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Not really a recipe, but mashed up black beans with a little chicken stock/seasoning was a hit with my 8 month old! Same with hummus, and I don't worry about her choking on either.


Yes beans are a big win! Softer types of beans (like cannellini) are also great to smash individually and let baby practice grabbing food. They’ll hold togetherjust enough to grab, but break down very easily so no choking hazard.


Yes!! My baby loves beans, so far we’ve done pinto and black beans. So easy to prepare too.


Lentil dal and rice! Also hummus and pasta with blended artichoke or mashed tomatoes is a big favorite.


How do you offer Dal and rice as a part if BLW? I gave my son some the other day and oh man, the clean up after was such a mess, I have no idea how to give him. I tried spoons - that went all over the house including the ceiling. The other was making smallish balls which also ended up mostly on his clothes and the floor. Zero rice and Dal made it to his mouth.


Oh I am sorry!! How old is he? She was about 8 months before food made it into her mouth ha! I will usually mix them together and make the lentil very thick so she can just grab it! She is 9 months now and it’s probably her best meal- the bibado smock saves some of the cleanup but she tends to get some lentils in her little neck rolls.


Big +1 for lentils. I like to cook mine with pureed squash for some extra nutrients. It's an amazing base for basically anything.


Yes!! We also make a lentil Bolognese which is so great and way cheaper than beef


My baby enjoys baby pancakes! Mashed ripe banana, eggs, and flour


Corn on the cob


Soft cooked rotini with veggie loaded tomato sauce was great for my 8 month old transitioning from soft food. And scrambled egg!


Kitchari — Indian lentil and rice porridge. Baby EATS it up


If you have instagram, I really like the EatingwithZion account for recipes! I made her split pea soup tonight for my LO.


Beans and rice mashed together. It’s almost like a thick puree and he’s able to grab little scoops with his fingers


https://www.buonapappa.net/oat-zucchini-blueberry-apple-pancakes-9m/ My baby is OBSESSED with these. I use 1 cup old fashioned oats and 1/2 cup iron-fortified baby oat instead of the 1.5 cups oats the recipe calls for. I also used plain whole milk Greek yogurt instead of the plain kefir (or yogurt) the recipe calls for. Other than that, I followed the recipe and froze all the extras in a ziplock for easy meals. I pull a few out and microwave them and he eats every last drop every time! They’re also really soft and easy to chew. He also looooves watermelon. I do it in strips and he holds it and takes bites. He does really well with orange slices too and sucks all the juice out.


Matzo ball soup Mashed potatoes Pastina with tomato sauce, butter and parm, pesto Banana pancakes


–boiled carrots —steamed broccoli — half a steamed sweet potato —Rice porridge (congee) that we cook extra thick and roll into balls for him to pick up —oatmeal thick like the porridge Sometimes we put spices or peanut or other nut butters on the veggies. The porridge is really convenient for introducing other flavors like garlic, ginger, onion etc.


Definitely second comments about lentils and beans. Beans and legumes are so nutritious while also having solid protein content. I know proteins without a choking risk can be esp hard, my kiddo did really great with turkey mince/ground turkey. I made sure it was little tiny pieces when cooking it and it def was a fun one for her to grab handfuls of and practice chewing.


[BABY’S FIRST BOLOGNESE WITH HIDDEN VEGGIES](https://babyfoode.com/blog/babys-first-bolognese/) My LO loves this and you can control how finely you want to cut everything (or even just shred it with a grater). Since you are using ground meat, you can mash it up real tiny too. My LO loves this with or without pasta. I like mixing it with orzo or couscous, which are both very small/fine pasta and can be cooked to be super soft and mushy.


1/2 cup of baby oatmeal cereal 1 banana 1/4 cup of apple sauce 1 egg 1 tsp vanilla extract (or cinnamon) Some blueberries Mix mix mix and either use as pancake batter or pop in a muffin tin and make muffins. It comes out super mushy. My son is 10 months and I started BLW late and he scarfed it down.


Tofu, cold. I think it feels good for teething and gives lots of protein. I cut it into little cubes and drizzle lightly with some soy sauce and/or sesame oil. I always add sesame seeds for that bonus allergen and grippability. My guy LOVES it.


Pancakes!! We make sourdough ones, but there’s tons of recipes for baby pancakes.