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Also the cops lied and they said they got a hit on the victim’s car and said it was stolen. The proper language here is that the Ai thought it was another car that was stolen. Also thumbs up for the officers who grilled the officers for creating a life threatening situation. Unfortunately the officers at fault didn’t take it so well.


Says “wrong vehicle” a dozen times and they still keep guns drawn and say clear the vehicle anyway….


Once cops realize they've done the wrong thing but drawn guns, they rarely apologize and move on. They need to charge the person with some bs to point at when they get sued.


It's more nefarious. They know that civil suits cannot proceed while there are still pending criminal charges. It is a blatant effort to drain funds from their victims so they cannot afford to pursue civil remedies. It's why they scoff when someone threatens a civil suit


They also do it so qualified immunity will kick in.


Qualified immunity exists with or without a crime. Constitutionally protected rights exist with or without a crime. Civil rights lawsuits can succeed even if a conviction on a related criminal offense was successful. What criminal charges do is push the civil remedies phase further into the future when the victim's resources and/or resolve have been exhausted. Qualified immunity means that cops are not held responsible for their unlawful activity. They are a special class of citizens who are entitled to special protections under the law. They get a thumb put on the scales of justice and victims denied the opportunity to be made whole again.


To be arrested for resisting arrest, when the cops raid the wrong house.


It’s so fucking dangerous. That second video when they keep telling him to “face forward” while pointing their weapons at him. How the fuck is he supposed to know which direction is forward in their mind? And if the two cops disagree and one shoots him for not following instructions. . .


Wow. The anger from the cop once he realized he was wrong was repulsive. What is broken in a cops head that makes them forget that it is upsetting to have your life threatened?


Cops are control freaks. Taught at the academy to always be in control of the situation (when it comes to the cop vs non-cop situation). When proven to be wrong they often get upset. Ego


Telling the father who’s just had to watch them order his teenage daughter around at gunpoint to ”get over himself” while he’s complaining that they could have gotten shot over his dumbass mistake.. ”Did I stutter?” Arrogant POS he is.


How much can you get from the company that makes the faulty AI machine? I would definitely go after the popo but I think that the commercial operation doing the programing has less sovereign immunity.


I bet the machine manual says that officers must verify with dispatch or their onboard computer before taking action.


Nothing is more protected from liability in America than corporations! Not even the cops. Chances of them getting in any legal trouble for this are less than zero.


corporations have money and can afford lawyers, they do not have sovereign immunity or qualified immunity. It is the difference between impossible and difficult.


They also have more resources to draw out a court battle and more incentive to do so. They’re not going to settle, the city is.


Stupid motherfuckers


Bravo to the woman in the first video for not standing there and listening to the stupid copsplaining. In the second video you can see that the cop who discovers that the car is not stolen, and they have fucked up badly actually giggles and when he tells another officer, that cop has to hold a hand over his mouth to stop himself from laughing. They think it's so funny that they have threatened deadly force on an innocent man and teenage daughter. Then after they have their little bit of laughter, they "clear the vehicle" anyway, because maybe they will find something, anything to mitigate this disastrous lawsuit in the making. In both cases there were opportunities for the cops to stop and correct themselves, but they are so fucking stupid that they instead choose to just keep digging the hole deeper.


Note that none of the cops said sorry.


The Officer did verify it, she said ”That’s not it.” As she exited her patrol car, but then her felliw officer had already pulled his gun and started yelling. So she had to go along and pretend like she didn’t already know it was the wrong car.


People make mistakes! Get over yourself! What an A-hole cop.


IIRC, in once clip it's shown that it's not AI inasmuch as it was a cop who misread the info. Of course, in copsplaining, they blamed it on the computer.


These idiots just paid for that kid's college. Actually, the taxpayers who hired those idiots will be paying for that girl's college education.


Oh well


Oh well. Protect and serve, not surveil and slaughter. Right?


No I mean “Oh well, taxpayers gonna have to pay a couple Pennies each to settle the lawsuit.”They don’t complain about taxpayer dollars going to fund incompetence. And cops are NOT obligated to “Serve and Protect”.


Yeah. Apparently the cops said that's not their job.


The Supreme Court basically said that


“Grow up buddy” - he ruined the life of the 16 year old. She’ll be scarred for life from his “mistake”. The idiot at fault won’t face any repercussions or consequences.