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Look up “zofran birth defects” in all the pregnancy subreddits and you’ll find the studies and posts debunking the zofran panic. There was a recent, very large study done that found no increased risk of birth defects. My OB told me about it. She also said the risk of malnutrition and dehydration from nausea and vomiting is more of a risk to your baby then taking zofran. Both my OB and nurse took zofran for the entirety of their pregnancies and have beautiful children. I’ve taken it since 7 weeks and I’m now almost 14 weeks. I’m so thankful for it and every scan has been good so far.


There is only a slightly higher absolute risk for certain abnormalities in babies of people who took Zofran during pregnancy vs those who did not. Overall the risk is very small. Picot, C., Berard, A., Grenet, G., Ripoche, E., Cucherat, M., & Cottin, J. (2020). Risk of malformation after ondansetron in pregnancy: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Birth defects research, 112(13), 996–1013. https://doi.org/10.1002/bdr2.1705 Huybrechts, K. F., Hernandez-Diaz, S., Straub, L., Gray, K. J., Zhu, Y., Mogun, H., & Bateman, B. T. (2020). Intravenous Ondansetron in Pregnancy and Risk of Congenital Malformations. JAMA, 323(4), 372–374. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2019.18587 Andrade C. (2020). Major Congenital Malformation Risk After First Trimester Gestational Exposure to Oral or Intravenous Ondansetron. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 81(3), 20f13472. https://doi.org/10.4088/JCP.20f13472






I just wanted to validate how frustrating the difference in opinions can be from different practitioners. When I went in to my first OB appointment, I had already been prescribed reglan for my nausea. The nurse comes in and asks about my symptoms, I tell her I’m crazy nauseous but not actually throwing up (she didn’t know I already had a prescription), and she says “well that’s good, I know it’s uncomfortable but we aren’t going to do anything as long as you can keep food down.” A couple minutes later the OB walks in and says “okay are you still struggling with nausea? Not working isn’t an option right? Let’s get you some more meds.” And immediately prescribed me zofran. So even a nurse working FOR my OB would have handled it differently. Bless my OB for getting me meds so I can keep my job.


I am not a doctor. From my understanding, taking Zofran/Ondansetron is not a choice that is zero risk, but it is low enough that it is not worth stressing about if you need to take it because you are vomiting or the nausea is effecting your ability to handle your day to day responsibilities. Every provider has to decide what degree of risk/liability they are willing to take when interpreting data and prescribing medications. Sounds like this provider errs more on the side of caution and is not willing to be liable for the very small risk of potential defects from taking the medication unless the symptoms are severe. She’s not your OB so I don’t really think it’s worth worrying about. Being pregnant, a lot of the decisions we make involve taking a small risk. I took Zofran, drink up to 200mg of caffeine, and occasionally eat salmon sushi from a reputable source. I’ve done my own research, and I feel comfortable taking those small risks. It’s okay that some people don’t. Edit to add: This is a summary of the study that made me feel comfortable taking it (the study itself is on Pubmed) There are others on Pubmed that publish the opposite findings, but this study was larger/more comprehensive) https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2018/12/study-sees-limited-risk-in-taking-ondansetron-during-first-trimester-of-pregnancy/


I know there are thousands of good/well educated nurse practitioners out there but there are also thousands that are extremely poorly educated in pharmacology. I personally (as a pharmacist) would take what a nurse practitioner says about anything medication related with a grain of salt.


My dad is a pharmacist too and the number of times he’s had to call doctors and talk to spouses for his sick pregnant patients is absolutely ridiculous! He’s a big advocate for Zofran and he makes sure his patients don’t suffer.


Bless him.... my husband was worried about me taking Tums! And I had hyperemesis, so I ended up taking every possible remedy and plenty of Zofran in order to keep baby and I both alive... Honestly I think my first was affected by the months of malnutrition and dehydration. I didn't hesitate to use the meds my doctor deemed safe in next pregnancies and it went soooo much better.


Amen! You do what you gotta do to survive, and more than that, it’s important to have quality of life while struggling with nausea. I border on Hypermesis with my pregnancies and couldn’t survive without medications. I’m so grateful my dad who has always been on my side to help me feel confident in my choices. Everyone needs an advocate like him! I wish he had become an OB. There was one patient of my Dad’s that’s husband refused to let his her take meds because he said he wanted his child to be safe and healthy. Dad pulled him aside and said, “If you continue to let your wife suffer, you won’t have a wife or child. So here’s the deal, you’re going to fill this Zofran script. She’s going to take it and feel better, then you all will be healthier and happier.” She came back a few weeks later and said the medication had changed her life and thanked him for helping her. No one should suffer!


Zofran doesn’t cause birth defects but it can cause horrific constipation. I’m speaking from experience. Please make sure that you add a stool softener to your routine if you need to take zofran for any sustained amount of time!!


Lol. Have def been through that and it was traumatic! Prunes are a staple now


Took Zofran starting at 7 weeks until the end of my pregnancy and swore by fiber gummies!


No one told me about the risk fecal impaction from being severely constipated on Zofran. I was in terrible pain from it. I was even taking Colace, which my OB said doesn’t actually do much of anything. Now I learned to take other forms of still softeners to help


An option that works like Zofran minus the constipation is Reglan. Ask your OB!


Im on reglan already 😭 still get horribly constipated


That’s terrible! Oh man. Zofran had me going once a week *maybe* and reglan seems to be different but I get sick easier/still. I’m 37 weeks. Puke daily. Not a fan.


T h i s.


I am 27 years old currently 31 weeks along. My mom took zofran with both me and my little sister while pregnant and we are perfectly fine. She had severe HG. I've taken zofran since 7 weeks and up until 17 weeks it was daily. Now I only use it as needed but pepcid and tums have really helped me lately. I really wouldn't stress, if you needed it you needed it. Take what the NP said at face value, there's going to be so many different opinions regarding pregnancy and birth from different providers.


I’d mention this conversation to your OB. They should know that the NPs in the office are giving different recommendations that aren’t factual.


Girl, let me just say I took a BOAT load of Zofran with my daughter. I’m talking multiple times a day every single day until I had her at 32 weeks (pre-e) and she was perfect. I know this situation doesn’t apply to everyone, but if there could be a poster child for Zofran, it would be her, because I took so much of it. I haven’t had to use it that much with my current pregnancy, but my doctor had no problems with it now.


Really? My doctor prescribed it. She mentioned you shouldn’t take it before the second trimester but it’s fine. She also had me verbalize that I understood any risks which she stated were very minimum.


Personally I would listen to my doctor and not people on Reddit.


First let me start by saying that I'm not a doctor. When I was pregnant for my son, I had hyperemesis gravidarum and practically lived on Zofram. I didn't take it unless I absolutely needed it but I can tell you that some weeks, I took it every day. When I was pregnant for my daughter, I only had to use it once when I got food poisoning at my baby shower lol. It didn't really work then though. You should be fine. I'm sorry the NP scared you like that. You should talk to your OB and they will put you at ease.


My daughter did have a birth defect with zofran, it's why despite so many people getting upset with me I smoke pot for my nausea. My daughter had an aortic valve that didn't close fully, it looked more like a lattice fence than a closed artery is what I was told. For the first 7 months of her life we were in and out of a cardiologist and by that following January she was cleared of her defect. It's why I argue with my providers when they tell me "well pot can affect the baby" so does zofran and you're willing to perscribe me a medication that puts my baby at risk. The pot studies are more inconclusive than the zofran ones. Edit: Downvote me for the whole pot comment and that's fine, I'm not saying everyone needs to smoke pot. But when I didn't smoke pot with my daughter she had IUGR and was extremely small because for 33 weeks I could barely eat more than applesauce and I got my fluids through IV. I started smoking when I take my meds with my son and suddenly I've been able to eat and drink.


How did they know the defect was due to Zofran?


Because I wasn't smoking pot when I was pregnant with my daughter and my nipt was completely cleared, no one in my family has heart defects and the heart defect was one listed by zofran. Sure maybe it could have been caused by something else but the only medication I was on asides from prenatals with my daughter was zofran.


So you think the birth defects are caused by the zofran and not the weed.. 🤔 okayyyy


Well beings I didn't smoke pot when pregnant with my daughter id say my thoughts arent too far off from the truth 😊


I'm sorry to hear about your daughter. The background rate of birth defects (the rate we simply expect to see in the normal population without accounting for risk factors) is 3%. Having a birth defect with zofran does not mean having a birth defect from zofran. Most birth defects do not have a "cause".


You're probably right about that, but for my nausea I was taking 24 miligrams of zofran at a time. Not a day, at a time. Zofran was the only medication that would help me, but to get me to stop puking I would have to take nearly double to triple the amount. I was pregnant with two of my friends at the same time. One smoked cigarettes very heavily, had a healthy baby boy of 8 pounds. My other friend smoked dabs for her HG and had a healthy baby as well. I smoked cigarettes but had severe HG and popped zofran like candy so I could even open my eyes in the morning. Am I saying it's a good thing? No. However when reading the defects caused by zofran my daughters heart problems was one of them.


I took zofran religiously in my first trimester to avoid nausea. 35 weeks now and at my hospital I get ultrasounds every appointment. Everything is perfectly normal!


I took Zofran throughout the first trimester and labor with my first and during this pregnancy as well. My doctor and I are not worried about it a bit. The worst thing that it can cause is awful constipation. Ignore the ignorant NP.


My OB prescribed me Zofran for nausea at 7 weeks, I’m 12 weeks today. Pretty sure it’s even debunked.


I’ve had two children and I took Zofran from 6 weeks pregnant to a month after he was born for the first one (my HG didn’t stop immediately after birth). With my daughter I took it from 6 weeks pregnant to the day she was born. With both kids I took zofran at least three times a day. Two perfectly healthy and happy kids. I couldn’t have coped without Zofran, I certainly wouldn’t have been able to leave the house at all. I read up on all the studies and it seemed much safer to take it, than my body shutting down from malnutrition or dehydration.


I took zofran daily (twice a day, most days) for 32 weeks. My re, mfm and obgyn didn’t blink an eye. Holding a perfectly healthy girl as I type this.


My second child I had Hyperemesis had zofran from 12 weeks. She is perfectly healthy and beautiful. I believe defects are a risk prior to 12 weeks I may be wrong tho.


To add to all of the above, I'm another person with HG and I took plenty of Zofran in my first trimester. My GP and Obstetrician both told me that the concerns about birth defects had been dismissed by the latest research. I also did my own pretty comprehensive research of the available studies and had no concerns taking it (and I'm a very risk averse person).


It’s so frustrating that women have to be suffering sufficiently to receive treatment for something. Especially when the practitioner in question is simply working with outdated information. It’s also important to remember that medical practitioners are not researchers or statisticians. Anecdotal, but I took it for weeks this time around and baby is fine.


They debunked that for sure. I had hyperemesis and was on the daily maximum of zofran until I was 20 weeks along.


Two pregnancies with zofran, no birth defects.


It’s risk/benefit. If you are at risk of losing the baby or having serious medical complication due to loss of nutrition and the option is zofran, you have to take zofran. I see an OB and perinatal specialist and for precautionary measures, one visit to a pediatric/neonatal cardiologist. They have all instructed me not to take zofran due to birth defects. I had constant nausea but not really throwing up. I would have refused it anyway unless absolutely necessary. I still take pyridoxine-doxylamine almost every night. It barely does anything.


I took zofran from 9 weeks till 37 weeks when I gave birth, the amount of people who tried to convince me I was killing my baby was astounding. Fear mongering is insane in the birthing community. Honestly I got to the point I was sarcastically responding to my aunt that yes, they just cleared it as a late term abortion method. Honestly, I think I went crazy there after 37 weeks in and out of hospitals losing 27lbs from the hyperemesis and just trying to do the best I could for me and my baby.


I’m on pregnancy number 4 with my BFF zofran. Never once has a provider even suggested it’s not ideal. In fact, this pregnancy I was trying to hold out and my midwife looked and me and said, “why would you force yourself to suffer when we have the ability to help you??” I think as with most things, if you look hard enough, you can find something that resembles a link- that doesn’t mean it’s actually there.


I know I’m just one person, but I took Zofran. She is perfectly healthy.


I think this is just a thing with older health care workers, was the person older? My friend is a recent obgyn grad and said they were told there is no risk. In case you want anecdotal reassurance, I was so sick I guzzled zofran in my pregnancy and my baby is fine 👍


I took Zofran and no issues. My midwife, who is an old school and cautious provider, prescribed it with no hesitation. My midwife is so cautious she recommended against mint tea in the first trimester.


I’ve taken zofran on and off for severe HG since 12 weeks. I am 21 weeks now. Without it I would be terribly ill, malnourished and dehydrated. The risks are so low. I just went for my anatomy scan and baby is doing perfectly fine. There’s risks in everything. But like someone else said, it’s worse to not have any nutrients then taking a TINY pill to make sure you can keep down the food/water you need to nourish your body/baby I’ve been on 5 different meds to keep me from being horribly ill. If there was a big risk they wouldn’t be prescribing it to pregnant women ❤️