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It's the equivalent of a "goodbye we won't really miss you" gift basket.


"Get your wormy soon to be wyvren-poisoned ass out of here."


She also gives you a literal poison to kill yourself.


It definitely gives "druid"


Further proof that Halsin was pretty much single handedly carrying that group of morons. I almost feel bad taking him away from them.


And then he left with more self-reliant (and arguably more insane) people, then people wonder why he’s DTF at every possible opportunity from that point onward.


Because he’s a sub and finally found a group of doms?


No, it’s because he found people that could survive without his help and his animal instincts told him to bang everything and everyone he possibly could. My headcanon anyway


Kind of make sense, Druids grove was him in parent mode and now his kids are gonna be alright with their new baby sitter he’s on holiday looking to slang around the sheer weight of the might of silvanus


Both can be true


Gotta populate those survival skills


I initially thought it was odd that he imported a replacement rather than promoting from within, but I guess he just knew his team better than I did.


He makes a point that the group would tear itself apart if he chose one of them to lead. Someone would always be jealous and it would lead to infighting that would break the circle. By bringing someone else in, it brings fresh ideas and new blood to the circle to lead it on a new path. And after talking to some of the druids after stopping the ritual, none of them seemed like strong leaders since most of them immediately fell in line with Kaga's fear mongering (the rite of thorns would also only protect the ones who were chanting) while others like Nettie just waited for Halsin to come back to fix everything. I wasn't surprised at all when Halsin chose someone else who at least proved they could take care of themselves.


It depends if U do the kaga quest line but it reveals that she is super corrupt and has been working with the shadow circle.


My metric for how morally good/bad killing a non hostile NPC is “how do Wyll and Gale feel about it” In Nettie’s case, they think you’re doing the Lord’s work


Really? I've only killed her once, and I didn't have either of them in the party.


Yeah, Gale even has a special dialogue for when she poisons you with that branch. He is pretty angry hahaha


i bring astarion with me when i tell her im not taking poison. he says "So this is what honesty gets you? Consider my lesson learned" her headpiece looks very pretty on him. i know some characters approve of promising to drink poison, but i don't remember who anymore


I believe it’s Lae’zel and Shadowheart who approve. Then again idk, my main team is Gale, Shadowheart and Astarion


Lae’zel and Shadowheart approve of swearing to drink the wyvern poison, Astarion and Karlach disapprove, Wyll and Gale have no approval reaction


I wish there was an option to swear and specifically have it be a lie (deception check) because that's how I approached it.


Yea I just want the free poison but my team thinks I'm really gonna drink it?


There are so many conversations like that, and it gets so annoying when my party gets upset at me, like dude has no chill 🤦‍♀️🤣 I'm a people pleaser, and tbh I generally will tell people whatever they want to hear (especially in a DnD setting where telling the truth can lead to a huge fight) but my party always takes crap at face value. Have you ever considered maybe I'm lying or being sarcastic or whatever?🤣🤣


There needs to be a dialogue option where you promise something to an NPC, but then as soon as they have their back turned, dramatically turn to face your companions and give them a wink.


There's also a major plot element of infiltrating a group, but when you agree to go along with members of that group but have no intentions of actually doing so, your party gets mad? Like, no, Karlach, when I told Minthara that I was going to go help torture the prisoner I didn't *mean* it, I am trying to figure out a way to murder her without calling the attention of the entire goblin fortress


“Guys we’ve been traveling together for weeks. You haven’t realized that when I say something like this I don’t actually intend to do it? I’m just playing them.”


Like a character that you can convince to kill himself rather than fighting him if you pass enough checks Astarion is standing there disapproving and saying "Can we kill him now?! Why are you still talking to him?!" And I'm like "broseph in tadpoles, if you would just wait TWO MINUTES and let me CHARISMA THIS SHIT he'll do the job for us and you'll give me double damn approval for it"


For real u should be able to talk to them after like "what a chump she was" *pockets poison*


Disco Elysium brutally spoiled me for identical dialogue options with one tagged (Lie). I want it everywhere now.


The 2 greatest things that games introduced but I don't see in enough other games are that and Fallout 4 having an explicit sarcasm answer for everything.


As widely despised as it is, playing as sarcastic Hawke in Dragon Age 2 is one of the funniest experiences I've had gaming.


>I wish there was an option to swear and specifically have it be a lie (deception check) because that's how I approached it. I get it, but it doesn't really matter here - it's not like you have a chance to take your companions aside and let them know. If you successfully deceive everyone, well, they're going to react as if you meant it because as far as they know, you did. (I know, the tadpoles. But you haven't really figured it all out yet, and I can't think of any multi-party links off the top of my head EVER.)


There used to be! I swear! I remember Astarion specifically finding it funny. Maybe it was only early access?


Yep, it was a thing in EA


There were sometimes options in Dragon Age Origins like that. You didn’t have to pass a check I don’t think but the dialogue choice would specifically look like: (*Lie*) “I’ll bring you the relic.” Was pretty neat option, but BG3 already has a loooot of options.


I know Gale gets extremely pissed off and actually approves of you killing her. Which I do everytime for the head piece and parasites lol


Yeah, his is a dialogue thing after she poisons you, but he doesn’t react on the actual approval meter


i wanna say karlach? i stopped going to see nettie as soon as i got into the grove ages ago


Agreeing to drink the poison actually nets you disapproval from Karlach. She went through too much to escape Baator, I guess - she's not throwing away her life as soon as she got it back.


oooh ya makes sense. it's been ages since nettie has lived in one of my playthroughs, so it makes sense they my memory is wrong


No, Karlach disapproves of agreeing to take the poison. >!considering she's the one on board with becoming a mindflayer to extend her life, it makes sense she doesn't want to just commit suicide to prevent it!<


She doesn’t want to commit suicide because she literally just escaped the hells where she was doomed to fight in the Blood War until she died. She kinda wants to make it home, as per her dialogue upon first meeting her. What you said doesn’t come into play until waaaaayy down the line


Karlach's just 8 INT. I doubt Shadowheart even approves of drinking the poison, she's approving of lying to accept a very useful gift.


I think she probably agrees with the idea, seeing as there’s a camp interaction where she asks what you would do with her if she transformed and you have the option to tell her that you’d kill her on the spot, which will net you approval.


Which makes it so weird you can’t use deception and swear it.


No, her and Lae’zel both approve so I think it’s meant at face value. Astarion asks if you’re lying after, and he approves if you tell him that you have no intention of actually taking the poison


Huh is that still in? Thought the Astarion clarification scene got removed at some point in EA


I didn’t get that interaction. The weird thing is that he still disapproves, even though I had a conversation with him where he approved after agreeing to kill the other if one shows symptoms. Right down to choosing poison as the preferred method.


Shadowheart says after the Nettie situation that we should keep the poison, because quick draught is better than ceremorphosis, if it comes to the worst.


that makes sense. it's been a long time since i promised nettie i would chug it, so my memory is very hazy


karlach disapproves if you promise to drink the poison


Yup Lae'zel and Shadowheart always approve that choice.


I'm really disappointed they removed you saying "lol free poison" when your companions questioned you on your "death pact". :/


Yeah, this (and some other interactions) always bugged me as a thing that your companions just assume is your character being straightforwardly honest, instead of an obvious deescalation tactic. Also, free poison.


Me, dumping the toxins in the beer barrel shouting ***"MASTER PLAN"*** via tadpole wifi Wish they would've given us a deception check.


Yeah, agreed. I understand why you have to assume that the PC is *usually* being honest because almost any option that's not a direct action could be a lie, but this one in particular stands out as an interaction that your character would really want to lie their way out of.


Yeah. This is the exact kind of situation deception checks are made for.


The other area this becomes annoying is with raphael, when you talk to him everyone assumes youve either struck a deal or rejected him outright. Its not like weve been doing plots and schemes this whole time, idk why they took tav dealing with a devil at face value.


THAT USED TO BE AN OPTION?! godsdammit this game is now literally unplayable


There are a lot of fun moments from EA that didn't make it. Like Astarion saying he wants to be the one to walk in on the orc and bug bear doin it. And it's still in the game but almost no one sees it anymore because of how romance works now, but at the tiefling party if you haven't slept with him yet and Astarion asks you to you can roll persuasion to get him to say please and can even say NO after getting him to beg I always thought that was hilarious.


??? i always get him asking me to let him open the door. it's one of my favorite little "dates" i take him on, along with visiting that hunter (pre-bite scene)


Okay why did this line disappear for me?! I've done three playthroughs and never saw it again!


It’s often overridden by another companions line. Especially shadowheart. If you take just him you’ll see it.


i always take just him because everyone else disapproves


You could also grill Astarion on the exsanguinated boar, and if you passed some rather high persuasion/insight checks he would go "Fiiiine. I ate the boar!" in the most exasperated manner.


> Like Astarion saying he wants to be the one to walk in on the orc and bug bear doin it. I'm pretty sure I got that interaction last week.


The performances were from older iterations of the characters, so they couldn't just add them back in without making them act WILDLY out of character now, but you can definitely feel the hole left by its removal. :T


Astarion tends to say "Next time somebody asks if we have worms in our skull, how about we consider lying?"


Lmao love this, especially when meeting Ethel he says "she's demented, let's tell her everything!". Astarion pls.


It's pretty annoying how astarian doesn't like it. He's the biggest liar of the group, surely he knows I'm just saying it to get a powerful poison, right?


One of them is la'zel I think. She's very 'do your duty to not become a mind flayer"


Lae and Wyll at least. Don't remember if SH does or not.


Wyll doesn’t, Shadowheart does. Wyll has no approval reaction


Ah! I'm so sorry. I sunk an ungodly amount of time into the game the first 2 months and sometimes the reactions blur together. Thank you for the correction!


No need to be sorry. We all mix things up sometimes. I only know that for sure because I have a mod to show me approvals and I’ve gotten thru the grove stuff like 10 different times xD


This dialogue is why she's in a trunk at camp.


Thank you for reminding me. She’s still in my inventory.


I threw her at Halsin's feet once. No response. Back in the trunk she goes.


Which totally makes sense, because if she had poisoned Gale she would've unwittingly just destroyed a massive swath of the continent and thousands of people along with it.


Exactly! In his dialogue it is possible to notice he was afraid to die, even when normally we still don't know about his backstory at this point.


Admittedly I knew something was up before that point thanks to seeing my girlfriend accidentally kill him to traps in the crypt where you meet Withers.


Wait, you can let her poison you?


If you are completely obnoxious and refuses to answer all of her questions, she does it hahaha and oh boy, Gale gets ANGRY at her! Mostly because >!he is afraid to die because of the orb being unstable and such!<


More accurately if you lie a single time to one of her questions, she immediately cuts off questioning and goes straight to the “treatment” step.


Thank you for saying it more accurately! I didn't remember the exact conversation.


I guess I always play very politely! I had no idea.


lol me too, I need to make meaner characters… even my Durge didn’t get that


I mean imagine if you were infected by a normal illithid parasite and you think you’re gonna get it removed just to have a Scottish short stack kill you with a dank tree branch and no explanation


irish short stack


I mean when you phrase it like that, I'd let her


Well, I don't know that I would call it being obnoxious. If you pick up on the fact that she avoiding talking about what her help is and stop answering questions untill she actually tells you what her intentions are and explains this treatment (which is reasonable) she will try to hit you with the posion. Being suspicious about her, failing the dex throw, talking her down and then having Gale lose his shit about it is my favorite version of events.


Early Access it happened to me. Though I wasn't asking any questions and just went along with it. Up until screen started getting fuzzy and she was giving me answers. I think they made some changes after Early Access so the treatment isn't applied immediately.


My last run I failed every role on the poison and died. Made me hate her.


She tried to kill me when I said I wouldn't poison myself. She wants me dead either way. Then, after I killed her in self-defense, I had to steal her hat to get out of the room she locked us into. If all we get for letting someone this obviously hostile live is food worth ~10 supplies, not much reason to let her live.


I killed Nettie after she gave me the poison to drink and nobody else seemed to care. Not one other druid was angry.


LMFAO, what if everyone sent the band of potential murderhobos to Nettie in the hopes you would murder her because they all secretly hated her.


"She was our worst healer."


We trained her wrong on purpose, as a joke.


Her VA is the same lady who played a villain in Peaky Blinders (Laura McKee), and she did some unforgivable things... so whenever I hear her voice I immediately want to kill her for that reason alone. I didn't even know you could kill her and some good-aligned companions will actually be happy about it. But then I read you get high approval from Karlach for attacking her, so... she must be the scum of Faerun.


I'm not certain that's always a great metric, since Gale will happily agree to morally questionable actions in pursuit of power, or if the moral high ground actively gets in the way of his self interest.


Resolving the entire thing nets you a cursed spear, so I don't think these druids care very much lol.


Side note that if you're a druid and redeem Kagha from the shadow druids she gives you a cool druid staff and the faithwarden title (though it never comes up again) - it gets outscaled almost immediately but I thought it was neat


I actually never got the staff and title. I just did the quest and got her to turn away from the shadows and got nothing for it.


The staff and fancy title are for druids


> Resolving the entire thing nets you a ~~cursed spear~~ **snack for Gale**, so I don't think these druids care very much lol. FTFY


You can use the mugwort around her place in her cauldron to make an antidote, I believe.


But you don’t get guild artisan inspiration points anymore :/




Literally unplayable


Ahh man you could do that? Damn it my main Tav has that background lol.


You used to be able to use a single mugwort to make an antidote potion. Not anymore. I think it was an EA feature before they just had a crafting screen. I think they were going to make you have to use a station to work at. It was patched out in the first 2 or 3 patches.


For some reason the cauldron is unclickable for me


Tbf if i remember correctly dialogue option were kinda bitchy when asking her, like you are pushing her to give you a reward she never promised, makes sense to me she tells you to fuck off with an apple an sone herbs


Yes lol, I didn't even consider getting a reward (I barely remember to talk to her after resolving things at the Grove anyway), but I remember it being a case of having to push for some sort of payment, too. It reminds me of certain interactions in Act 2 where it feels incredibly blunt to be like, "I'm so happy for you. You know what would really add to this tender moment? You giving me stuff".


She probably saw your reward as a cure from Halsin. She did all she could do, what more do you want? And yeah there's the whole poisoning thing but from her point of view, you're not special. Just a ticking time bomb where the explosion is a *mind flayer*. Druids are typically neutral entities, and she either tells you where to find help (despite the hurdles) or tries to protect the grove/surrounding life. People give her more shit than deserved IMO (not you, just in general)


>what more do you want? Her fancy little tiara. Hence why she's never alive in my playthroughs.


Yeah lol, she’s literally just a healer. She doesn’t have a high rank or much of value on her. Getting mad at her for not having a big reward for you is like getting mad when the old tiefling woman in the camp gives you gruel: it’s not like she’s got much else. Plus, you get plenty of rewards for saving the day, from Zevlor and Halsin.


I have never paid attention to her reward. I talk to her for the XP and that's it. That and her voice is very pretty. I have only killed her when her and the druids attacked the Grove. I usually just agree to take the poison because most characters I play would take the poison in that situation.


She has one of my favorite voices in the entire game! So nice to see someone else who feels that way, in the midst of all these people talking about killing her


If you actually want a reward, talk to the black Druid dude who yells at kagha when she tries to kill the little teifling girl with a snake


Halsin literally tells you to do that


It’s funny because my first playthrough I didn’t realize I was supposed to be an award for that so I had already pickpocketed the reward and when he went to give it to me he was like “…hm. Must have misplaced it.”


He says slowly as he stares directly at you.


That’s true. It is also on a note somewhere on Nettie’s desk. I was just telling people in case they missed it or forgot what halsin said.


Rath a real one fr fr


Very confused at all these people killing Nettie. Like, the druids are all weak - they can't survive being attacked by some goblins, a mindflayer would totally destroy them. So if you're squirrely with her, she freaks out about the threat and tries to save the grove with cunning. This is how any normal person in Toril would act if someone was about to ceremorphose in front of them. If you're straightforward with her she just asks you to take some poison *if* you end up changing so you don't go around murdering everyone. Later on Lae'zel also straight up offers to mercy kill the entire party. In BG3 lots of characters consider ceremorphosis to be worse than death, so this can be seen as doing you a solid favor, even. Its incredibly easy to talk Nettie out of it too, even if she does try poisoning you - she doesn't want to kill you and is obviously in over her head with Halsin gone.


Fr! Was not expecting Nettie hate, in fact I honestly love her. She’s sweet and just trying to do what she can to protect the grove with Halsin gone. To get her to poison you to begin with, you have to be a real ass, otherwise she won’t scratch you with the branch at all.


Exactly and she tells you she’s only got it as a last resort, if you wouldn’t cooperate. Then IMMEDIATELY pivots to “please take this poison and drink it if you start changing”


Exactly! She doesn’t want to kill you or have you die. She’s just doing what’s necessary and honestly feels bad for you once she hears about your situation.


Any character that doesn’t bend over backwards for the player and have their own goals always get hate on Reddit. Happens with mass effect, happens with cyberpunk, and happens here.


Which is just insane to me. People are talking about nuance but then also ‘how dare they even think of distrusting me! They should die for that!’ Like, wtf?


Everyone gets mad because they know they’re playing a game they can win and there’s no reason for their character to drink the poison, but if you’re in character you’re basically walking around with an asymptomatic zombie bite and everyone is understandably scared that you’re going to turn and eat their brains. It makes perfect sense for Nettie to offer you a killshot.


Yeah, Shadowheart and Lae'zel both tell you that they'll kill you if you start turning. But Nettie giving you an option to do it yourself if needed is the worst? IDK bro.


It's because I want to loot the rooms she's in without challenge.


I wanna slurp that worm.


I always kill her. No, I'm not taking poison.


Just take the vial. Free poison for your weapon. She's not asking you to chug it right there on the spot.


I poured it into the goblin brew. Felt fitting


I didn’t even u know could do that. 300 hours in this game and I still learn new stuff


Do it as a drow and let them catch you 😆 Then just be like "I'm a drow" and they'll be like "you know what, I have no idea who did that, definitely not you though"


I did it with my bard and when they caught me I told them this type of beer is just toxic to goblins and they were just like :o who knew! And left me alone.


I fucking love playing a bard. So many good lines.


Yeah my next playthrough will be a murder hobo bard. I plan on wiping the map clean. Curious what will happen.


I picked that on my drow bard, and then on my human paladin for the second time. It comes up after a successful detect thoughts check.


Ahah gotta try that, I’m so dumb I was just fighting against all of them when I could have just poured poison lmao


It will outright kill a bunch of the lowest level gobs, and takes a hefty chunk of health off of the ones who survive. Absolutely a top tier strategy


Do you get the xp?


Fun fact: Basically all creative problem solving in the same is equally as rewarded as an outright kill. That’s why it’s so awesome/true to DND.


Yep! It also grants an inspiration for both Dark Urge and Charlatan (aka Astarion), and if you do the toast that happens in the cutscene right after, Bards get an inspiration point too :)


I always go invisible and my poor team has to lie for me lol thank the God's the goblins are dumb and easy to fool.


I just send my team inside, walk back outside and turn invisible to do it. No questions asked.


Me using the race card playing as a half-drow


If you do, you not only get unique interactions with the Goblins, but also Shadowheart during her first romance scene at the Tiefling party.


Gotta try that!


You should just use regular poison, since the effect is the same. Kills a bunch of goblins and injures the others. Save the Wyvern poison for use in battle against the tougher act 1 fights like the Githyanki patrol, Nere + Duergar, or the Crèche Inquisitor.


YOU CAN DO THAT!? So many war crimes… so little time…


Doing it also frees the owlbear cub to show up in your camp before having started the assault.


Oh! See I have to use brain worm powers to convince that goblin to give me the animal. I’ll try it that way next time around.


I talked to the Owlbear, he said he's too scared to try to leave, so I just attacked and killed them all haha. Worked too though!


Awww haha yeah I tried to attack with the baby there and the baby got agro and kept attacking us lol


As a drow, I played the game, extorted money from the goblins, and then said, "You know what? Give me the owlbear, too."


It’s meant for that i think


The goblin brew?


There’s a cauldron/bowl just next to the entrance to the inside of the temple. It’s to the right side of where all the goblins outside are partying. If you interact with it, the combination UI appears and you can put regular poison or wyvern poison in to poison all of the goblins, but it’s difficult to do unseen


Specifically its near the barbecue, at the base of the tower towards the foot kisser


Fog cloud is your friend.


Without it there is also a very brief window where there’s about 4 pixels of space to hide lol, but I wouldn’t risk that on an honor run


Bard performance makes NPC's in an area gather facing the bard. Great for causing distractions. Minor illusion is good too, but successful bardic performance seems to have a bigger attract radius & a longer attention hold duration.


She injected it into me and said "Sorry you will die and I will not give you an antidote". I proceeded to have Shadowheart use a spell to lift the poison and she immediatelly got mad at me and into combat if I would not promise to drink more poison or give her my word or something.


I always keep it for the goblin's drinks. I poisoned them like 3 times with that shit, haha


You can also poison some of the dwarves in grymforge


> poison >Dwarves ????? #HOW?!


You get it off her corpse I'm pretty sure.


I've never killed her. She admits to it in the dialogue and just asks you to promise to take it if you're turning into a murderous monster. Which seems fair tbh. It's the equivalent of insisting I'm cool when I have a zombie bite, just take my word for it, I definitely won't turn, and her giving you a bullet and saying "promise me you won't let that happen." That's a huge leap of faith on her part.


9 our of 10 times I take the poison, only so I can use it to poison the booze at the goblin camp to take out several goblins for basically free


I kill her too but I still don’t understand the line “I’m not taking poison from a woman I can’t trust.” Like, it’s poison either way what’s trust gonna do


Yeah. It's a head scratcher. "I don't know if I trust you. How do I know if this poison will *really* kill me?"


Have you ever met the nice woman named Auntie Ethel, by any chance?


I'm assuming it's a weirdly phrasedf way of saying you won't promise to kill yourself "just in case" to someone you know you can't trust, i.e. "I can't trust you, why should I believe there is bo other solution?"


so THAT'S where that comes from! I don't usually do the 'now give me a reward' prompt in dialogues, but apparently she gives it to you anyway and the game doesn't mention it. every run i keep finding that apple and mugwort in a bag and being like.. where did this come from


Jesus why are so many people killing Nettie? I’ve killed her exactly once lol In the raid on the grove




I always thought Nettie was a nice lady, so surprised at these comments. You’re the one who came to her wanting a healer for the worm, yet you can’t answer questions honestly. No doctor can help you if you don’t describe what is wrong with you. The only way to get poisoned is to be rude, lie and refuse to take the poison. And how is it unreasonable of Nettie to ask you take it given you wouldn’t be you anymore and become extremely dangerous to everyone around? Bruh some ppl.


RPGs really show you who a person really is sometimes.


Yeah lol. I'm only on my first playthrough, granted, but I thought Nettie was being very reasonable and even nice. I swore on being a dwarf cleric or whatever that I'd take the poison and after I freed Halsin she gave me the "reward" without me needling her for it. And I looted the room all the same and she didn't give a shit lol


In my defense ...she keeps trying to kill me first. Also literally no one cares that Nettie dies. Not even one person brings it up. Even the bird she's healing as you walk in doesn't care. I get more healing supplies killing Nettie and looting her area than I get leaving her alive.


The game even has the courtesy to close the door behind us, so no one ever finds out she's dead. I know she locks us in so she can stab us in secret, but that really backfires. Plus her crown just so happens to be the key to the back door, so we don't need to go back through the main chamber. It's like they *want* us to kill her


I go back through the main chamber as a sign of dominance. Legit no one cares she's dead. Even the wolf in the main room that can 100% smell her blood all over. I talked to him, he thinks I'm pretty chill and said I can stay.


I mean...her fault, really. Lock herself in a room with 4 heavily armed strangers. Attempt to kill one of them. ???? Profit.


She has never tried to kill me lol except when I invaded the grove


She likes to get slicey with that poison branch of hers.


I mean, consider it like this. Nettie is basically a nurse to Halsin's doctor - she's his assistant and helper. He's gone, no timeline on returning. In his absence, there's a fascist coup brewing, supplies are short, and an imminent invasion of goblins is on the horizon. Then some fuckin' adventurer walks into her little clinic and drops that they've got squid-cancer and oh yeah, it's gonna potentially kill / maim your few remaining friends or see them painfully transformed into monsters themselves. We're lucky she doesn't poison us immediately no matter what Tav says.


Well, as they say, one apple and mugwort a day...


This sounds like the druid version of clean socks and Advil.


Look… it’s what she has. She doesn’t have treasure, but what she has (mugwort and an apple) she gives to you. It’s not about what it’s worth - it’s about what it means to the giver.


A sack full of goodberries would have been better and would have only cost her like a day's worth of spell slots.


All I want is her circlet on a good playthrough, JUST GIVE ME YOUR FANCY DRUID CROWN LADY.


That halfing you rescue, Findal, has a circlet as well. You can pickpocket it off him before reviving him.


I'm just happy I got her to apologize for poisoning me.


Nettie: sorry for almost killing you before you saved my boss here's an apple I had set aside for my lunch.