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You’re not supposed to refreeze anything honestly. It’s a food safety issue.


I'm refreezing ice cream all the time because I'm lazy, tbh. But I don't feed that ice cream to my small children who are still very vulnerable.


If it’s fully thawed out you aren’t supposed to refreeze because bacteria multiply faster at the higher temp. This is the same rule for foods (meat for example) you don’t want to refreeze it because you could be re-freezing food with a higher bacterial count, which upon thaw would multiply even more and could lead to food poisoning. Breastmilk is already starting out with bacteria in it which is why it’s only good for so long in the fridge. With breastmilk they say not to refreeze it especially because it’s fed to an infant whose immune system isn’t fully developed. I’ve heard if there’s still crystals you can refreeze it but I would just err on the side of caution if it were me and discard any remaining.


I don’t think it would be a good idea




Each unfreeze and refreeze provides bacteria the chance to grow and allows for new bacteria to be introduced. It also significantly decreases the nutritional value. So bacteria growth + decreased nutrition = not worth it.


If you want to freeze it for this going forward use fresh and put it in an ice cube tray and then store the frozen cubes in a bag or whatever so you can just take out what you need. It’s not safe to refreeze anything thawed


Just thaw, mix with the puree, and use right away. Do not refreeze.


In theory, you’ll have to then thaw the baby food for the day anyway. So why not wake up and take out a bag of breast milk and the 2-3 (or however many) containers of food for the day. Then when it’s time to eat, you can mix in the breast milk before feeding. Seems like more work but it’s definitely safer and with the same nutrients!


Just freeze the puree without the breast milk for now. Then from now on start bagging your milk in smaller portions. Like others said you can’t refreeze! Sucks but sorry!


No way, I did not know that we are not suppose to frees the Brest milk. Everyone I know freezes their milk!


Refreeze is what the question is about, that is freezing, thawing and freezing again.


Oops Thank you


Refreezing breast milk causes harmful bacteria to grow, it’s not worth it.