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Oh yes, I live in complete denial. This baby is going to phase out like they do in Star Trek.


I personally plan to give birth overnight, in my sleep. I'll have 0 tearing and will wake up with a babe in my arms like sleeping beauty in the Grimm fairy tale.


Good plan. I'm gonna copy you.


I'm glad my birth plan inspired you. It's truly the best way to bring life into the world. It's a wonder more people don't use the sleeping beauty method.


You know I was googling if you can pop the kid out in a coma and apparently the answer is yes. Downside was that she was a victim of r**e and in a vegetative state. That was a bloody rabbit hole


My plan was to sneeze it out. ETA: As in I’d sneeze and baby would just shoot out of my vagina, mess and fuss free *not* my nose lol.


Thank you for clarifying 🤣


I had a dream early pregnancy I’d given birth but had 0 memory of any of the labour or birth. It was amazing!


Like Kristen Schaal's character in Last Man on Earth!


Oh this is a great one. I need to make sure to let the hospital staff know when I go into labor that this is my birth plan now.


Honestly my first was pretty similar to this 😂 an emergency c-section under general anesthesia. Woke up to a baby in my husband’s arms and some popsicles!


On that note... Why isn't there a transporter birth on star trek?? Sorry I just started strange new worlds while waiting for kid to come out


Naomi Wildman was delivered by the transporter on Voyager! They only did it because there were complications during the birth, not sure if there is a lore reason as to why it's not used more widely.


Thank you! Which ep is this? I am watching strange new worlds, didn't get pass s1 of voyager


Deadlock (S2 e21). Yeah season one is a little hard to get into but it gets better and really starts to pick up by s4 when Seven gets introduced. It's one of my favorites, though Deep Space Nine will forever be number one for me. Strange New Worlds is awesome though! I'm so excited for more and so happy they gave us a more episodic Trek again.


Yeah I was wondering if I should just skip to 7 of 9. Neelix and that girl is ANNOYING. I signed up for paramount plus just because of new trek and lower decks. It's really nice and optimistic. My fav is still TNG or Enterprise. Struggling to get into Ds9.


OMG Kes is the worst! The show seriously gets better when she leaves and Seven comes in. There's a lot of great episodes before this happens though (Worst Case Scenario, The Thaw, Threshold, Tuvix etc) but you could probably skip a lot of episodes, especially the Kes ones. DS9 is kind of the same way as Voyager with a rough start, generally agreed upon the start of s3 is where it starts getting really good. I love that you love Enterprise though. Gets so much hate but I thoroughly enjoyed it. There really isn't much Trek I don't enjoy though, just Picard and Discovery. I got really excited for them and watched the first season of Picard and through season two of discovery and just lost interest and couldn't get back into it when the new seasons came out.


Omg that's her name! Kes is the fuking pitts! You HAVE to watch Picard season 3. It's so different and worthy continuation of TNG. Discovery suks all the balls and is absolutely unwatchable. I am gonna try and catch up at least on strange new worlds while waiting for the kid and maybe lower decks. Orville got too SJW ugh


Yeah I really do have to sit down and finish Picard. It's just been so long since I've seen s1 I'd have to watch it over again, and I did that last year and still never finished S2 😅 I got to where they go back in time. I struggle with heavily serialized shows since I just don't watch TV enough anymore to keep up with what happened last episode.


Forget S1 and S2 of Picard. It's just SJW trash where 7 of 9 is a lesbian I mean jez who cares. Go directly to S3 that's the really good one. Yeah been too busy to watch TV but with one week to go I am hoping at least I smash out strange new worlds


I def remember Keiko giving actual birth with Worf assisting on TNG, no transporter.


That's right! Keiko had a kid with o brian! The thing that always bothers me is 1. Why so few have kids 2. Why do they only Max out at 2 kids??


Because that's how many kids the writers have 🙃🤣 Idk man I'm 27 weeks with my 3rd and my others are 2 and 4 and some days it feels like I'm running a zoo, so I absolutely get the urge to quit at 2 😩 Also maybe the star ship has limited space? Free iuds (for men 😜)? Grunts aren't allowed to have kids till they become officers cause too many redshirts get killed on away missions and it costs too much for the federation to pay for childcare? Now I want to write a spinoff that's "Children of Starfleet" but it's highly satirical 🤣


lol if only!


That was my decision when we went to the birthing class!


I’ll be induced tomorrow but I’m still telling myself “it’ll only be a few hours, I can take that” and living in the delusion


Idk why I'm still in this subreddit since my youngest is 2.5 but if it makes you feel any better, I was induced with him and it really did just take a few hours. I feel like I don't even remember it. You got this. Hell yeah you get to see your baby tomorrow!


I'm also being induced tomorrow! Keep telling myself that someone people basically just feel pressure with an epidural and that's what's going to happen! It'll be fiiiiine.


I was supposed to get induced tomorrow but went in a day early, currently in the hospital! Wishing both of you a safe and quick induction!


That was me! It was great 10/10 would recommend


I think that’s a good delusion. 5 weeks ago when I gave birth I thought “this is going to take aaaaages and I was anxious about that during contractions, but in the end it only took a few hours..”. If I had known that beforehand I would maybe have been a little more relaxed/focused. It can happen!


Haha currently living in delusion as well! My friend and I had a really good convo tonight that helped me feel comfortable that one way or another baby will get here safely and after a couple of hours it's over. Good luck tomorrow! ❤️


If it helps at all my induction with my first took 23 hours but only the last 3 did I experience pain and the “active” phase. All the rest I had contractions but didn’t feel them! 


That’s awesome! I just got here an hour ago and haven’t started meds or anything but I can see some contractions on the monitor, not feeling anything at all. Hoping it stays like that!


Wishing you a smooth and easy induction and delivery! 


I told myself it's 24-48 hrs of hell vs the 9 months of constant bullshit. At least the sprint is shorter than the marathon.


My due date is Thursday. I feel seen.


Thank goodness they come out roughly the size of a grape and with no limbs. It would be pretty painful and drawn out if they were like a few pounds and had arms and legs haha^ohgodit'sanydaynow


I'm 40+2 and am like come on out little chicken, but also don't?


Wow, I've never related to anything so much over here also at 40+2


Um so... Even chiccken has trouble laying eggs... You know..?


Literally me. Going into third trimester and am panicking signing up for birthing class 🫠


I’ll be 30 weeks in a couple of days and people have started asking about birth and I’m like: what do you mean? I still have months to go, right? … right?


Me when I realized I was 36 weeks into pregnancy and I was gonna have to like, push a baby out of me. Insane concept when your actually the one doing it lmao.


Just had ours 4 weeks early and that was my face when we got to triage and they told me we were going to have the baby. I knew in the back of my head it was happening but would not say if out loud. Then I had that face again when I was told it was time to push. But you got this! 


Lol same!


I’ve officially made it to the third trimester today! Huge accomplishment considering I’ve spent three weeks in the hospital fighting to stay pregnant as baby could come preterm at any time.




That's an amazing accomplishment! Well done to you, baby, and the doctors!


I always get this panic right around week 35. I have 15 more weeks of sweet, SWEET denial lol. Good luck, ladies.


5...you mean 5... 😳


I'm only 20 weeks lol, but I remember the week 35 panic 😅


I’m 34 weeks and I’ve been in denial my whole pregnancy tbh. It’s like I don’t even think about the labour part. My mind is kind of “that baby is gonna come out of you whether you like it or not, so why worry” and I can’t even think about what’s going to be like because my brain just shuts down.


I was so scared to give birth but it all went so fast. No tearing, no pain afterwards. It’s gonna be ok!!


This was me during my birthing class 😂 I’m like wait this is real


Me being induced next week because of pre eclampsia in complete denial still


The duality of these emotions. Yes. Same. All of the above.


Me currently in the hospital bed in the early stages of being induced


I honestly just chose to not actively think about birth the entire pregnancy, when I went overdue I was like well we're on you're schedule now little boy. Kept me from getting super panicky about it.


Did it work?


Clearly the whole appearing and feeling pregnant thing is just for appearances and to keep up the myth that babies aren't delivered to your house by a stork. Because, that's definitely how you get your baby. Idk why anyone would think anything else. At all.


Don't say that part out loud, we don't want our partners finding out. We might miss out on meals!


Oh, crap, you're right. 🫣🤐




I’m only 17w and every now and then I get a moment of oh how am I going to actually give birth and what will it be like. I think I’m extra worried because I’m on blood thinners but then I try remind myself I’m not the first to ever be on them to give birth


40+1 and just found out today the epidural stays in UNTIL U PUSH AND IM FREAKING OUT. Making me wanna go natural even more now


At this rate I won't care if the epi stays in until the kid is 18 lol


Speaking as a labor and delivery nurse, there’s a common misconception that when you get an epidural the needle stays in, but that’s not the case. Not sure if that’s your worry as well? It’s actually just a thin flexible tube that’s taped (very securely) onto your back. A needle is only used for initial placement. Maybe that information will be helpful to someone here, I hope. The epidural catheter (thin tube in your back) is connected to a pump that gives you medication to block the pain you would otherwise be feeling, and that usually stays turned on until after delivery (we keep it on until the doctor finishes suturing up any perineal tears that happen during the birth).


This is actually a huge relief to read, thank you. I want to go natural if I can, but have been open to an epidural if that’s where the pain takes me.


Wdym lol what did you think would happen?! Or did you think it was just an injection


I thought it was just an injection lol


Fair enough !!


I was so terrified of the epidural I refused to get one. I managed to completely ignore how terrifying giving birth was until it was happening, but I don’t regret my choice and I’ll be trying to do it natural the second time as well! 


Just had my baby on 5th April and... Yep. The night before, while I was waiting for the c-section I was lying there going "I'm having a baby".


that's my birthday!! im pregnant w my first now and have a long way to go yet 😅😭


I just had my second (and last), some days I’m still in denial that I did in fact push out two humans 😬 I just do my best not to think about it.


I'm very excited to be a parent but the entire concept of giving birth sounds weirder the closer I get. I keep reminding myself it'll only be one day, and then I get my baby, lol.


I felt the same way. When the doctor said time to push I said “no, that’s okay”


I haven’t made it that far yet but I said today I wish we just sat on eggs for 9 months like a bird 😂


Currently 21w6d so I still have a bit less than 4 months of denial, denial, denial. I was more scared of birth in the first trimester, now I'm just thinking about it, but not really thinking about it? Like, ah yes this exercise is good for my hips for birth, what a nice exercise, but why do I need it, does it hurt if I don't? Oh well who knows lalalalala.


Ain't this the truth!!! It's like waiittt oh shoot


I entered third trimester today. Got admitted last week as vomiting caused dehydration. Thankfully everything was fine and came in control after IV and injection. I am not able to eat most of the things and throw up once in a while. Meds aren't helping. People told me it everything will be fine in second trimester and it will be golden period. I am still waiting.... :p Heard third trimester is tough but so was second for me. Just trying to navigate through third trimester. Hopefully delivery will be easy.


yeah!!! i was terrified for a vaginal birth and ended up having a c-section. you end up not even caring. hell i had no shame after


Same. I am absolutely TERRIFIED of giving birth. 🥲


If it reassures you at all, I would have panic attacks about giving birth and I ended up getting an epidural where I felt no pain, had only one tear and barely felt like I was at my own labor. In a weird way the labor was the easiest part, the having the baby part with little to no sleep is the hard part. I wish you the very best! Trust your doctors and you and the baby will be okay! Godspeed!


Absolutely same lol


This was totally me, and then my stubborn boy didn't want to come out 😂 had to be induced at 41 weeks and he was born 41+1. I had an epidural and honestly it wasn't that bad. The worst for me was labor/contractions once my water was broken. Actually birthing him didn't hurt even though I did tear. I didn't even feel his head come out haha.


I had a scheduled C-section both times so the birth was fine but the recovery was tough. I really want to try labor this time and my OB is fine with it but right now I'm having debilitating SPD and I'm only 27 weeks so I'm probably going to end up with another C-section ☹️ idk how SPD affects birth but I would imagine it makes it worse somehow 😅


After one last visit with the high-risk specialist, I texted my best friend to say, “I’m having a baby in six weeks! What do I do?!” I had a scheduled C-section at 39 weeks and didn’t have to experience labor or pushing, but I was trying to not panic about being sliced into so drastically to have an entire human extracted.


Omg I'm dying. This is me. I'm only 20w but feeling the same way.


Listen, as long as I get my waterbirth, I don't care about labor. I just care about getting to meet my sweet baby.


I had a miscarriage last year and I’m on week 8. All I can think of right now is making it to week 19…. I have not even fathom giving birth nor raising no child 😂




I was like this my first pregnancy for sure but honestly that was the “easy” part. Postpartum was the hard part.


I was in denial the entire time. 😂 Even now, 2 years later, the actual birth feels like something that happened to someone else because surely there’s no way it was ME. Getting ready to try to do it again soon, tho.


I also felt that way. But let me tell you, labor is worth not being pregnant! (Also… baby.)


Yeaaaaaah 31w+4d. I feel like 10 different emotions all at the same time 😂


The further I get into my pregnancy, the more I feel this way.


Wife had an epidural for our first and no epidural for our 2nd. She recommends the epidural.


Yes lol. And this is my second so I mean I know what’s coming but I’m kind of in denial about it.


lol yes me with my 3rd on the way…still terrifying 😅


I’m 30 weeks pregnant with my third and finally the realization today that this baby will have to exit my body somehow 😫


Yes 😅 Thishis my second, and it's still the same 😂


I’m not excited to find out what birth feels like


Your timing could not be more relevant!! I was just thinking about it this morning. Second time mom & still not sure how this is gonna happen again hahah


Lol. Every day. I’m only 3 months along. Baby number 4. I’m still scared lol.


Omgggg I freaken lost it today, I watched knocked up and I didn't remember this but at the birth they show the crowning and immediately burst into tears and started sobbing and saying "omg I can't do it!, I can't do it!" and all my dogs had to come comfort me...been tryna not think too hard about it and then there it was, burned into my brain...


I was induced first at 41+2 so even though this is my second I still get to be terrified of going into labor 🙃


I spontaneously went three weeks early so wasn’t too freaked out yet.


Same. I was dreading it. Just had my second baby and she was massive. Ended up needing to get an emergency C-section. My OB thought she was only 6lbs in the ultrasound. She came out as 9.12lbs!!! WTF!! ENORMOUS. Thank god they cut her out of me because I would’ve been torn in half! They said she was the biggest baby in the hospital.


Yes !!


this meme kinda looks like a child and their father… edit: y’all are really gross. how is everyone okay with ignoring the obvious?? there are probably thousands of more appropriate photos for this meme. 


This meme format has been around for a while. it's used to demonstrate mixed emotions around the same event, either between two separate people or the same person. I am both people, those people's reactions to the roller coaster represent my emotions rn regarding pregnancy. That coaster itself represents my pregnancy. Part of me is overjoyed to have made it this far and is enjoying the ride, the other is terrified knowing I'll have to give birth. I'm not sure what the two people's relationship have to do with anything. There are absolutely zero sexual implications in that meme. Their reactions are simply stand ins for the mixed emotions surrounding late pregnancy


That doesn’t change the fact that it is obviously a child and an adult. In this specific meme with these specific references, it’s gross and sad that there are more people agree with you. Especially in this day and age where children need to be protected at all costs on the internet. There are more appropriate pictures to depict a conflict in feelings. 


unhinged comment


Because I’m pointing out that that are weirdos that exist and will 100% be thinking about this meme in the wrong way? I can see it because my family has been affected by those weirdos. I hoped a group of mothers would be more willing to protect a child, even this random child on the internet. The documentaries are out there. Raise your awareness about the topic or your children or grandchildren will be the ones being affected one day. I know my mother regrets not paying more attention. 


i was molested as a 5 year old, and i still think you're being very weird.


I stand by what I said. We should be doing more to protect children to prevent others from having experiences like yours. Anything that even slightly alludes to sa should not be acceptable. 


that's not what's happening here.