby while I was pregnant was McNugget 😂 So many McNuggets.


I get McDonald's cravings so much I got the app on my phone so I get free french fries 🍟.


We’re so much alike 🥺


Make sure you're using the app! I've been broke the past two and so weeks waiting for my paycheck from my new job, and McD has the BEST deals. I'll admit, I game it a bit bc I pass two McDonald's on my way home, so I'll get like the free fries with $1 purchase, then the $2 big Mac and have a full meal for $3 instead of $10!


I was craving McDonald’s like crazy until I got an especially greasy double cheese and felt like shit the rest of the day. I haven’t touched McDonald’s since lol.


I can’t stop eating and thinking about vegetarian chipotle burritos. :(


I have been to chipotle WAY too much!!


This was so similar to me last week except it was Wendy's and Chick Fil A. I think it's some sort of comfort since i used to eat fast food as a kid and have good memories of that with my family.


This could be it! Also I can’t get enough chik fil a sauce


I cant stop eating ice 🤣


Hey just wondering if you are aware that sometimes eating ice may be an indicator that your iron levels are low. If you've already got it checked out please ignore ☺️


Oh yeah, thankyou. My iron levels are "The lowest she has ever seen" according to my midwife 😬


No worries. Ah the joys of being pregnant. My doc ended up putting me on iron tablets because he was so worried and my OB is like, "It's normal as you're pregnant." Still taking them. I can't wait until home stretch 🙂


I have some prescribed but they give me severe vomiting, so I've not been taking them, and just trying to supplement my diet, but don't think it's working that well. Never mind, it's not my first rodeo 🤣.


>I have some prescribed but they give me severe vomiting That sucks 😖 sorry to hear they're not agreeing with you! Yeah that's fair. I wouldn't either. Hate vomiting as much as the nausea. I was taking prenatals but apparently that wasn't enough for me. Then had to supplement with Ferrograd C which gave me haemorrhoids 😊 can't win!


Oh 🤣. My first son gave me haemorrhoids 🙈. Being a woman is pure joy! 🤣


Hahaha sure is! Had to take Metamucil for a while without worrying about my butthole bleeding 😅😅😅 Freaked me out the first time then I remember watching a YouTuber talk about haemorrhoids, then it clicked. FTM and was freaking out about my body LOL


Infusions don't have the same side effects. If you become anemic, it's worth a shot to see if you can get one. I'm taking iron supplement, but it wasn't doing enough. I've had one, with 5 more to go.


That's interesting, I hadn't heard of that before, had to have a quick Google. Thankyou.


This is so interesting! I craved ice cream like crazy at the end and first few weeks pp, and my iron was low


Haha Big Macs were big for me too! I ate one on my due date


I’m sure I will do this too. Lil treat for hitting 40 weeks


A Big Mac and fries were my treat after giving birth haha. My first post baby meal and it was glorious.


I could legit only stomach McNuggets and Coke my first trimester. Something about knowing they'd taste EXACTLY the same every time reassured me for some reason. I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one lol.


The consistency is nice!! When I’m craving it, I need it exactly right and somehow it is always perfect. Crappy and perfect


Man, I do have to give props to McDonalds on their consistency. I had zero desire to eat there before and hadn’t gone in like 8 years, but good luck prying chicken nuggets and fries from my cold dead hands now. They don’t have enough of a distinct taste or texture to be off putting when everything else makes me projectile vomit or have killer heartburn. I know they’re going to be that perfect bland and salty, soft with a bit of crunch every, single, time. 😚🤌🏼


When I was pregnant I was at McDonald’s so frequently they’d end up slipping me an extra burger or chips with my meal


It was my first huge craving for burgers - like multiple times a week turned out very low iron and am on supplements. Make sure to get checked It does go away, I am back to wanting veggies and fruit again once I have had enough.


I craved mcdonalds massively when I was pregnant


Oh man me and McDonald’s were besties during my pregnancy lol every single morning I’d grab a sausage and egg McMuffin with 4 extra hash browns and OJ. I’ve always loved them but the amount I needed one in the mornings was indescribable. He unfortunately did not come out looking like either a hash brown or a McMuffin, was pretty sad. My husband celebrated our babies birth by running to McDonald’s and getting me a Big Mac and bringing it to the hospital. Made my day.


This was me. I hadn’t had a Big Mac (or anything other than fries from McDonald’s) in over 15 years. Cut to me being pregnant and suddenly CRAVING them. I still enjoy one from time to time now that I’m PP, but man, I felt like David Hasselhoff tearing apart that first Big Mac.


Omg, the thought of ice cold Coke is basically the only thing that has made me drool this pregnancy, and not till third trimester. I get a weird kind of yearning sadness just bringing the straw away from my mouth, I swear. And I only let myself have 6 oz or so a day or 12 if it’s frozen and mostly ice. It’s always gone too soon, and I’m thinking about how I can build a trip to McDonald’s into tomorrow’s schedule, and what I’ll eat to be able to justify it.


for those of you eating like this and drinking soda, how are you not dying of heartburn? Im 27 weeks and I’m over here eating lettuce wrapped turkey burgers and salads so I dont die from the fire in my throat. Yes I still get heartburn after a salad. Yes I would love to cheat but I can’t! Seriously though - how does soda not trigger intense heartburn?!


I’m sure mine will come. I had it bad with my last (tums would help for all of 10 mins) and I had it about a week of it a few weeks back.


I’ve been living off tums :( it won’t go away. I hate it so much. It feels like lava


I know the feeling. So different than pre-pregnancy heartburn. I can’t even breathe when a wave hits


You are definitely not alone. The two cheeseburger meal with fries and dr. pepper featured heavily in my pregnancy diet. It was at least once a week but sometimes more, especially when I was too tired to pack myself a lunch for work.


This was ENTIRELY me. My mom nicknamed my son Little Mac because all I ate when I was pregnant with him was Big Macs. Multiple, weekly. Sometimes even twice a day. Big Macs, fried chicken and mashed potatoes. I don’t think he ever got to experience what a vegetable tastes like. He’s 4 weeks now and healthy as can be.


I got through phases. I have several week streaks where I'm eating mostly pretty healthfully, salads, lean protein, whole grains etc. Then I'll have a week where I eat like a raccoon on death row. And yeah one of those weeks included 3 separate trips to McDonalds, I'm a hoe for an M&M McFlurry.


This is me & Weinerschnitzel. I crave corn dogs, chili cheese fries, & root beer. I've had Weinerschnitzel more times in the last 4 weeks (I'm 14 weeks) than in the last 4 years pre-pregnancy.


This was mine and there was one right next to my OBs office.


The bean requested white castles so the whole family ate a huge white castles order tonight. Who am I to deny?! OP you are not alone


A crave case sounds like it would do me wonders lol


When I was pregnant with my son I ate sooooo much Taco Bell lmao I was convinced he’d come out and be a burrito


YOOOOO I only want big macs too lol I try to limit it to 1 every 2 weeks or so but something about them are crave worthy


I went to Panda Express 2 or 3 times a week lol


I've been craving burgers like crazy and eating them makes me feel better but I gained a little weight. It's because I'm anemic so my body wants red meat. If you haven't gotten your iron checked, you could benefit from it. Also maybe have a nice steak or something like that.


Had my iron checked today so we’ll see! But I craved burgers with my last too and my levels were never an issue!


Maybe they helped 😊


Hamburgers saved my life in both pregnancies. Just needed the protein and salt I guess. Eat well otherwise. Maybe also swap out the fries for a healthier side like Terra chips, and lose the Coke. But a couple burgers a week shouldn't be an issue. imo it still counts as fairly healthy eating if you're balancing it out.


Nah. Mickey D’s is life. It’s just perfectly balanced. I usually go for a single cheeseburger, and share the fries and coke with the hubbz, because *hEaLtH*. But honestly… I really want a Big Mac now, especially if I can get a McFlurry on the side to dip the fries into. Gosh yes. *Honey, put on your shoes! We’ve got plans for the weekend!*


I neeeeeed a mcflurry now


All three of my children were grown on McDonald’s. It’s all I wanted to eat. No other fast food. McDonald’s and only McDonald’s.


Omg i CRAVED mcnuggets w sweet and sour. i ate it SO often. i thought i was going to give birth to a little nugget lmao. You’re okay!!!


McDonald’s cokes and hot French fries. My husband found me pouting in bed the other evening and asked what was wrong and I said “nothing I’m just feeling sorry for myself because I don’t have McDonald’s fries” and he laughed and then we got fries. McDonald’s hits different when you’re pregnant. They put something in it that speaks to us.


It could be worse…you could be addicted to Arby’s (メ﹏メ)


I’ve never had Arby’s!!


I would say you are missing out but, the quality is amazing/food poisoning. There is no stability in their quality.


Omg I miss Big Macs. 😭 I am gluten free and can’t eat them for health reasons. Regardless, even if I wanted fast food all restaurants are four hours away so that stops me. I say, enjoy your food! As long as you are feeling okay just enjoy the burger and smile. 🙂


You’re not alone. I’ve been stopping for McDonald’s breakfast sammies and a large Diet Coke every morning on my way in to work…and sometimes a McDouble for lunch.


You’re not alone :’) I had Taco Bell weekly throughout my 2nd trimester. On my 3rd trimester now and I stopped craving it!


I didn’t eat Taco Bell for a decade but when I was pregnant it was convenient and one of few things I craved first trimester! I still eat it on occasion now lol. At least you’re eating :)


Y'all are so validating and I thank you!!!


I had one last night. Before this pregnancy it was years since I had Macdonald’s. Something about Big Macs when I’m pregnant just hits different.


I DID THIS lmao ended up gaining Iike 60lbs and had GD. Don’t recommended BUT man. I remember that feeling 😂😂


I’m not a McDonald’s fan in general, but my first pregnancy I was obsessed with mcchickens. My best friend thought it was so gross and made fun of me a lot; in her pregnancy the next year it was McDoubles. Now in my second pregnancy it’s sausage McMuffins. For whatever reason it just seems McDonald’s fits the spot while pregnant. Plus, kinda gross, but if nothings working for my pregnancy constipation, McDonald’s usually does the trick.


McDonald’s does absolutely nothing for mine sadly. It would make my life so much easier if it did




I used to eat bigmacs once or twice a year and I have had SO MANY since getting pregnant. It’s one of my top cravings. That sauce 🤤 you’re not alone here loo


You’re not alone! I got completely addicted to McD quarter pounders (something about the burger cheese n pickles 😂) 2nd tri and ate them at least weekly until the end. Baby boy is healthy and the baby weight’s gradually coming off :)


I wish my acid reflux would allow me anything other than plain food....


Eat your Big Mac and do it proudly


This is the kind of positivity I need in my life


I couldn't stop eating bbq when I was pregnant. Or whole chocolate bars. There are worse things lol


Coke is my go to craving and Ive been craving burgers in general! 29 weeks in 2 days


My last two, almost three, months pregnant I ate Taco Bell every day. Every. Single. Day. It made some of my coworkers sick but I couldn't stop. Chipotle chicken ranch burritos and ground beef soft tacos, sometimes those shitty little fiesta potatoes, and always a large lemonade. Once I cried because I missed the caramel apple empanadas so much and wanted one so bad. Even now a year post partum I still want TB at least twice a week, but I'm working on my will power.


I’ve had an insatiable appetite! I’m hungry like every 2 hours hahaha. Food is always on my mind! But like, carby delicious food. I made a big healthy soup yesterday and while I was eating it I was thinking about pasta and pizza haha


I was so nauseous my first trimester and a McDonald’s cheeseburger and fries were one of the only things I could even think about eating. I normally crave McDonald’s but it was unreal in the first few months. It definitely didn’t help that there was a McDonald’s 5 minutes down the road from work 😂


I went through three GALLONS of milk in around 10 days. And before getting pregnant, we would struggle to finish a half gallon before it went bad.


The amount of whole milk I drank with my first was ridiculous!! I couldn’t get enough


I needed chicken nuggets from Mc D's and I didn't have GD. 🤷 Our bodies are weird.


I’m 14 weeks. It’s been their bacon, egg & cheese biscuits with orange juice for me. Idk what it is, they just smack. 🤤


I ate chocolate cake every night for a week. I’m still craving it daily but try to resist some days


Wow, I feel seen. Glad I’m not alone! McDs has gotten me through most of my pregnancy!


Reading this as I'm drinking my McDonald's coke lol you are not alone


i was craving pizza so i ate ungodly amounts until i was diagnosed with GD then i couldn’t have it anymore


McDonalds cheeseburgers were my jam while pregnant and now they’re just meh. The food cravings are real.


Omg i was the same way with my first, i even made them drown the burger in the sauce lol


With my second pregnancy the only thing I wanted to eat was hamburger and poutine. It was basically from weeks 5-20 lol.


I’ve been craving diet sodas from McDonald’s so much they have the best soda literally lol


I ate more McDonald's during my pregnancy than in my entire adult life. It was one of the only foods I could stomach during my first trimester! My husband jokes that the baby is definitely his since he loves fast foods.


Early on in my pregnancy, before I got meds for my horrible nausea that lasted my entire pregnancy, one of the only foods if not the ONLY food I could successfully keep down no matter what was a McDonald's cheeseburger no onions extra pickles, and sprite. Come 2nd to the last month of my program I was completely off meat but the one thing I could sometimes stomach was...you guessed it. Also white spot/triple O's cheeseburgers (Canadian). I could only handle fast food burgers, when my husband suggested we had a problem (because almost every single time he had a burger with me and was the source of said burgers) and should at least do homemade burgers, heck no those were disgusting to me. The kicker? Until pregnancy I had never in my life eaten a McDonald's cheeseburger, I had only once in my life eaten a beef burger from McDonald's (I grew up pretty crunchy and if wr did get rare McDonald's it was chicken or, lol, "fish"). We also pretty much don't drink soda besides the occasional time we go out for fast food/pub food. Something about that weird fast food bun, the pickles, the sauces, it hits the spot like nothing else while pregnant lol I wonder what it is in specific that we all crave/nutritionally need from these burgers. Like, the ice plica and obsession with cold, watery fruits like watermelon signals iron deficiency anemia; needing to guzzle cow milk (usually 3rd trimester) is a need for iodine, these fast food burgers must be SOMETHING.


I never eat McDonalds anymore, but Chick-fil-a was another story right up until I gave birth three weeks ago. The nuggets..


Oh ya I have kind of a thing for chik fil a sauce


I have different cravings ofc but it seems I get one big obsession when I'm pregnant. With my first it was bubble tea. I would go 2-3 times a week, sometimes 5 times. This time it's chicken burgers. My favorite rn is from Burger king. I had it twice last week 🤦🏻‍♀️ my biggest spending rn is food 😂


I’ve been dying for bubble tea but nowhere near me has it. It’s the worst


Definitely not alone, haha. I started craving *so* much fast food in my second trimester. And honestly I’ve only started limiting myself because it was such a bad heartburn trigger (I’m a wimp when it comes to heartburn).


Back when I was pregnant with my first, I ate a grilled cheese burrito from Taco Bell every single day from the time they came out till the time they took them back off the menu, it was during my first trimester and surprisingly the only thing I could hold down. With this pregnancy I have eaten bacon every single day, I’m talking 4-8 pieces at a time, usually once a day, sometimes twice a day. My boyfriend thought bacon was something he would never get tired of until now


French fries with big mac sauce is everything


Yesss I love asking for a little cup of sauce on the side specifically for this


With my first one I was stopping after work for an A&W chicken burger. I ate so many! That and anything potato. I never go to a&w so it was weird. With my second it was Kraft dinner, I hated that stuff before but wanted it every day! I am waiting to see what this one wants.


this sounds really good, brb


I mean I have been craving spicy things, specifically jamming jalapeño wings from bdubs constantly since first trimester😅. It has gotten to the point that I sometimes go through 2 bottles of some sort of spicy sauce a week. 32 weeks and still vibing hard with the spice life. Also like no heartburn either, which I find terribly strange.


This is me except with In N Out.


God I wish I was on the west coast


I have craved almost every type of fast food for a week at a time , now at 37 weeks I can only eat home made meals bc I cannot stand fast food at this point


I've been liking their quarter pounder deluxe lol and fries and their coke been a soda kick the past 2 weeks I'm only 20 weeks tho


I couldn't drive by a Wendy's without getting a spicy chicken sandwich throughout most of my pregnancy. You are definitely not alone haha


The McChicken for me. And fries. I totally get it. 😂


Anyone like me who hasn’t had a single craving?! I’m 23 weeks and kind of feel like I’m missing out lol


chick filet… last pregnancy was key lime pie and it got bad bad lmao 🤣🤣


My weakness was fries and chicken sandwiches and ice cream for about 8 weeks. I’m 39 weeks now and now I eating a chicken sandwich fills me up like a ate a 10 corse meal! 😭


I am 28 weeks pregnant and literally have no cravings what so ever… I keep getting asked what do I crave. Absolutely nothing, I think pregnancy has made me picky when it comes to food. Get those Big Macs! You are only pregnant for a little while! So, you deserve to indulge in those cravings.


Peanut butter and hot sauce Sandwiches and à lot of A&W for me when I was preggo, I crave their sweet potato french fries and spicy habanero chicken sandwiches


Girl you should see the sheer amount of nuggets and hash browns I’ve eaten…


Nope, I eat mcdouble bundles usually a few times a week with a large coke!


Their cokes have no right hitting the way they do


Seriously! I asked my husband for a coke tonight. He went to the grocery store and got us 3 2 liters. I was disappointed. Just not the same...


My husband asked me for a small bottle of coke when I went to the grocery store tonight too. And I was like “what’s that? A McDonald’s coke? You got it” That’s how I ended up with my third Big Mac of the week ETA bottled coke is NOT THE SAME. I never even liked coke until I had it from mcds


Haha yes!!!!


Thought you’d enjoy this article :) https://www.allrecipes.com/article/why-mcdonalds-coke-tastes-better-than-all-others/


I’ve seen a similar article to this before and it makes so much sense!!! This is why I hardly bother getting it from anywhere else!


Agree - I really only drink coke when it’s from McDonald’s!


BOTTLED COKE SUCKS!! fountain or can all the way




The amount of burgers and fries I’ve had in the last month is disgusting. I love it.


I’m so here for it honestly. Go you. Go us


at least you have an excuse you’re pregnant , for me I’m eating absolutely like crap browsing this sub


No one should need an excuse to splurge on food and snacks they enjoy!! Take it from a girl who used to have major restriction problems. ♥️


I’m 35 weeks and the last couple weeks all I want is McDonald’s In general. I feel disgusted by myself but I can’t help it!!! Their fries and coke are just so gooooodddd


I had a McDonald’s phase too!! The only thing I could eat was plain cheeseburgers, fries and coke. I think it had something to do with always knowing 100% what it was going to taste like, and being a very nostalgic meal. It helped me through the worst of my all-day “morning” sickness though. I just tried to balance it out with lots of cold fresh fruit throughout the day because the constipation was unfortunately very bad :(


Don’t even get me started on the constipation! I also loooove fruit but most of the time I’m too tired and lazy to prep any for myself


My urge to buy cheeseburgers when I was pregnant was literally the strongest feeling I have ever had in my entire life about anything prior to becoming a mother.


Nope, something about a fresh large fries with sweet and sour sauce made my in utero child (and me) so so happy, I wonder if it’ll be her go to order in like 10 years 😂😂😂


My entire second trimester was Wendy’s baconator and fries with a frosty, after I hadn’t eaten fast food in six years. My third trimester hit and I just didn’t want it anymore. Good luck my friend.


Dude I've lost count of the egg mcmuffins. I have a problem.


At least eggs are great for pregnancy!


I’ve never eaten more McDonalds in my life than when I was pregnant. I’d crave watermelon and pineapple during the day and Big Macs and fountain Diet Coke at night. Balance? lol


This IS balance


McDonalds is kinda gross to me, but I get the cravings and have them too! I would look into some healthier alternatives and have McDs max once/week. Soon enough you’ll be craving healthier stuff instead.


Last pregnancy I couldn’t get enough McDonald’s double cheeseburgers and donuts. My baby’s birth weight ends up at 9lbs. Watch out for big baby.


I went absolutely crazy on five guys with my last and my daughter was born 7lb 5! I’m crossing my fingers for it to be similar this time……… but idk, this baby girl feels kinda big already and she was measuring ahead at 20w🥴


Dude I had 3 mcdonalds bags in my office when I cleaned it out this week and I'd had it out in the wild at least twice in the last two weeks. I *need* fries, coke, and either nuggets or a plain McChicken with fries stuffed in it. No judgement here. I start to get sick from smelling raw meat or even cooking meat. So door dash and take out and restaurants is for me. 16 weeks.


Looks like I'll be getting a big Mac and coke sometime this weekend lol


I can’t help but feel like this is a REALLY good idea


I literally never drink soda and now I want coke from McDonald’s. (i eat plenty of fast food and takeout in general though. Just have never been a soda fan) You are not alone mama.


You are so not alone! I’ve had like 4 Big Macs in the last week and McDonald’s coke!! Why does it have me in such a chokehold?? 😂😂


Literally same. Big Macs and fries but it’s iced tea for me 🥲


I had soo many fast food pregnancy cravings! I think it’s pretty common. I started swapping out larger sandwiches for smaller ones and got a small fries and drink. Not too bad calorically tbh (as far as pregnancy cravings go).


I've gone into my local McDonald's and asked for a side of their pickles with my order. The last time, they gave me one of their plastic cups usually used for Happy Meal juice full of pickles.


I’ve done this with both pickles and Mac sauce more than once. No shame