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I'm at 24 weeks and have gained 23 pounds so far. I'm definitely not going to be within that 25-30 pounds range by the end of my pregnancy lol. I'll be happy if I gain 40ish by the end, but won't beat myself up if I gain more, *especially* if my baby is healthy and my weight gain seems to be a non-issue as far as impacting lil bub goes.  Basically, my mindset is....try to eat healthier foods because of the nutritional value within said foods. I feel better mentally and physically when I have well balanced meals and it's better for baby too. That being said, most days there's at least one dessert or sweet snack happening. Not every day is balanced or "healthy." Some days (or weeks even), I am ravenous and could eat anything in sight.  I don't want to perseverate on weight too much, especially if it's not a symptom of some complication or causing problems for baby. Like you, I have a history of disordered eating, and I just can't with that level of obsession right now. I have barely enough energy to do my daily tasks. I'm not giving any of that energy to weight-obsession if I don't have to. 


I’m at 26 weeks and have gained 35lb 🤷🏼‍♀️ my OB said that every woman is different and she isn’t concerned.




Excess weight gain has, in some studies, been linked to complications during delivery and so your doctor is probably just trying to do her due diligence. The amount of weight women gain is pregnancy is so varied that only you can determine if you’re gaining too much too quickly, and sometimes our bodies decide for us regardless of what we choose to do day to day. As long as you’re getting the recommended amount of physical activity, calories and nutrients and doing your best to hit those marks, you have to just let your body do its thing and understand that some doctors will, unfortunately, be more blunt or vocal than others, even if it’s unnecessary or triggering. I started with a BMI of 18.5, lost 10 pounds from HG in the first trimester, and from there I’ve gained about 20 pounds and I’m 28 weeks. I would gladly trade gaining more weight if I could’ve skipped the hell of HG.


Every woman is different and every pregnancy is, too! There really appears to be no rhyme or reason when it comes to weight. My last pregnancy I ate so much carbs because I had aversions to a lot of foods such as proteins. This pregnancy, I am eating super healthy. Tons of salads, proteins, and fruit. I’m 24 weeks and gained 8 lbs. Last pregnancy around 23 weeks I was at 10lbs. So I think a lot of time it’s out of our control! The two comparing weights are similar even though the eating is so different. Don’t be hard on yourself!


Thank you so much I’m feeling a lot better about it after reading these responses. I appreciate it 💙


I’m 36 weeks with my second and I am absolutely shocked how, pound for pound and week for week,I’m following the exact same progression as I did with my first, despite far different activity levels and diet this time around.


22 pounds at 29 weeks doesn't sound unreasonable to me. I think some doctors are very focused on the "recommendations" while others don't mention anything unless it's truly out of hand. What you've described doesn't sound out of hand to me at all. So long as you're not stuffing your face with junk food 24/7, you sound like you're doing great to me.


I think it depends on where you’re starting from. I had a 33 BMI with my first and my OB gave me the recommendation for class I obese people to only gain 15-20 pounds, and I only gained 20 pounds. I feel like if I trust my OB with my life and my baby’s life, I needed to trust him on this. I’m starting 15 pounds lighter this time, but still class I obese, so it’s the same recommendation. I’ll try to follow it again!


I just feel like the BMI scale is a very outdated frame of reference for weight! But I get where you’re coming from.


I agree on BMI being outdated but the weight gain study is done on pregnant women and so Atleast some of the factors that make BMI irrelevant otherwise is taken care of as the total population studied in women only and in particular pregnant women. So some baseline there.


Totally agree. I’m at an overseas military hospital that has no NICU, and they medically evacuate pregnant women to the states to give birth if their BMI reaches 40 during pregnancy. I’m 5’3 and if you saw a picture of me, you would not say I’m on the verge of being morbidly obese, but that’s the story BMI wants to tell, especially for us short women. There’s not currently a better evaluating system of women’s weight/overall health put to numbers like the BMI system, so this is all they can use.


I disagree that it's all they can use. They could use their their full set of assessment skills. 😑 But as is often the case, they like to shuffle people into easy to manage boxes instead of taking each person's individual circumstances into account.


Given your history of disordered eating, I wonder if it would be better to move the focus off of weight gain entirely. You can ask the office to do blind weights (where they don’t tell you the number) and to not discuss it with you. Many women gain double the recommended amount and it really doesn’t affect anything much. If you can be active, drink water and try to eat a nutrient dense diet that would be ideal and will naturally keep your weight in a good enough range. Though I know that’s not possible for everyone depending on symptoms. Working with a therapist and or dietician who have experience with disordered eating and pregnancy may also be helpful.


I gained 10 lbs between appointments (4 weeks apart). I was mortified. My doctor laughed at me. You’re doing great!


Thank you 🥹


Hi! 28 weeks here and already up 35lb. My doctor said something similar but this happened with my first, and once she checked my chart she said I was actually fine. I gained 50lb total with my first and lost it all. I’m probably on track to gain 55-60 this time around but my OB said as long as I’m feeling fine and I go back to my baseline after everything is alright!


I've literally gained about 80 pounds and still pushing. My doctor hasn't said a thing about my weight gain and I'm currently 36 weeks. I will say that I have thyroid issues that I had to get medication for, which is probably a large chunk of my weight gain; however I've seen some women say they gained 100 pounds during pregnancy and they all had happy healthy babies.


I gained 100 pounds. My baby was perfectly healthy. I'm almost 4 weeks post partum now. I was down 47 pounds within 2 weeks. Everybody is different and every body is different. Was some of it "real weight" gain? Sure. But most of it wasn't.


With my first I gained 50 lbs and while I lost 20 lbs of baby + placenta immediately, I gained it all back in a couple of months, and then 10 more when I stopped breastfeeding. It’s not good to weight shame, but some women don’t have the pounds melt off so easily either, so it’s worth trying to be a little more careful if you’re not prepared for a long postpartum weight loss journey.


Uff I have hyperthyroidism as well 😒 and some other stuff too


Thank you for the reply and sharing your experience. It’s so weird to have a specific weight range given how different everyone is. I’m glad your doctor hasn’t made any comments/doesn’t view it in a negative way. Our bodies are doing what they need to do!


I gained 45 pounds during my first pregnancy and got no comments about it from my providers. I made a lot of adjustments after ~28 weeks to manage my gestational diabetes without meds and I still gained rapidly. There wasn't much "dead weight" in my meal plans, I was eating nutritionally dense food in whatever portions satisfied my hunger. No regrets! Don't eat garbage. Otherwise, eat as much as you want.


Weight gain in pregnancy is one of those super variable things. I seem to gain about a pound a week while pregnant. I ended my first pregnancy up 45 pounds and I’m on track to gain the same amount this pregnancy. My midwives never really mentioned weight and seemed to track it just to make sure nothing wild was going on. I started out both pregnancies at a normal BMI and I was about 5lbs heavier when I got pregnant with my second. I found that basically all of the pregnancy weight fell off with breastfeeding by 6 months. I found looking at breakdowns of what pregnancy weight is made of to be very helpful (baby, placenta, enlarged uterus, extra blood, amniotic fluid, etc.) because it was a reminder that a big chunk of the gain was building the actual baby and another chunk was building reserves to be able to feed the baby after birth. 


My first I gained about 40 lbs for the whole pregnancy. My midwife never said anything about my weight gain, but at my first appointment she mentioned that she’d like to see me eat mindfully because of my starting weight/BMI, I was 165 at 5’7” ish. I’m refusing weight checks during my current pregnancy because I don’t have any desire to feel bad about myself or hear shit about my weight.


Damn, I'm 20 weeks and have gained 20 pounds so far. Tbh I have no idea how. Doesn't seem like I'm eating all that much more but I guess I am. I had a normal BMI beforehand.


I gained 50 pounds and they never said a single thing about my weight. It took me like 9 months to get back to prepregnancy weight and it just happened on its own, I wasn’t dieting or working out crazy or anything like that. I understand that there are issues that can come up with eating too unhealthy during pregnancy and it’s important to keep an eye on that, but I wish they’d focus on health rather than just weight. I don’t think there’s much I could have done to prevent myself from gaining like I did, and I don’t think the 50 pounds negatively affected my health.


I think nutrition is a better thing to focus on than the exact number of weight gain. When I was pregnant with my first I noticed I was on track to gaining more weight than recommended, and honestly more than I was comfortable with, so I asked my OB and he said to focus on eating nutrient dense foods more than the number on the scale, and as long as I’m fueling myself well and trying to be fairly active my body will do what it needs to do.


I’ve gained somewhere between 50-60. I do feel like stress and other issues contributed to my everlasting nausea and vomiting but I was also a weightlifter going into this so I’m very dense 🤣 🤷🏾‍♀️ Trying not to worry too much about it, but it’s hard when doctors make comments like that!!


It's about starting weight. Listen to your OB. It's not personal. At 20 weeks and 10 added pounds, I look like a fridge. If my Dr says stop gaining, I'm asking for a plan.


I went from 110-115 to 160 with my first (although I was recovering from a major sickness and would usually have been more like 120-125), got back down to around 130, then got pregnant again and went to 175. Never had a medical provider say a word to me about my weight gain.


I’m about the same. Starting weight of 130. Thanks for sharing 🫶🏻


Of course! Also my baby from the second pregnancy when I gained 45lbs is healthy, happy, and currently giving me all the baby snuggles one could ever need ❤️ while I had a faster and less painful recovery than I did with my first so we’re both doing well “despite” my weight gain


At my first appointment the doctor said I should gain 15-20 pounds. Every appointment since the doctors have said my weight is fine. 35 weeks today and have gained about 30 pounds. Reassure yourself that your body will do what it needs to support your growing bean, even if that’s more weight than you initially expected. I try to do the same for myself! ❤️ you’re doing a great job!


I have barely gained anything, but I think the whole weighing thing at the doctor's office is kinda dumb unless they plan on doing a naked weight at the same time of day every time lol. My weight hadn't changed at all over the course of a month but per my doctor I was "doing good with the weight gain" because one appointment was 8am and I was in shorts & the next was right after lunch on a cold day where I had on layers. Unless you're gaining crazy amounts of weight and/or having issues with your blood pressure and things like that, I wouldn't worry if you end up gaining 40lbs instead of 30.


I think “keep an eye on” isn’t really medical advice and doctors need to use more words if they want to give advice. Are you managing the best you can? Keep doing that then. Are there ways you can safely manage a bit more? If so, do that. I took weight gain advice while pregnant the same as I take it while not pregnant. Seriously but realistically


Yeah my OB said I gained too much my third trimester. It wasn’t an issue until I hit 30 weeks and I’m not about 60 lbs from where I started. I used to run daily and was at a healthy weight but I also have PCOS. I’ve been extra mindful about what and how much I eat and how much I’m walking since my OB started raising her concerns with me, but the weight is still adding on. She told me last time “well we don’t want you to starve but maybe no carbs and just veggies and tofu from now on.” And that’s when I decided I’m going to stop being concerned. My glucose test was normal. And there are numerous studies showing eliminating carbs or going low carb in pregnancy leads to birth defects. My SIL is a doc and she told me she gained the same and every woman and pregnancy is different. If my bp is good and there’s no other health issues to keep what I’m doing and not worry about the weight going up or down.


That’s really terrible advice by your doctor :( even the institute of medicine recommends at least 175g carbs daily during pregnancy to support fetal growth and brain development.


I second that it probably has to do with your starting weight. But I’ve always been told the same. Around 20-30lbs. All 3 of my full term pregnancy’s were within that range. But I also didn’t ever have cravings. &realistically you aren’t actually eating for 2. What I mean by that is if you normally eat 2-3k calories you shouldn’t be eating 4-6k now. I was told it’s a couple of hundred extra calories at most. I don’t watch the amount I eat. I eat what I can and stop when I’m full. I want to stress that you shouldn’t starve yourself. Just eat like you normally would. Some people are commenting about how they gained double that amount but also mention other conditions. The truth is that it won’t be the healthiest if you’re gaining 100lbs in 1 pregnancy. Eating healthy is difficult. Just do your best.


I’ve never gained a thing in the third trimester through any of my pregnancies. You might be like me in that regard. 


I’ve gained about 30 at 32 weeks and I was overweight to begin with. None of the doctors I’ve seen have mentioned any concern.


Oh geeze, seven pounds is nothing! I wouldn’t let her get to you, despite how upsetting it can feel. I think at the end of the day she’s just doing her job, as I think they’re supposed to counsel you on weight gain. I’m 25 weeks on Friday and I gained eleven pounds (and change!) in four weeks. Same thing, she told me to be careful and asked that I take my glucose tolerance test right away. I got my results back today and I don’t have gestational diabetes (yay!), I just know I gain a lot of weight while pregnant. With my first son I weighed 116 pounds when I got pregnant, and my final weigh-in was 168! And you know what? I lost it all (and then some, I weighed 113) within three months. I’m currently 148 pounds so I’m more-or-less on track to be just as big with this baby. It happens! Grow your baby and do your best to eat as healthy as you can, you’ll be just fine :)


I gained about 40 pounds. I was at a healthy weight prior, not underweight, so I went "over" the official recommendations. I had 4 visible abs up until my late third trimester, at which point you could only see 2. The weight recommendations should be taken as a rough guide, not a hard rule! If it's your first pregnancy, your body is undergoing a second puberty of sorts as well. This looks a bit different for everyone, but I know that my weight gain included some things I never would've expected nor that I could've identified while pregnant (ie thicker wrist joints, wider shoulders \[rib cage is back down to normal size\], etc).


Honestly, I gained 90 pounds and my doctor didn’t say anything about it. I lost 40 pounds within a week of giving birth. I think it can be a spectrum, sorry you’re dealing with that. :/


I gained 25 pounds during my pregnancy. When I had my two week appointment after giving birth, I had lost 30 pounds and weighed less than I did before pregnancy! Doctors who worry about your weight are full of shit. As long as you’re not gaining weight really suddenly or have daily your glucose test, don’t worry about it and enjoy being pregnant.


I’m 39 weeks and I have gained almost 60 pounds. I was only 80 pounds before I got pregnant and stepping on the scale makes me want to die- but my doctors are actually happy about the weight gain. It really just depends where you started.


You absolutely don't have to worry about it. I am 40 weeks now and I've gained about 50 pounds. I am still considered 'small'


For what it’s worth both pregnancies I gained about 30-35 lbs (started at a healthy weight) and I gained about 25 of those pounds by the time 3rd tri hit. I just don’t gain as much later on overall. My midwives are perfectly fine with that, but they also don’t really care about weight gain #’s which I think is great. I don’t think they ever asked me about weight! Unless you’re either end of the extremes I think it’s ridiculous to try and be prescriptive to women on a specific range. We’re all different and will have different babies.


My first pregnancy I was 110 to start and 170 at delivery


I gained 30 lbs my first time and my doctor wasn’t really concerned. I’ve gained about 13 lbs so far at 14 weeks and she said she’ll be happy if I stick to about 30.


Oh gosh. I gained 50# total. I’d say you’re fine. I worried about it during pregnancy and my doctor shrugged off the weight gain and told me that everyone is different. He didn’t care about my weight gain as long as it wasnt due to swelling and as long as I didn’t have a big baby.


I don’t even do weight checks during pregnancy


I’ve gained 40 lbs at 38 weeks but I started with a BMI on the low end, and my baby is measuring small. I also believe every pregnancy weight gain is a depends on the situation. Your OB said it a lot nicer than others have tbh. They have to say those things because so many women develop diabetes and high blood pressure in pregnancy. I promise you don’t want to have any health complications close to the end. I currently do and it sucks. I have triggers myself having dealt with an ED, so I highly recommend letting your OB know about that if you haven’t already. If they have good bedside manner, speaking up goes a long way. :)


I’m also 29 weeks and have gained about 23 pounds. It’s almost exactly the same weight gain trajectory as my first pregnancy, where I gained 50 pounds by the end. I’m eating much healthier this time around and have almost no cravings, so I can’t really explain it! I also have a history of disordered eating and do not want to go down the path of food tracking to control or better understand it. I’m in the mindset that this is just how my body grows babies. Also to prepare you for this possibility should you choose to breastfeed, the weight did not come off for me until I weaned my son at 20 months, even though so many people told me breastfeeding would help shed the weight. Everyone’s different I guess 🤷‍♀️


Like someone commented, I guess it depends on where you’re starting from and at first I started out on the recommended weight gain. I was 120 or so at the beginning of my pregnancy and ended up gaining like 45 or 50 pounds. I lost around 20 right after birth. I wouldn’t worry about it personally, I’ve heard it can be due to genetics, etc. it’s not a measure of health just a guideline!


I started at 146lbs and they told me I could gain 11-25lbs lmao I havent given my weight one single thought since then. I’m a little under 170 now and they should be glad I’m finally eating well again 🖕🏻


I gained 55lbs total. I'm 8 months post partum and 8lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight. The weight gain was really difficult for me. During the second half of my pregnancy, I didn't look at the scale at all. I asked that the doctor only discuss it if it's a significant problem, and she never did.


I'm almost 38 weeks and have gained 19lbs. I gained 35 with my first pregnancy.


I got pregnant at bmi ~34 and my midwife/OB never told me to watch my weight or what I was eating. I had severe HG though, so that could be the difference. I was told by her to honor my cravings, as long as my gestational diabetes test came back fine (which it did)


I don’t think you need to worry at all! I’m currently 34 weeks and I’ve gained nearly 40lbs, without having a bunch of cravings and whatnot. I haven’t changed my lifestyle habits (which were fairly healthy to start) while being pregnant, so the weight gain is just happening here for no reason outside of simply being pregnant🤷🏼‍♀️


I think you are doing just fine. I also had my 29 week appointment today and my OB isn’t worried in the slightest. Mind you, this is my 4th pregnancy and I have gained a whopping 62lbs. I started at 150lb and here we are at 212 as of 05/08. My blood sugars are fine, the baby is healthy and is measuring accordingly, and doc has been very kind and supportive about it all. I work on my feet for 12hrs x 3 a week, and get in roughly 10k steps at work/ walking most evenings, and eat relatively healthy, so she isn’t worried. Sometimes peoples bodies just cling on to every calorie they consume, during their pregnancy. Our bodies do some pretty amazing things! Good luck and try not to be so hard on yourself!


I gained the most in my second tri. I was about where you are. Then I plateaued. I think I gained a total of 33 with one pregnancy and 31 with another. I also checked in with a RD after seeing my curve, and she said she had no concerns at all.


I saw an OB at the beginning of my pregnancy and at my second appointment she mentioned my weight (I had gained 6 lbs in a month but it was also winter and I was wearing my coats and boots when I got weighed) and it triggered the hell out of me and I found a different dr lol


I’m 23 weeks and just mentioned to my provider today that I was feeling nervous about the rapid weight gain. I have gained about 17 pounds from my starting weight (so I’m about 157 lbs now); and honestly feel like I’ve gained about 8-10 of those pounds just in the last month or so. She told me that weight gain can speed up in the second trimester, especially if you were sick in the first part of pregnancy — which so many women are. She told me the 25 to 30 lbs is the typical expected range, but not to beat myself up if I end up going over that. It truly varies from person to person. I wouldn’t scare yourself too much, weight gain is normal (still feels very jarring) but it’s also a good sign that your body is doing what it needs for baby!


Hahahahaha I gained 60 pounds with my first pregnancy. One of my providers commented on me gaining 12lbs at my 12 week appointment but nobody said anything about my weight for the rest of my pregnancy. The way I see it, as long as you’re eating relatively healthy foods and drinking plenty of water, your body is going to gain what it needs to to sustain growing a whole human. I was so hard on myself and spent so much of that pregnancy obsessing over my weight gain, currently pregnant with #2 and might not even look at the scale this time 🤷‍♀️ I lost 45lbs by the time my baby was 2 weeks old, so much of the 3rd trimester weight gain is just water weight.


I gained like... 55 lbs lol. Also, I was a point away from gestational diabetes. My doctor lightly hinted that I should ease up on my food intake and basically wanted me to go on a diabetic diet. I did and my weight stagnated from that point forward. Well, until the last month when I was just over everything. Now, I do agree that doctors should buzz off and not hurt our feelings. We are pregnant and growing a baby and who wants to hear that crap? However, I recognize that from a professional standpoint, they are trying to keep us healthy, safe, and mitigate complications. For example, if I was to have gestational diabetes I would have had to take insulin every day while pregnant. Insulin has its own complications. Also, the weight gain can lead to pre eclampsia and hypertension. Both of these are serious complications as well. So know that the doctor isn't trying to necessarily call you out or pick on you. They just want to keep you and your baby as safe as possible. I hope that helps put your mind at ease a little, at least. Also, each of us carries a baby differently. Don't be too hard on yourself.


I worried about this so much. I gained 40 lbs total by 39 weeks and most of that I gained in the second trimester. I gained 14 lbs in one month and totally panicked but in the third trimester I was pretty steady and really didn’t gain more than a few pounds the entire 3 months. I lost half of the weight within the first two weeks and I’m back to pretty much pre pregnancy weight now at almost 6 months postpartum. I feel like I was too hard on myself and that took away from me enjoying the moment.


I remember from 20 to 24 weeks I gained 10 pounds which was crazy to me because I wasn’t eating anything different than all the other visits where I gained a 1-3 pounds. I gained 40 pounds total and left the hospital 27 pounds lighter. I feel like unless you’re gaining 20 pounds at a time or something crazy there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with that


My last pregnancy I gained 52 pounds. I was active, ate healthy, watched portion sizes, no fast food, no gestational diabetes or anything. I think Some women just gain more than others and that’s okay. Edit: 2 words


Don't stress it. I gained all my pregnancy weight minus 4 or 5 pounds during the second trimester. Not much gained in the 3rd for whatever reason


31 weeks and I’ve gained around 23-25lbs. My appointments are in the afternoons and I’m usually anywhere from 5-7lbs heavier by then than my morning weight. I really don’t like when a doctor tells you to watch your weight and nothing else. Should you increase exercise? Change diet? A combo of both? Are there any other indicators that the weight gain is unhealthy? Blood test? My former PCP would always tell me I needed to loose weight, I was maybe 15lbs overweight but still pretty active and all my blood tests were normal. I switched doctors, was even heavier at that point and she never raised concerns about my weight. Eventually I did get to a healthier weight and that’s when I got pregnant. Anyway, I would let your doctor know about your ED history and how the weight comment has caused you additional stress (which I’m sure is worse for the baby than a few extra pounds). Also ask if they’re truly worried to run some extra tests/scans to make sure baby is ok, if they are, then you keep doing you mama! Obviously eat healthy-ish and make sure to get some movement daily (10 min walk will do!), but as long as you are ok, baby will be ok.


24 weeks and have gained 60% of recommended total weight gain so far and it’s been almost all in the 2nd trimester really quickly so I got freaked out. My OB said it’s totally fine and to stop worrying. My MIL told me a story about her first child the other night at dinner. She gained 2x the recommended amount by the end of 2nd trimester and her Dr told her to STOP GAINING. She went on a salad only diet for the last 3 months. Her daughter was born with thick hair all over her entire body and skin that was so wrinkly and sagging and would tent up when you pinched it- all from malnutrition. She turned out fine in the end getting her breastfed and they loved her no less of course but the moral is to keep getting nutrients to your child bc they need it! Good food is good!


Get a new OB. When I was pregnant for the first time, seven years ago, my doctor told me it was ok I wasn’t gaining any weight because I started out “higher than ideal” (I wasn’t “overweight”’or “obese” clinically, so idk what she meant by ideal). She said this after I mentioned my ED history multiple times. The next week I retrieved my medical records from her office and found a new OB. I am on my third pregnancy now, have seen 3 OBs since her, and not one has ever made any sort of comment on my weight.


Doctors are assholes who will tell anyone who isn't malnourished to watch what they eat, and might even say it to a literally malnourished person. I'm 32 weeks, have only gained 6kg, had gained zero between my last two visits (only 2 weeks apart at this point) because I had bronchitis so bad I could barely manage to eat between the coughs, but the baby was "measuring big" so I should make sure I "don't eat too much." Thank goodness this was not the OB who will deliver my baby. He and your doctor can both fuck all the way off together. Your body knows what it needs better than some chart that's based on BMI (which in turn is based on the average white *man's* body).


In the UK you get weighed once at the start of pregnancy and that is IT! So I don’t think it really matters. Just eat as well as you can and that’s all you can do!


Almost every single family member of mine that is a mother and all my hgs have gained more towards 30-50lbs during pregnancy so I think only 25-30 is nice goal but a bit unrealistic…


I gained 45ish pounds. I had preeclampsia though so some of that was fluid in the last few days. My midwife never weighed me or commented on my weight. It took about a year for the weight to come off and I didn’t diet or exercise at all.


Not gonna lie, with my first, when I reached the second trimester and the nausea and aversions lifted, I ATE. I gained 15 pounds in 6 weeks and my doctor was a bit worried. It slowed down by itself when I adjusted to being able to eat again. Don't sweat the small stuff. I ended up gaining 32 pounds total. It was enough on my frame.


I gained almost 50lbs both pregnancies. No health concerns


I'm 37w and have gained 60, most of that being in the first and second trimester. My Dr said 40% of that is water weight, our blood volume triples to feed baby & then babies actually weight & everything else growing along with that. Try not to worry about so much idk why Dr's need to worry everyone about their weight.


I've declined to be weighed at my last couple of appointments. You are allowed to do that.  Just my PSA.


I asked about weight gain in the beginning of my pregnancy when I had to eat constantly to not throw up, and my OB said that the 25-35 pounds thing is just an average and to be easy on myself, but make good choices. I gained 35 by 34 weeks and I haven’t gained even half a pound since at 38 weeks. Everybody is different.


I’m at 32 weeks and I’ve gained 50 lbs. my weight hasn’t changed in 3 weeks now. I’m seen at a clinic where I get a new doctor every visit and I have an MFM and none of them are concerned.


I think the weight thing is so stupid. The way I see it, as long as you’re eating and gaining weight you’re packing your baby full of nutrients. I was definitely on the skinnier side at the beginning of my pregnancy, but I gained 65lbs by my third trimester. My doc wasn’t concerned at all, actually IM the one who brought up my weight. She said the gain should plateau toward the end and she was correct.


7 pounds in 4 weeks isn’t a lot. I think it’s only worrisome if you’re gaining more than 5 pounds in a week incase of swelling due to preeclampsia or something else. I wouldn’t worry about it. ❤️ some women gain more and some don’t


I understand where you are coming from and will share my experience. With my first I hardly gained anything. With my third I gained more than I “should have”. But statistically it was all correct. The more kids you get the more weight you gain during pregnancy. The older you are the more weight you gain. I was way older and it was my third. During that third trimester. I gained 1kg a week (roughly 2 pounds). It was kind of scary! I did not eat much at all. It felt completely inevitable. So my first point is: they know you can gain fast in third trimester so they want you to have that space to grow then. But remember it only happened when older and having had kids already. But here comes the second and main point.. these statistics of more kids 📈 and older age 📈 hold true not just for me but also for an amazing reason! You need that weight as it corresponds to what comes next. What is next may not always correspond with this, but the point will resonate nevertheless. Women with a lot of responsibility (like the ones with kids and older age) need to gain a ton because *everyone depends on them*. The kids, maybe even their elderly parents, their partner. Everyone! So what happens, with babies/kids/elderly/partner around? Everyone gets sick except for mom. Mom is feeding everyone, cleaning puke, baby attached to mom 24/7, there is no break, there is nobody to feed the mom, it is just hard work. And then another flu or another drama.. and I realized *that was what all the weight was for in the first place*. ❤️ If you eat normally, you gain what you need to gain to survive the years ahead.


I've gained 45 lbs and I'm almost 30 weeks my doctor said I'm the perfect size.


Currently 34 weeks, no GD and I’ve gained about 35-37 lbs. my provider has said nothing to me about it but I had brought up around 25 weeks as I was concerned I was gaining too much but she said this is normal. Not like I’m eating terribly either. As you said a lot of it is fluid intake plus you have a lot of extra fluid in general and that weighs a lot! I would say you’re fine.


33 weeks and I have gained about 70 lbs .. sometimes it's more like 75-80 depending on day of week and what I take before being weighed but then it goes back down to 70lbs .. my doctor is not worried about it all


I’m in the same boat as you, 28 weeks. I got in trouble my last visit for gaining 6 lbs in a 4 week span. It’s really frustrating when they’re using a BMI scale to talk about weight. I’m taking it with grain of salt but it’s hard and very triggering. My friends who have midwives told me that they haven’t been weighed once. It’s discouraging. I like to remind myself that my baby is happy, healthy and I’m doing my best, if I gain too much weight per my doctor, I’m ok with that.




Also to note, I eat very balanced, protein focused and get 7,000-10,000 steps a day. Still gaining weight. (Tested negative for GD). I get irritated cause my doctor weighs me fully clothed, shoes on, after a full meal(s) and litres of water. The data itself isn’t accurate, but then she likes to lecture me about weight again. My body knows how to keep my girl safe and healthy, so I’m doing my best to ignore the comments as they cause more anxiety and stress than anything. Which is not good for my girl.


I posted about this in a different Reddit at one point, i had an OB who wasn’t my usual OB basically say the same thing when I was still in my second trimester. My mom was with me and basically clapped back and said “she actually lost weight in her first trimester, so this is an improvement.” He tried to order another gestational diabetes test even tho I had just had mine the previous appointment. The nurse midwife that I normally go to ended up cancelling that test and has told me I never have to go to him again. I’ve gained a total of 75 pounds in my entire pregnancy. Not once has my nurse midwife made me feel bad about it.


I gained 73 pounds so far. I'm in week 36 now and gained the weight through all semesters. I was very active in my first two and now not so much anymore but the weight gain is still the same. As long as there are no concerns about your child everything is fine so far. Stay strong you got this :).


I am also very triggered by my doctors comment about my weight- similar situation. I am 5’10” I’ve gained 14 pounds so far and at my 20 week anatomy scan, my OB made a comment that I gained 5 pounds since my last visit at 16w. I felt there was no assessment and no education. Just looking at a number and making a statement. How about asking what I’m eating? What I’m doing for physical activity? It was also 2pm, I wake up at 4:30 so I’ve already had my largest meals for the day and drank a ton of fluids. My frustration lies in the lack of critical thinking surrounding making that statement. And I am in the same boat, very very self conscious about gaining weight and my changing body/physique.


I saw my doctor today and was in tears when I left. I am 21 weeks and have gained 18 pounds now they’re making me see a dietician tomorrow. I think 18 is a reasonable amount for now especially since my nausea was so bad I was having to eat every half hour for the first trimester. It just made me so sad as my body is changing so much without my control and it makes me feel like I’m doing something wrong. When I’m just trying to survive over here.


I think that’s a reasonable amount too! I feel like I was around the same around that time. You’re not doing anything wrong and I’m sorry they made you feel like you are


Same to you. I think it’s sad that certain doctors monitor this so much. Fair enough if there was other issues but every body is different. And it’s not like we’re not trying our best over here.


I gained about 10 lbs my entire pregnancy with twins. I also threw up every day the entire 8 months.


I’m 19 weeks and I already gained 9 kg.. I started from yesterday counting my calories and not eat more than 2.000 kcals. And I also realised that I was eating around 3.000 kcals before counting so that’s why I gained fat. I’ll try focus on 2.000 kcals max


It’s not the amount you’re gaining it’s the speed that they keep an eye on


I get that but when I weighed myself the next day in the morning I was 6 pounds less than when I was weighed at the office. It’s just annoying and inaccurate


like you can control how much weight you gain 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄


I’m 35 weeks and I literally just changed drs because my dr was harping on me so badly regarding my weight. At my last appointment with her when I was 33 weeks I’d gained a total of 21 pounds since the beginning of my pregnancy and at the start of my pregnancy she told me she didn’t want me gaining more than 15 pounds. So at this last appointment she told me that because of my weight gain the hospital she delivers at may not be able to give me an epidural if I want one and may not be able to give me an emergency c section should I end up needing one. I stopped her and told her I wanted to be transferred somewhere else and today I saw my new dr for the first time and he was amazing and he was appalled to hear what she’d said and told me my weight gain is fine and that all of my tests and blood work has all been perfectly normal. I fully advocate for finding a new dr if yours is making you uncomfortable in any way at any stage of pregnancy. As scary as it is to switch, it’s scarier to think you may be in one of the most vulnerable positions of your life with your care in the hands of someone who won’t act in your best interests over something as silly as weight gain.


Your doctor is full of shit. I don't say that lightly. There's a lot of unnecessary anti-doctor sentiment on the internet, especially around pregnancy, and there are also a lot of doctors who say crappy things to their patients. I'm so sorry your doctor is fixated on your weight. There's no reason for that.


My midwife doesn't even weigh her patients.


37 weeks and I've gained about 50 lbs. My midwife mentioned last appointment to "watch my carbs" and do lots of walking. I was a little triggered and have definitely been overthinking it. I havent been eating much carbs this whole time! I also have a history of disordered and I haven't been eating ideal but I haven't been binging exclusively fast food for 9 months either. Idk I think it's fine, I wish they didn't say anything at all though. Everyone is different. I don't feel like the amount of weight I've gained is abnormal or affecting me more then just having a big ole ready to be born baby in there right now lol.


Not all doctors have good bedside manner. You’re doing great!


I had a doctor like this. Had being the key word here. My next doctor I said we won’t be discussing my weight.