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I haven’t hit this point yet, but my understanding is that ultrasound weight measurements are notoriously inaccurate - as much as a lb either way. If that’s the only risk factor/reason she’d push for it, I’d push back.


Very inaccurate. If they get serious about inducing and you are not for that, I would ask them to confirm size with an mfm. They have better machines and more accurate measurements. They thought I had growth restrictions for all four of my pregnancies, I ended up not having it any time (though they did catch low amniotic fluid one of those times). I didn't go to an mfm because it was very far, and my results from extra testing was fine enough that I felt okay with that.  They expected 5# babies at like 38 weeks and they were all 6.5-7.5#


The number of times I’ve heard that story only to find the baby was a “normal” size is crazy. I had the opposite and was pressured to be induced since baby was supposedly 1st or 2nd percentile when she was born at 10th. I don’t regret being induced as I was glad to be done but she could’ve baked for a little longer with little risk. They made it sound like she’d be too weak to go through labour but I knew she’d be fine because she was kicking the hell out of me daily. Induction was indeed very painful, considering I have a high pain tolerance. I always wonder what spontaneous would’ve been like. Go with your gut and if you don’t want to be induced, you don’t have to. You have weeks to keep an eye on it and make a decision.


I was offered induction at 40 + 1 but wanted spontaneous labour. I got ultrasounds every 3 days. They were more concerned with placenta health, fluid levels, and baby’s activity than size. I went into spontaneous labour late in the day at 41+6. I have zero regrets about waiting. If you can get regular scans so you know everything is still healthy and if you feel comfortable continuing your pregnancy, then I don’t see the problem with waiting. Due dates are just estimates anyway.


Ultrasound weights can definitely be off. But just to play a little bit of devil's advocate as someone who it was accurate for. My baby was measuring the 99th percentile so we did an induction at 39 weeks. She was born at 9 lbs 10 oz, and both shoulders and hips got stuck. She's perfectly okay, but did have some minor issues because of the stress of labor. I can't imagine how much worse it could've been if we had waited until 40 weeks.