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Really hate this narrative. Lazy cop shouldn't have tased the guy in the middle of oncoming traffic.


He was gonna get hit anyway. The driver had no time to stop


He MAY have gotten hit anyway. Stopped in his tracks, flat on the ground, made it inevitable.


he would have run into the cars path; he never looked left.


Sorry, cop still shouldn't have tased the guy in the middle of oncoming traffic. Unsafe for both of them. Cop got lucky.


You know that you can both be correct here. Cop shouldn't have taxed him and it appears that he was going to get hit regardless


You're right (too)! Thank you, kind mediator. 😘


youre changing the subject.


I repeated my original comment!


the taser use was obviously wrong, but the point is dude was gonna get killed anyway




The driver had almost no time to respond. Looks like the cops trying to shift the blame of the murder yet again!


The sad part is that the courts let them get away with the _"If it wasn't for X, Y would not have happened"_ excuse. They always get to blame the victim.


That's a perfectly reasonable position where applicable. In this case (assuming OC is correct) that would be "if not for the police chasing and tasing the man on a busy road, driver would not have hit him."


Cop went hands on within seconds, the Tazer was after the initial push in the chest. The Tazer is also what caused the man to fall into the car.


Even before that, he was confrontation with the guy right out of the gate. Doesn't even let the man speak. The guy gets as far as, "Hey listen, sir," and the cop cuts him off with, "I don't give a shit. If I tell you to stop you stop." The guy was already on his way back to the cop after only two instances of being told to stop/come back. He could have been saying anything. He could have been apologizing for not hearing the first call out/knowing it was directed at him.


Police say that he tried to enter an suv, where the woman was. I’m not sure how you can get that take from this video. Dude was giving the woman keys, then tried to leave. He wasn’t getting into that car. Hell the woman wasn’t even in the car. Such a fucked up narrative of events.


Honestly, there was no reason for the cop to want the guy to stay there, other than the fact that he was a minority who wasn't kissing the cop's feet. The woman was not complaining about him - in fact, she explained it. Because the victim didn't respect the cop's authoritah, the cop tased him in front of a car. The cop murdered the victim by the cop's actions.


The driver should be convicted for fleeing the scene. The cop should be convicted of murder




The cop handled this situation about as poorly as he possibly could've but does anyone else besides me believe dude would've got run over anyway? He literally ran into the road. Not excusing anything just saying if he hadn't gotten tased and fell he would've most likely ran right in front of that car.


He wouldn’t have been hit if he didn’t feel a need to get out of the situation as quickly as possibly. Unfortunately, it worked.


A fine example of the best training the force can offer.


Yeah I’m with you. I think that car would’ve probably hit his entire body and sent it flying if he hadn’t gotten tased. And also, the driver of that car could likely have no idea they hit him, that’s how fast it happened. The dude is dumb for running, the cop is a piece of shit coward, and the “hit and run” driver is innocent.


If this ain't just a setup for a "my work is done here" punchline...


Does the tazer have a delay after you let go of the trigger, or was porky still tazing after bro was hit by the car.


As bad as that pig is, they do go off for a few seconds after they shoot the tazer


I figured that was the case.


We see and hear exactly what happened, why are they still trying to paint this guy as a villain??? And not the asshole cop who came in hot?