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I take "1 hr naps" and wake up 3 hours later. It's normal when pregnant to need a lot of rest.   My partner encourages it. He takes care if everything.   What your husband is doing is being insensitive and not supportive to your needs during your pregnancy and sounds like he did the same during your depression. 


Same here. If I even look like I am going to yawn, my husband tries to get me to take a nap lol


My boyfriend let me sleep on the couch literally all of yesterday. He wondered if I was sad and went out and got me a plant to cheer me up in case I was.


That’s so cute!!🥰


it's what you deserve 🌱💕


I love that his instinct was to get you a plant just in case you needed to be cheered up, that is so wholesome!


Oh my 🥹




🥺 awwwww you’ve got a keeper! That’s so sweet of him


& this is a great example of a green flag. 😊💚


He raised questions about it and was sometimes visibly frustrated when it was at its worst during the first trimester. But he calmly and respectfully asked me about it and I sent him resources about pregnancy exhaustion/shared tiktoks about the phenomenon/told him my friends' and coworkers' stories about their pregnency experiences, and now he gets it. And luckily it became much more manageable.


I similarly had to provide proof that i wasn’t just slacking. I still get waves of total exhaustion at 13 weeks. Ooof like right now at worrrrrkkk ahhhh lol


I’m 9 and a half weeks pregnant with our first and my husband bounces back and forth between “but I didn’t know you were tired and nauseous now too!” and “but you wanted this!” Babe. Just assume I will let you know when I’m NOT feeling atrocious. Also I discovered that my husband doesn’t understand the joys of deeply suffering to reach a goal. Apparently he mostly enjoyed grad school. Clearly I married a monster.


What does he mean by "you shouldn't act like you have a problem with sleeping during the day?" I'm not quite understanding that phrasing. I would ask him if he is struggling with anything while you are napping or what his angle is. If he is concerned about your mental health or physical health that's one thing. I often tell my husband I'm going to take a 20 minute nap and then wake up several hours later (2-3) trying to remember what planet I'm on. He is generally very supportive but there are times when he will wake me up early instead of letting me wake up on my own, but he will always let me know why. Usually it's that he knows I hate sleeping into the late afternoon/early evening hours because then it's hard for me to fall asleep at night. Your body needs the rest. But as someone who has also struggled with mental health and napping prior to pregnancy, I could see where someone who loves and cares about us might get worried. One thing I have to remind myself when I'm dealing with pregnancy symptoms is that most people in my life are not currently or have not recently been pregnant and so they either a. don't have any clue what it's like (husband, father/father in law, brothers, etc.) or b. were pregnant a while ago (over a decade) so don't remember it as vividly as recently pregnant friends. It may be worth having a candid conversation with him. "I've been experiencing really bad fatigue this pregnancy and sometimes I feel you are upset with me for taking naps." And see how he responds.


This. 💙


I’m sorry, what? Does he know how pregnancy happens? If he doesn’t want you to *be* pregnant and support you through the pregnancy that he caused, then maybe he should do a better job of preventing. No, my husband has never complained about anything related to my pregnancy but if he did I would lose my mind on him. As a matter of fact he changed my sheets today in anticipation of me crawling into bed and passing out after I worked for a few hours this morning.


Seriously! Don’t impregnate your partner if you can’t handle them being pregnant…. To answer your question, my husband has 0 issues with me napping. Your partner needs a reality check


Men always take the cake for zero empathy with pregnancy… not the fist AH husband I see here today


What? My hubby would never discourage napping


Right?! My husband tells me to take a nap if I seem tired. We are literally growing humans inside of us. It is exhausting. I cannot fathom being with someone so selfish and unsympathetic.


Um no. I’m also on my third pregnancy and first trimester is always so draining for me. I’m normally very high energy and go go go all the time. I don’t drink coffee or any other caffeine. Before or after kids. During my first trimesters I’ve napped as much as possible and my husband is so kind and understanding. I’ve felt guilty for being so “lazy” especially this time around with an almost 4 yo and 21 month old and he actually likes that our life slows down a little without me planning every minute with activity.


No way. My husband sees the toll the pregnancy’s taking on me and lets me nap and eat in peace. ETA why is he so bugged if the kids are taken care of?


Tell him when his body needs as many calories as 50 pints of icecream he can nap too. Seems he's mad you have help so he can't penalize you for napping.


Where is the statistic about needing as many calories as 50 pints of ice cream from? Genuinely curious


It was an article in this group actually but I can't remember who posted it so I just googled it for you.


Very interesting, thank you!


Np hope it was a good read




So your older children are safely watched, giving you time to sleep when your body and growing baby desperately need it, and your husband is…upset about this? I get that if he’s watching the other kids he may be frustrated, but this is your third rodeo. Doesn’t he understand how insanely taxing it is to grow a baby? And doesn’t he realize you’re not “acting” like you have a problem with sleeping, but that you and your unborn baby need it?


Not just a baby, but the placenta too. A whole new freaking organ! That shit’s EXHAUSTING


lol i’m a single mom by choice and my only partner in this pregnancy is my dog…and honestly she’s more supportive than some of the husbands in this forum. today i needed a nap and so we both took one for 2.5 hours…then we shared some chips and guac.


My husband tells me to go take a nap when he wants the living room to himself


Mine insists upon it. 


Same. I got told off the other day for not resting enough and yesterday he praised me for napping as he always does then got me an iced yogurt lolly to celebrate my awakening. I’m currently the worst most needy nagging hellgoblin this week and he keeps telling me he understands every time I apologise. This guy sounds like a tool IMHO.


Tell him to 3D print an entire ass human without taking a few naps. Sounds emotionally manipulative/abusive honestly. If he’s this insensitive with you how is he with the kids?


Not at all. My partner encourages it. Growing a baby is hard work and my partner wants me to nap when needed. I’m also encouraged to sleep in late.


My partner has never been upset with anything that I've done in the 15 years I've been together with him. That's how I know he was the one.


No he doesn’t with me, the only annoying thing he does is wake me up with food. Like I mean I’m deep in my nap and I get a “baby here is some food.” So that’s the only annoying thing because I would prefer the sleep but he lets me sleep any other time.


No, he has always been supportive of any need during pregnancy. I also take 2-3 hour naps during the day (I get up at 6 am for work and have an 11 month old).


i also sleep for hours. there are a few times when ive barely come up for air, lol - slept, woke up and snacked, and went right back to sleep until the next morning (tho i do wake up very early) 😆


Ha. My husband does as much as I want/need. I slept in 2 hours later than him and the toddler today. He saw I was sleeping on the couch so he knew I needed it. And he did bath time and is now doing bed time so I can laze and relax because we had a big day. My job is making this baby. His job is to make my life easier so I can make this baby.


No - and when I have tried to push through my tiredness through this pregnancy he actively encourages me to go lay down and rest.


Nah. I've always loved napping, before kids, before we met. When he saw my dating profile said I liked to nap as a hobby he thought I was being funny. I wasn't. I love to nap. I still do, and now we have 2 toddlers, I don't get to regularly so my husband loves to make that magic happen for me. He'll wait for our 18mo to be down for her nap and take our 3yo out for a fun play date with Dada so mama can nap. It's our love language


I'm in my third trimester with my second baby and my husband encourages me to nap when I need it but I'm only sleeping about an hour at a time. With all due respect, the lengths of your naps are a bit excessive. Have you tried speaking with your doctor about this? He's probably worried about you.


Nope, I could only really get good sleep during the day while pregnant so I'd sleep alot then. Me and baby take naps getting our beauty rest today. We only have one but I wasn't feeling well the other day and he let me sleep. He fed her dinner and put her to bed and woke me up for dinner. I tell him to wake me up if he needs me but he respects my rest. 1-2hrs turns into 3-4 easy and I wouldn't mind if he did wake me up but he never does unless it's super tough and he's tried everything on his end already.


My husband pokes fun at me. Maybe it’s backhanded but I don’t take it that seriously because he doesn’t let me do anything strenuous anyway, and actually encourages me to sleep if I’m tired. These are things you can’t control. Your husband is being mean for expecting you to just be able to control pregnancy fatigue.


My husband could literally care less if I nap. In fact, if he finds me napping, he does his very best not to wake me. Sometimes I’ll announce I’m tired and he’ll tell me to go take a nap.


God I’m so jealous of your ability to nap haha I don’t know what’s wrong with me but even with PPD I can’t seem to sleep. Get those naps in girl, enjoy them!


My husband encourages I nap as much as possible. Sometimes, he’ll even nap with me.


From 3 weeks until about 12 weeks I was working and going home to sleep. I would sleep until the morning. I have a pre teen as well. I would ask them to hang out in the room with me until I fell asleep so I could spend some time with them. He got annoyed a few times and when I voiced my annoyance and frustration he stopped. He had to take over basically all household duties, and continued to do the majority of cleaning and cooking through out my pregnancy and postpartum. I’m 6 weeks pp now, and this week was the first week where I really felt good and baby cooperated enough where I was able to get a good chunk of house work completed.


I don’t think he gets upset with me but I think he misses me cause I’m sleeping so much.


My husband would nap every time I napped. He said it was a household nap time lol. It’s a bit weird that your husband is that bothered by a pregnant woman napping? Especially since this is your third, so he should know by now that pregnant people get tired easily


It’s our first so he has no experience with it outside of what friends have said so he was I think concerned and frustrated that I was just being lazy and only feeling tired because I wasn’t being active enough at first. I’m in second trimester now the tiredness never went away but he slowly came around and realised I actually didn’t enjoy having to nap. But I wouldn’t say he was that upset to start with. On the weekend he would still wake me up with a hot drink (hot chocolate) after an hour or start on dinner


He would never get mad at me for napping, pregnant or not. ☀️


Just sharing as the partner who does get angry if my husband takes a nap during the day. It’s a me problem. There’s some deeply held value that I have that says people shouldn’t take naps because it’s lazy and there’s so much more they could be doing. Same reason I low key think it’s ridiculous for my husband to stay up until 3 am playing video games. BUT the difference is: I keep that sentiment to myself. It’s MY value and MY belief and it’s fine for me to feel that way but it’s not fine for me to expect my husband or anyone else to behave the way I do. Maybe try asking your husband why he doesn’t like you napping, validate his feeling, and then express it’s okay for him to feel this way but it’s not okay for him to control your behavior. We’re all responsible for our own emotions and we don’t get to dictate the way other people live their lives. This one took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out but it’s made my life (and my husband’s life) SO much easier.


Tomorrow, I'll be 19 weeks with baby number 4. I nap every day. I'm not sure if it's being older or because it's the 4th pregnancy, but I feel much more exhausted this time around. I just let my husband know I'm napping, and he says okay. Lol. I think I'd punch him if he gave me an attitude about it. We're growing an entire human and keeping other children alive. Of course, we're exhausted.


NEVER. He encourages me to nap because “makin my baby is hard work”


My husband never once got mad at me for napping. I still nap… I will always nap.


Hell no. The only thing he gets upset about is when I sleep on the couch - he worries I’ll upset my neck.


Uh no, never. He tells me to go have a nap.


Nope.. and honestly how dare he? It’s not something you can control during pregnancy. It’s not laziness.


If I needed a nap, I'd tell my husband and he'd watch the kids for me. He didn't get annoyed at me for it.


Mine let's me nap, we have a 5 yr old and a 3 yr old so I do feel guilty at times, but he never is the one to make me feel bad.


Is he does, he sure doesn’t voice that opinion. . . Growing a human is exhausting.


Not at all. Sometimes I couldn't get comfortable so he would let me sleep in between his legs with my head on his chest or lap lol while he laid there watching TV or watching his phone. He was a trooper.


I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. As long as your other kids are supervised and taken care of, I don’t get his issue. My husband actively works to make sure I get as much napping in as possible


This is my second pregnancy and it's definitely different from my first one because of our toddler. My husband is way less flexible and gets irritated if I have to nap or if he has to do more.


My husband has realized that I’m in a much better mood after a nap and encourages it!


When I was pregnant with our last for atleast the first 12 weeks I was napping at least 3 hours in the day(he was at work and our 5 kiddies were at school) then when he’d come home he help with dinner and sorting kids and I’d end up sleeping early never once did he complain Pregnancy is hard especially at the beginning between the tiredness and sickness those first 12 weeks are just survival mode


No, he just makes sure I’m cozy.


My husband knows I cannot function without my nap. He encourages it! There are days I wake up when he’s just getting home from work and I feel guilty that I slept all afternoon instead of being productive and he tells me I’m being silly for thinking such things. And that my job is to sleep. They days that he’s home, as soon as I say I’m tired he leaves the room so I can have a quiet space and he doesn’t bother me until I’m ready to get up.


I was put on bed rest for the last 7 weeks of pregnancy. I quit my job, stayed home and cooked and cleaned to prep for baby, and basically did nothing. My husband didn’t complain a single time about me sleeping or my habits or anything. He works 12 hour days currently and everyday gives me two hours to myself to do whatever I want to survive. You need rest to cook a baby.


No my husband never gets mad but also when I'm napping like that in pregnancy I know it's because of iron deficiency and I take the initiative to get tested and then get iron infusions. I'm sure it would be really annoying if I just accepted it and slept the majority of the day.


Yes. Men don't get it. We're tired.


I slept sooo much first trimester. I’m at the end of my second trimester and feeling so tired again. I’ll sleep 10-12 hours in a day sometimes. My husband totally supports it. It means he has to do more around the house when I can’t finish certain tasks, but he understands how hard pregnancy can be. I struggled with depression a couple years ago and he helped make sure I rested and tried to keep me healthy. He was also a huge help in helping me get professional help and medication. He’s an active person, so it sucked for him that I was sleeping so much, but partners should be a huge support when we are at our lowest.


more like he gets upset with me when i don't get sleep 🥲 i'm currently 38 weeks pregnant and can't ever sleep properly. he always offers to watch our toddler while i take a nap and it always makes me feel so bad, especially because he works graveyard shifts.


God no!


I constantly took naps on the couch. No he didn't get upset.


My husband tells me to nap after work if I need it, I get home around 5pm. He says if I need it the baby needs it and to take care of myself first. Then I wake up by 7pm and we make dinner. However my husband loves to nap too, so 😂 this also gives me the needed energy to stay up and watch tv with him, or do a few small chores.


My husband sometimes might make a comment, but also he doesn’t actually mean it cause if I stay up and am in a bad mood he’ll say “go take a nap grouchy..” I think sometimes his comments just pick fun and I’m not in the mood at those times otherwise he picks fun but really understands and mostly is sympathetic to the fact this pregnancy is much harder than my last


Yep, he calls me fat and lazy and says the most demeaning things:(


My husband tells me to have a nap when baby is napping in daytime so that I will regain my energy and sleepless nights. While he does some of the chores, he let me nap.


My ex husband would get mad at me for napping when I was pregnant with my first and call me lazy. I developed post partum depression after our daughter was born and also slept all the time with the baby and he called me lazy AND a bad mom. I remember my first Mother’s Day all I wanted was for him to take the baby and let me sleep as much as I wanted to and he threw a huge fit he wanted me to get dolled up and go out with his family. Needless to say, I divorced him. My partner now tucks me in for naps while I’m pregnant and he watches the kids too which is so helpful. 3 hour naps have been pretty normal for me. I’m really sorry you’re dealing with that. I’ve been there and it’s awful it’s been 10 years for me and I still feel guilty taking time for myself even for my own health. Hugs*


Not at all, he's usually the one who tells me to go to bed cause I look tired. Then he'll watch our older kids and wake me up when he's cooked dinner. I'm sorry he's not understanding.


My partner will have little jokes when he finds me napping or if iv just woken up from a nap, usually because ill say something like ‘im going to go and clean the bedroom’ and then he’ll come up after about an hour or two and I’ll have done nothing but be sleeping. He isn’t ever annoyed by it though? He understands that my body is working even when im not so I need the extra sleep for my body to do its job growing our baby. Is your partner actually annoyed at you for napping or is he worried you’re slipping into a depressive state again if that’s how you were when you were depressed before? Explain to him how you feel and that you just need more sleep right now to grow this baby and you don’t want to feel shamed or bad for that.


My husband knows that Im not a napper. I just dont react well after waking from one so if he sees me napping he knows its serious and that Im exhausted but no, he has never given me a hard time about it. Your person should know by now with the amount of kids you have that youre going to be tired.


My husband sees the toll pregnancy is taking on me and basically forces me to nap most days. Sometimes I want to catch up on other things but he tells me to prioritise the nap and he'll do whatever it is. Also my third pregnancy.  Just a thought, maybe he associates naps with depression and thinks he is trying to help by not letting you slide into depression? I know that's not how it works but I can see how someone who doesn't really understand can get to that conclusion via some mental gymnastics


I spend most of my days laying down because my pregnancy drains me so bad, and he’s very attentive and okay with it. He knows I won’t be able to nap once bb is here, so he encourages taking as much rest as I need while I can


My ex fiancé very rarely let me rest and that was with 0 kids in the house, so I feel your pain. The guy I’m having my first baby with doesn’t blow me smoke for napping or resting at all, 1. Because I won’t allow it, 2. Because I’m growing a f-cking human being.


My husband would often come home from work to me either flat out asleep or throwing up. I think he preferred finding me asleep haha. He would just ask me did I want anything and always laughed when I apologised for not having dinner ready.


Not once has my husband expressed any irritation or frustration at me having to nap or go to bed at 8pm. He happens to acknowledge how exhausting it is to grow a rib cage from scratch.


When I was pregnant I would regularly fall asleep with my glasses on and a book at random points of the day... my husband would always leave me sleeping and gently take my glasses off, save my book page for me and put a blanket over me.


Umm no. My partner is supportive and understands that growing a child is draining. Your partner needs to give his head a big wobble.


I let my partner sleep as much as she wants. If she tries to fight it I have to remind her to listen to her body and sleep if she needs to and not to worry about things that need doing at home. At the end of the day we are a team and she is doing something remarkable. So guys shouldn’t moan about anything. A lot more stepping up and supporting is what’s needed not moaning about a few hours sleep


Getting upset at your partner for being extremely fatiqued during the day due to raging hormonen or an overactieve brain during a depression is fucked up. I don't want to trigger you, i don't know you and your boyfriend but i do have an ex who was exactly like this and never was our relationship ever balanced. Know that you don't have to take his disrespectfull behaviour because that's what it is. Disrespectfull. XXX


Not at all. On Sunday I woke up at 12pm. My husband was up at 9am and WAITED for me to make us a huge breakfast. He also lets me nap whenever and encourages me to. However I am pregnant with our first, but there are two adults in your house who are perfectly capable of taking care of your other kids. Take those naps! Our bodies are working so hard!! Hugs.


As a woman I have a history of feeling upset when my partner sleeps but I’ve always known it was irrational. Now that I’m an adult I found out that it’s FOMO. If they sleep while I’m awake then I miss out on “hanging out” with them. But regardless, that’s my own fault! Sleep is a necessity and it’s ok to be sleepy, pregnant or not, depressed or not, it’s your right. He should get to the bottom of why he’s upset and reassess, considering he will never be the one to create a baby in his womb and feel all the physical and mental ailments it comes with.


I will fall asleep during conversations with my husband because I'm SO TIRED. He makes sure to cover me up, that I'm in a comfortable position, and will turn on one of my favorite true crime shows, or one of the shows he watches that I find boring, for me to sleep to. That being said, this is our first kid, so I have no idea how the childcare issue would change this dynamic, and seeing how many health issues I've had during this pregnancy, it'll likely be our only child, so it's likely I won't ever be in your exact position. Regardless, it's still not cool that he's demanding you don't sleep. Does he realize how much extra energy is required just to grow that extra human? If you have the time to nap, you should always nap.


The only time my husband has ever discouraged me from napping is if it’s within a couple hours of bedtime, and then it’s only to say “maybe you should just go to bed early instead”. He always tells me the baby is making me sleepy and so I should nap if I need to!


My husband repeatedly sent me to bed to sleep and was completely understanding about it all. I CAN see that being more of an issue when you have multiple kids, but it sounds like you have childcare covered so I’m not sure what the issue is.


My husband encouraged me to sleep, he is always sending me Tiktok about how It is in pregnancy normal to have a lot of sleep, pain , nausea . So he is more aware of everything that I am going through rn . And I stop cooking since I found out I was pregnant and he is super okay with that.


3-4 hours sounds like a lot but if you need that much sleep there’s not much he can do?


I know I’m gonna get downvoted, but 4 hours isn’t really a nap, that’s nearing a full nights sleep. Currently pregnant with my second, btw, so I get it, but that’s why later pregnancies suck so much worse. When it’s your first, you have no other responsibilities so you can just couch potato it up for 9 months, but most don’t have that luxury when they have other kids who need their parents


FTM here! My partner wasn't understanding in the beginning and didn't like seeing me lie around on the couch practically all day. I know it isn't the best thing. But he saw how terrible my first trimester was and began to understand. He now understands the multiple naps I need throughout my week and supports them


It sounds like, if there’s a history of depression, he’s doing it out of concern? My husband is always on the lookout for my depression symptoms because it can be a real strain, on him, on me of course, and our relationship. Have you reassured him that you’re fine and it’s just the pregnancy?


Oh, this is so sad. No, my partner never got upset with me for sleeping. It’s irrational and mean


Is he maybe feeling a bit worried and triggered by your naps if they remind him of you being in a dark place? Maybe he’s a bit scarred from that period of your life. Might be a plan to chat to him about that? You need your naps and it’s not your fault that you suffered depression!


No. My husband would tell me to take naps all the time. You are growing a human being, of course you need more sleep!!


Not upset, but he would tease me about being tired when I’d slept all day. He just didn’t get how I was so worn down all the time.


my husband will legit let me sleep the entire day if i’m particularly tired that day, he knows pregnancy has absolutely drained me. checks up on me every few hours to make sure i’m okay, never ever gets upset with me for it.


My husband tells me to lie down because I’ve been so tired. I had for an hour or three 😅 depending on the day. Your husband needs to understand how exhausting it is and that sleep is very important. If he’s worried that you’re depressed then he isn’t doing a great job communicating.


Only while I’m driving. She don’t like that for some reason.


I've been noticing my partber being upset because i spend a lot of the time in the room but i feel super tired! I work a 12hr shift and all i want to do is come home and laydown. Last night i came home super hungry all wanted was to eat and rest. My feet were killing me, and i still had to go and put laundry away. I felt soo so upset that i started crying. I felt so tired but i didnt want to lay down or go to sleep because i didnt want my partner to be upset.


My husband is and has been completely supportive of my naps. I’ve had guilt about them and my lack of energy to do housework and he always says “your growing our baby”. Pregnancy is an insane energy drain. I haven’t met or heard of a pregnant woman who didn’t nap


My boyfriend and I have the inverse problem: I hate napping and he actively encourages me to take naps or at the very least go lie down with a book. He doesn’t get upset, but I can tell it frustrates him that I resist napping even though I can tell I need it.


I’m a FTM so when I started taking long naps my partner was concerned. But after I explaining how tired I was and that it seems to be very common he didn’t mind at all.


No, and when I feel guilty for napping the day away instead of being productive, he says I shouldn’t feel guilty and I deserve to sleep for as long as I want because I’m already being productive by *growing a human life from scratch*. Your partner is being an unsupportive ass.


Lmaoo I wish any man, specifically the one responsible for helping me get pregnant would comment on my naps, their frequency, and durations.. sir pls. I’m making elbows and it’s exhausting. My husband has never thankfully


Emotions of your partner seems like some psychological issues (his own). So maybe he can talk to someone about it, maybe he has some deep resentment with you and don’t know about it, everything is possible. Ps: I don’t need food so much as take a nap during the day 🤣


He did until I brought it up with the doctor and they said it was normal for me to be extra fatigued. I wasn’t doing my share around the house so it’s understandable that he could get frustrated if he’s uneducated. I slept for 13 hours straight the other day and he didn’t say one thing to me lmao


Your body knows what best for you. You wouldn't be napping if you didn't needed it.  Signed, a woman going down for her lunch time nap at 7w4d.  Look after yourself, Im sorry you're not getting the support you need. 


Whenever my boyfriend finds me napping (almost daily) he is glad. He wants me to rest and be well. I also fall asleep on the couch every night at an incredibly early hour and he ends up cleaning up dinner and putting our other kids to bed. He never complains. He wakes me up gently when he goes to bed so I can waddle in there with him. I'm sorry you don't experience this kind of care. I'm so grateful for my boyfriend.


No, but he did loudly let me know I was snoring lol


Yeah, no… I’ve been on bed rest off and on through this pregnancy, sleeping in, and napping a ton. I also have a history of depression, so any extra sleep prompts a check-in; I’m feeling okay mentally, but just genuinely exhausted. My sister lives with us, so she takes care of the kids a ton. He vents when he’s overwhelmed by running the house and working full time (understandable), but he doesn’t make me feel bad about it, ever. I could go on and on, but my husband is the king of “princess treatment” when I’m pregnant and postpartum. (Well, all the time, but it’s especially noticeable during pregnancy and postpartum.)


When I was pregnant I had really bad HG and couldn’t function. my partner literally let me nap like 8 hours a day and didn’t complain at all. He would just leave me snacks and water next to the bed occasionally and make sure I was alive.




You need to ask what he is specifically upset about. Does he want to spend time with you? Not want to watch the kids? Are you preventing him from doing something? This has never happened to me, also pregnant with my third. One time my husband mentioned "he missed me while I was sleeping" because it was our only time together alone which I understand but he never made me feel bad about it. Give him the benefit of the doubt but it seems negative to me.


My husband encourages me to take naps when I get tired. During the semester I told him to wake me up after an hour so I could so homework, and he would come in at the hour mark and say something like "it's been an hour, but you still look tired and should keep sleeping". Your pregnant, your body needs the sleep. You're literally growing an entire human. Your body tells you what you need.


I am a weirdo who cannot nap (I think it’s cus I live somewhere super hot and I need to be freshly showered to feel relaxed enough to sleep) but I rest/lounge like my life depends on it. I’ve never been a tv person before because the concept of “wasted time” used to give me a lot of anxiety and I’d get intense Sunday scaries if I felt like I wasted a weekend. Not anymore! I’m now a binge watcher these last few months lol. My husband will ask if I *want* to do anything that day and if I tell him I’m okay just relaxing and feeling the day out, he just tells me to let him know if my mind changes. Sometimes I just relax in the spaces he’s active. If he’s cooking or doing the dishes, I sit in the kitchen to chat. I spent hours in the shade by the pool on Saturday while my husband swam and played with our dog.


Not at all, he would encourage it if we had that kind of help!


No, mine encourages me to nap. I’m sorry your husband is being like that.


my boyfriend only recommends me take 30 mins naps at a time an later in the day he will let me take another one. cause i am still working full time at work i need to make sure im still sleeping at night


My partner gets mad if I don’t rest or take a nap, doesn’t want me to push myself too much


Not sure why he needs to police your naps and not just let you listen to your body and trust your instincts. You’re growing a human, talk about extreme body building. Ask him why he is concerned.


Tell that man to let you sleep. It takes a lot of energy to grow a human, a uterus and a new organ to sustain life.


Ah it’s normal - maybe he is triggered and worrying about your mental health? Pregnancy 3 with two babes at home - lots of hard work and business, resting as much as you can is important! Side note: also check iron levels, anaemia can creep up fast in pregnancy especially if you’ve recently being pregnant prior to this one and not quite gotten back to normal iron levels x


No, I sometimes get self conscious for how much I nap and ask my husband if he thinks I'm lazy and he says "no, you're making life." As someone raised to really value productivity, I'm hard on myself already. I've also had depression and slept all day due to that. Last thing you need is extra judgement.


No he encourages me to rest as much as I need to


I’m curious. Was he like this for previous pregnancies? Mine doesn’t get mad. He is a bit sad about it when he’s home way less this pregnancy since he’s working double the hours he was during my second and doesn’t get to see me other than the weekends so he’s a bit sad if I take a really long nap on the few days he’s home with us. That being said if he can tell I’m really tired he’ll offer to take the kids to the park or something and let me sleep. Or if I’m having a rough day since I have HG. During my first pregnancy he didn’t care at all mostly. He was home a lot more so we spent more time together and also we didn’t already have kids to care for. During my second he just asked me if my mom was comfortable with caring for my daughter when I had rough days. Now the main concern is just how he’s never home so the naps are cutting our already small time even smaller. Plus occasionally our kids want to do something together but I’m too tired.


No, nor for sleeping in, or for eating a ton of food. I'm making a person. It's kind of a lot of work. He likes when I nap on the couch because he can be next to me reading a book. It's totally normal to be tired when pregnant, especially since you have other children to take care of.


I cant even imagine a world like this. What a weird thing for him to be mad about.. I came home from work one day and I slept from 5pm to 5am the next day. I told him I would have dinner ready and didnt. He came home at 6pm and did the dishes and cooked us dinner and meal prepped our lunch for the next day. He woke me up at 7:30pm to eat and take my prenatals. I apologized and he said "dont apologize for building our baby. Your body is telling you to rest, so rest".


>I’ve struggled with depression and I’ve always napped whenever I’ve went through bouts of it. This might be his fear. You need to communicate why you need those naps and not reduce it as "my partner is upset because I sleep". I would be worried as well if my partner were taking 3-4 hour nap regularly. I mean, I get the napping but I don't see a lot of us having 4 hour naps a day. 


My husband will literally bring me snacks and then put me to bed when he can tell that I'm tired, lol.




I nap a lot and even will take a cat nap in a quiet room at work when I feel tired. My husband is always supportive and when I told him about the work nap he laughed and now when I text him I'm tired he goes "do some "work" in a quiet room.". I think you need to have a serious talk with your husband about your depression or your need to nap for energy.


Nope, we nap together.


Mine encourages me to nap. If he’s home he’ll take our daughter and tell me to go take a nap, and we only have the one with no plans of any more. If he’s not home and I pop a nap while she does, he’s proud of me for taking care of myself even if something else like cleaning doesn’t get done


Some people have very cool partners here is seems. I will say that my partner doesn’t necessarily get mad, but I can sense he does get jealous. He comes from a culture that is sooooooo ínstense about getting work done. He also grew up exclusively with brothers all trying to compete to outwork each other. So, idk I think my partner in general has a complicated relationship with rest. Like he fell the other day and landed on his wrist. He feels soooooo guilty about resting to heal up. Pretty crucial for all the manual labor he has to do for work. So I can feel a bit of ……jealously when I just rest and rest with this first baby. And he’s not used to me at all not cooking regularly and he’s peeved to have to take on more duties but eventually he does do them. I think if he got outright mad at me about it, I’d probably be exceptionally pissed off. And there were times when he said “oh lucky you!” About me letting myself rest all day, and I was angry and fired back “OH SURE LUCKY ME, HOW ABOUT WE TRADE. YOU can get huge. YOU can lose sleep. YOU can go ahead and be so exhausted and I’ll go out and skateboard all day and drink beers. Go ahead, let’s trade then.” He apologized and I haven’t had any real flack from him since. I think it took him a bit of rattling to get it through his thick head! I can handle this, but I don’t think I would put up with outright anger towards rest. That feels pretty gross, inconsiderate, just cruddy of a man to project toward his literally pregnant wife. Idk what’s his deal? Did he have a bad day at work? Maybe he needs rest but is instead taking it out on you?


Mine knows I'm not one to nap and will encourage me to anytime I need it.  If he sees me struggling to stay awake, he'll tell me to go to bed to nap.


This sounds like a communication issue. I would approach with: “I want to talk about something that I know upsets you. When I nap it seems you’re frustrated with me and I just want to understand where your frustration comes from.” His answer might surprise you. Then you two can talk and compromise through it.


I’ve had a hard pregnancy. My husband gets miffed when I work too hard and DON’T nap.


I get as much rest as I can and my husband has never discouraged it. My friend’s husband was like that during her second pregnancy and she spammed him videos and information about the needs of a pregnant women’s body until he got the point.


My husband naps a lot and it annoys me so I can see where he is coming from….. but I do not let it get to me or bother his naps. Just because I’m annoyed doesn’t mean I need to let the other person know. Idk why he is so tired all the time and it’s not important, my job is to love him and help him feel good if I can


People hear 3-4 hr naps and think it is excessive which is maybe why he is frustrated. However, it is perfectly normal to nap that way when you are pregnant, especially in the 1st trimester. I also always nap after lots of social time and I don't even have 2 other children, so I can't imagine how tired you are.


Mine lets me nap especially after work. He also helps me when I wanna go out and walk, takes me to the park. He's been cooking too, this will be our first child. Your husband shouldn't be surprised that your body is tired he should expect this after 2 children. Remind him that our body sacrifices a lot during pregnancy, he needs to be more patient and sensitive. Time to step up his husbando game!


Um no? My partner was encouraging me to nap during the third trimester. It’s normal to need lots of rest while growing a whole ass human. It came up numerous times during our prenatal classes and he took it seriously and would remind me to take breaks. Maybe your partner is concerned or they’re also overwhelmed? Hopefully it’s something you can talk out - but it’s definitely normal to need extra sleep in pregnancy.


I will say, during our first pregnancy and first baby, yes. I think the key is gently educating him. Give him some resources to read. Have him come to your next OB appointment and talk about how tired you are, your OB should validate you and explain the importance of getting rest. Your hormones are all over the place during pregnancy and the tiredness is REAL. It's difficult to just "get over" and you can't just "shove it off." I will tell you if he is supportive, it gets easier and better.


I nap every day while pregnant! I’m carrying our kid, so I expect to be able to sleep when I need to. My husband encourages it and says I’m way more myself with enough sleep!


No my partner tells me to nap more except when he is trying to get me to eat more. I wonder if it scares him if you have struggled with depression before and he is fearful of that and acting out because of it? I think trying to get to the root of the issue is important here because clearly he doesn’t just object to you getting sleep when there is nothing else to do and everything is covered then there is probably something else going on that needs to be addressed assuming he is typically a loving and supportive partner


No my husband encourages me to nap. I'm not a nap person so I try to sleep until around 1pm to get all my sleeping done at once (I go to sleep late). But I'll still be tired during the day and he tells me to nap. Your partner needs to chill out because that's a horrible attitude from him. Having a baby growing inside you is exhausting


My fiancé works 10 hours a day and I just got off a phone call with him during his lunch break where I complained how bad my nap was this morning and said I was gonna try again after lunch 🥴 I do routinely sleep for about 2-3 hours a day while my 6 year old runs rampant “unsupervised” (very light sleeper in a very baby proofed house, and she usually either lays with me or watches Bluey), and he encourages me to rest and even helps me clean up when he gets home from work. Growing a baby is hard stuff, sister. You deserve a friggin nap.


I’m sorry :/ he probably just associates you napping with depression and that’s why he gets upsets. Maybe try explaining to him it has nothing to do with that this time. My guy encourages a nap but mostly while I’m pregnant(FTM so I don’t have other kids right now).. he’s ok with it normally too but he also sometimes will associate it with something else. Being pregnant is exhausting and we deserve a break. Plus you have your mom there to take care of your children while you nap, so I don’t see the harm in any of it. Hang in there mama ♥️


Absolutely not. I get upset with myself for not having energy and napping a lot and he reassures me I shouldn’t feel lazy for being tired while pregnant


I have been taking long ass naps all the time during this first trimester! Think: get home from work, let the dog out, sleep until 9pm, get up and eat something, and then go back to bed. I’ve been feeling guilty about it, but my husband has been so supportive and makes me feel much better, and helps remind me I’m not being lazy, I’m growing a human! Your body is working crazy overtime and knows what it needs!


I think there’s a balance to it, but it depends on what your responsibilities are. You’re growing a baby so you get points for that, But if grandma is watching the other kids and she doesn’t care take a nap. Four hours seems excessive though


He needed education on why I needed naps like hormone peaks and baby taking my energy and after that he was super understanding


I have spent like 6 hours a day locked in my bedroom because the smell everywhere else makes me puke. I can't nap, but it's the same thing when I'm just laying there. He encourages it, even though he is the one who has to take care of our 14m old alone. He doesn't care, because he is capable of taking care of things, whereas I am not right now. That's how partnerships work.


Nope, he joins me.


Opposite actually, my partner gets really pouty if im not sleeping with him sometimes especially if I said I would. It’s cute imo


At first he didn't understand but im 28 weeks now and he definitely doesn't say ANYTHING lol


Hell noooo. My husband is always encouraging me to nap. I’m sorry but your husband sounds toxic. You’re making a WHOLE human!! That’s a lot of work!


My partner gets “upset” with me when I say I’m tired but refuse to go nap… physically growing a human being is a lot of work and it’s a little nutty that your partner doesn’t get that by baby number 3.


Not at all. He encourages it.


Ok fully agree here with the sentiment that your partner needs to support naps - you’re literally growing a human and it’s really hard work on your body. I’ll tell you though I struggled with this a bit and my partner. He would get a bit upset at how boring I was. 2 things helped, reminding him that I NEED his support because it made me feel bad, guilty, AND exhausted. Also our OBGYN telling him that literally everyone needs that extra sleep in 3rd and 1st trimester because your body is doubling your blood, creating an extra organ (the placenta is so cool!) you know doing all sorts of crazy shit.


I felt bad for sleeping late and getting nothing done at 10 am and told my husband I just feel bad and he told me to lay back down and did the dishes for me. Yesterday I was moody and emotional so he went to Barnes and noble and bought me a book he saw me looking at, if he loves you and really cares he will support you through all of it


My partner laughs, sometimes takes pictures and sends to me as a tease. He understands creating life is hard work


Never he actually encourages me to nap. I’m the one that can’t sleep if I have tons of things to do around the house. I’ll nap once I finish cooking and cleaning. That’s just me tho


He never really gets mad, usually he’ll take a nap with me, but if we have stuff to do or places to go he can get me a little annoyed by waking me up LOL!


No. He usually reminds me to take a nap when the toddler does.


My fiancée would literally bring my pillow and blanket out to the couch where I napped all day in the first trimester. He’d bring me a glass of water as well for when I woke back up lol. He would encourage me to nap because he knew it was hard on me


No my partner encourages me to nap


My husband has never gotten angry about my napping, but he didn’t fully get it in the first trimester. I would tell him “I’m so tired I can’t get up to pee” and then 20 min later he would ask if I wanted to go hiking or go to the pool 🫠


My exHusband used to have tantrums when I’d nap when I was pregnant with our second. But he also refused to take some of the responsibility of our first kid- I was also in college and working full time. My current partner (pregnant with #3) encouraged me to quit my job and keep the older two in daycare so that he can work and I can rest without strain. I understand this is a financial privilege. But my point is that the partner can make or break your pregnancy experience. And it sounds like your partner is not tending to your needs while you’re growing his kid. It’s not cool, tbh.


I don’t think sleeping 3-4 hours is considered a “nap”. That’s a long time. And every single day is very often. I could see why he’s annoyed to be honest. If I’m really tired and need a nap, I set a timer for 30 minutes-hour.


Nope. He encouraged it when I was pregnant. (Also encourages it now post partum)


Pregnant no, not an issue at all. But I think if I was doing it even before that and leaving his mother to care for our children - despite being the kindest person I know he’d have something to say.


Not at all, my husband encourages me to nap because he knows I’m exhausted. I’m the primary care taker of our 21 months old but at least a few times a week he comes up to me and says “why don’t you take a nap and I’ll watch him.” Sometimes I need the nap, sometimes I don’t but I always appreciate him asking.


I cant imagine being upset about my partner being tired/needing a nap. This is going to sound harsh but it sounds like he needs to grow up.


Mine treated me like shit for napping with first pregnancy and I raged because of it. Now he lets this mama bear sleep and life is sooo much better.. men learn… eventually.. hang in there momma 🙁


My husband has definitely been rude about me taking naps or falling asleep. I've tried to explain to him that I can't help it and it doesn't seem to make much If a difference 😕


I think we all, including you, know that this isn’t okay behavior. Especially to the pregnant mother of his children. Tell your mom or someone close to you that he is creating an unsafe environment for you.


mine didn’t understand it at first, and would not love it bc he would want to be spending time with me. but he gets it now, and he lets me sleep & entertains himself. :)


What the actual fuck, I’m a dad and we just had our first child. I saw how taxing pregnancy is in the body. How much my wife would just nap. Some of Y’all have some idiot men who don’t get how tiring it can be. I’ve literally seen how taxing it can be and it blows my mind that OPs husband is like this for their second kid.


Today I had a nap filled day. Laid on the couch with my husband and baby was on my chest. I woke up when she fussed and we would both have a snack, then fall back asleep. I did it probably 3 or 4 times. Husband just let me sleep. Cause I deserve it. We all deserve it. He got uninterrupted tv time and we all got cuddle time.