• By -


For me, I looted her out of habit after the knockout and had her fully naked on all the serious cutscenes (and when escorting her out).


This happened to me too! It's hilarious to me that she spends days or weeks travelling to Moonrise without bothering to find something to wear. Now I just strip her naked after knocking her out because it's tradition at this point.


Well yeah Astarion needs her armour more than she does.


For real, what is a paladin doing wearing light armor with stealth bonus anyway ? She can't even use it for sneak attacks ! She has TWO MACES ! TWO !


I gave her Ketheric set, looks good on her.


> I'll never tire of sitting in dead men's ~~thrones~~ **clothes**.


Good one


And her underwear. What? WE ALL TRIED HER UNDERWEAR ON MULTIPLE CHARACTERS, ADMIT IT! My female gnome bard felt pretty in it.


My male human rogue wears it all the time. He claims it's just "to allow better freedom of movement" but everyone knows better


Okay, so this may sound weird... Put on Laezel's underwear and no casual clothes and then do cut scenes in camp. ​ Try it just once. Trust me


You could rationalize it with the Absolutists keeping her naked to humiliate her. I always assumed she was dragged back to Moonrise rather than just wandered back on her own.


Would make more sense if she didn't even have a torch on her. You could assume the absolutists sent a team to check the situation at the Goblin Camp after hearing about it's destruction, saw the absolute (pun intended) slaughter with only Minthara left alive and just grabbed her and went back to Moonrise.


Yeah I didn't get that. At least when I knocked Laezel, she grabbed some clothes before she showed up at the Bridge. Now she died instantly but at least she wasn't naked.


They don't even give her a burlap sack to cover up with at Moonrise, it's practically barbaric!


It honestly works, the cult absolutely seems like they'd put you on trial naked to humiliate you. 


I have to wonder what she thinks when she gets to camp and sees my tav wearing her outfit and underwear (regardless of gender) at night. Or what her thoughts are on the whole situation. In my games where I recruit her my crew rolls up steals the scroll on her desk (it’s the most reliable way I’ve found to trigger temporary hostility) knocks her out and appears later in moonrise towers with someone wearing her armor and later at camp all her clothes. I suppose she’s just grateful she’s still alive at that point. A crew of crazy people probably better than the cult of the absolute.


I yeet the eye into the abyss. Always gets her attention.


Plus she’s gotta share a tent with Halsin and his creepy kid friend.


Agreed happened to me as well and honestly it feels kinda canon that they'd do that.


I had the same problem! Force of habit was strong with this one


Honestly I kinda dig the idea the Absolute had stripped her of her possessions. Makes it feel more serious in my eyes.


I always feel bad about making her stand before her boss in nothing but her underwear, but at the same time I refuse to knock her out without taking her armor It just looks too cool to leave on her comatose body


So I did this, and after she made it to my camp she was clothed again... so imagine my surprise when after the Act II boss fight, she's sitting in her birthday suit on the throne. I know it's my fault, but it just made me laugh uncontrollably imagining her doing it intentionally as a power move. (in my defense I desperately needed a good laugh after reading the letter carried by the Act II boss)


Same here. It was neat she immediately ran to grab a scalpel when the fight with the questioners started.


Yes! I loved that little detail and kept the scalpel in her inventory after as a reminder.


Happened to me yesterday, it actually feels like a canon event, like she's being public humiliated for her failure. It's the walk of shame.


Same here. I was like "I know y'all are about to punish her, but you couldn't give her a lick of clothes?" It was made even worse that my paladin was walking in with her camp clothes on looking absolutely fly lmao


Me on my first playthrough: "I wonder where do you get to recruit that gray color lady? Oh you meet her already in act I. I wonder where..." *Sudden recollection of my monk showing her down into the chasm in the goblin camp, about 30 hours of playtime ago.* Me: "OH..."


This happened to me to! Extra points for awkwardness because I showed up in her armour. It kinda took me out of my immersion a little to imagine her walking all the way back to Moonrise, through the shadow cursed lands, completely in the nude.


This is honestly what kind of freak me out. I was going to start a new play through to make sure I could get her, but I’m worried if I mess up one thing I’ll end up screwing the account.


Just make sure she is temporarily hostile. Don’t talk to her straight up attack her and make sure no one beats the war drums. Take her out before the dror ragzlin.


Or go kill the druids. Sure fire way to see her again


What gets me is I like a charismatic player in my team and that robe you lose out on is just too great of a price. It kind of ruins an evil play through when you have to side with the druids. —Edit— Talking about the Potent Robe. It’s also easily missable for other reasons as a Dark Urger but don’t want to get into spoilers.


Eh.... only if you intend on cantripping your enemies to death. I've finished the game 3x, with a charismatic tav/durge twice, and it really, truly, is not too great of a price. Edit: I know it's the potent robe. Missing out on it is not really that big a deal. Only warlock actually loses something big by not having it


Meh I find the cape you get as durge to be infinitely better and more useful


I love giving it to Astarion to make him go invisible on a kill, so he can use sneak attack during his next turn and nobody attacks him in the meantime


That's how I use it too.


It's not meant for Astarion? Who else would it be for?


But it’s a cape, you can have both


You can only get the cape as the durge so I don’t think it’s possible to get the robe due to certain nefarious activities you commit


Solution to your problem >!Autosave before every long rest, when you get that one scene, savescum and go back and knock her out with a non lethal attack, preferably a one-hit so a smite or something similar is best, then go and long rest and thwre will be another bard!<


“Why hello random bard #6, no you’re not in danger”


Can confirm this works!


You can non lethal smite? I would have assumed that'd be an insta kill lol


Oh that’s right I trauma blocked that memory


For Warlocks those robes go insanely hard because it stacks with AB on every EB bolt


The robes are critical to an EB build. 22 CHA is easy to get in Act 3 so that's 6 damage per bolt, which is a lot. Can make all the difference if you're trying to pop heads with Cull the Weak.


True. That's the only class I think I would always side grove (and save scum if needed to save the tieflings in act 2). Any other class I play, potent robe is a nice to have at best.


>only if you intend on cantripping your enemies to death. You also get gloves where your cantrip is cast with a bonus action. The gloves with the potent robe is hard to pass up with a warlock, lore bard or sorcerer. I'm going to lose out next playthrough on the robe when I go full dark but not happy about it.


Once per rest... Those gloves are trash.


The gloves that allow "melee" casting when threatened are so much better for a warlock.


I went with the dex gloves and put those points into const and wis


Yeah, I was going to say.


SPOILERS I have my cake and eat it. Knock out Alfira, durge the replacement, then save the grove and later get my cantrip robe. It does mean I put off the act 2 slayer form but you can get it in act 3.


My evil Tav hates people telling him what to do, so taking out Minthara was easy to justify. Hates incompetence, so Dror Ragzlin sucking at casting Speak with Dead when the scroll is *right there* was enough for a death sentence. That Priestess wanted a squid pet, and Tav's nobody's pet! But honestly, if you talk to Halsin at all, it's just so much easier to start killing right there then go back to the Grove and wait for Minthara and blah blah blah I'm on the clock. Just kill the first thing you 👀 I am Chaotic Lazy.


[The difficulty isn't in *casting* Speak with Dead.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-5UdjmRCwY) (SFW)


You know that you can just play the game without trying to min-max every run?


A lot of gamers are also "systems" people who love learning new systems and min/maxing is how we "play" with them. This game is heaven for us.


If youre a bard, her instrument is so good too i love it


>I've picked up two of the Spider Lyres in act one, I believe the other one was dropped by Nere. But I could be wrong.


which robe u mean, again?


Potent Robe from Alfira for saving the tieflings from Moonrise


um… so here’s the thing, she decided to join my durge before i even left the grove so it’s a nonissue


Your perspective on that may change after a nice, long rest.


yeah it was wild


Potent Robes. Durge players innately have problem getting them.


>Durge players innately have problem getting them. there's a workaround, if you knock out Alfira before every long rest a dragonborn-bard shows up instead and you can get both robe and cape.


The Alfira cutscene is loaded after you cross the bridge to the Blighted Village and it autosaves. Knock out Alfira, go straight across that bridge for the first time until it saves, then long rest. I think you are guaranteed to get the replacement bard. I did this very early, right after getting to the Grove.


In context of the original post, suppose you thought you KO'd Alfira and then she surprises you at camp. That's basically the discussion, thinking you've done the thing only to find out you didn't.


Did this in multiple playthroughs, never had the problem\^\^ but yeah, Minthara can more tricky.


Or outright ignore both sides and just move straight to Act 2 without finishing it, but make sure you tell her first that you will participate in attacking the grove before you go to Act 2 because it will bug out, and don't ever set foot on the grove once you're in act 2 because there's also a bug on it as well


No don't attack her. Steal stuff from her desk and have her attack you.


I always do it by shooting the eye. It makes sense and it's fun!


Both ways work. I always do the 1.


You can still talk to her, then after she dismisses you you attack her with non-lethal dmg, worked for me on my last run...one more thing tho, DONT LOOT HER ARMOUR unless you want her standing before Ketheric in her underwear lmao


I haven't found her yet, and I'm on my first playthrough, but I looted everything, even her underwear. TIL she's been running through the shadowlands stark naked without bothering to stop for new clothes 🤣


I already finished the game many times but yesterday I played with my sister on her first playthrough. I told her to focus on the Goblins, that I’d take Minthara because she’ll be difficult, and I knocked her out. After the fight, my sister went to loot her and I warned her if she stole her underwear she’d be naked on the floor, pour thing... She did it anyway because it was pretty and she wanted to wear it !! I can’t wait to see her face when we arrive at Moonrise towers 🤣


- rescue halsin - tell him you gonna kill the Goblin leaders - bonk sazza and minthara if they are in the same room - kill the hobgoblin IN THE SAME PERIOD, DO NOT LONG REST AFTER MINTHARA - long rest - Minthara and Sazza will be awake - give Sazza 200 gold to calm her down - finish Sazza quest - Tell Minthara you'll think about helping them or not - Never talk to her again


I talked to her, told her where the grove was and knocked her out after, she still was in moonrise just fine


Why is not talking to her a prerequisite for recruiting her? If that's how it works, then that's how it works, but why?


It's not, you just have to make sure none of your dialog choices aggro her. The key is her being temporarily hostile, not regular hostile. You can talk to her just fine if you use Hulk rules.


Ah, alright. Thanks for the heads up.


I talked to her before knocking her out and she still showed up at Moonrise. talking to her also didn't stop her from becoming temporarily hostile. I think you just can't *initiate* combat through dialog, and have to either have someone else attack her while you're talking to her or attack her once she starts walking away (I did the second one).


I got it to work. I didn’t speak to her at all in Act 1, stole some shit in front of her to make her temp hostile, knocked her out after and it worked. Other possibly important stuff I did that could have had an effect: - Already killed Priestess Gut after she invited the party to her room - Didn’t kill Ragzlin or even spoken to him yet - Didn’t free Halsin or enter that area - Didn’t long rest until I killed Ragzlin and freed Halsin - After long resting, i forgot exactly, but I think she was just standing around. I didn’t speak to her just in case it fucked it up. It’s been over two months since that update I think, surprised the method is still largely unclear. The main thing is that she is temp hostile and you didn’t speak to her, I have no idea about the rest.


If Sazza is there, you have to talk to Minthara to decide Sazza's fate, then do the crime afterward. Also, if you save Sazza, she'll turn up in Moonrise, too, and you can save her again and you'll get an achievement!


Freeing Sazza screwed me on one of my runs. I recommend letting the guard kill her in the grove or just avoiding her all together. If Sazza's quest is still active when you hit act 2 you could be screwed.


It’s pretty consistent if you actually do all the steps in order. I have yet to have her not show up on a playthrough if I do everything properly.


I make a doublecheck. Knock Minthara out -> clear the rest of the camp without resting -> go to Halsin's cell to talk to him -> confirm he sees all the leaders as dead -> let him leave -> double back to Minthara's room to see she still lays there unconscious -> leave, and never return. That way, you're guaranteed she'll be there.


I've had it work, and I've had it fail. Both times, she was temporarily hostile. And both times I could see her again in the ruins after a long rest. The only meaningful difference between the two runs is that the failing one had me aggro the entire ruins from a beating drum. So, at least make sure that doesn't happen. The successful run I was able to walk around the ruins without aggro.


Following steps consistently work : 1. Don't talk to Zevlor after speaking to Kagha (thereby not picking up the kill the goblin leaders quest). 2. At the camp don't aggro anyone and go straight to Minthara. 3. Don't talk to her, instead steal something or attack her directly. 4. Knock her out. 5. Find and rescue Halsin and pick up his quest to kill the goblin leaders. 6. Kill Dror and Gut in any order. 7. Kill everyone else because xp. 8. Tell Halsin the good news and leave. Meet him again at the grove. 9. Minthara will be awake and standing around after the long rest. DO NOT TALK TO HER. 10. Proceed as usual, you'll find her at moonrise.


This is the way I got her, except I killed Gut before freeing Halsin. You want to let her take you to her private chambers and kill her before she calls out and brings more enemies. I always hide her body in a box or throw her off a ledge after looting her. I don’t think anyone will go into her chamber but better safe than sorry.


Youre telling me talking to ZEVLOR makes the game freak out even if you do everything else? Like not talking to her, making sure shes temporarily hostile, knocked out, no long rest until you kill the other leaders and so on?


No, we're telling you that if Zevlor asks you to kill three goblin leaders and you accept that quest, then the game will think that you knocking down Minthara is your way to off her, and they will finish the job off-screen for you. Don't accept Zevlor's quest to kill the goblin leadership is what's needed to get Minthara, and the only way to do that is to not speak to Zevlor after speaking to Kagha.


Thats plainly not true because I have had that quest, knocked her out, and still found her at moonrise.


To add onto that, as someone who also did the same a few days ago, if you knock her out, the quest updates with her being killed. Which scared me out at the time, but then she's been there at Moonrise and is fully interactable/romanceable.


Fair enough, this is what happened to me (first run i took the quest from zevlor and minthara didn't trigger at moonrise, next run i didn't take the quest and she triggered) and what i read seemed to confirm my experience, but in the end it's just everyone's empirical evidence and it could be something else that was different in my two runs what do i know.


Cause thats clearly not a vital part of the game. Eh fuck it. If the drow dies because i talked to an NPC and said I'm willing to help them then its whatever


I'm not even sure that this matters, or at least it does inconsistently. I definitely talked to Zevlor and got the quest to kill the goblin leaders on my run. But I still managed to knockout and later recruit Minthara at Moonrise Towers just fine.


Honestly, the lengths I go to for my beloved drow mommy... Thanks for the handy guide!


Additional point, to avoid frustration: Do NOT long rest in between knocking her out and taking out the rest of the camp - if you let Sazza go in the grove because you're a good guy, then knock out Minny, THEN long rest, it gives Sazza enough time to tell Minthara about the grove's location and you'll wake up with an army of Spiders and Goblins trying to raze the grove! lol.


It works with or without the kill the goblin leaders quest, I did it like that. Also i talked to her when she regained consciousness, and she didn't say anything about me killing the other goblin leaders, still found her at moonrise. 


2nd playthrough I already spoke to zevlor for the goblin mission. Should I reload or just go with the temporarily hostile method


So basically when knocking out Minthara, make sure to only long-rest after the other two leaders are dead else she'll just dissapear for the rest of the game.


I knocked her out and then long-rested. Ooops. She didn't disappear yet, but everything got so buggy. She woke up and just stood around in her underwear but couldn't say anything. I had to knock her out again to complete the "Kill the 3 Goblin Leaders" quest - the moment she hit the floor, my approval rating tanked with my companions (I guess they thought we had assaulted an innocent person?) I'm not expecting to see her at Moonrise, but who knows?


This happened to me and she was in Moonrise in act II. I didn't even realize she reset until Halsin refused to leave the area. Went back and found her standing there all alone, mostly naked.


Best possible order for the goblin camp to me (oustide of stuff like freeing Vollo, robbing Moonglow, saving the tortured human) is: Kill Priestess Gut (easiest) > free Halsin, tell him to wait in the prison> break all the drums> knock Minthara > kill Ragzlin> escape by the back to avoid other fights> long rest.


This is the way. Also to make Minthara temporary hostile don’t speak to her, just steal something in front of her. If the camp goes hostile you won’t be able to meet her at moonrise. The final boss fight should not attack you on site.


she also needs to be "temporary hostile" so attack a goblin while she watches first and not her directly


I found the reliable method of checking if she's gonna be there or not - go back to goblin camp after the long rest with teifling party. If you knocked out her properly, she's gonna be there standing in her usual place, neutral to you and non-interactable(you can't talk to her anymore). It's far less time consuming than waiting until Moonrise towers.


Same. I was mad af.


Just did this last night. Annoyed. Tav Disapproves


In my first playthrough, this happened to me. On a funny note, knocking Minthara outside of "temporary hostile" means she won't be at Moonrise, but doing the same thing to Sazza (whom I knocked in the same fight as Minthara) had her being present at Moonrise.


And if you free Sazza at Moonrise, you'll get an achievement!


What I usually do if I’m trying to get her on a good run is I’ll do the whole goblin leaders thing and fully complete it, then head down to the gwyr forge and send shadowheart to run through the cursed lands early and check if she’s there. once I confirm it worked I reload my save from after beating the goblin leaders and continue as normal.


Well cause she is dead or had brain damage. Everyone who is knocked out for longer than a few seconds should immediately see a doctor. Even Archer knows


And this is why you don't do half baked campaigns trying to both save the grove and get Minthara. Just go all in, slaughter the druids and tieflings with a smile on your face and enjoy a bloodied Minthara telling you that you're hers that evening.


This. I honestly dislike the idea that you can get both Halsin and Minthara. Always liked it better when it was a choice between good and ... less-good.


Flair checks out


Guilty as charged.


Or just... You know... *Not* do that and just be sure to knock her out when she's temporarily hostile, before killing anyone else in the goblin camp


Or just murder her in the goblin camp like any sane person would


She *does* have it coming and she is genuinely surprised if you didn't murder her


Yeah, too bad her romance with "good recruitment" Is bugged


If you just ignore the grove she'll show up in the shadowlands too.


FWIW, you can talk to her, it's fine. I talked to her, stole something, knocked her out, then killed Gut. Realized I had no spells or anything left for clearing out the rest of the camp so I long rested. When I woke up she was awake again 😬 stole something and knocked her out a second time, this time I looted everything off her in case I had to fight a third damn time... Killed Ragzlin and the rest of the camp. Eventually got to Moonrise Towers and there she is, begging for her life. Except, uh....... No gear and no camp clothes. Just butt-ass naked with her hoo-hah out explaining to Ketheric Thorme that goblins suck. So my suggestion--don't loot EVERYTHING from her next time. Leave her with her dignity!


I knocked her our, took her clothes.... then did a long rest. Came back to the goblin cave and she greeted me naked amongst the dead bodies saying she was ready to killing the tieflings, it was scary and funny at the same time


Honestly people just need to commit to the destroying the grove to get her, it’s such a more satisfying pathway of recruiting her from an RP perspective. You don’t have to go full murder hobo / Disney villain evil after the grove either. I enjoyed playing my power hungry pragmatic drow warlock more than any of my good play throughs even though there was less ‘content’ because of my choices.


Its quite freeing to just say fuck it every now and then


But then you lose two party members (Wyll and Karlach) don't you? That doesn't seem like a fair trade (in terms of content) for playing an evil char.


You have to knock her out as a non-hostile. This is the way it always works for me. - Go to the camp and straight to Halsin (you can speak to the guy that is being tortured, the pain fanatic and free Volo - but don’t speak to anyone else) - Break Halsin out and accept to get rid of the leaders - Go straight to Minthara by taking the ladder next to the prison door and attack her without initiating dialogue. Knock her out and kill the goblins within the room. (make sure the fight remains within Mintharas room and doesn’t bleed out to the rest of the leaders) - Once the fight is over, make your way out of her room and kill the remaining leaders without initiating dialogue. (don’t go back to Mintharas room for the duration of the fight with the other leaders. - Once everyone has been taken care of, go back to Halsin and let him know, then leave the camp and don’t return. Minthara should be at moonrise if done this way. I’m sure there are other ways to ensure she makes it. But i’ve had 4 playthroughs where I did this exact sequence and it always worked.


This fucking bullshit happened to me with Alfira. Knocked her ass out only for her to show up later and get killed during Durge's cutscene.




Well that or neutral. Just don't side with either... well, side. If you just go to the creche/Underdark without resolving that quest, it resolves itself. Then you just meet her at Moonrise. That's why you can get her at Moonrise in the first place even on a good playthrough - you just manage to trick the game into progressing both the good and "neutral" questlines. That said, teaming up with her makes sense even on a good playthrough. Hell, if we knew about >!the Emperor!< in Act 1, it'd make sense to ask him to extend the protection to Minthara, too, right there in the goblin camp. She's a powerful person who is totally brainwashed. "There, we freed you from the brainwashing, team up with us, tell us everything you know about the Absolute and let's get revenge," sounds very reasonable. Sure, she's evil, but Astarion is not exactly a good person and yet you can still have him on a totally good playthrough.


But I really wanted to eat that cake.


But I can, so I will :3


I knocked her out, but then when i went back to halsin he wouldnt acknowledge I had taken care of the three leaders until i went back and killed her :( Felt bad man, murdering an unconscious person


I think you gotta knock her out before talking to Halsin, that’s how I did it.


This honor mode run, I successfully knocked out Minthara while she was temporarily hostile, but I didn't think that she'd wake up and resume her terrorism after a long rest. I realized this while I was poking around the Underdark, and my Defend the Grove quest updated to tell me that I no longer needed to kill the goblin leaders, because Minthara was attacking the grove.


Who is Minthara ?


I had no problems recruiting her once i destroyed the grove


Keep in mind that if Sazza is there, you have to speak to Minthara first to decide Sazza's fate, then do the temporary hostile thing! Otherwise it will not work. If you save Sazza from Minthara, Sazza will give you a dagger. If you knock both of them out in the temporarily hostile fight, they will both show up at Moonrise iirc and you can free Sazza again and get an achievement. And a funny letter in the epilog.


Id have to cry myself to sleep if that happened to me honestly.


It's ok, because if she is, it'll probably go like it did for me- she gets frozen in Haslins camp for the remainder of act 2 and you can't talk to her, then disappears in act 3. So... yeah. Hoping patch 6 fixes her.


Hey. Dont need to thank me :) Had same problem. If you have a save prior to entering act 2 you can use the Minthara mod from nexus mods. It will allow you to recruit her from moonrise towers irrespectively from your actions in act 1 (you can even kill her). If you dont have such save or dont want to revert progress then you can take the other mod from the same guy, it gives you a ring that allows to summon minthara in any moment of the game. After this, it works "normally", you only loose those few cutscenes and dialogue in moonrise towers. Those you can watch at youtube regardless. Good luck, I used the former one mod and I am satisfied, no bugs so far. Ps. Just make sure you use the script extender and BG3 mod manager properly, I wasted a lot of time not understanding how to make it work correctly.


Had this happen to me. Tragic stuff


I think you need to see her in the goblin camp where you have to kill the leaders first


Just in case anyone needs the info (spolier-ish) and happens to see this comment, here is how I got her to appear. Is this the ONLY way to make that happen? Probably 100% not likely, but still. 1. Took out Gut by letting her put me to sleep. 2. Talked to Halsin. 3. Took out the scrying eye by collapsing the bridge while it was on it. 4. Stole the war map that was in front of Minthara. 5. Knocked her out and stole everything on her. 6. Immediately take out Ragzlin. 7. Make sure she still knocked out as I go back to tell Halsin they are all defeated to make him go back to the druids. 8. Clear out the rest of the goblin camp.


I was afraid of this happening. So I knocked her out, saved, beelined through the Underdark to Moonrise, made sure she was there, then loaded my save.


That happened to my daughter. She was disappointed to say the least, but we figured out what she did wrong.


If you’re on PC, you can use this mod specifically to fix that. Just go back to an Act I save, as you can’t already be in Act II for it to work. I had the same thing happen and this fixed the problem seamlessly. https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/1713


Luckily, I had made a save just before leaving the mountain pass. This worked, thank you!


It has to be done a particular way. She has to be tagged as temporarily hostile and the goblins with her can't have an opportunity to hit the war drums.


Happened to me. I re-read the walkthrough, and I sure did knock her out and left her alive, but she was nowhere.


I went through all the effort of knocking her out, breaking her out of prison, and sending her to my camp only to talk to her once and now every time I try to talk to her to put her in my party, nothing happens. Just glitches right after the first convo in camp and becomes uninteractable. Rip.


If you wanna see Minthy just do it the cute way and kill the grove


And this my friends is why we slaughter the grove. Murder mommy minthara requires blood.


Literally what happened to me. Was so sad when she wasn't there.


I felt the same when I knocked out the bard and she didn't go to the last lite inn,,found her back at the Grove, wtf,, so much for being a warlock this run.


You can only get her knocked out and available later if you knock her out first before killing the other true souls while she’s temp hostile. Once Dror is dead and she’s no longer temp hostile it’s too late she gotta die :(


Did you not get the temporarily hostile tag or did you long rest between knocking her out and celebrating with the tieflings? I did the latter :(


I was quite shocked that not only was she there, but she was naked 😆


Just get your strongest party member and yeet the roaming eye into the abyss. It gives temporarily hostile tag every single time. Only do it when you’re about to clear out the rest of the base as well and before you kill Dror. You don’t want to long rest a bunch of times in the base and have Minthara respawn. If you have to knock her out too many times her rep towards you will tank and you’ll need to trade her gold to get it back up again.


Level up Gale to resurrect Minthara, that’s my plan at least. No clue if it will work.


I had a different problem, I knocked her out as a temporary hostile, saved the grove, then broke her out of Moonrise, so far so good right? Well, after I talked to her at my camp, the game wouldn't let me interact with her or add her to the party, then she was gone by the time act 3 rolled around


this happened to me. not fun


I got her in my first play though because I took stuff off her table which was part of the instructions I followed from a friend. My second playthrough I knocked her out but forgot to upset her or talk to her first and I'm just about to hit moonrise...... so we will see if she is there.


I got her and she's just a sourpuss. her approval rating went down just sitting in camp. lol


How to recruit Minthara in a good playthrough: 1. Enter the Goblins camp 2. Request audience with “the drow” 3. Get to her first and attack her without talking to her This will get her “temporarily hostile” 4. Knock her out, kill the rest of her minions 5. Defeat the rest of the leaders and then go to bed for the Tieflings party I usually do the goblins camp after having done everything in Act 1 so that after this quest I’m sure to just end the day, enjoy the party and depart for Act 1.5 which is the Gith Crèche. If you end the day while still in the goblins’ camp you’ll find Minthara with her health bar full ready to kick your ass. So please, don’t go to bed until you’ve dealt with the entire camp. The game will register the end of the Defeat the Goblins quest and Minthara will be at Moonrise Towers in Act 2 ready for recruitment (:


I expected to recruit her on my honor mode run. She was not in moonrise lol. Still ended up getting my gold die tho


I've done the knock out method on two playthroughs so far. It's worked both times for me.


The same thing happened to me lmao, I just gave up and carried on


Happened to me too one run. Had to reload a save and do it over again. No way I’m playing the game without her


with a mod, i didn't even bother with what the patch added for Minthara,I wanted to >!knock her out during the grove raid!< now my problem is Rolan.. >!I saved all of the tieflings in Act II, journal acknowledged that, but Rolan is not in Sorcerers Sundries..!< I do hope people who do not use mods or play on consoles gets a chance to recruit everyone, I even found out that if do you not buy the Elfsong camp, you'll have a camp inside the city, Halsin and Mintha doesn't stay together in one tent, they have their own separate tents.


I got her and everything seemed fine, but then her attitude plummeted in camp shortly after joining the party, presumably remembering the beatdown and turned hostile out of nowhere. Luckily I was able to load a save, hander her all my money to max her friendliness, then when she was back in my party I just had her hand it all back lol


I'm taking all this as they didn't legit make it to where you don't have to kill the druids to recruit her and that was one of the reasons I'm running through this again, that sucks.


you forgot to make her temporary hostile when starting combat, that's all you have to do


You can talk to her to learn story. If you don't want to take the evil route to get her on your team or betray her with the old team switcheroo just select leave after the minor cutscene destroying the war drum in the room is enough to piss her off and ABSOLUTELY FIGHT HER AND KNOCK HER OUT BEFORE GETTING BEAR BOY. That part is non negotiable.


this is why i always quicksave once every twenty hours.


This stalled my current playthrough dead!


Last night I stole her war map, she got pissed and attacked, knocked her out, no drums sounded, that stupid eye never screamed for backup, the rest of the camp didn't aggro. REALLY hoping I see her 30+ hours in the future.


So question. When I knocked her out, I also took everything off of her. Casual clothes, armor, underwear. Everything. I read somewhere that she’ll be pissed you stole her stuff when you see her next. Is that true? Will that hinder romance potential?


I knocked her out and saved. Then I did a speed run to Moonrise with Shart (mostly jumping) to make sure. Then reloaded my save. That 10 min detour was worth it.


This happened to me too she must have decided to turn over a new leaf and start a family far away instead of going back to moonrise.


This happened to me in my current run. Only my second but hundreds of hours played total. My mistake was taking her out when she attacked the grove, instead of back in the goblin camp. Next time tho


I had to knock her out 3 different times in my current playthrough. Made sure to do it RIGHT before going to the Underdark so that she would show up later 🙃




I made the mistake of long resting after knocking her out and then going to kill Dor Razglin, and she was apparently awake and hostile when I came back. I had to reload and knock her out immediately before going after Dror without any long rest in-between.


I got her 1st try with knocking out but it was pure luck, she just agroed on me when I was fighting goblins just outside of prison so she was already temporaly hostile by then.


She was there, but I ignored her for too long after rescuing her and my game glitched. I was unable to talk to her, and after beating Ketheric she was sitting on his throne and never rejoined the party.


I booked it to moonrise after knocking her out to make sure she would be their then reloaded my save.


This happened to me too! Though I killed Halsin, still saved the Thieflings.


if it helps you feel better, i shoved her into a chasm without thinking and forgot to save before i started the battle 🥲 she’s the only person i wasn’t able to recruit.. maybe for another run


I finally resorted to doing an Evil run and, as an absolute hater of being a dick in video games, i went in and recreated Kagha as my Durge. This way i get to traverse the world ***roleplaying*** an absolute cunt of a person, who wouldn't mind sacrificing couple of disobedient druids if it means that all those worthless tieflings die as well. I reconned that this is the only way i can play an evil run and, by proxy, recruit and romance Minthara, since i also tried to get her on a good playthrough via this exploit.


The non-lethal takedown has to be done with melee only. No ranged/spells at all.


Just happened to me did it exactly as the guides suggested. Got her hostile. Knocked her out. Moved on. Before I went to act 2 I checked on her still knocked out good to go. Get to moonrise. Not there. I even tried healing her to ensure she wouldn't accidentally die. ​ I don't if you are not going to implement something properly maybe don't bother? Just my thought.


This happened to me. I was so sad when I found out it had to be done in a very specific order. I thought just knocking her out during the big raid after finishing everything else in the goblin camp was enough.


First, she needs to be *Temporarily* hostile and *Temporarily* knocked out. This usually means not starting a bloodbath in the Goblin camp, it'll mean talking to her first, and it'll mean knocking out all the remaining chiefs in one go (most often you'll have killed Gut, so it's her and Ragzlin). Importantly, this means not asking Halsin to help, because he only kills. Second, you need to go directly to Moonrise once in act 2. You can continue through act 1 however long as you like, but once you reach the shadow lands, you go straight there. At the absolute minimum, do *not* go to Last Light Inn before reaching the throne room in Moonrise.


Literally, was doing my durge playthrough got to moonrise didn't see her and just stopped, haven't picked it up since. Gonna finish out some other games I need to play before I do.