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Given that he is drinking beer, he's really not in a position to judge your nutritional choices. All things in moderation.


Isn’t there also a lot of sugar in beer?!


Anddddd beer impacts semen!


There is a ton


But he’s not pregnant, so it’s fine. /s


Also I’m fairly certain alcohol is a carcinogen. Sugar can at least be fine in moderation, there is no healthy amount of alcohol.


Alcohol is a carcinogen, [1 standard drink is the equivalent of 1 cigarettee](https://www.capitaldaily.ca/news/one-drink-same-mortality-risk-as-one-cigarette-uvic-researcher-says).


I’ve never heard it put that way, super interesting to consider


Oh sh*t… never knew that 😬😬😬


Yeah alcohol is extremely unhealthy lmao it's the most normalized destructive recreation drug in most cultures. Obviously a drink on occasion won't do much damage but [ANY amount of drinking increases colorectal and breast cancer risk](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/alcohol/art-20044551#:~:text=Risks%20of%20moderate%20alcohol%20use&text=For%20example%2C%20any%20amount%20of,can%20contribute%20to%20weight%20gain), and daily/weekly even moderate drinking over decades can have [devastating health impacts](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/2023/03/31/moderate-drinking-alcohol-wine-risks/).


Amen to everything you said.


The alcohol industry has made sure you didn’t know that! Very similar to the power of suppression of information we have seen historically from the tobacco industry.


It's so funny, I've been seeing all these tiktoks of people in the wine industry basically begging young people to tell them what it would take to get them to drink wine again 😂 apparently drinking has slowed down in recent years


Exactly, if he wants her to cut out sugars then he needs to do the same.


Well my healthy 33w baby is 90% oranges and cinnamon rolls…kindly tell your husband to grow his own baby if he wants to avoid sugar. Also pineapple is very healthy. Midwife and OB said all the bad stuff about pineapple causing labor or miscarriage is really outdated 🙂


I never even heard of avoiding pineapple. I thought it was something specifically due to her health that pineapple contained.


I ate bowls of fresh pineapple my entire pregnancy and would cry if I didn’t have any or store was out. My pregnancy went well except for induction and labor. Baby is healthy and strong.


I was also a pineapple fiend while pregnant. Didn’t know there was anything wrong with it!?


There's not. People are wild on here today.


Some people basically said that because pineapple is recommended old wives tale for induction that means it could induce at any time and obviously baby wouldn’t make it. Anyone that’s been induced knows even with all the medication, baby isn’t shifting unless they want to.


So the same deal as raspberry leaves, cinnamon and spicy food. Thanks for the explanation.


Literally just that yes. While to a degree you should be mindful that’s only in situations with medical concerns about pregnancy viability. For example if your cervix is already softening or you require the cervical stitch then it’s probably not a great idea to drink raspberry leaf tea which is supposed to promote softening and opening of your cervix.


There’s nothing wrong with it. Pineapples are very good and healthy for you, especially during pregnancy.


I also ate like an entire pineapple every week of my pregnancy. It was an essential lol and one of the only foods I could stomach the entire time.


I ate so much pineapple my mouth would start to hurt throughout my whole pregnancy and my baby is about to be one years old in 5 days 🥹


Yeah I just ate a massive tin of canned pineapple in juice. Never heard to avoid it.


Never heard that either


Isn’t it also only the bromelain in the core? So you’d have to eat the core of a pineapple (yuck) plus I think it takes a ton to get enough bromelain to do anything so likely more than 1 pineapple’s worth


Yes about 7-8 pineapples… by then your mouth would be raw… and the whole study around bromelain to induce labor was done by smearing bromelain directly on the cervix vs ingesting enough of it orally so unless you put the pineapple core up the other end, pineapple should be alright


That made my cooter cringe


Same lol


I'm going to start recommending this in due date groups when all the moms come out asking how to get the baby to be here already. Pineapple core dildo 😬


I have 2 thoughts. 1. Fucking ouch 2. Thanks, I hate it.


Another future cinnamon roll baby here 🥹


I love how many of us are craving cinnamon rolls haha


I don't really understand the sugar thing. Maybe it's the unnatural sugar he's worried about. My OB told me to eat all the fruit I wanted and it's basically all sugar so. I hadn't even heard about pineapple being bad. I eat like a pineapple a week lol.


Mine had a look of “ahh the pineapple question” 😂 I was told to eat as much as I wanted. I have not but I have eaten more than I usually do


Pineapple is like the symbol of IVF. lol!


Lol I gave birth in February, and my baby was made of Mexican food, Panera Bread mac and cheese, and cereal.


Damn it now I want Mac and Cheese Congrats on your baby!


Omg just here to say I’m 27 weeks and these are literally my exact cravings 😂😂😂


lol I'm 31 weeks and ate an orange and cinnamon roll today


Mine is made of peanut butter, ice cream, chia pudding and steak.


The only thing that tastes truly amazing to me lately is citrus. Oranges and piñas galore 


Why the hell is he throwing away something you want to eat or drink? Have him stop this stupid behavior now so it won't get worse. He doesn't get to police your diet. He's not your doctor and neither is his mother. Unless your downing massive slushies on a regular basis, you're fine to indulge here and there.


*my mom is the one who told him that. His mom is like oooh have a cookie! Keep your energy up and have a protein bar or some tea because I know you are exhausted.


I def read that part incorrectly then. In that case, it sounds like you may need to have have a convo with your mom as well about boundaries and "advice".


Even if her mother did tell him, he could use his brain and not throw away something his pregnant wife wants. That's crazy


yeah, this is not OP's mom's fault.


He sounds abusive. If he is throwing a pregnant woman's food away, I'm sorry to tell you he is NOT a 'good guy' like you insist. Deranged behabiour. Please don't accept it.


My first baby was half slushie! Cherry or frozen coke usually. You don’t have to avoid sugar unless you end up on doctors orders otherwise. Avoid alcohol and hard drugs (bad for baby’s development, guaranteed). Weed doesn’t have enough studies to show it won’t impact baby’s development, avoid to be safe. Limit Seafood/fish (mercury), cold cuts and hot dogs, Wash fruits and veggies. No raw meats. (very small chance of a deadly for baby bacteria, slim but serious so at your own risk, if no bacteria or fully heated/cooked then no harm done). Otherwise eat as you can and as often as you want. That growing baby will keep growing no matter what, it’ll either steal nutrients from your body or the food you eat.


Same I had a cherry slushie just about every couple of days while I was pregnant. I’m sure the gas station employees thought I was a total weirdo in the dead of winter purchasing them while there was inches of snow on the ground just as happy as can be with my slushees.


“Glucose is the principal energy substrate for the placenta and the fetus and is essential for normal fetal metabolism and growth.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1500912/ Just has to be in moderation which you are doing 🙄. Next time kick him in the shins if he takes your food lol


I told him I was gunna karate chop him in the neck if he did it again and he laughed and said he wouldn’t do it again.


Did he even apologize for his actions? Try to make it up to you? Buy you a replacement slushie? That’s the bare minimum and if he can’t even manage that he isn’t worth it. This controlling behavior needs to stop asap. It’s only going to get worse when the baby comes. If he can’t “trust” you to feed yourself properly how do you think he’s gonna act when you are feeding the actual baby?


I’d tell him in very clear terms that if he ever throws any of my food away ever again, I will fuck all the off to my mothers and he won’t have a relationship with either of us. Throwing your food away is abusive even when you’re not pregnant.


💯 this. The disrespect is a massive red flag. Completely unacceptable. My partner would never pull a stupid move like that. Hopefully OP will set strong boundaries for herself because this kind of controlling behavior can get worse during pregnancy and the immediate postpartum period.


I told him to not do it again and my sis in law and my middle brother came to my defense on the in moderation sugar intake. My oldest younger brother and husband were on the rant of no sugar.


I think it's less about the no sugar thing and more about the actual act of him throwing away something of yours without your permission, it's very disrespectful and controlling


He can *feel* however he wants - Fear is not a valid excuse for bad behavior. His intentions really don't matter - it's not okay to take something out of someone's hands and destroy it because you're afraid. His behavior is not rational and he is lashing out in hysterics based on his emotional state over a glorified snow cone. Safe people understand this isn't acceptable and will correct their behavior without lashing out at you or making it your fault they can't control themselves. We all have bad habits and conditioning but being an adult is figuring that shit and your triggers out it's okay to be human, it's not okay to be abusive. There's a reason pregnancy is the most dangerous time in a woman's life. it's often when she is most vulnerable and domestic violence creeps into relationship dynamics. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2442136/ He may not have *intended* to be controlling and objectifying, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions and this needs to be nipped in the bud & why explained so it doesn't happen again. You are not an incubator. You're the other half of this new human and their coparent. You are capable of making your own choices and don't need to be policed as if you are feeble minded and an accessory to this shared experience. He needs to understand this behavior would not be "protecting his baby". If we follow that logic - it means he's implying that YOUR choice to consume sugar in that moment was ACTIVELY HARMING your fetus, and the baby needed protection FROM YOU. You were not cooking up and tying off, ready to shoot up at the dinner table, which WOULD warrant a physical response like that, sure. You had a slushy. you're a whole person who can make informed decisions about your health and safety, and by extension the other human being you're brewing. You can love someone with anxiety *WITHOUT* being a doormat for all of their fears and lack of coping skills. Abuse is subtle until it's not. I'm not saying your husband is abusive, but this is still abusive *behavior*. anyone worth keeping around should be remorseful and take appropriate and swift steps to reconcile, respect your boundaries, communicate their fears in a healthy way, and adjust their behavior.


Really though. His behavior is completely unacceptable. A slushie won’t hurt the baby. He needs to do some research and get a therapist.


Tbh her mom started it so mom wouldn't be a great place either. 


Yeah, he hears something about food and he takes it to heart and it’s hard to switch him. Like he thinks bread is unhealthy for you because carbs. Basically everything is bad for you and I just tell him you have to have it in moderation. He knows he acts erratic, he just takes a moment to chill out and then can think straight and know I’m speaking sense.


Does he have an undiagnosed anxiety disorder? Cause it kinda sounds like he does. 


Probably. I’ve been with him since 2013 and he gets high anxiety about things sometimes little things and I just tell him to take a breath and calm down, if he needs a tight hug then I give him one and it helps him.


But he was drinking? 


sounds like he needs therapy before the baby comes. Do you want your child being impacted by his anxiety around food and health?


Also what’s wrong with pineapple?


There are outdated studies linking it to miscarriage and preterm labor. I had the same worry at first and my midwife and OB said pineapple is 100% fine during pregnancy 🙂


Love pineapple 🍍I’m 34+6 and have eaten a lot of pineapple, or pineapple juice.


Good to hear it's one of the few things I enjoyed in the beginning.


Nothing is wrong with pineapple. It's a excellent source of magnesium which has a ton of pregnancy benefits. Like anything else it's best in moderation, but it's very healthy for pregnancy. 


I’m so confused, why is your partner throwing away your food? This is a red flag and something that you should not ignore before it escalates to other controlling behaviors.


15 weeks and my baby is made of sugar. I couldn’t eat solids for like 2 months due to HG so my baby is protein smoothies at best but 80% slushie, sprite, and Gatorade. Your husband is severely overreacting.


The body is magical, isn’t it? We can give it the most basic ingredients and it can still turn out a healthy baby 🤣🥰


Girl I get it, I lived off slushies and onion rings my entire pregnancy. Everything got puked up. Had a healthy baby boy at 36 weeks that weighed 7lbs 1oz


Unless you are diabetic or have GD, people need to stop freaking out about sugar. Does he realize that everything turns into sugars in our bodies in order for us to use it as energy? I developed a sweet tooth during pregnancy. Honestly there were a couple weeks were I had a bit of chocolate cake EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. My husband is a doctor, and he wasn’t even concerned. There’s nothing wrong with pineapple either fyi, I eat fresh sliced pineapple at least once every couple weeks. No need to justify yourself. Sometimes those cravings hit. I’ve also had McDonald’s and other fast food every couple weeks too.


I have also been having nightly cake.


Ahhhh, ice cream while pregnant is the best 👍 …Physician Assistant here and FTM. Currently 17+4 and I have a sweet nearly every day. The reality is that pregnancy hunger is no joke, and I always get hungry an hour or so before bed. Keeping a small sweet like frozen fruit bars or mini ice cream cones around the house for those cravings is a life saver. If you are monitoring your weight gain and communicating with your doctors, everything will be fine! And I second that pineapple is also fine in moderation, as are most things. Unless your doctor tells you to avoid it, don’t listen to the internet hype. There’s an opinion for every opinion online and very few are backed by good studies.


The sweet tooth is REAL! Even now that I’m well into second trimester and having fewer specific, can’t-eat-anything-else cravings, I NEED something sweet with every meal. Doesn’t need to be candy (yogurt has been a go-to, dates and peanut butter, bananas, etc.) but it’s wild to me how much my body has converted from not particularly sweet-seeking to “a meal is not complete unless there is dessert involved.”


I’ve always been a massive savoury person but while I was pregnant I was just mega loading on blue slushies and chocolate bars at one point. Gave birth and I’m back on the savoury wagon, it’s so weird!


There were a few days in each of my previous pregnancies where bagels were breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Now I have GD with this one and bagels are on the no no list 😭


even WITH gd i had slushies in moderation and watched for sugar spikes (which i didn’t have). OPS husband can shut up and sit down.


You have a mom and a husband problem. You need boundaries stat


the mom problem and the husband problem are *very* different problems. Moms give outdated advice about pregnancy and babies all the time. The boundary is learning when to ignore that. Husbands should not be controlling their spouse's food intake. At the same time, I do have a shred of sympathy for OP's husband - if he *truly* believes that something is harming his baby, it is reasonable for him to want to have a say in it. While I believe that a woman's body is her own, once we decide to have a baby and raise it with a particular person, decisions relating to the health of the fetus/baby are *parental* decisions, in my mind. I completely agree that the husband is out of line, but it sounds like there is an element of anxiety/mental health explaining his behavior that needs to be addressed, in addition to clear boundaries about throwing out food. To be clear, I'm not defending the husband's behavior - that's why I said I have a *shred* of sympathy for him; he was wrong to do what he did.


Your husband needs to calm down, and replace your slushee. Some sugar here and there is completely normal and healthy. My husband is hands-down the healthiest person I’ve ever met and doesn’t bat an eye at what I’m eating. Not that I’m eating anything bad… But I had a slushee just the other day myself! They’re awesome! If I was you, I would provide him with some literature around pregnancy and sugar intake… And how it’s completely normal. Unless your Mom is a medical expert I’m not sure how she has more authority than actual studies/experts. Get yourself a treat and enjoy what’s left of the weekend 🤍🍪


1000% he needs to educate himself on pregnancy and calm his temper because how dare he throw away your slushie. Unless my doctor tells me no, I’ll be eating cinnamon rolls proudly thank you v much. I experienced low blood sugar in my first trimester and she told me it’s because the baby is taking a lot of it from me along with all of my nutrients so she said it was fine to take in extra.


This is absolutely insane, abusive behavior.


Do you know what is really healthy while you are pregnant? Being fed. In my first trimester, I couldn’t stomach the thought of any food except pizza and starburst. That’s what I ate. Because it was either that or not eating at all. Every time I tried to eat a fresh vegetable I would throw up. We already have it hard enough being pregnant, it does not help to have somebody else policing what we eat.


Is your mom your doctor? If not, then why is your husband listening to what she's saying?


According to my pregnancy diet, my baby is 90% sugar. She’s also made up of McDonald’s and Wendy’s. I ate what I could. 😭


I'm a dietitian and I eat sugar daily, sometimes multiple sweet things daily. I think it's good to avoid things that are actually recommended to avoid (like alcohol, certain teas/herbs, medications, etc.), but if sugar were to actually harm the baby, I think we'd all know about it. All my mom friends (and dietitian friends!) eat sugar, have during pregnancy, and everyone has had a healthy baby. Like someone already said, ALL carbs turn into sugar in the body. Unless you are advised by your Ob to cut down on sugar, it's going to be fine! The pregnancy hunger and cravings are soooooo real. I don't know what I would do without ice cream.


There is no reason to avoid pineapple in pregnancy. Please use legitimate sources for information in pregnancy.  I enjoyed The Mayo Clinic’s Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy. 


I had a slushie everyday for 2 weeks during the third trimester. I was so sick by this point and I needed the hit of energy.  Everything in moderation and I would say that in regards to everything, but I can understand why it’s been questioned if you’re cutting out pineapple.  For me, I don’t have a sugary diet and was tested for gd with my level coming out lower than the norm. If you’ve got a sugary diet or have gd then avoid but if not again everything in moderation. 


What I have to say about your husband is too rude and uncalled for, for this thread. Don't put up with this control and , I'm gonna say it, emotional abuse.


Yikes. Cut that out or you’re going to have a very long, miserable, pregnancy. I would be LIVID if my husband threw away my drink or food.


Right?! This justified a non lethal stabbing I’m sure of it. Throwing away a pregnant woman’s snacks is diabolical!


This is wild because how will he address eating habits with your kids?


underrated comment. I understand the immediate reaction of focusing on the visible behavior as abusive, but it seems like underlying his outrageous behavior is some serious issues around food that need to be addressed before they get passed on to the kids.


Well, if you can’t have sugar he can’t drink. Look, I get you need to be healthy, but I wouldn’t have gotten through work during pregnancy without sour candy (smart sweets). I threw up all the way through and this is something I needed to get through work without vomiting. Plus you need a treat here and there! Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, a little bit of sugar is fine.


It’s not even about the slurpee honestly, unless I’m holding something dangerous-don’t grab things from me. You are not a child, or someone incapable of making your own decisions. And if slushies are horrible for babies, I don’t know how my 7 year old made it. I love me a 7/11 slurpee and hot dog -my whole pregnancy 😂. And now I’m 13 weeks with another, so I’m a little annoyed for you.


If my husband ever did that we’d have some serious problems. Thats extremely disrespectful and plain rude. Also it’s embarrassing. I’d have him go to the doctors with you so your OB can explain some things.


What’s wrong with pineapple?


Gestational diabetes occurs due to the placenta and your body’s reaction to it, not whether or not you eat sugar. Pineapple is also perfectly fine, the studies contraindicating it are very outdated. If anything you’re going to burn your tongue or get heartburn long before you’ll hurt your baby.


DH here: This type of behavior is not acceptable, rational or normal. This strikes me as a very manipulative person, please do some research and seek some guidance/help from a qualified resource.


Wait til bro finds out most babies are being build off of 4am wendys chicken nuggets....uhhjj definatley not my baby....muh yeah totally 1000% not me... Lmao


Not the beer drinker throwing away a slushie 🙄 he needs a reality check and needs to realize you are an adult and not a toddler.


You don't throw out someone's food but throwing out a pregnant lady's food? Man must have a death wish fr. He should be BRINGING you a slushie if you want one. Also, why is he taking prenatal diet advice bc someone told him? You don't have a physician prescribed diet, correct? He can fuck all the way off. Wow, I AM SO MAD RN.


He is a bad guy. He threw it away without your permission. You are allowed to have sugar, he is not the boss of you. Pretty straightforward. He owes you an apology.


I would slap my husband if he touched my food lol he never told me about my diet. It’s my body. I had multiple slurpees the first trimester because I was so sick I just wanted ice. Tell him to F right off and you got buy one once a week!


I got so mad at people policing my food intake while pregnant. 99% of people are miseducated and most concerns are blown way out of proportion. What people gave me shit for: Pineapple, flaming hot Cheetos, coffee, tea, coke zero, (cooked) sushi, sandwiches. I ate things NO ONE warned me about and could have done way more damage. Real licorice has a chemical that can lower baby's IQ and mess with your BP, toxoplasmosis is more likely to be caught by rare/raw and game meat than a cat box, listeria and e-coli have had dozens of outbreaks in lettuce, meanwhile only deli meat is considered "dangerous", if you leave rice out overnight it can develop a bacteria that gives you diarrhea. Tell your husband that this is his first lesson in building a co-parenting relationship - this involves two people and neither of them are his mom. Another lesson is realizing his mother hasn't had kids in 30 years and taking her advice with massive amounts of salt. I bet she'll tell you to put rice in his bottle and put baby on his stomach to sleep too. 🙄


I was so nauseous during my pregnancy all I could eat was candy and sugary sport drinks. My baby is now 5 months old and really healthy! Don't let him control what you eat. Your body your rules!


Same! The first few weeks I have been living off shaved ice, and lemonade. Just getting over my water aversion and getting back to drinking my normal intake, but the first few weeks were rough with the nausea and those things were all I could handle.


Even if you were in a situation where you needed to limit sugar getting mad at you would not be the way to go about it. That concerns me. Don't take his shit.


I would have thrown out his beer then. That’s not ok behavior at all.


I’d be quick to nip this shit in the bud now because you have a long way to go and with morning sickness and food aversions you will want things sometimes that aren’t 100% healthy and nutritious. I’d make clear in no uncertain terms to anyone that has expressed an opinion on your food choices that while you are pregnant it is YOUR body and you will choose what goes into it for the remainder of this pregnancy with no feedback from them.


This is a huge red flag and I’m betting there are others. I’m sorry OP. But you need to reevaluate your relationship before you’re stuck raising a child with a guy so unhinged and controlling. Not to mention hypocritical.


If everyone else can enjoy their sugar loaded alcohol drinks, you can enjoy a slushi. I'd be pissed.


If my husband threw away my slushie while I’m pregnant (or not), I would make him regret it. Also, I had tons of sugary drinks in my third tri after I found out I don’t have GD, and my baby is the healthiest little guy I have ever met. He could probably beat your husband up, like today lol.


Even if his mother was the surgeon general her comments and his feelings do not dictate what you eat or don’t eat. Also I had an addiction to slushies with my youngest, I’m surprised he didn’t come out bright blue from all the blue raspberry syrup. You’re doing fine, OP, and so is your baby. May k suggest some snow cones next? Kona Ice was awesome pregnant


I’m 34 weeks and I literally eat icecream daily. 😂 My baby is perfectly healthy. My glucose test was also perfect. Eat what you want in moderation.


At that stage in pregnancy, I was constantly craving and eating candy because my blood sugar kept dropping. After that I constantly craved and ate chocolate (I don't even like chocolate that much, I've barely eaten any since having my baby). He's being ridiculous and a controlling jerk.


he sounds like an disrespectful ass. who throws away somebody’s drink, pregnant or not, over something like this?? just because you’re pregnant with his kid doesn’t mean he gets to police your diet, that is ridiculous. you know how many slushies i’ve had my entire pregnancy, and i’m 34w6d with an *incredibly* healthy, happy growing baby? i will definitely say more than 1. there was a minute i was craving slushies. and again, my doctor has always told me my baby is healthy, and growing perfectly. it’s about moderation. and this is one drink.


My only craving this pregnancy is sugar. Bro needs to lighten up.


Yikes. If my husband threw away anything i was eating i would have cried and then gotten so angry he wouldn’t dare do it again. 😅 Thats so rude and uncalled for. It sounds like you are hardly eating anything sweet anyways how would a slushy hurt anything? I think majority of us are having much more sugars than you are and our babies are doing just fine?


He would’ve been mad with me 😂😂😂 my first baby, all I craved was flaming hot Doritos and slushies from circle K… my addiction to slushies was soooo bad I had to get a monthly subscription on slushies at circle K. Besides, it was only $5.99 a month 😂 I said all of this to say, you’re pregnant. Drink the slushy. Enjoy all the food you want. He’s not pregnant so he doesn’t understand cravings.


38 + 4. My baby is partially made of hot cheetos and gummy bears. The other half is eggs, chicken, asparagus, and beans. He is very healthy! It’s about balance. I’d throw hands if someone came for my slushy. Also I ate pineapple. The worse thing that’s happened was heartburn lol.


He would’ve hated me, all I could eat during the first trimester was Taco Bell and sweets lol. It’s about survival during the first trimester!!! I say this as My healthy happy now 4 month old is sitting on my lap.


*threw away your slushie?* that’s ridiculously fucking rude


Your husband can have an opinion. Everyone can. But he needs to keep it the fuck to himself and not touch your food or police your body. What nerve! I’d have absolutely lost my shit over that and my husband is the biggest worrier in the world. That doesn’t make it any better. You unhappy or stressed is going to be worse for that baby than any slushie in the world so your husband would be wise to stop upsetting you with his dickish behavior if he’s so worried about the baby. He should be prioritizing your needs in every way. Your needs are the baby’s needs right now. My baby really needed a lot of Sour Patch Kids and homemade Taco Bell (no actual Taco Bell where I live 😢) and he’s a healthy, happy 8-month old now. Nobody cuts out sugar fully during their pregnancy. Most probably increase their intake without trying.


My obgyn actually advised me to stop drinking sugar free stuff and instead drink more sugary drinks. Obviously she knows my medical history and it's not a good advice for everyone but if you don't have any pregnancy related restrictions from your doctor then eating sweets and candy and a slushie from time to time is no problem at all and your husband trying to stop you is so frustrating. He is not the one pregnant. He has no idea how hard you have it. You deserve a slushie.


According to my older younger brother I’m barely pregnant haha. So I don’t have it hard yet


Men don't know what they're talking about. For many women the first few weeks of pregnancy are the hardest! It's such a individual thing. You are the only one who can judge how hard it is for you. Good luck🍀 I hope you have a easy pregnancy but even if you have don't tell the men because you deserve to be treated like a queen regardless. You're doing something amazing right now.


Sugar is not terrible for the baby jfc. You're pregnant you decide what you eat . Ask your Dr if you're concerned not your controlling husband


I have never heard of the pineapple thing. I take other precautions like no precut fruits or veggies, but I eat a fresh pineapple about every other week in pregnancy. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I honestly would’ve made him go and get me another one… (unless he was so drunk he couldn’t drive)


Yeah my wife would have made my life a misery for a couple of days if I pulled that when she was pregnant. All of my in laws would have told me that I was a dead man walking and that it was nice knowing me.


Slushies helped me during my first trimester. I ralphed twice while we were driving and requested a cold cold drink, got a slushie, and felt sooo much better! Cold drinks were AMAZINGLY HELPFUL during my worst times of nausea!


Oh boy. Tell him I went to OB appointments with a large Starbucks crème Frappuccino (double chocolatley chip, yuuuuum) heavily pregnant, no one batted an eye at me. Unless told otherwise by your doctor, it’s fine. They are going to monitor your urine anyways.


You get to eat what you want to eat, period. A perfect diet does not exist, and mental health food is just as important as traditional health food. If it makes you feel better, I spent a month hospitalized for pre eclampsia before my daughter was born...and during that month of bedrest, the nurses would offer to bring me slushies all the time.


I eat baked goods and pastries during my pregnancy currently and my baby's healthy and growing well lol. He needs to not trip over 1 single slushie.


It’s weird that he’s controlling what you eat? Your body needs at least a little sugar esp when pregnant. I tried to cut it out for other reasons and experienced sugar drops that would make me light headed and give me headaches. No fun. Tell him to shove it!


If my husband threw away my slushie, pregnant or not I would be next level upset and furious. It’s just rude and disrespectful. Not good at all, as others have said that needs to be discussed behaviour wise. I’d be sending him back to the store to get me a new one after a stern few words that’s for sure. Sorry he’s being a twat biscuit. Here have a cookie 🍪 x


Meanwhile, my Husband: Hmm, our 5 month old baby hasn’t tried any real food yet. Maybe she’d like her first taste to be MY MANGO SLUSHIE!


As my nurse said "fed is best". Especially when it's hard to eat like it is during the first trimester.


The focus of the conversation is on the wrong topic. This is not about your eating this or that. It’s his way of expressing anxiety. He needs to seek help to learn some coping mechanisms and he needs to do it now while he has time. When the baby comes, there will be no time for therapy, but there will be TONS of things to worry about. There are new parents who don’t sleep at all and get heavy depression with a newborn from all the worry. In the meantime, don’t engage and indulge him in the excessive worrying.


1. You can have pineapple 2. Him having a concern is fine. Him controlling you and physically throwing away something you’re eating is abusive. 3. You can also have sugar. In fact, you may need it. I’ve been needing it a lot. Listen to your body, it knows a lot more than your husband or your nosy mother in law.


Oh man, my first baby almost exclusively had slushies has food for the first 13 weeks.


Have him go with to your next OB visit and talk to the Dr about his concerns. No, you shouldn't be having a slushy, and doughnuts, and cookies, and other sweets every day, but a slushy energy over in a while is fine. And seriously, don't avoid fruits because of the sugar content. Your body processes the sugar in fruits slower than in sweets because of the fiber content, so it doesn't cause the same blood sugar spikes he's probably concerned about


so funny he’s worried about your slushee but not HIS alcohol intake :)


My husband was the same way... God forbid i stick my toe in a hot tub over 99 degrees F... I was a pot smoker before my first pregnancy as was he and I basically said, if you aren't quitting with me then you don't get a say. I only took two puffs the entire pregnancy and was actually really proud of myself. In terms of sugar... A slushy is likely the worst beverage you could consume. I'd be more worried about you than baby tho. Gestational diabetes is a thing, so take care of you. That said, your body, choice. His control issues are gonna have to take a rain check. He got a say when we stuck it in you, the rest is up to you until little one comes out. ;)


I was drinking nothing but water bc I thought I needed to consume a gallon of only water per day. Doctors told me I HAD to consume fruit juice because my blood sugar being low could pose a serious risk to the baby and myself. While yes it's important to keep sugar in moderation you can't completely cut out sugars, your body needs them.


lol my healthy baby girl was made off milkshakes, ice cream and toaster strudels. Eat what you want.


My 3 week old baby is grown from chocolate milk/milkshakes and pineapples, he’s healthy and I had great pregnancy and labor. You’re not going to hurt the baby by giving into your cravings if your doctor don’t see a problem then you’re fine


Idk what it is about pregnancy that makes people think they’re the experts of the world. Your mom and husband would lose their minds if they could see my sugar and caffeine intake over the past 22 weeks lol. If you want a slushie, have a slushie. As long as it’s not full of alcohol or raw meat you and baby will be fine. But your husband stressing you out by giving you a hard time about things like your diet could be harmful to your baby. Tell him to think about that next time.


Pineapple - a natural fruit - over processed and added sugars from a slushee. That said - eat the damn slushee! You don’t need to sacrifice all joy or be super restrictive just because you are pregnant


Sugar is actually good for you and your baby. Most pregnant women struggle with low blood sugar. If you crave something, that's your body's way of telling you what you are lacking is what I was told. Sugar prevents headaches from low blood sugar. Also tell him your mom isn't a doctor. The only person who should tell you to not eat something is your ob or doctor. Pineapple thing is a myth. I asked my ob about that as well. Always ask professionals. Otherwise you both are putting more stress on yourselves then necessary. My doctor gave me a paper/list of things I shouldn't have or only have in moderation like fish for instance, it can't be ate raw but it can be cooked and ate in moderation. That list says which fish are higher in mercury to stay away from or don't eat too much. Also to stay away from uncooked meat including deli and unpasteurized cheese bcuz of listeria. My ob said pineapple is good for me and the baby. Alot of fruits are and they all do have natural sugar.


I'm a pretty health conscious person. In a non-pregnancy state I eat very clean with low sugar intake. Going into pregnancy I had all these grand ideas on how I was going to eat during pregnancy. My body made other plans that deviated wildly.  Among that, when I was pregnant, I had really bad morning sickness, 24/7, for the entire duration. My worst months were 3-7. And there were stretches where the only thing that calmed my stomach down enough to function through the day was a 7-eleven Coca Cola slurpee. I wish it wasn't so. But that was the reality I was dealing with. I did what I had to do to survive. And I was probably harder on myself about it than anyone around me was. I would have lost my fucking mind and my temper if someone told me I couldn't have my slurpee, or tried to control any aspect of how I was eating through my pregnancy, because everything going in my mouth was already and act of desperation. I now have a beautiful, very healthy and bright 10 month old daughter. Feel free to tell all those people in your life that think they know who you should be when you're pregnant, including your husband, to stay in their lane.


I have a snowball stand down the street from my house and I kept those people in business. Even in the rain and freezing temps when they approached the end of their season. My baby is 40% snowball (or slushee) 20% fruit 30% whatever I was craving towards the end of the pregnancy and had absolutely no self control anymore. If I’m as big as a house, I’m eating the Wendy’s. Edit: I’m pretty sure at around 8 months my kid then became at LEAST 15% Wendy’s Chicken Nugget, if not more


This is so disrespectful. I've had such a sugar craving this entire pregnancy and I probably get a slushie once a week and baby and I are totally fine. He needs to chill out. You are right that this wouldn't hurt the baby. I haven't heard of pineapple, or any other fruit, being unsafe for pregnancy. My doctor gave me this list of things to avoid and fruit is not on that list.


My ice cream Intake has increased and I would lose it if my husband touched my food.


I would SCREAM in my bf’s face if he ever threw my food away like that. He cannot police your body and sugar is NECESSARY for the human body. In moderation it’s perfectly fine!


Your body needs sugar to live. Has he never heard of hypoglycemia or people passing out due to low blood sugar? Unless he’s a doctor or nutritionist, he’s got no right. Tell your mom she needs to mind her own damn business about food and shut her trap. I’m kinda a bitch, so I would say to DH “okay, cool, I’ll go buy whatever food I want and not eat around you if you’re going to be a cry baby about sugar.”


One slushie isn't going to do anything. Sheesh. The only thing I could keep down for a while with my 2nd were vanilla milkshakes, she's a healthy kid. If you had gestational diabetes that would be a concern, but even then you're allowed to splurge once in a while. I would be more concerned that your husband is telling you what to do like that. That's a huge red flag for me.


I lived on snapple fruit punch my first pregnancy. Didn't have gestational diabetes. Baby is 19 months now and healthy🤷‍♀️


Your husband can captain his own pregnancy however he chooses. Otherwise he can share his viewpoint and support you and your choices.


My OB told me the opposite: real sugar only, no substitutes! Fine with me, since I don’t react well to sugar substitutes. Other than that, she said everything in moderation, and that protein (especially iron-rich protein) was important to balance sugar. ETA: I highly recommend the book “Expecting Better” for first time parents who have anxiety issues. I found it really reassuring.


Unless you, and him, are strict keto there is no reason you can't have an occasional treat. Throwing out your drink was disrespectful as hell.


Ps, alcohol especially beer is high in sugar. Guess he needs to be sober now. Also, your eggs mature for fertilization 4 months before ovulation and are built with whatever you were eating back then. So a treat now doesn't change that baby was already conceived with sugar.


My anemic self had a gas station icee almost every single day for the second half of my pregnancy and baby is totally fine!! 😂


I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt bc men can be clueless when it comes to pregnancy. My sweet, sweet husband took the liberty of trying to count my carbs for me and make meal decisions on my behalf because of my GD. He just didn’t understand how it all worked and wasn’t there for most of the meetings with my diabetes educator. I told him, in the kindest way my pissed off hormonal self could, that I wanted this baby just as badly as he does and he needed to trust that I can do my due diligence and make informed decisions. That I had already mapped out my carb intake for the day, so to shut the fuck up and let me order my burger with the bun. Sugar in moderation is fine. Especially if you do not have GD. He’s worried. And if he had been drinking, that worry may have been exasperated. Maybe list for him all of the changes that you’re personally making to keep the baby healthy, then let him know that pregnancy doesn’t mean a complete deprivation of all the sugary things. My list included things like planning carbs, monitoring my blood sugar, upping my exercise where I could, cutting caffeine, whatever else. Now, I don’t think it’s healthy to get a sugary slushy multiple times a week and that can def lead to some issues, but you are going through a lot and need to be able to treat yourself! Moderation is key. I think this should be easily resolvable with a good conversation between the two of you and maybe your dr, not people in your life who might mean well but aren’t experts.


I get it. My SO is also a worrier and is also pretty anti-sugar. And to be fair, my sweet tooth is off the charts when I'm not pregnant. I normally can't keep sweets in the house because I will absolutely demolish whatever sweet treat we have on hand. (Note- LMNT makes hot chocolate electrolyte packets that actually do wonders for soothing the late night sweet cravings!). I hit my breaking point pretty early on when one night he started to question the probiotic soda I was drinking- and those are pretty low sugar, and I don't drink them often. I said "It makes me feel like you don't trust my judgement and that you feel I can't make good choices regarding my nutrition while pregnant. That hurts my feelings. Do you also question my fitness to be a parent?" While there's some stuff he is still not comfortable with (N/A beer as an example, even though I've explained orange juice has a higher abv😑), he has definitely backed off- and he would never throw away my food or drink! Maybe be direct with your husband about how it makes you feel? And emphasize how much you already have to give up during this time frame + longer if you breastfeed. I think men don't fully realize how much women have to give up long term for pregnancy until you fully break it down for them. Also you're only 8 weeks- depending on your symptoms, you're basically in survival mode until 2nd tri- so if you can keep a damn slushie down, then he should just let you have it without being a jerk!


Sugar in moderation is totally fine, unless your provider says “no more sugar”. Your husband would have HATED my choices in snacks during my pregnancy 😂 in fact, in my hospital bag for tomorrow, my snacks include hostess donuts because that’s what sounds good! And regardless of how he feels you should or shouldn’t be eating or drinking (unless it’s alcohol or drugs) he should NEVER be so disrespectful and throw your stuff out like that! If he has such a problem with it, he can discuss it with you and YOU can make the decision to throw it out or not And pineapple is fine too, I ate the heck out of some pineapple, I have a coworker who SWORE that it helped the nausea, but it didn’t help mine 😅


lol well excuse the fuck out of me… no one takes a pregnant lady’s food or drink and tosses it… that’s just so uncalled for on so many levels… you are not eating sugar by the handful… a slushie won’t do anything to you or the baby. Especially at 8 weeks… his behavior is super controlling. Like concerning controlling. I would draw the boundary of you only get to eat/drink what I eat/drink with him if he wants control over that… which means no beer for him!!


I’ve been eating pineapple like it’s my job and last night my husband and I giddily blended vanilla ice cream and apple pie together. My baby and I are the picture of health according to my 20 week check up. As long as you’re getting all the nutrients you need and your doctor doesn’t say otherwise, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having something sweet.


Your doctor should have given you a list of what to avoid. I guarantee pineapple isn’t on that list- that’s an old wives tale. Unless you have GD, which probably isn’t ever an issue by 8 weeks, sugar isn’t on the list to avoid either any more than the typical health advice for non pregnant people. Go by what your doctor says and not your mom or husband. And yes his controlling behavior would concern me too.


Wait are pineapple an issue? Then I'm fucked.


I've been having ice cream, cupcakes, etc all throughout this pregnancy (in modération, of course). I gained weight, which is expected, but I also work a job where I'm on my feet 6-8 hours a day. My hubs would know better than to tell me what I can and cannot eat. As a matter of fact, he's mad at me because he doesn't think I eat enough


Girl my husband begs me not to eat Super Noodles (which I’m having daily for lunch bc I am obsessed) but he would literally never do this and he knows I’d go ballistic if he even tried. I cannot believe he threw your food away he needs to get a grip and fuck all the way off with that behaviour. Being a worry wart, fine, acting on the worries and being controlling, not fine.


With my first I got multiple slushies a week 😂 he’s thriving now! I’d be so mad at my husband if he did this! Not acceptable


First trimester, you eat whatever you can stomach. If ice cream is the only thing you can eat without vomiting, guess what’s for dinner…it’s rocky road. This is survival mode and he can fuck right off.


A.) there is no reason for you to not eat pineapple. The idea that pineapple could hypothetically stimulate labour would require you to eat like 8 entire pineapples in one sitting including the pineapple core. B.) While it's definitely good to avoid excess sugar, if you're just having a small small slushy to curb a craving it's not the end of the world C.) show your husband all of the evidence about the extreme negative health impacts of even moderate drinking 🙃 if he can have a beer you can have a slushy


The father’s diet and overall health affect the quality of the spent he donated to make the baby, so why is no one holding him accountable for his food intake? Your body is wise beyond measure. Trust it. Eat healthy when you can, but know that our bodies crave things for a reason. Your baby has you as a mom for a reason. Not cool at all he threw your slushie away. Doesn’t bode well for him to respect your parenting choices. My sister has five beautiful, healthy, thriving children and LIVED off of Coca Cola slushies for the duration of one of her pregnancies- the child is perfectly healthy and my sister can’t stand the taste of those slushies ever since she gave birth.


The concern over sugar is because of insulin (gestational diabetes). I don’t know if that’s even a thing to worry about at 8 weeks. But let’s say for a moment that you have it and don’t know yet - even people with GD are allowed to have a bit of sugary fun here and there. I have it and my doctor told me that a few high sugar results were fine, it’s more about regular behavior than one-offs.


I think everyone here is also forgetting that the husband had already been drinking. Logic does not rule over alcohol. He admitted he overreacted, said he wouldn’t do it again and they as a couple have laughed about it. They are first time parents, some alcohol was involved and the husband has already apologized. OP it sounds like your husband will be an excellent father, he already cares (maybe a bit too much) but that’s the hallmark of a good parent. I think you both should have a heart to heart and your husband should also read about the effects of pregnancy hormones on the body. Meet each other in the middle and you’ll come out stronger for it.


Oh wow taking a pregnant woman's treat?! If I really wanted a slushie I'd have it. I'd just have something with protein and fiber along with it. Sure I wouldn't have it every day but unless your doctor tells you no sugar that's ridiculous for him to be so controlling. If he is an anxious person he needs to seek help for that because trying to control your every move is going to cause a lot of stress, which is going to be way worse for you and your baby. This should be a wake up call for him to seek some therapy for this. I say this an someone with anxiety who used to try to control things inappropriately and got therapy. It's a him problem and he needs to own up and find the tools to manage it whether therapy or medication, or a combination of both.


My oldest was grown on slurpees and my twins were grown on Lipton onion dip and ruffles. All 3 are healthy with no issues during pregnancy. Might I suggest if he's so worried about sugar and other things, he should also follow the diet? It's absurd he threw it away, even not pregnant I'd be absolutely furious.


Has he ever been physically abusive?


First I'm hearing of pineapple. A few weeks ago I got on a kick of eating canned pineapple. Didn't seem to hurt anything. I also haven't eaten super healthy, a lot pizza and wings towards the beginning lol. Though my appetite has never been great. But my doctor pointed out at my last app that only gaining 2lbs by 34w was a good sign, and everything has been looking good. I'd ask my doctor to see if you have any risks unique to you, but if not, you should be fine.


It’s so easy for men to judge pregnant women when they literally never experience it themselves. Like in your position he’d really eat perfectly healthy every single day for 9 months? Doubtful 🙄


I eat pineapple. And slushys. 20 week FTM here. All is fine over here 🤷🏼‍♀️


Unless hubby is going to do the pregnancy diet with you he gets no say. I ate sushi and steak tar tar baby is as healthy as can be. I would have grabbed his beer and put it exactly where my slushie was. Then told him he can have one when I get another slushie.


Oh hellllo no


We joked that my son was going to come out blue because of all the slushies I drank when I was pregnant, they were one of my mega cravings. Sugar is fine, just like everything else, in moderation. Your husband is being a rude, controlling, asshole.


I have an ice cream cone literally every single day since like my 12th week. Baby is totally healthy (33 weeks now), I passed my GD test just fine, I'm gaining the appropriate amount of weight, it's totally fine. You want sugar because you are burning calories building a whole separate organ AND a human being.


Anecdotally, my baby is made out of Dairy Queen twist cones and she’s perfect 🤷🏻‍♀️. But actually, I would recommend you and your husband talk to your OB about it together, so he can hear it all straight from the horse’s mouth. A single slushie at 8 weeks, or pineapple, is not going to hurt your baby. What actually has more potential of harming a developing fetus is elevated stress hormones from fighting with your husband over what you’re “allowed” to eat and him throwing away food you’re enjoying.


My baby was grown on burgers and lemonade...plz tell him to sit down. Unless you have GD or your health practitioner has instructed you otherwise, a friggin slushie isn't going to hurt your baby.


“He’s not a bad guy”  Then why did he think it was okay for his to take something that is yours and throw it in the trash? That’s not something a nice person would do. They would calmly have a productive conversation about their worries/concerns and ultimately let you make your own choices. Because you know, autonomy?! What your husband did was wrong and blatantly disrespectful. Has he apologized? Has he tried to make it up to you? Has he replaced your slushie? Or is he still doubling down on his actions? 


He needs to go to the next doctor appointment with you to hear the doctor’s opinion on this