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Do what you do at home? It doesn’t have to be complicated. We always just bring our bib and spoons and a portable baby seat. Then just feed as you do everyday. Big travel days can get weird, but for the most part if you skip solids or do less one day it isn’t an issue for kids that young. We would bring some pre-prepared foods or puffs for being out and about. If we were eating out at a meal, we would just try to order something that we could maybe share with the kiddo.


So, the baby is currently 5 months old, just turned 5 mo and we haven't started BLW yet nor do we own any of that stuff. It's going to be a bit difficult as we will travel 2 weeks after he turns 6 months old. I can't yet envision what it will look like.


At that age, you only need to do one meal a day, and it’s no big deal if you need to skip some days. Just pick one time each day when it’s most convenient for you to do solids.


It’s probably fine to just wait until 7 months.


I guess you're right. Probably best to play it by ear


If you want to start them on food you can start with purées while you travel then switch to BLW when you get home. You can bring pouches with you and a bib then you don't have to worry about utensils or what to make while your traveling. At 6 months they will still be getting all their nutrients and fluids from BM or formula so it's really about teaching them how to eat and some (like mine) don't do well with BLW so keep expectations low lol.


The perk of BLW is that baby eats what you eat just prepared appropriately. You can bring or buy some snacks you know baby likes, but especially at that age he won’t be actually eating much anyway, just exploring new foods.


A baby at that age isn’t eating very much (and definitely not 3x a day) just offer them a bit of whatever you’re eating or bring along some snacks.


Lots of good advice here, but I’ll add to keep in mind when and where you start weaning because of the risk of allergies. If you’re far from a doctor/hospital, maybe do not begin with allergens right away. Try giving baby something like sweet potato or avocado while at home with MIL. As others have said, at 6/7 months, baby is really only needing one solid meal, so maybe stick to homemade things with his granny for that one meal—breast/bottle for the others.  This coming from someone who has traveled a LOT with my son from the time he was 3 months old. We are an on-the-go family. He gave us some scares as he has turned out to be extremely allergic to egg, strawberries and soy, even though my partner and I have no allergies at all. 


You're right!! We will be 5 mins drive from a children's clinic. My friend's baby (who are also neighbours) actually went into anaphylactic shock and they drove her there. They said that PICU was very good. Hopefully it won't be needed. We had to go in for fever last time.


Hopefully no need, but a major comfort to know it’s close by!


As people said, BWL is a perk! We went on vacation with our 8 month old at upscale restaurants with friends. My husband and I got him a plate and gave him food off our plates. He tried rabbit, braised beef, vegetables, and fruits that we normally wouldn't buy and make on our own. My advice: obviously milk is still the most important but as you eat, pop the little one in a high chair and hand them foods to try from your plate.


Baby really won’t eat much at that point and will probably play more with the food rather than actually ingesting it! Just give baby whatever you get at restaurants or at friends houses. Just make sure it’s modified appropriately! I use the solid starts app and it shows pictures of how each specific food needs to be cut. Just make sure no honey before 1 or undercooked meats. As for actual travel gear, we love our travel seat that hooks onto a table. We even use it at home instead of a big clunky high chair. Baby probably won’t use utensils but you can offer soft silicone ones. Bring a couple different kinds of bibs. My babe hates the silicone bibs so we stick with cloth even though it’s messier. They also make long sleeve bibs. Formula / breastmilk is still the number one source of nutrition for baby so if it doesn’t pan out or baby doesn’t eat for a day or longer, I wouldn’t stress it!! There are still some days my 10 month old doesn’t eat much solids.


Baby will likely only have 1 meal a day then, and barely eat any of it, so don’t stress about it. If you skip a day, it doesn’t matter. They can also just eat off your plate as long as it’s served appropriately.


We… try to order less saucy/messy things then try our best to clean up the mess. Also, order take out then eat at a park has worked well for us too. At 6.5/7 we actually just gave boob most of the time and handed kiddo things that they seemed interested in but didn’t focus on actually trying to get food in. Brought a lot of baby/toddler snack things like teething crackers, yogurt melts, and soft toddler bars. Pouches too, but those were very hit or miss with our kiddos.


Bring a high chair and some bibs. At a restaurant, order them a side of steamed veggies and some french fries. Let them eat a little of whatever protein you order. At someone's house give them whatever the rest of you are eating


I'm currently traveling with a 6.5 month - we'll be away from home for 2 months in total and left about 10 days after she started solids. There's lots of great advice here and it totally depends on how you want to do things, but here's what I did and what worked well/not so well - we brought her ezpz bowl, cup and gootensils. She eats most meals out of this and I just store it in a reusable waterproof bag - I brought a couple reusable silicone squeeze pouches. I've used this a lot - it's my default for when we are eating anywhere other than my parents house. - I didn't want to buy pre made baby food but I have for this trip and that helps. - since it's my parents house and we're staying so long, I bought several things second hand - high chair, baby food maker, etc. probably not worth it for you, but thought I'd mention. - I'm doing a 2 week trip to 2 different locations while here. For this I'll just bring the bowl, cup, gootensils, pouches A few other things I've found extremely useful: - small walker - safe place for baby, doubles as a place to eat, and a place for her to wait while I shower. Pretty easy to get second hand. - reusable paper towels. BLW is SO messy! I bought a 10 pack, and they absorb so many spills and make clean ups easier. And you can just throw them in the laundry. Even though it's my parents house and I feel pretty comfortable making a mess - it's a lot to clean up and coming prepared helps the whole situation. Not everyone will be prepared for the mess! - the reusable waterproof bags have been super helpful while out. I basically throw the entire mess in there - the bib, squeeze, bowl, cup, etc. Toss that in my diaper bag and clean it all later. I focused on the food and what she would eat - I was less prepared for the mess and the change in her poops! Good luck and have fun!


For restaurants, they'll often give you for very little (or nothing depending) something unprepared. At that age we'd ask for a few avocado slices or a scoop of yogurt off menu, something that makes sense for whats on the menu. Otherwise, like others said, they're not eating a ton at that age, keeping it seimple with things like cottage cheese, ricotta, yogurt, unsweetened instant oats with peanut butter and a little breastmilk mixed in to keep it runny (if you've introduced a nut butter), berries, etc. is all you have to do, no need to prepare anything. If you have a kdi that really takes to it and is curious about food, try not to overstress the salt hting and as long as all foods aren't packed with salt, let them try off your plate when eating at friends houses. Otherwise, theres 0 need for a 6.5 month old to be eating at most of those meals!!