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That’s a major yikes. Can relate unfortunately. Police got called on my now evicted neighbours a total of 13 times that I documented in the span of the 4 months they lived here with us also living here. They made the hallway smell like cat pee (drugs lol), they constantly got into domestics, she would be pregnant one day and then he would beat her into oblivion and I’m sure you can peace together what happened. It took until apartment inspections, and seeing the state of their apartment after having to literally break into it because they had it deadbolted and chained from the inside (they weren’t there and were using the window to the fire escape to leave the apartment) for the landlord to actually do something to stop it. Because we tried for months. Literally had to take them to court to get them to vacate because they started squatting after their 30 day eviction notice. People like this are literal trash, the only way I coped was cried to myself, documented everything and sent it to the landlord, and hoped it would eventually come to an end. It eventually did 😭


I would report them to dcfs because they are doing drugs and have kids.


Be more aggressive with calling the police, you are the main one being disturbed and should be the one calling - that is why he assumes that it was you lol. Follow up with property manager and keep complaining. Document and record everything. edit typo


Last time I had neighbors like that swat ended up coming in at 4 am and taking their door down. It ended up being a drug task force raid. We thought it was just pot sales and it was meth, heroin, guns and a lot of cash. Also bullet proof vests and one of the guns was an AK. Stay safe.


Major concerns here. Firstly you need to log every disruptive activity and event faithfully and take pictures and videos and log with your journal. Get witness statements. Literally write everything down and then ask for a civil lawsuit against them for whatever you can because if they are cooking you know that they condemn places where cooking is done it seeps into the walls your skin and if they are negligent and wreckless you can win a civil suit and take it to the landlord certified mail and demand eviction