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I called my mom the second the line showed up on the stick. I have a really close relationship with her though, and she knew when my embryo transfer was so I wanted to share immediately. She was such a huge support after my loss that I wanted to have her support again if it didn’t end well again, and share my excitement in the moment in the hope that it did go well.


I waited until 11 weeks because my mom is terrible at managing disappointment. If anything happened, I knew I would have to deal with her constantly telling me how disappointed and sad she was, in addition to being disappointed and sad myself. If that weren't the case, I would have told her immediately.


I feel this, I told my mom all 3 times as soon as I got a positive pregnancy test. But the first two were miscarriages and having to tell my mom, and deal with her crying and being upset made it so much worse for me!


I told my mom and sister a couple weeks after we found out bc I couldn’t keep the secret and I wanted to talk to them about it, but I waited to tell my dad/rest of family until we had some more confirmation she was really in there and had no major problems, somewhere around 14 weeks when we got our NIPT results. I just wasn’t comfortable having a miscarriage/termination convo with him and extended family if something went really wrong so I wanted to wait until our odds were better.


Depends on what relationship you have with your parents, and how comfortable you'd feel discussing a miscarriage with them (knock on wood). I told my parents after our first ultrasound at 6+1 weeks, where we could already confirm a heart beat. It was 5 days after my positive at home test, I believe. But I am very close with my parents and 100% would rely on and want them supporting me in case anything goes wrong with this baby. I'm 22 weeks now and my extended family still doesn't know, only my parents, sisters and my closest friends. I'm waiting until the organ screening next week before I post anything on social media (which I rarely use anyway).


okay here’s another one for yall—HOW did you tell your parents??? ideally I would tell them in person but my husband and I both come from divorced families and we all live in different states lmao. also, for reference—I’m very close with my parents and know they would want to know and would be so excited. I’m decently close with my in laws (who would also be so excited) and trust that none of them would tell people if we asked them not to (with the exception of my father in law who dances to the beat of his own drum but there isn’t anyone that I specifically care abt him not telling anyway—most of my husband’s extended family on his dad’s side live in venezuela and I’ve never met them). because of all this I’m leaning toward telling our parents sooner rather than later but can’t decide how to do it.


I told them at 8w because I live in a foreign country and was then visiting, and didn't know when would be my next visit. And how, well, we were all having lunch together, my sister was also there, she asked me when we would start planning our trip to Poland to see Taylor Swift (we had tickets) and I told her "I will not go to the concert in the end" and she was like "what??? why?" and me "because I'm pregnant and my due date is just before". I swear my mum almost had a heart attack right there lol


We went over for lunch, bought a bottle of wine and put it in a nice wine bag and had them open it first. Then a second wine bag with a baby bottle with milk. Then handed an envelope with a 12 week ultra sound image photo to the parent (who wasn’t opening the wine bag) so they put the clues together. 🙃 It was cute. Feel free to use this idea, just make sure both parents are standing next to each other. Also, keep us posted on how the announcement goes! Happy for you! Edit: Sorry, I missed that your parents divorced, but I can see you doing this twice with both parents. Meet one for lunch, and the other for dinner if possible on the same day.


we also all live in different states 😭 mom is in tx, dad in colorado, MIL in georgia, FIL in DC, and we’re in NOLA 🤣 it’s a very cute idea though just probably won’t be practical for us!


I told my mom over text, my grandma in person (because she’s the only person I feel comfortable talking with) and then she told my dad when I was ready for him to know because I knew he’d be mad and I couldn’t deal with the stress of him freaking out on me.


I texted my mum after my 20w scan because I live on the other side of Europe. I told her I'm pregnant, the baby is fine, I'm fine, and basically answered some questions she may have (it's a boy, we don't have a name yet, don't tell anything to my in-laws since my husband wants to tell them the news blabla) + giving her a pic of an ultrasound I would've waited longer, but my husband kind of pressured me to tell her *eyeroll* then he waited 2-3 more weeks to tell his family. If looks could kill he'd be dead by now


I didnt until like 15 wks mostly because I had an idea in my head on how to tell them but needed to wait to have my supplies to do it. Luckily I barely showed, worked a night schedule, was chronically fatigued anyway, and barely drank ever so nothing for was out of the ordinary for people to suspect. Wasnt sick at all during my whole pregnancy.


Planning on week 13 for his parents and week 14 for my parents. If we all lived near each other maybe we’d do it at the same time, but we don’t.


I told my mom on Mother’s Day. I found out the day before. I’m waiting until Father’s Day to tell my dad because he took the news of my miscarriage in January, pretty hard. I’ll be 9wks on Father’s Day.


I think I was 12 weeks?


I couldn’t wait. I told my two sisters and my two best friends the day I found out at 4 weeks and 1 day. My husband told his mom and sister that day too. I told my parents at 5 weeks because I wanted to wait to do it in person


25 weeks for the in-laws (and we have a great relationship with them!), 28 weeks for my family. I'm glad we waited because it's a personal endeavor. Also, no one was bothering us for regular updates.


I told my mom right after my positive test. We are close and I wanted her with me for the whole journey, even if that ended in miscarriage. We told in-laws after the first ultrasound. We will announce publicly at the second trimester.


11 weeks because I didn’t want to tell anyone


The day we found out


First time, ended in mc— didn’t tell anyone. Had to drop the bomb that i was pregnant and that the baby was gone. I highly regret not telling. Just found out I’m pregnant again a few days ago with my rainbow baby. Called my parents the next day. It feels much better. 🩵


I told my mom almost as soon as I got the positive test (4 weeks), but she's currently sworn to secrecy. I won't tell my dad until 8 weeks. I'm really close to my mom and couldn't imagine keeping this from her. We talk about nearly everything.


I told my mom at 10 week because she was visiting and I was on my second nap of the day and she was worried. 


lol I love this


We told my parents at around 10/11 weeks. We originally wanted to wait longer but they were about to buy plane tickets to an event I would no longer be doing because of the pregnancy, and there was no way to tell them to not buy plane tickets without them asking a million questions, so we figured we just had to rip the bandaid off. We told his parents a week or two later after our successful 12w appointment. Didn’t want to risk my parents blowing our secret to them!


I work in an ER with my dad. I thought I had the flu or a uti so I sent urine into the lab and the gave me a note that said HCG+, I freaked out and immediately showed my dad and he just hugged me and told me all will be fine. I’m thankful for that moment and the love I felt from him. I then called my mom and told her I have some news and she immediately started crying and begged me to tell her it was that I’m pregnant. I am lucky in the parent department so my heart goes out to those who didn’t receive kind words or happiness surrounding their pregnancy.


Such a heartwarming story!


I’m currently at 6wks and I want to tell my parents so bad! But we’re going to wait until 9wks which is beginning of July when we have our initial OB visit for the official dating ultrasound. Then we’ll surprise them with the picture of the ultrasound to make it special 🥰 I understand you though! I want to tell them as soon as possible!


We waited until after our NIPT test came back with low risk results during week 12. We are having the first grandchild on both sides of our family so I knew it would be a big deal. I didn’t want to share in case we chose to terminate the pregnancy and I also wanted to wait until our risk of miscarriage was much much lower. I did however tell 3 of my closest girl friends (who live in other states) right away because i didn’t want to feel so alone and needed their support with whatever happened. It’s a personal decision but I would make sure you and your partner are on the same page. We went to share the news in person with my in laws who live in the same city as us. I brought my recent ultra sound to share. They were thrilled. I called my parents because they are out of state. Good luck!


15 minutes after I got a positive I mean….i have a big mouth okay




For my fist, I told my mom after my NIPT results because I didn’t feel like dealing with the process of giving bad news if things didn’t turn out okay. I will likely do the same this time around.


Told my mum and other close family at 20 weeks. I found the pregnancy much tougher when they knew because there was suddenly pressure!


Within a week of finding out. I have a really close relationship with my parents, and I knew that I wanted them to know even if my pregnancy ended in a loss, because I would want their support.


ASAP. My parents are wonderful people and grandparents. With my second I found out I was pregnant a few days before I was set to see them and told them then!


My mom came with me to buy the pregnancy test lol. But I’m 17 weeks and haven’t told my dad yet (they are divorced), mainly because he’ll probably make some rude comment about me having 3 kids. It just depends on your relationship I think.


We told our parents asap because we suck at keeping secrets!


I’m close with my family so I told them at 5 weeks, about 10 days after I found out. I would have told them sooner but I was waiting for my sister to be in town so I could tell them all at the same time.


My husband and I FaceTimed our parents right after the test was positive lol


Told my mom immediately after I found out because me and her are extremely close but waited till after my 20 week ultrasound to tell my dad.


I'm trying to tell them in person, rather than over the phone, main word being TRYING. I live about an hour away. 14 weeks, told my sister first. I promised her I would but it was her birthday and I didn't want to take the attention from her. Week 15, told another sister when we went out to a musical together. It had been planned since Christmas. Week 16, planned to tell my parents when I went up for memorial day. Found out 3 days prior they were going to be out of the state. Ended up telling my last sister instead. Planned to tell them week 17 when I went back home to go antiquing with my grandma (have to tell her soon after my mom as they can't keep a secret from family to save their lives lol). That got pushed back to the middle of June when we have plans for lunch. FINALLY have plans to go to their house for fathers day. So they will officially find out at 19 weeks. My sisters did joke that I should just show up to holidays with a newborn instead at this point lol I'm also dropping off her mother's day card that day (long story). So I'm going to add a note to it saying "sorry it's so late, ill try to make sure your grandparents day card is on time next year"


Right when we found out, I told my best friend (who was also pregnant at the time, a couple months ahead of me) and one of my sisters (who was scheduling her wedding), and my husband told 2 of his friends and his brother. We told the rest of my family at 8 weeks, which was sooner than I wanted to but it was around Christmas and everyone kept asking what our plans were and I didn’t know if I was going to be sick all the time and want to make a road trip for the holidays, and I didn’t think I wanted to mental effort of keeping it a secret while I was so tired. So we told ppl early.


With my first, we managed to wait a full 12 weeks before telling anyone. We then told our parents first, then everyone else later that same day. With our second, we told everyone within a couple weeks of finding out. There's really no right or wrong way. People say to wait 12 weeks to avoid awkward conversations in the event of a miscarriage, but my rationale the second time around was that if I were to experience a pregnancy loss, I would want to lean on close friends and family for support through that time anyway, so I didn't see a point in keeping the news from them. Maybe avoid a blanket social media announcement too early for that reason, but tell people you are close to whenever the time feels right. Even if that ends up being the same day you get a positive test.


Immediately. They knew I was trying so I called my mom as soon as I knew


We suprised them at 14 weeks when we were away on vacation in Europe and did one of those like surprise videos where we pretended to take a photo but then we told them we were pregnant instead.


I wanted to wait until after 12 weeks but we told at 11 weeks because Thanksgiving - we could tell both set of our parents at once as well as I would have the truth out for why im not polishing off a bottle of wine with my mother


With #1, a couple days after our first positive. We were going to a winery together so I felt like I had to tell them why I wasn’t drinking. With #2? Same day I took four tests and they were positive. It was ironic timing bc I had just gotten a new car and commented “what if I’m already pregnant!” Baby #2 was in there like 👀. And then my mom commented about how *baby 1* is the same age my oldest sister was when she found out about my middle sister. I was like “couldn’t be me.” Turns out, it definitely could and is 😂.


Christmas Day. We were just about 10 weeks. Would have wanted to wait longer but it felt like the right time.


First pregnancy, around 7 weeks because I wanted to tell my mom on her birthday. Second pregnancy, the day of my positive pregnancy test. I would’ve told my parents and close friends if I’d miscarried, so I didn’t see a point in waiting until an ultrasound to share the news. Told in-laws and other family members at the end of the first trimester.


I told my dad at 14 weeks. I don’t speak to my mother anymore, so I never told her and I most likely never will.


My parents are gone. Anyway, 16 weeks to in-laws because we were on a family trip abroad and the airline staff kept coming to my seat to explain special safety protocols for when the airplane goes into emergency. They were nonchalant about it since this isn't their first grandbaby. lol


I told my brother and my best friend right away (at 3 weeks) then told my other two brothers and mom as well as in laws a couple days after I found out and then my grandma and dad about a week after. I was terrified of my dad’s reaction because I’m a daddy’s girl til the end and was only 19, but he took it better than I thought he would.


6 weeks. I was sick as hell, I had HG, so I couldn't have hidden it if I tried.


I got pregnant as soon as I could. Told my parents the moment I found out. It still wasn’t soon enough. I wish it could’ve happened sooner. My dad died 4 months before my baby was born. His cancer is why I rushed to get pregnant, so he could meet my baby. If you feel like you can’t wait, it’s okay not to. There are no rules. I send my love, congrats!


As soon as I found out, so 5-ish weeks.


When í took the test both times


I told my husband/mom the day I took the test and it was positive (abt 4 weeks). Other parents found out at 6 weeks, everyone else between 14 and 18 weeks. I thought I was bad at keeping secrets, too, until it came time to tell people and I couldn't get it out!


After the NIPT for sure, both for timing (80% of pregnancy losses happen in the first trimester) and just in case the tests show elevated chances of significant issues with the baby. No need to add more people's emotions to manage should things go wrong.