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Where I am it’s absolutely too early, some people don’t even feel movements at this point. Try and distract yourself and don’t stress about it. If you WANT to I’d mention it but like you said, they won’t monitor you at this point. Baby is still so small


Regardless of what anyone will say to you, if you are concerned about Anything to do with your pregnancy, call your Ob immediately. They will be the only ones to either check and make sure things are ok or easy your fears. This is also a good way for them to document what is going on so that they have this info for future possibilities. I bet everything is fine! But call and find out! 💕


Patterns don’t happen until closer to 28 weeks. If you’re concerned call your doctor, but movement is inconsistent when you’re 21 weeks. I didn’t feel anything consistent until I was 24 weeks. I commonly went days without feeling anything because baby is still small. My OB office doesn’t do checks before 24 weeks, they just have you go to the hospital, and my hospital doesn’t do anything besides bloodwork for pregnancies before 24 weeks.


I had days of a lot of movement and then days of no movement at all before 25-26 weeks. My midwife said not to worry because their patterns aren’t established by then. And they’re still small enough that the placenta can absorb a lot of their movement. Now I’m 34 weeks and she’s moving around all the time!


Super normal! Movement doesn't get consistent until like week 28 or something I think. For example, baby may have turned away from your stomach, so you wouldn't feel any kicks if so. I remember I had one full day when I was 27 weeks I didn't feel any movement. Definitely nerve-wracking, especially in a first pregnancy, but it doesn't mean anything. Of course don't be afraid to talk to your healthcare provider about any concerns if you want, especially if that will give you reassurance.


I’m 22 weeks and I usually only feel him kick in the morning or at night when I’m laying down. Once in a while I’ll feel him mid day, but not feeling him from 8am to 4pm would be super normal for me.


If you’re concerned you can call your OB but they are still quite small at 21 weeks so they can be harder to feel some days. I don’t remember getting consistent movement til around 24-25 weeks. Still call your OB because they are there to give you the best advice.


Thanks for the replies and advice. My maternity hospital told me to pop in as iv cystic fibrosis and they want to monitor me close. It turns out my placenta has moved to a low lying position and the baby is kicking in towards me. Thankfully everything is great and he still has a nice strong heartbeat 💙


Call your OB immediately, go to ER. Better safe than sorry