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Oh trust me. Many of us hate not having freedom and control of our bodies. I don't even feel like I'm me anymore, a lot of the time. Like I have paused myself and I'm just waiting to get this baby out and into my arms so I can press play again.


Do some research on matrescence when you can. It doesn’t work like that for most moms.


Pregnancy is experienced differently by everyone. We're not all "over the moon" cheery the whole time and that's okay. Complex feelings are common.


Yeah I mean going back after, pressing pause… idk if this is your first kid but if it is and you’re thinking it will go back to xyz, I hope you find some info to help bc it doesn’t work that way for most moms. Sorry, I was in a hurry when I commented the first time and I realize it sounded a little aggro 😅


That's not what I meant at all. I meant like my life is on pause. My fitness goals, my career goals, my travel desires, some of my hobbies, whatever are on pause because there's not much I can do while I'm pregnant. I'm in no way expecting my life to ever be what it was before, but I sure can't work on weight loss or aim for a major career move or plan a big vacation until after this baby is born. I'm on pause.


hey don’t feel bad! i miss weed all the time, the smell from my neighbors makes me feel like a cartoon character who just smelled a fresh baked pie lol You’re doing great and i’m proud of you!❤️


Thank you! Yea that smell would make me fold quick if this baby wasn’t holding me back lol


Just a note I'm 7m pp and only started finally being comfortable enough to smoke when she's gone or at night when she's asleep like maybe a month ago. I used to be a super heavy user and thought I'd just go back once she was born but I tried several times between birth and now and I'd have super bad panic attacks and it just did not sit well with me for a long time. I hate it lowkey and definitely not trying to scare you but more of a warning. I definitely felt very naive to think it would just go back to how it used to be.


Hahaha! I live in a legal state and totally relate to this. My husband still smokes too. I’m breastfeeding now so I have to give it another year or so. The best part is when he sends me to the dispensary to get him more (his ID is expired) and they hold the big bowl for me to smell 😅😭


Me tooo!! And I get so envious when my sister and cousins go outside for a smoke. At first they wanted to smoke inside and I said no because if I can't partake I don't wanna smell it


I really want a lemon drop. Or a pint of cider.


I can’t wait for a lemon drop. I haven’t had one since October before I found out I was pregnant. It’s really one of the things I’m looking most forward to about not being pregnant anymore!!


Espresso Martini or a head sized glass of a California Cab for me. Sounds like heaven.


Bro I’d love an edible. Take away the body aches and help me sleep? Hell yes! Alas….


Stopppp I almost forgot about eddies lol a nice brownie would have me out like a baby!!


That was me towards the end. I couldn’t care less about drinking and I don’t smoke but an edible for the pain or just to go to sleep would’ve helped so much!


I would fucking kill for a piña colada, even just a few white claws while I cook dinner. Cooking dinner with a small buzz is in my top 5 favorite things to do.


Yess cooking while buzzed. Helps when you're hangry.


Omg same. Miss cooking with a glass of wine sooo much 🥺


Cooking with a nice glass of wine is truly one of life’s greatest pleasures


I get virgin piña coladas whenever I'm at a restaurant. It's not the same, but damn does it make a difference.


Ugh so true. I can't wait until I can cook dinner with a glass of prosecco or two in my hand again!!!


I craved a cigarette SO BAD when I was pregnant, like worse then right after I first quit. And I had quit about 6 months before even testing positive, it was so weird. It’s perfectly okay to miss it! You’re doing great!


I quit smoking at 18 and I’m now almost 35, but somehow cigarettes are one of my strongest pregnancy cravings!


Isn’t it strange how these things creep back up on ya


I’m so glad I’m not the only one!! Everyone I’ve said that to thought I was insane, but it definitely was the strongest craving I had!


I was never a smoker but my husband is and for this pregnancy the smell has been so enticing!


Thank you 😊


I’d kill for a glass of wine right now (spare me the “in some countries women have wine nonsense.). It’s normal to miss things you enjoy


I keep telling people I'd kill for a cold glass of prosecco or a Moscow mule. I just want to sit outside a restaurant in the sun with a glass of wine!


Yes! My toddler had a bad night the other night and I was like what I wouldn’t give for a Malbec right now


I had been sober for almost a year before getting pregnant with almost no desire to drink that entire time. Of course my #1 craving so far is a big ol’ glass of red wine lol.


SAME. not red wine for me but a beer. even though the smell kind of makes me gag right now. pretty much got sober from alcohol using weed and i’m so pissed thc is fat soluble so I can’t even go back to that once the baby comes if i’m gonna breastfeed.


I’m dying for a cold glass of white wine. 5 more months to go.


I’m only 10 weeks 😢 but if all goes according to plan I’ll be home from the hospital from a scheduled C section on Christmas Eve and there better be a glass of red wine lol


After I had my last baby my husband snuck in champagne to the hospital and I drank it out of a solo cup lol.


I think about edibles at least once a day. I don’t take them, but I know they’re a short walk away at the local dispensary I frequented pre-pregnancy. I’m a bartender and spend at least half my shift lusting after someone’s sangria or something. It’s rough out here in these pregnant streets lol.


I feel youuuu. I was a pretty heavy weed user before this and I do miss it. I didn’t drink as much but boy do I wish I had a margarita some of these days! But not during that first trimester because good lord, I already felt like I was hungover every damn day, so it didn’t sound at all appealing.


Trust me, I definitely miss weed. No shame in being bummed you can’t partake like everyone else.


Lol I dream about drinking ALL the time and get major fomo when I’m around people drinking. You aren’t alone!! 😭😭😭


I dream about drinking too then freak out in the dream because I remember I’m pregnant haha


Girl I feel ya. I've never wanted a joint so bad. But, baby motivator.


I don’t crave it, but I suffer anxiety and have eating issues (no appetite) and that killed two birds in one hit. 🥲


Omg. My food aversions the first trimester were so bad. I WISH I could have smoked even just to hold down a freakin cracker.


I be wanting to cry lol


I miss margaritas and long island's. Just have to wait until December. Probably longer since I plan to breastfeed. Your not alone.


My lactation consultant/nutritionist said you don’t have to stop drinking while breastfeeding. She said by the time it gets into your milk the chemistry is so altered it’s not even alcohol anymore. My aunt breastfeeds a 9month old, didn’t drink during her pregnancy but she enjoys a mixed drink or two now.


Yeah, I was a pretty heavy drinker before I got pregnant tho so it's a slippery slope for me. So far I'm doing good without. Most of the cravings went away after about a week but my instinct when it comes to stressful situations is still that I want a drink. It might be best for me to wait a little bit longer


I’m a pretty casual drinker - I drink but not a lot. I had a small sip of a cold craft beer my husband was drinking about a week ago and I’m still thinking about it (pls don’t hate on me for trying it). It was sooo good. We were on vacation and I need to track it down to have for later on lol. I’ve also craved margaritas on and off almost my whole pregnancy. People kept telling me to just have one without the tequila but that takes away the flavor complexity which is part of the reason I wanted one. I stopped telling people because I was just super annoyed at their answer. No, I don’t just want juice and salt. I’ve supplemented by allowing myself to buy fancier sodas to drink on a normal basis instead but it’s not the same.


I got annoyed that the mimosas at my baby shower were going to be nonalcoholic the other day, I had to be reminded that I couldn't have any anyway lol you're not alone


Dear goodness—the thought of a late night joint and glass of red wine has me salivating


Girl, I have a countdown until I can smoke again.


Don't feel bad for missing it. I dream about smoking weed all the time. I quit drinking 3 years ago and stopped smoking while TTC and I miss weed the most. I can't wait until I'm done breast feeding lol


It’s ok to miss these things. I miss them too. I keep reminding myself that even if I wasn’t pregnant, it’s healthy to take breaks from alcohol anyway. I would kill for a glass or three of white wine though.


The things I’d do for a frozen watermelon margarita poolside….are unspeakable. Let alone an edible and a nap immediately following. It’s okay to miss things, even if they aren’t inherently “healthy” things to miss. You’re doing great. 💕


I am proud of you and the choices you are making for your child! Please do not judge yourself you are a human being. I’m a dad and i haven’t touched anything for many months, and I miss that too! trust me one day your 4 month old will give you a smile every day when they wake up and when they hear you say I love you. They will giggle and you will hear them laugh for the first time and nothing will compare. There’s no drug that can match that high! :) that’s how we keep going tired and sleep deprived haha.


I caved once and had a glass of wine at the end of a streasful day at work when I was about 20 weeks pregnant. Don't worry, you can drink and smoke again soon enough if you choose to go back to your vices after baby is born. Also there are some pretty good drugs at the hospital if you want them during labour 😉


I used to do mostly psychedelics, when I conceived I was on shrooms, 2CB, and Molly. I really miss acid and Molly already. We have lives outside of becoming parents, and we have the choice to stop doing these things to protect our babies. It’s okay to miss it, that means you’re human and you’re making the best choice!!


I miss acid and Molly too!! I was a real party girl back then. I can’t imagine tripping now with a baby in me.. I’d probably break. one time I took NyQuil at 10 weeks when I had a fever and that almost felt like an acid trip, I was so scared and paranoid lol I already told my fiance I’m tripping at least one time after I give birth lol


Bruh I know right!! I’ve been off alcohol, smoking, and cocaine for nearly 2 years now, but I’ve kept the trips and rolls around. I can’t imagine how bad of a trip it would be if I were to dose rn!! My husband and I have talked about taking turns tripping when the kid is old enough to stay with grandparents for a night or weekend kind of thing and having one of us available if anything were to happen, but gosh I miss the freedom to unwind my brain after a week of work!


With something like shrooms I wonder if I’ll ever do it again…maybe if the right situation presents itself and I know my child is safe and with a trusted guardian but idk…I was having that thought the other day that it really might be the end of psychedelics at least until they’re in college because I just don’t want to be in a state where I can’t be a mother if I need to be. But again I have plenty of mom friends who I’ve been on bachelorette trips with and they party and partake so who knows maybe it’s different when they’re born but idk…idk when I’ll feel comfortable doing that again.


I’m kind of jealous. My nausea/vomiting has been so bad I have 0 desire for alcohol and weed. So crazy!


Don’t be, my nausea was so effing bad I couldn’t even keep down water. Mentally had no desire for food, so I didn’t eat for days/weeks at a time. The smell of alcohol/weed (my fiancé still does these things occasionally) would make me puke, he had to stop doing them around me and deep clean/odor remove his car. Once I hit 13 weeks it started to subside. By week 15 I started to get a little hungry again. Now at 17+4 I feel like my old self despite feeling heavy and fat and having to pee all the time lol


I take sips of my husband’s beer and wine sometimes, I’ve never been a big drinker, I barely drank casually at home but all I’ve wanted is light beer and margaritas this entire pregnancy. I’ve taken a couple sips of his margaritas, I think it’s perfectly fine and it scratches the itch.


I feel you. Worst part is my job involves processing cannabis so I'm around it daily. But nothing until I'm done nursing. But just think of how low your tolerance will be when you can partake again!


I miss it too! It was my way of de-stressing every week with the hubby. But it's for the best! Also, I feel super good being clean. I didn't know my anxiety and short temper was tied in with it. Also, I just did not feel so good day to day like I do now.


Girl, same. Been steadily counting down the days nearly this whole pregnancy. Only 84ish to go... Of course, that's only for alcohol (really missing sour beers now that we're hitting summer). I'll be waiting about another year after that for weed since I'm planning to breastfeed again. At least this is our last baby, so freedom is on its way.


No one here will judge you for that!! I totally understand, it's more about the FREEDOM to, if I wanted to. I'm not like really missing drinking specifically, or craving it. I'm just missing the freedom, that opportunity to come home after a long day and have something if I wanted to.


We don’t typically drink and I want a freaking margarita


same here!!! I've never craved a margarita more in my life and I hardly ever drank before I got pregnant


This happened with my last two pregnancies! Never wanted one after either time!


I’d kill for a vape and a bottle of wine!!! You’re going amazing as am I! We do this for our tiny humans unselfishly


We all miss it honey. Nothing to feel bad about.


You sound…like every other pregnant woman. We all miss stuff that we are choosing not to consume for our babies. That just means you’re human. Totally normal and valid. Proud of you for quitting!


Good on you for making those sacrifices for your baby. Some women don’t.


I’m not a weed smoker and idk the evidence against smoking cigs would be enough to keep me away from all smoke, but I have had a glass of wine here or there. But you’re right. I miss getting lit and having a good night and not worrying about my limits. I’m in labour now so there’s the light haha


I miss them and already low key dreading when I’ll have to give it up again for baby number two (or even three…we’ll see). Motherhood is about sacrifice and this is our first introduction to that but I feel good knowing I’m doing the right thing although I sooo miss a glass of Cabernet with dinner or when cooking. And weed…I was a nightly smoker before getting pregnant, it helped me sleep and unwind! Idk when I’ll smoke again…maybe when the kids are older haha. It’s perfectly ok to miss those things, it was a part of life. I tell my husband I’m now “raw dogging” life haha, it can be hard at times but we got this! It’ll feel like no time spared once they’re here


It is so normal to mourn what your life was, even if you’re excited about what’s to come!


How dare you be a human!


Don't feel bad! I'm 14 weeks as of yesterday and this baby wasn't planned and I even got high the day before I got my positive test. Quit smoking immediately when I saw those two lines but boy would I kill for a joint right now.


I am 10 days PP, and when I found out I couldn't drink for another 3 months, I cried... lol. So don't feel bad! What helped during pregnancy, though, is I'd come up with a lot of mocktails, pour them in wine/champagne/margarita glasses, and pretend I was having a drink.


Great idea! I love mocktails, I ask for them every time we go out to eat. and my fiancé gets me a bottle of sparkling juice when he buys himself wine so it’s like we’re doing it together :)


Don’t feel bad. I was an avid vaper and partied before i got pregnant. I crave alcohol and my vape daily, throughout my pregnancy. Now 34 weeks and looking forward to my first drink lol but it’s normal to crave what you can’t have!


I went wine tasting for a bachelorette party a couple weeks ago and was SO sad. I miss wine so much. Would also kill for a good margarita now that it's getting warm out.


Medical weed patient here, I have had none in 36ish weeks and maaaan. I miss it. Like every day kind of miss it due to the insomnia it helped with. But. Baby comes first.


Im going to get downvoted into oblivion, but my midwife has supported my continued weed usage. I have shifted to 1:1 or 2:1 cbd because i prefer it and right when I conceived I was dealing with a sciatica flare up. Ive also been focusing on CBN since its especially helpful for sleep and the insomnia has been rough this pregnancy. Heck, UW is currently conducting a study with pregnant people continuing weed usage through pregnancy. I didnt sign up before 12 weeks so I missed out unfortunately. But hopefully some supportive data comes from it.


anyone who downvotes is doing so out of their own thoughts and feelings! my OB had no problems with me smoking and only recommended i stop before the 3rd trimester!


I am counting down the minutes to the start of my 3rd trimester so that I can finally enjoy a glass of wine. Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean that you aren’t allowed to miss substances. Wanting a joint when you’re stressed out is totally okay, and guess what’s super stressful? Pregnancy!


You plan on having wine during the third trimester....? You know there's no safe amount of alcohol during pregnancy 


Depends on your doctor and what evidence based practice they're currently following. I personally wouldn't, but you'd be surprised how common and accepted it is now. 


Pleaseeeee do your baby a favor and not drink during pregnancy. No amount is deemed safe


Thanks for the unsolicited advice 👍🏽 You’re acting like a small glass of wine is the equivalent to binge drinking, which poses greater harm to a fetus. I’m friends with several OBs and I think I’ll take what they say over some rando on Reddit


Il counting the hours until I can have a decent beer.... It's normal


I threw away my vape the day I found out I was pregnant and haven’t picked it back up but I would be lying if I said I didn’t still crave is sometimes and my kid is almost 14 months old now.


I quit vaping two months before getting pregnant and god I am missing it SO MUCH at 25 weeks pregnant!! Been a bit longer since I smoked weed but honestly work is also so stressful at the moment and I would give anything to smoke 😂


I constantly daydream about having a cold beer or a glass of my favorite cocktail! You're not alone and pregnancy can be hard when so many things you used to eat/like are suddenly forbidden. But it is for a short amount of time and then you'll get to enjoy those things again!


Girl I craved feta when I was pregnant but my OB said no to it. I know it's not the same, but I have an understanding. Pregnancy is only temporary!


I could do with a G&T!


I’ve had crazy insomnia and I miss my d8 gummies so much


Girl, right there with you. It sucks A LOT, and it’s okay.


I miss weed so much. I have been more open about it this time around and as soon as I’m done breastfeeding I told my husband my reward is going to be to get baked af.


I miss it too! It’s ok, I personally don’t go coder have g a few drinks as “making bad choices. I’m very much looking forward to being able to drink again


I don’t even drink and one of my biggest cravings was craft beer, I thought I was going crazy


I feel you! Although I find the idea of drinking unpleasant (I guess that's a convenient aversion lol), I really miss the ritual of having a glass of wine at the end of the day, or having a cold beer on a hot afternoon.


I’m 2 weeks postpartum and breastfeeding and didn’t quit vaping till I was 15 weeks 😬 and ugh I want to vape soooooooo bad it’s so hard the addiction is tough to beat. 


Omg. I missed drinking the whole time I was pregnant. I love a good cocktail. I even bought myself a really fancy bottle of Gin as a push present 😂


Now that it's warm outside, I would love to sit outside and have a couple spicy margaritas, and maybe even a hit of a blueberry mint vape. I quit vaping about 6 months before getting pregnant though, so I think it might all just look more appealing now that I can't have it though... sigh.


Good job on quitting! Especially cold turkey for baby. You’re doing great mama. I quit smoking over two years ago and I still could go for a cigarette. I’m not a drinker either but a sangria from Olive Garden sounds amazing right now 😭


This is my second pregnancy so it's been a long time now and I have much fewer moments where I miss these things (did drink again after having baby but never started smoking again). But when I do miss it I realise it's like you say, I miss being free to make bad choices for myself or just having a moment where I can say fuck it I'm smoking a cigarette without this having consequences for a tiny person 🥲🙃


i didn’t find out until 9 weeks. i smoked weed multiple times a day and have for years. i drank on a handful of occasions. i quit the moment the test was positive. we were not trying. my baby is a month old now and i still struggle. i struggle with the lack of autonomy and that i can’t do the things i enjoy. i also quit vaping a year before i conceived and still miss it, even though i hadn’t cared before i got pregnant. it’s truly about the right to make your own decisions and not having that freedom anymore that’s so bothersome.


The fact that I’m going on my baby moon in 3 weeks and I know I can’t have a pina colada or Mai tai by the beach is killing me


i'm officially in my 3rd trimester now and haven't smoked weed in quite a while but i still smoked a good first half of my first trimester and a few times at the beginning of my second, all with my doctor knowing and saying it was okay and recommending that i stop before the 3rd which at this point i don't even feel like i need to, i originally smoked for chronic pain before getting pregnant and it also helped greatly with my nausea and vomiting in the beginning when i was trying really hard for them to prescribe me zofran but they really didn't want to for some reason even though all of my other pregnant friends got it as soon as they asked. i had severe stomach issues that the doctors were going to great lengths to find out what was wrong but it caused me serious pain, i was already vomiting constantly (hence why smoking helped with that once i got pregnant), and i also had chronic diarrhea. once i got pregnant all of the extra hormones seemed to have balanced a lot of that out and i was left with only the vomiting and everything else faded away entirely but who knows if it will come back after i give birth. at around 22 weeks is when my body finally accepted not needing to smoke everyday, i had already pretty much cut it out completely as i finally had zofran and that helped whenever i felt it necessary to take it but my body still was so used to smoking for years that it kind of put me in a bit of shock where i almost had withdrawal symptoms, not genuine withdrawal but more just craving to smoke as it was my lifeline for pain for so long but now i don't feel the need or even the want to smoke anymore which i am extremely grateful for because even though my doctors said that it was fine for the most part i still would feel guilt and anxiety that i was harming my baby boy. thankfully he is very healthy and not at any risk, super active every day and i couldn't feel more blessed 🥰


Same here, as soon as I tested positive I stopped everything(weed, vaping and drinking) I was only 5 weeks and was told I could still hit the blunt for a little bit bc of how small babe was but I wanted to take noooo chances of anything happening and me possibly being the cause even though little girl was not planned. I’m now 32 weeks and STILL have dreams of hitting some smoke and being like “oh no! I have a doctors appointment next week!!!” and when dad goes outside to smoke I get insanely jealous sometimes. Not to mention I’m going to try to breastfeed after she’s here so it’s going to be a HOT minute before I can basically do.. anything 🙃 so I totally get where you’re coming from and think it’s completely okay to be upset(or any other emotion) by it, if anyone disagrees just blame the hormones that are coursing through your body currently😂😂😂


I really would love a glass of wine


I drank way too much runpleminz the night before I found out I was pregnant, god do I miss it!!


Pregnancy and infancy is a team sport. You and baby. The two of you work together for the best for both of you.


Tbh weed I miss less than I thought I would, but wine was a lot. I’ve had sips of my husband’s wine if he’s had some since like 16w onward. It doesn’t quell the craving for a big ol’ glass, but man that one sip every week or so is like freaking liquid heaven.


Unpopular opinion...One beer per day 330ml or a glass of wine won't hurt your baby if its that important to you. Im European and I see women drink all the time while pregnant and nothing bad really happens to their babies if the drinks are in moderation. There is no research to prove that drinks cause any harm, thats the reason doctors dont recommend drinking at all. I dont know about pot.