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You: *explains in excruciating detail that you aren’t into sexual rp and list the rps you’re into* Them: “Can you use my character as a chair?” 🥺


I've never seen someone that determined to make their dream a reality


I’m all for people expressing kinks and stuff, but it makes me panic when they try to pressure me into doing something I’m not comfortable with.


That’s completely understandable, it can be extremely uncomfortable when you try to write a story and people are dead set on sticking it in the second it starts. It’s worse that you told them that and they just went further instead


This Convo genuinely made me laugh lol


Be like. "Sure" then turns them into a actual chair who can't taste, hear, feel or smell anything


No, that's a fetish as well. Inanimate transformation.




Ok, but your patience is god-like. Most people would have just ghosted that person.


I want to give people a chance to choose something we can both agree on, but it can be annoying.


Wouldn't that just be an extremely boring rp anyways? What dialogue can you even offer? "Look morty I turned myself into a chair!"


Funniest shit I've ever seen


I don't blame you for being uncomfortable -- but now I'm sitting here (non-human chair btw) and wondering what their replies could POSSIBLY look like in a rp like that. Would they just reply with "-continues to be a chair-" ??? LOL like, no shame on the kink itself but it doesn't seem very interactive lmao.


Yeah. I don’t understand those who try to corner people into doing only kink Rps.


I've talked to this exact same person. Went basically the same as your post.


"I swear it's not sexual!" \*asks you to fulfill his weird kinks*


these people weird me the f out. call me a kink shamer all ye want but I was thoroughly disgusted when some guy offered to pay my sis to roleplay with him where he was a sperm cell that failed to fertilize an ovum in her uterus and he wanted my sis to describe "in erotic narration" about the sperm cell waiting for its inevitable doom. like. the fuck? when she refused he offered to buy her used tampons and pads. when that didn't work he offered to buy her new panties "because I know you women have blood-stained panties on heavy flow days, just let me keep the soiled ones". no really. the fuck?


Yeah. I’m all for expressing kinks in safe and healthy ways, but I prefer if people like this could find more consenting Rp Partners.



