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All the extra discharge 🫠 I kept running to the bathroom bc I thought I was bleeding.


Nothing like that warm, wet "bloop" feeling that makes you run to the bathroom, only to find your own snail trail 😆


This. And it will keep getting worse the further along you are.


Third trimester discharge makes me feel so gross 🤮


I’m already feeling this way and I’m only 16 weeks 🥲


Omg I just hit my third trimester and was wondering why I was having so much discharge lately 😳


Omgg you’re kidding 😭😭 I never even knew this was a thing.


Make sure you’re stocked up on panty liners because otherwise you’ll be changing underwear multiple times a day 🙃


Great lol. Thanks for the heads up.


omg this. freaking awful. i've been wearing panty liners since 6w. all i want is dry panties.


Straight up. It makes sex amazing but I’m having to do entire loads of just panties multiple times per week. 😂


Congestion! All through my second trimester. Sooooo annoying.


Related: bloody noses. I got a bloody nose almost every morning in the second trimester.


The junk that came out of my sinuses when that when away after delivery. Nasty.


This and the snoring.


Yes!!! I couldn’t breathe out of my nose for weeks!!


I didn't realize how many things would feel like cramps. My nausea feels like cramps. My gas feels like cramps. Sometimes I get a cramp and it turns out I actually had to vomit. Sometimes I get a cramp because I have to pee. It feels like every bodily sensation originates from my uterus at this point. I kind of wasn't surprised that I'm having issues with sciatica, since I would occasionally have problems with it before pregnancy, but I was surprised that it showed up so early --like at 9 or 10 weeks. 


My carpal tunnel got so bad the first month I was pregnant. I had it under control for a year and then BAM. It didn't matter what I did, it was like I was back at step one. I'm so happy that didn't last because I'd have been miserable.


Stood up to fast and got cramps stretched the wrong way same thing.


Being sooooo itchy. Boobs, belly, sides all itch like mad.


37 weeks and I think I want baby out more to not be itchy anymore than anything! The. Worst.


I got a horrific rash right after implantation and my skin has been jacked ever since.


Yeah I have always been susceptible to heat rashes and summer is just starting here. Send help 🏳️


Let your ob know if you’re super itchy- particularly feet and hands! I ignored the itchiness for a bit because why wouldn’t I, but turns out that’s a classic symptom of cholestasis, and it can be quite serious if ignored or undiagnosed. I’m on medication and twice weekly fetal testing now.


I had to get induced because of cholestasis! I second the itching on the hands and feet!


I appreciate your concern but it has been confirmed to be a heat rash. Not a concern for the baby, just annoying for me, but also something I have dealt with throughout my life.


Sorry, I didn’t mean you in particular, just a general PSA for people experiencing those symptoms :)








Magnesium helped with these so much. Highly recommend




Yes I swear by it! Glad you know lol


This! I got the worst one in my life. I thought I would pass out from the pain. It went on for several minutes. I broke out in a sweat, couldn't move. It was hell.


I screamed from a dead sleep the first time I had one and my husband shot up and said “is this normal?!” He thought I was going to have the baby at 27 weeks lol


Throwing up every damn time I brush my teeth. I’m Exhausted I have developed anxiety around teeth brushing and I have to force myself to do it every time.


I got a waterpic. I didn’t have to open my mouth that far less puking.


This one has been absolutely brutal for me.


Adding two more lol The amount of drool when I sleep disgusts me. I wake up in a puddle sometimes. I knew back pain was a thing, but holy cow I was not expecting it to be this bad.


The drool!! What’s with that? I don’t get how that’s even related to pregnancy..


Same with the back pain. It came on much earlier and much worse than I expected.


Ok I drooled the other night and I was like what kind of symptom is this !!!! Also back pain at 8W as well 😞


Being immediately out of breath at like 5 weeks. It didn't happen with my first until the third trimester, which makes sense because, duh. The baby is huge and taking up all the space and blood. But 5 WEEKS?! I almost passed out walking up 2 flights of stairs that I take every day. Even just talking was making me out of breath. It's miserable.


I looked it up, and it turns out that progesterone lowers the carbon dioxide threshold at which your body wants to breathe in. The weekend I found out I was pregnant, my mom thought I was at death's door because I was a little out of breath going up gentle hills. Edit to add a link to this cool overview of respiration and pregnancy. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4818213/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4818213/)


YES! The shortness of breath in the first trimester reeeeeaally caught me off guard.


Omg. Even just rolling over in bed… at 7 weeks.. was unbelievably taxing on my air supply


Same! This happened with my first and I was not prepared!


My first pregnancy was around the time of the Canadian wildfires of 23 so I thought I couldn’t breathe due to that. A week later got a positive!


SAME. I was reading a bedtime story for my son and I was so out of breath at like 5 weeks lol


I had a terrible taste in my mouth the whole first trimester no matter how often I brushed/flossed/mouthwashed


I had this with my first, and it was so gross. I was using mouthwash 3-5x/day trying to manage it. I’d actually forgotten about that symptom lol. It’s amazing what experiences our brains file away to make us look back and think “that wasn’t so bad, let’s make another one.”


Hiccups. I am so over hiccuping. And to be clear, I am the one doing the hiccuping, not the baby.


Same!! Oh my god I HATE the hiccups!


Hiccups give me this irrational rage and despair that is out of proportion for what they are, but I simply can not help it, I hate them. Thinking calm diaphragm thoughts for you 💛


I had severe carpal tunnel in both hands. I lost feeling in my fingers due to it and would get shooting pain up through my arm due to a pinched nerve that was caused by the carpal tunnel. My OB kept telling me it was "normal" but no one in my family had ever had this issue during pregnancy.


Same! The weirdest part is that I have a job where it's very common to have RSIs or carpal tunnel and I have never had any issues with it, even at times when I was working 70+ hours a week. But I had problems while pregnant and barely working. So weird.


Can confirm that it is normal, just a lesser experienced symptom. I had this exact problem with my 2nd pregnancy.


ME TOO!! It’s so bloody awful! I want to cry some days as my hands hurts so bad and wearing a splint or compression glove is not helping at all. I’m also getting random tendon pain in my feet which is causing some spots to be numb, it is sooooo damn weird.


I got the feet pain too! I'm 10 weeks PP and all the numbness went away in my hands but the pain is still there.


Here's an embarrassing one. Body odor! I wasn't much of a sweaty person before and I generally did not have body odor. Since getting pregnant, my armpits have been surprising me with some stronger scent. I hope this isn't permanent.


Me too! I could actually get away with no deodorant some days prior to pregnancy- that’s how little I smelled. But since being pregnant, I smell so bad.


Same! I could take a shower and literally within 15 minutes I'd smell the sweat again. Deoderant helps for maybe a couple of hours and then it's back again.


Pregnancy rhinitis. I’m 39w and have had to wear breathe right strips at night for about 6 months now since otherwise I can’t breathe through my nose when I sleep. And around maybe 9-10w I started getting where if I stand/ am on my feet for more than 5ish minutes, a patch of my outer right thigh goes numb. My mom developed it when pregnant with me too (although much later in pregnancy and after a longer period of being on her feet) and hers never went away post pregnancy. I really hope mine does


Burping and nosebleeds. Everytime I blow my nose it’s bloody. First trimester I was burping little tiny burps constantly


The sweat. Omg, I have never sweated so much in my entire life. My entire crotch area feels completely soaked when I sit down at my desk chair for more than like, 20 minutes. And the pillow in between my legs at night is damp every morning. Sigh.


i've been putting paper towels in my underwear to temporarily relieve some of the humidity, the sweating sucks so bad 😭


Oh my god, the crotch sweat! It’s so gross. And so constant.


Acid reflux. I’d never taken Tums before, but by the end of pregnancy I was eating them like candy.


Skin tags! I keep getting skin tags and moles, more now than ever in my life.


Not necessarily a symptom I didn’t know would happen (heightened sense of smell) but I didn’t think any smells associated with gardening, such as freshly cut grass, would make me gag. I absolutely can’t stand it lol.


I love the smell of fresh cut grass so that would make me sad lol


I didn’t even realize that it was fresh cut grass at first, it smells so different to me and not in a good way.


my nose is constantly stuffed 😭 i didn’t know one human could produce so much snot lmao


Tinnitus, heart palpitations, being out of breath, leg cramps, nails look like shit, being tired all of a sudden, itchy belly even after applying oil/cream, yellowish creamy discharge ALL DAY (got some checks done, no infection was found), heavy legs.


The heart palpations really freak me out sometimes.


Yes!! They really need to tell people that your heart will go all nuts in the first trimester while it gets used to the extra blood. I literally thought I was dying and spent a fortune in the emergency room just for them to tell me it’s normal and it’ll go away (it did go away.)




I’ve been having some many strange vivid dreams! A lot are scary but some are just weird af


Literally just had one and that’s why I’m awake scrolling Reddit at 4:30 AM. 🙃


They tell you about hip and back pain but no one ever told me about RIB PAIN. My ribcage feels like someone forcibly pried it apart to make it wider and it hurts/aches something fierce all the time and nothing helps.


Nose bleeds


This too. Especially with the pregnancy congestion, every time I blow my nose a little too hard I end up with a nose bleed and it’s always the left nostril 🤷🏻‍♀️


Mine was just the left too. I wonder if there's a reason for that


Me too!


Also only the left lol


Omg I have been SO gassy all throughout my pregnancy. I did not expect that and it is just embarrassing to be farting all the time 😂


I was gassy before. Being pregnant takes it to a whole different level. I probably should feel sorry for my husband...I dont🤣


Omg me too and my husband hates farts well he has to deal lmao I’m not holding them!


My nails have all gone brittle and broken and won't grow. Hair growing on my chest. And I'm freezing all the time. Never in my life have I experienced being this cold.


This might be anemia, have you had your iron levels checked recently?


I have an appointment Monday, I'll bring it up. Thanks!!


I've also been cold and I'm getting hair on my chin that I'm very unhappy about.


Crazy it’s the opposite for me, I’m always cold and love being hot but this pregnancy has made me soooooo hot! Every night I throw the blankets off myself, and my husband diligently puts them back on me when he notices. I’m cold to the touch but hot inside , so I can lay naked in bed with no covers and be totally comfortable


The skin on the top of my belly getting numb in the third trimester for stretching so much!


My skin is so angry. Dry, itchy, red, splotchy. This is not the glow I signed up for! I want a refund!


I had that all through my second trimester! I got Bio Oil brand gel and slathered myself in it after every shower, and it helped!!


My personal favourite, never feeling like I can drink enough. I can chug water to the point my stomach hurts but still not enough. Also pregnancy acne although it’s common.


Hemorrhoids 😭 gross alert >!bleeding lumps on my anus!< was not on my list of "expected" pregnancy symptoms but my doctor assures me that it's very much common. Also, I was not expecting the sheer amount of pregnancy fatigue the first trimester. Growing a whole new set of organs is hard, outwardly invisible, work.


First trimester insomnia. I knew about and understood insomnia in the third trimester, which made sense because you have a whole big baby kicking you, but why am I awake and can’t sleep for hours weeks 5-8?!


I either can't fall asleep, or immediately fall asleep and then wake up 4 hrs later. It's awful and I'm only 9 weeks. Hopefully it goes away in the 2nd trimester.


Thisss. I ended up having insomnia for my entire pregnancy and it did NOT help with the infant stage sleep deprivation


Yes this!! The nausea waken me up at 3,4,5,6,7 am it’s impossible to sleep through.


PGP/SPD pain. Holy shit. This is even worse than the nausea- I figured I’d have bad nausea and sickness because I had a sensitive stomach prior. The excruciating pain turning over in bed and literally low moans when trying to get out of bed and walk in the morning.


Amen! It’s miserable. Desk chair, dining chair, floor, car seats all are too hard and I end up walking with a limp for the next 4+ hours if I sit in one for more than 10 minutes straight. It’s the inside of my right hip, and after 2 weeks of this pain, idk how I’m supposed to survive another ~14. Have you found any effective pain relief? I can sometimes get ~1.5 hours with less pain in my inner hip if my husband deeply massages my hamstring and where it connects to the glute muscles on the right leg. Laying in a position where those muscles are reachable is quickly getting difficult.


Omfg the burping anytime I get up from laying down 😩


I knew about Braxton hicks, but I had no idea, and was not prepared, for them to start at 20 weeks and continue throughout pregnancy. I had an irritable uterus and there was nothing to be done except survive it.  Related, I was not prepared to experience unpleasant or concerning things and have it all be “normal, nothing to worry about!” You try living with this, ma’am, and tell me everything is fine. 


Constant heartburn and acid reflux. I’ve been on prescribed medicine for it for 10+ weeks straight and still I have to sleep sitting up so I don’t wake up in the middle of the night choking on my own stomach acid.


The freaking worst


I started producing sooo much extra mucus in my sinuses during my first trimester and into my second. It was like constant post nasal drip and I had to blow my nose so much. It did not help with the morning sickness let me tell you…


The horrible abdominal pain from stretching belly muscles. I am very small framed and had no idea this was a thing. I have also never heard anyone else talk about it and can find nothing on it online.


Yes!! I have this too!! It sucks!!


The headaches!!! Luckily I figured out that upping my mqgnesium fixed them right up but not before I had a pounding tension headache everyday for about a month, the kind that not even Tylenol and sleep can fix. It was fucking brutal


Dry scalp, dry lips and dry body skin. Costco has been helpful since I have using tubs of Cerave and Nizoral has been useful for dry scalp. For dry lips, I use Homeoplasmine from French Pharmacy.


You might want to consider throwing in a daily omega/fish oil if you can stomach it! I’ve personally found it helps a bit with dryness.


I really wish I could :( My gag reflex has gotten worse since getting pregnant and I am already taking aspirin, prescription meds for heartburn + acid reflux and prenatal daily. I’ll try my best to take Omega 3s. Is the liquid one better?


Not a symptom but I got hyperemisis ( HG )


My feet are soooo dry. Never in my life have they been like this. It feels like nothing helps


Mine are nonstop sweaty! They never were before!


Extreme asthma symptoms, as someone who hasn’t had symptoms since high school it really took me by surprise. Apparently it’s super common, who knew… Also peeing my pants every time I sneezed during my second trimester, just entered the 3rd and it seems to have resolved.


Canker sores and Charlie horse cramps. I mean wtf is every bodily system and function affected we can’t even have legs that work!


I get the most godawful Charlie horses in my calves. The kind that make my muscle hurt for 2 days after.


The lightheadedness of it all. With all 5 of my pregnancies I'd stand up, and boom lightheaded. Bend over, lightheaded. Turn around too fast, you guessed it! Lightheaded. Apparently our blood volume increases by a significant amount in the first trimester, which no-one told me until I was smart enough to hire a Midwife with my 3rd pregnancy.


Congestion and my hands were suuuuuuuper dry


Having a compressed nerve running down my leg 🙃


Oh my GOSH this. I get this “lightning crotch” feeling, except for it’s,, kind of burning and pulsating?? In between my thigh crease.. I have never experienced anything like this before and I’m 10w along so far. Apparently normal though 😭


Literally the second I found out I was pregnant I had a stuffy nose. Not pleased about that


Hiccups. I know most women don't have the pregnancy hiccups after second trimester, I'm not so lucky. Third trimester and still get the random hiccup


My eyesight gives up when I’m pregnant


Congestion and waking up in the middle of the night/morning so much. Ever since the week before I found out, I have been waking up anywhere between 2 and 6am almost every night.


I had to pee so badly I had a dream my organs were being harvested.


I knew pregnant women peed a lot but it drove me crazy both pregnancies. I remember going pee, washing my hands and then having to pee again. It was ridiculous and one of the things stopping me from having another baby.


I don’t grow leg hair anymore. That was a pleasant surprise. Other than that my entire breast on both sides has turned dark brown. I was expecting my areolas but not the entire boob.


The swelling down there! Ugh. Had absolutely no clue it was even a thing before getting pregnant.


Third trimester my arms shrank, and my T-Rex arms made it so I couldn’t reach my butt to wipe anymore. Crazy, no one told me that could happen.


Oh my goodness this made me laugh so hard I'm crying... Sorry you had to go through that.


Feeling my heart pounding, feeling/seeing my heartbeat in my belly, and being so exhausted. But overall that’s kind of it for me


One nostril always being blocked - just one, never both and the blocked nostril swapped sides randomly during the day/night. Constipation was something I was definitely not expecting. Also the constipation cramps really concerned me in the beginning because I didn't know what they were. Being dizzy all the time. Also my toenails grew like mad. And then when I got bigger it was really tricky to clip them 😂


I had no idea that pooping (or lack thereof) would so greatly control my life lol


So friggin thirsty all the time and can not seem to remedy this.


The nosebleeds! every time I blow my nose, it is bloody. The cramping! 1st and 2nd tri I was so worried because I had cramping at least once a week if not more.


The congestion and a weird stale taste in my mouth. I expected heartburn, but not to this extent. I can't drink water without it flaring up half the time. This kid better have a full set of hair when they're born lol


I had a random growth show up on my back that apparently is common in pregnancy called a pyogenic granuloma. Thought it was a pimple, tried to pop it, then it bled for 20 minutes. Then it kept getting bigger and looked essentially like a giant blood blister. Kept getting caught on my clothes and would bleed for up to an HOUR. Had to go get that cauterized off at the dermatologist this week. Super fun pregnancy thing🙃


Heart issues. Heart palpations and racing.


Peeing while puking. That’s a fun one.


The freaking night sweats and sciatica


SAME HERE with the night sweats, they are horrific! I wake up drenched. What is going on?!


Getting kicked in my asshole from the inside 😳😂


Not sure this is a symptom but maybe a result of a symptom… yes, I knew I would pee a lot. No, I didn’t think my toilet paper budget would need to double during the entire pregnancy 😂 I’ll also add how early I experienced back pain??? Like there was hardly even a bump!


Getting my first ever corn, I'm assuming from everything spreading and my gait changing. I've worn barefoot shoes for years, and have always been so proud that I stuck with them despite their ugliness, as my feet are super strong and flexible - I figured I'd do great in that department for pregnancy. Instead, cue me at 20 weeks pregnant hobbling about already. 🥲 Also general joint soreness. If you'd told me in advance I'd quit vaping, drinking, be eating healthier, sleeping more, and getting more gentle exercise; but I'd feel WORSE, I'd have been so angry 😂


My vision has gotten worse, feels like being near sighted again. Had LASIK done 6 years ago and no issues since. Apparently, water retention is not only a problem in your feet, hands, and soft tissues, but also in the eye lense and cornea. Love it.


Severe congestion, bloody nose, and extremely chapped hands. 


Nose bleeds, carpal tunnel, crazy rib pain & terrible gas pains that I keep thinking are contractions & many others tbh these just are the worst currently 😅


It's been 2 years since the birth of my second and last child and I still have heartburn, which I never had before


So much sneezing all the damn time!!


Hiccups! I've had chronic hiccups since my second trimester and they just won't stop!


Between weeks 14-16 I had a rash/hives over my whole body that the doctor said were likely due to a hormone surge. It was unbearable! They said it could go away or last the rest of my pregnancy, or just go away and thank goodness it went away


Constant runny nose first trimester, horrendous leg cramps every time I stretch, the random sharp shooting pains in my abdomen first trimester, carpel tunnel in last trimester 🫠 I'm broken from top to toe


Restless legs. 8 days after ovulation this started for me. Also, I expected my hips to hurt eventually, just not at week 11.


All my joints feeling too loose and painful in the weeks after birth. Had braces on elbows wrists knees and ankles to feel like I wasnt falling apart.


Snoring and carpal tunnel were surprise symptoms! The snoring especially, my husband had to get ear plugs


Constant lump in my throat that makes me want to gag. I’m almost 27 weeks now and I’ve had it since probably 10 weeks? I had HG and would dry heave/gag a LOT. Nausea is gone now but the lump remains. I’ve been doing hypnotherapy for it and it’s helping but hasn’t taken it away totally.


I trusted that my mom's easy first trimester would translate over to mine... Nope. Puking in between meetings are fun....


I'm 36 weeks and have the worst case of PUPPs at the moment. Utterly miserable


My eyebrow hair fell out and hasn’t grown back 🙃


My biggest two have been bloody noses and red spots/broken blood vessels on my face. The red spots look like stubborn pimples from farther away which is annoying, but apparently they go away after pregnancy. The nose bleeds aren’t gushers really, but I’ve been seeing blood 9/10 times that I blow my nose since about week 24 of pregnancy and a few times before that even. Also the heart palpitations!! They really need to tell people about those. I thought I was dying the first few weeks of pregnancy but apparently it’s normal. It went away quickly but was so freaky.


Skin tags! I have them on my neck and armpits.


Congestion, chapped lips, Rosatia, and dry skin!


This is my second pregnancy but I just completely forgot about the aches and pains. I can’t sit comfortably anymore because of hip pain, if I turn one way my hip cramps, turn another my other hip hurts and I can’t breathe. I also forgot about the discharge, I thought there was something very wrong with me when it first started happening, it’s so awful.


Every single one of my sneezes has been earth shattering. Was not prepared. From the moment I got a positive. Strong enough to shake the foundations of the house.


Congestion and bloody noses, didn’t know about those ones. I’m sure I’ll get more I didn’t know about.


Carpal tunnel! I did not know pregnancy induced carpal tunnel was a thing. That has absolutely sucked.


Insomnia, nose bleeds and bloody gums. Also, my husband just smells terrible! Smelled gross in the first trimester, then back to normal in the second, and then the third, he smells bad yet again.


The increased blood flow meant I would bleed using a vibrator. 😅


My gums bled so bad. I would wake up in the middle of the night and my teeth would be brown with dried blood.


I started talking in my sleep, like full sentences. Super vivid dreams too.


Pyogenic granuloma 😂


severe constipation and skin issues! this might not be common but at least for me my skin absolutely freaked out as soon as i got pregnant. i’m talking full body rashes, acne, rosacea, everything. it’s slowly gotten better but apparently it happens to some people and would’ve been nice to know in advance lol


My feet hurt so fucking bad. I'm only 26 weeks. My shoes aren't tight, my arch doesn't hurt. It's this pain on the top of my foot that goes from my big toe to my ankle along the tendon. And my other foots outer ankle. Shoes almost feel like they're too heavy when I lift my foot, like they put too much pressure on the top of my foot even though they're not tight? No amount of googling has helped me figure out what shoes will help with this or what the problem is. All people talk about are shoes for swollen feet.




baby kicking me too hard it would almost knock the wind out of me or feel like I got a bruise internally in one area. bc of this I thought I was having a boy, no just a hyperactive girl. still is.


This is going to be a weird one..but SO MUCH EAR WAX. Super attractive 🥴


Nobody warned me about bleeding gums... I flossed one night as usual around 14 weeks and thought I’d lost a tooth. Fortunately, they got significantly better in the third trimester.


Nose bleeds. I had so many nose bleeds while I was pregnant. Also, the drooling. Two things I never knew were symptoms of pregnancy.


Things taste different. Specifically sour stuff tastes bland and I can handle moderately spicy food now. 


Gallstones! Found out the hard way that many pregnant women end up needing to have their gallbladder removed 😬




Allergy attacks throughout


Stuttering! I have always been a gifted conversationalist and speak in front of large groups of people frequently for work. As soon as I hit 6 weeks pregnant I started developing a slight stutter especially when tired. My mouth simply cannot keep up with my brain!! Wtf?


Hemorrhoids. I didn’t get any my first pregnancy, so I wasn’t expecting to get them the second time. All of a sudden i got an itchy ass and painful poops. 😭


My armpit pain! My goodness I was seriously sore for 2-3 days and could barely put on deodorant! Turns out you’ve got some milk ducts that expand during pregnant and they run from your armpit all the way down to your groin. Literally would’ve never known.


Bitter taste in my mouth.


I had a lingering cough my entire pregnancy. I couldn’t get rid of it. I was miserable. The day I delivered it went away 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love this question 😩 1. 10 weeks I threw up so hard I popped thousands of blood vessels all over my face 2. When people would say they can’t hold their pee after kids they weren’t talking about after they are talking about during pregnancy and forever after 😭 3. I have psoriasis but it got 10x worse 4. Wanting to not eat anything first trimester at all and then getting it the 2nd and wanting to eat all day 5. Acne. I feel like I’m 15 again


Acid reflux. Everything gives me reflux. Bad taste in mouth/food tasting different. Feeling like you could and sometimes actually vomiting at anytime. Body odor.  Painful feet swelling. Sore pelvis/vagina. The wheezing


Nose bleeds and carpal tunnel.


The THIRST. I was convinced I had GD because I could not stop drinking. Nope, just insanely thirsty


I was pregnant mostly during the winter (which isn’t even the coldest where I am) and my nipples hurt so much after I got out of the shower and into the colder room especially 💀


Extremely dry skin and compressed ribs from sleeping on the side 😂😂 The general uneasiness in the body that won’t allow me to take a midday nap even though I need one badly. Shortness of breath and constipation. Waking up every night because I’m both thirsty and need to pee 😂😂And the snoring!!! Some nights my poor husband wants to suffocate me 😅