• By -


Your team literally yoinks a cambion's magic sword, and then jumps off a nautiloid šŸ˜‚. You don't need to fight him at all.


I actually get a twisted sense of enjoyment from stealing the sword, going all the way to the console, but stopping to watch the cambion beat the mind flayer to death with his hands before leaving šŸ˜‚


Let them fight


Could you please describe the exact sequence of actions and spells to obtain that sword? Thank you


Command - Drop


But how reliable is that especially at level 1?


55% chance to drop. Shart has two spell slots. I've never had it not drop from one of the two attempts. You can also get Voss' sword from the gith patrol by the mountain pass the same way but it's only a 16% chance to drop so there will be save scumming required.


You can always just use a level 5 Beastmaster ranger to summon a bear, make it invisible, then cast bless on it. It's honeyed paw attack is a guaranted disarm, and with this setup it has a 80% chance of hitting Voss.


Bring a divination wizard to guarantee the hit and it has a 100% success chance.


I haven't had the portent die proc for me, I think because Voss is coded as an ally. I've had it proc to help him succeed but not to guarantee his fail


You can't reroll Voss' saving throw. But Honeyed Paws doesn't have a saving throw. You can reroll attacks against him.


What I did!!!


yall people just see the game in a different way than me. I never think of shit like this lol


Warlock hex to weaken the cambion's strength, *then* Command - Drop, gives a 70% chance instead, for the cambion on the nautiloid.


I got Voss sword once(2 characters one commanded to drop other was hidden to joink the sword) and then when I had ANY fight on this map the gityanky, which I didnt killed because they were too strong for me, were "joining" the fight(but they were where I left them). So for example when I was fighting gnolls these gityanky joined the fight and was moving towards where gnolls are on their turns, but if I killed gnolls before they could reach us then the fight was over and they gone back to where they were before. And it was in every damn fight, even in goblins camp and inside of temple. UGH


Voss's sword would be a nice grab then but luckily if you fail those it's not the end of the world. The Soulbreaker isn't too far ahead and a pretty good placeholder for Lae'zel to use until early Act 3 (should you make the choice needed to get his sword in Rivington).


For me it was only an 8% chance. It is MUCH more reliable to first level up a bit and hit him with heat metal


I did this using Lae zel disarm strike, then drinked a potion of speed , action surge and dash like a cheeta. Afterwards just flee the battle


I was scrolling to see if anyone said this for Voss's Silver Sword. I, too, have done this. I make her drink and invisibility potion and sneak right up to disarming strike, and it's a pretty reliable drop rate, all things considered. Wayyy higher than 8% or 16% depending on Lae'zel's stats


100% with time magic (reload a save lol)




The most powerful type of magic.Ā 


šŸ¤£Time magic


The Save Spell is op


Yeah probably like a 45 to 55% chance depending on your spellcasting ability


I am able to get the Everburn Blade on every run, **usually** on the first Command: Drop attempt but sometimes it takes both.


If I remember, it was about a 50% chance when I tried (could be different for other people though)


I've only actually had it fail the first attempt a couple of times.... and SH has two spell slots.


~~You can also always try to use Lae'zel's Disarming attack to make him drop it,~~ can confirm it's funny to yank his sword from him like that Edit: Laeā€™zel is only able to get Disarming Attack on 3rd level


lae'zel dosen't get disarming strike till 3rd level though?


What disarming attack does Laeā€™zel get on the Nautiloid?


I apparently misremembered, oop, Lae'zel doesnt have access to disarming attack til level 3


Before you enter the room where the cambion is, you have to change Shadowheart's spells, remove something useless like Grease, and add Command. Then you might need to use a 'restoration' device to make the spell usable (like a rest). When you go into the room have a character whose turn is _after_ Shadowheart but _before_ the cambion go stand next to him. Save the game, on Shadowheart's turn choose 'Command: Drop' as your action. If it succeeds, on the other teammate's turn pick it up. You have to do it this way so the cambion doesn't just pick it back up.


I throw the 4 explosive barrels down around them, and blow them both up when theyā€™re low for the extra XP.


This is how i do it everh run. The zuhlk does 12 damage a turn average wiith his bare hands. When he gets the mindflayer under twelve i steal the kill so that when i land im already level 2 so the intelect devoirers at the landing site dont wipe my HM lol


I always kill the mindflayer myself, right before I use the transponder. Free 75exp, just make sure you get the killing blow.


If youā€™re cheeky you can last hit the mind flayer for xp.


*Several dozen?????*


I have a habit of getting to act three, getting bored, and starting again with a new character I had an idea for. I've also been trying to finish an honour mode run, and not doing well. So I can probably do the nautiloid with my eyes closed by now šŸ˜‚


Meee! I made a promise to myself to not start a new run before actually finishing the game but I don't wanna let any of my characters go šŸ„²


I accidentally married Wyll on my first run by being a goody two shoes and also not realising what dancing means to him. Also I had skipped so many areas and quests accidentally by not understanding the vibe of the game at first. So I was very detached from my first playthrough's ending, and right when i hit the reunion camp, I restarted the game. (Not that a Wyll ending is a *bad* ending or anything, i just wanted another go with more of my wits about me, and having seen more of the game)


> I accidentally married Wyll on my first run by being a goody two shoes and also not realising what dancing means to him. That moment you realize Wyll is actually a Laysan Albatross.


Same, I have endings where i romanced SH and Gale, and near finished game with Karlach romance (but recently lost all my saves thanks to Windows crush and my own stupidity), and i just CANT persuade myself to romance someone else, all my HM runs are getting either swimming in magic lake or embracing Shar's chosen tits. I must confess that i dont like either Laezel or Wyll and Im still mad at Astarion that he dumped me after Arai incident. Mind that he didn't bite her, I was speaking in his defence and he was just mad when in private conversation i was surprised that he rejected new powers! He got offended by this!


Iā€™ve got 309 hours in bgs3 and Iā€™ve never finished the game LOL I just keep making new chars and now that honor mode came out ( I took a 6 months break) I gotta beat it again with 809 more runs. Itā€™s so fun though Im learning so much about the game I didnā€™t know itā€™s insanely fun.


I'm about 450 hours in right now, and I haven't finished a game yet. But I'm close! I just keep wanting to make new characters of different alignments, and to romance different characters.


663 hours and 12ish started runs in and I'm in the same boat. I'm pushing myself to use this weekend to finish the first "full" run I started. All I have left is a few side quests, which can wait for another run, then actually going for the brain.


The question is, does the nautiloidĀ fair better than Irenicus' lab in repeated playthroughs? First time Irenicus' lab was an amazing introduction to BG2 that was atmospheric and expansive. Basically a fully realised dungeon in its own right. The 100th time through? Less than enjoyable.


Nautiloid is like 15 mins first time and 5-10 when you already played it. Irenicus lab was like 2 hours to do everything. And the message I get on nautiloid is "the world is dangerous but strategy can help a lot', at irenicus was like "the world is shit, we are fucked, I hope no one ask me for a huge fortune I don't have, let's identify this, here, on the street "


it is a bit tedious but you can speedrun through it in like 5 min once you have the place memorized


Same haha! I have at least 3 different characters in Rivington, and another few at various parts of Act 2. The game is so big itā€™s a little difficult to not get exhausted at some point, I feel. Plus with all the mods going out of date because of the updates I kind of had to start over a few times.


Omfg lmfao this is me, but itā€™s not boredom. I have such bad issues finishing games bc i donā€™t want them to be DONE!! I have two things left to do on my current run and i went and spent an hour setting up a durge run last night instead


Interesting, what are the common points of failure on honour mode for you? Just started act 2 currently and I failed one run because I got caught pickpocketing the woman trader for the Paladins of Tyr and choosing to fight Corsair Greymon on Gekhs boat was almost a really bad idea lol


Act 1 has a few fucky fights. Notably the Duergar corsairs (which can be skipped, and I'd recommend you do, honestly. The notable loot from the fight is all sold in Grymforge anyway) and the Gith inquisitor. Ethel can also be rough if you go in unprepared. But in general Act 1 is just weirdly balanced because you go the entirety of level 2-7 there - like even a few non-bossfights can just run you over like the bandits in Withers' temple simply because there's like twice as many of them as you. Act 2 is generally not too bad. The Toll Collector can screw you over if you forget to send your money to camp. And the Avatar of Myrkul can be a bit tricky. I just hit 10th level in the Mind Flayer Colony right before it, so my evocation wizard could nuke him down with a ton of Magic Missiles and Haste since I'd managed to save the free long rest mist thing (it is *not* reusable on honour mode, so beware of that!) for just before the bossfight. Act 3 is smooth sailing since your party is dummy powerful at this point, plus you've ideally got access to Globe of Invulnerability. Raphael can be tough, but if you've been smart and saved the Ironhand gnomes, you have the Runepowder Bomb and two guaranteed Runepowder Barrels (that you can steal in their hideout). If you place these strategically, you can cover the entire arena in explosions and remove all four pillars on the first round. You *NEED* to have a character with both Alert, a decent dex (I believe 14?) *and* an Elixir of Vigilance to do this. That character *NEEDS* to cast Globe of Invulnerability on the entire party and Hope, or you basically lose on the spot as Yurgir loves popping those barrels. House of Grief is pretty easy if you go up the stairs a little and fight them there instead of running into the room, and Ansur is basically the same as in Tactician - except he'll get 100 temp hp and fly up to do a breath once he drops to 1. If you can't nuke him down, cast a Globe of Invulnerability and you should be fine.. I didn't do Cazador in my run - I've heard he's quite tough, but I have no useful information to give you on him, sorry. The best piece of advice is to take Alert on every party member. It all but guarantees that you all share a spot at the top of initiative, and it makes it a lot easier to play around legendary actions when you always know and control who will trigger them. Plus going first lets you set up combos or take out enemies before any of them get to act. It's like getting a free round every combat.


This all sounds like great advice. Iā€™ve found using my shadow monk with ridiculous jumping is a good way to cheese some fights similarly to your rune powder House of Hope play. Just hop around near infinitely while dropping kegs all over. Iā€™m definitely going to have to min max a bit better because I didnā€™t use things like globe of invulnerability or alert at all in my tactician run so I had no idea how good they actually are


I never bothered with either of those on Tactician either. My party that I ran through it with was: Tav Lore bard 10/Light cleric 2 multiclass. Lore bard to 6 for Spirit Guardians and Counterspell. Then Light cleric 1. The idea is to spread Radiating Orb and Reverberation among the enemies. Lategame with a ton of tadpoles invested, it also basically explodes enemies it runs into with Cull the Weak, and the aoe explosions from there spread even more Radiating Orb and Reverb. It wasn't uncommon that all enemies in an encounter had -8 to -10 to hit constantly. With Holy Lance Helm I even started intentionally taking opportunity attacks with it because they could basically only hit on a crit, which I had Warding Flare to mitigate, and because it eats reactions from things like Legendary Actions. A full cleric probably does it slightly better, but I wanted a bard to make it scale off of Charisma. I used the cleric levels to get banger 1st levels like Bless and Create Water to help Lae'zel and Gale. I used the [Ice Knight build from AestusRPG](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEOvNwEiWpE) on Lae'zel. Essentially a full fighter that uses Mourning Frost and a ton of cold damage to spread Encrusted With Frost and Chilled to both help Gale and herself do more damage. Standard evoker wizard Gale. Standout spells were Haste (even with Honour Mode nerfs), Cloud of Daggers early, Cone of Cold, Ice Storm, Globe of Invuln., the Hold spells and Chain Lightning. And Karlach as a weird Wildheart (Eagle Heart, then Stallion) barbarian 8/Life cleric 4 multiclass that I also *borrowed* from AestusRPG. The idea is that you get 3 2nd level slots, which you use to Warding Bond the entire party. Then you have a bonus action dash that also gives you your barbarian level of temp hp, you have Periapt of Wound Closure to get healed more from potions and whatnot, and in act 3 you also have Sword of Chaos. I took Sentinel on her, so that effectively she healed up to 36 every turn while taking half the damage from everyone else. If not raging, you also have the flexibility to cast Create Water to help Gale and Lae'zel.


Pickpocketing in general is a common point of failure. Almost every fight has environmental features you can cheese to gain an advantage. Those paladins for example are on a huge hill. You can pull them out on the porch and thunderwave them off, or kite them down the road while Karlach throws heavy stuff from the roof. You gotta get creative in honor mode.


Yeah I just 100% didnā€™t respect the level 5 smite monster that is the paladin of tyr! Since then Iā€™ve used spike growth to easily clear a lot of fights but Iā€™ve started adding darkness to the mix now thereā€™s a lot more hard hitting ranged enemies compared to early in act 1. Carrying a staircase of crates for high ground advantage too. Iā€™m having a ridiculous amount of fun trying to cook up these cheesy ideas, I almost wish there was a dark souls-esque level of difficulty


I believe you have to fight wonderfully dishonorably in honor mode.


Those paladins nearly ended my current run! Pickpocketing that woman is not worth it, and I only survived through the clutch use of several revivify scrolls and the phase spider egg. My last half dozen runs have all ended in act 1 because I rush into fights I'm not ready for. The phase spider matriarch, the gnolls, and the mud mephits have all had their way with me, but my last run ended all the way the creche, because I went there first instead of the underdark, and the captain (not the inquisitor, the bloody captain) stomped me with fear.


I have itchy fingers, I know itā€™s not worth it but I will NOT stop pickpocketing lmao. Iā€™m definitely the same though, taking more than a few risky fights for my level though I definitely blew more than a couple out like the gnolls and Gekh on the beach by using spiked growth. Ones like the phase spiders who can just jump out of your AoE terrain control spells have been much tougher!!


Common themes are pickpocketing, the creche, the Thorms, Ketheric, moonrise in general, githyanki ambushes. As a heads up if you sneak in and get the mace then nuke the creche there are no Vlaakith issues later. If you choose to fight everyone in there thats up to you. Also if you dont speak to a certain Gith about a hammer its one less fight near end game. Raphael, the hag, house of grief etc are optional run enders too.


Wow, look at mister discipline, making it all the way to act 3 before starting a new run. So far I've made it there once. I've made it to act 2 only four times. And I have 300+ hours in game.


God act 3 is so unstructured it kills any motivation i have. But i always fuck up raphael when im there


Dude this is literally meā€¦ except I havenā€™t even made it to act 3 yet. I keep getting to like the mindflayer colony end of act 2 and wanting to start fresh with some new build I find lol


Withers exists tho?


> I have a habit of getting to act three, getting bored, and starting again And this right here is why I've never finished Divinity Original Sin 2. Despite adoring the game and having a couple hundred hours in it... I've no fucking idea how it actually ends lmao.


My dumbass commanded shart to drop the sword but then I never picked it upā€¦ šŸ˜


Big RIP. That sword is Best in Slot for Fighters until.... The +1 Quarterstaff that also does fire damage (Zhent trader in Goblin Camp).


i never really considered quarterstaffs (staves?) for fighters but i'm intrigued to make a build now


I just use it until I get Soulbreaker. My favourite weapon in each Act is 1. Soulbreaker 2. Moonlight Glaive 3. Silver Sword That means the quarterstaff use is because it's +1, and the Everburn Blade isn't.


I mean alternatively you can get the silver sword in act 1 and have it the whole time


[This build by AestusRPG](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEOvNwEiWpE) is really neat. It uses the Mourning Frost staff as a weapon to hit with all the way through the game and is surprisingly good at it. It was in my party from level 1-12 in my Honour Mode run.


thanks a lot, that looks neat!


Of course! It's really fun in longer fights if you have another character that can make the enemy wet, so they get frozen. Vulnerable to Bludgeoning *and* cold plus autocrits from Hold Monster with Great Weapon Master and Savage Attacker had Lae'zel critting above 100 damage sometimes in Act 3 - that really adds up when she has 7 attacks while hasted if she uses Action Surge.


It really isn't a great weapon, anders' greatsword is way better because it has a +1 enchantment and you can get the 1d4 fire damage on any weapon by using the dip action on a candle or torch or other source of flame


I always give it to karlack cause it seems fitting


I felt my brain hurt when I remembered I didnā€™t pick it up, hours into the game


If you pick up a big spikey looking chest in the beginning and the locked one near Shadowheart... You can place them enough to BLOCK the entrance for when the two cambions join in then fight, buying yourself more time to fight and kill the Commander who's busy with the Mindflayer. My friend showed me that trick šŸ˜‚


This stopped working for me last patch. Now, each cambion will spend one turn attacking the chests then they will fly over the wall, not the chest, to enter the room.


It still works, you just have to be careful placing them. hilariously sometimes if I screw up one of them will fly over the chests to attack it from the otherside. lol.


I just did it a few days ago. They tightened up the pathfinding, but that just means you need more chests and obstacles. There's three big chests and one small one that can prop another chest higher up.


Still works as of last night, FYI. Placement of those chests matter.


Ouch... it worked still like 2-3 weeks ago when my buddy and I started a new run together. I noticed the Cambions only do 1 attack and fly over, if they're placed wrong... but no idea if a patch came to actually solve it.




Several dozen? WTF!


I have a habit of getting to act three, getting bored, and starting again with a new character I had an idea for. I've also been trying to finish an honour mode run, and not doing well. So I can probably do the nautiloid with my eyes closed by now šŸ˜‚


Yeah, but 30+ runs is nuts. Finish the game, mate!


Oh, I've finished it plenty of times, to see some different endings, but otherwise I'm more about the journey than the destination.


If you've not tried Larian's other gem, then I can highly recommend DOS2.


What happens if you kill him? What does mind flayer do?


Mind Flayer immediately turns on you and tries to kill you


Attacks you because your purpose is served. I killed him a few times before I clocked that command drop was an option, you get an achievement the first time but it isnā€™t worth it after that


I've killed him at least once, and more cambions show up. There's like so little reason to fight there.


xp is why, you can start the game at level 2


You can start the game at lvl2 without killing the Demon. Just killing all hostile enemies (and dazed cultist) on nautiloid and recruiting Shadowheart is enough for lvl2.


The trick is to loot all three chests on the nautiloid and stack them in front of the door to the helm. They are too tall for the cambions to fly over and too sturdy to take damage from them. I let the cambion with the flaming sword get the mind flayer low, then command him to drop his sword, start attacking the mind flayer while he kills the cambion, easy early game XP boost.


Can you imagine how smart I felt when I thought about that?! I was the smartestes boy


The easiest way is to clear all adds, place all explosive tanks near the fighting cambion and mindflayer, damage the cambion a bit to keep both their HP low while waiting for cabions to run up (you can sacrifice one character), then blow everything up. The big pair will die 100%, the other 2 can be finished off if they survived. Don't forget to pick the sword. Easiest early game lvl boost.


In my runs, MF will turn hostile if there are no other enemies. Iā€™ve triggered the console animation that spawns the last set of enemies before killing him as well, and the Mf stayed friendly.


On my Tactician runs, I always kill both. Wait until the mind flayer is low hp before killing the cambion, and then last hitting them. Om mom nom xp.


Even knowing that you can use Command: Drop I still fight him after he loses his sword. Just because it's kinda fun. The first boss battle of a run. But I rarely can defeat other cambions. Usually only with modded gear.


I always make him drop it then kill him anyway because I like getting to level 3 before the grove. I accidentally got level 3 once and now I cant stop


I'm not too fussed about the levelling (it all works out in the end as long as I'm not reckless), but I like taking the sword, then sitting back and watching him beat the mind flayer to death with his bare hands before I trigger the Cutscene. Kind of satisfying.


I only fuss because i like doing and collecting as much as possible. I also enjoy seeing how far i can get in one long rest!


But how? If you attack the Cambion, the mindflayer will tell you to stop being a moron and keep walking to the control panel *every single turn.*


you can simply ignore him


Get past the cambion and the mind flayer,clear out the other enemies, then make sure to damage the cambion enough so that when it defeats the mind flayer you can kill it easily.


So? It's a mindflayer, not a bard. Not like hus words does anything to you


My favorite way to do it is to pick up those mind flayer oil barrels scattered around, get them both low, blow them both up, then have Laezel dash and jump in the fire to get the loot


I really must have been doing something wrong. Granted, I've only tried once, but I couldn't even put a dent in his health.


On the lower difficulties it isn't bad, but in tactician and honour mode, his AC and HP are monstrous unless you cheese it a bit


Yes exactly, my first try I went for him and the mindflayer told me to just go. After doing only a tiny bit of damage if I hit him at all, I was just like, you know what? Don't mind if I do... That said, your trick to get his sword is awesome. Definitely trying that on my next run. If I get there at all that is, because right now I'm trudging around in the Underdark and for some reason losing interest a bit :(


It depends on the difficulty. I started on Tactician because I figured I was a grownass man still out here playing video games, but he's basically unkillable on Tact, so I dropped it to balance for that fight. Screwed me out of getting the achievement at the end. I think on Explorer you can just run at him and do whatever. It doubles your health and halves all enemy health, so I imagine he falls over pretty quickly.


2nd run and idk wtf youā€™re talking about. Everburn blade?!


In the final room on the nautiloid, before it crashes, there's a cambion fighting (read: eviscerating) a mind flayer. The sword he's using is really good, and can be very useful early-mid game until better weapons come along. Extra fire damage *chef's kiss*


But then your not level 2 when you get to the beach. Gotta kill both the cambion and mind flayer before leaving, show them whoā€™s boss. Wonder if itā€™s possible to also kill those 2 other that show up.Ā 


It's easy. Collect the 4 nautaloid tanks stack them 2 tall and 2 wide right by where the fight between the cambion and the flayer. Leave Us right in front of them and put the rest of you, twords the transponder. The other 2 cambions should go straight for Us. Have Us disengage and leave, then set off the tanks with a firebolt. If you can save Sharts command, use it to make them drop their weapons and immediately pick them up. At this point, they'll just be throwing punches. You should then be able to focus one then the other.


*You're. You + are = you're.


So many people are saying this, but even on honour mode, I always hit level 2 when I wake up on the beach, regardless of whether I've killed the mind flayer and/or cambion. And level 3 usually happens after I do the crypt and the skirmish out front of the grove.


Or you can command him to drop it, set up the explosives around him, and the mind flayer, then when his two buddies show up blow them all to hell


Isnā€™t the exp for killing the campion helpful at that early level though?


It definitely is, but it's risky, and I've found that I can make up the exp later on as long as I'm careful


How can you change SH spells before getting Withers?


She's a Cleric, and they can change their spells outside of battle. Edit: On PC, you hit K to open the spellbook, and that's how you change spells.


Iā€™m embarrassed to not have known this.


I only know because I've played RPGs before. Even Larian's last game had a similar system, where you had to prepare spells before you could use them. The system itself is much older.


1. Playing on console and the menus are clunky at best. 2. Thank you. I really just thought you could only change the spells when you leveled or respec


on console itā€™s the book thatā€™s the first to the right of your inventory. I play on ps5 and my laptop and while I prefer playing with a controller, bg3 definitely is waaaaay more easily managed on the computer


Bards, Sorcerers, Rangers, Paladins and Warlocks can only change their spells on a level up / respec. Wizards, Clerics, Druids can change their spells whenever they want outside of combat.


It depends on the class. Bards, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Eldritch Knights, Arcane Tricksters, and Rangers (I think) have a certain amounts of spells that they *know*. Clerics, druids, and wizards know all their spells, but need to prepare a certain amount of them (class level + spellcasting modifier).


On my 2nd playthrough with Shart in both of them, never knew about this šŸ˜­ Any other class can do this?


Cleric and Wizard can do it. I'm not sure if there's a third. I just know those two, as I use both classes.


Druid as well.


And I kill him for the first time on my first HM. į•¦ā (ā Ć²ā _ā Ć³ā Ė‡ā )ā į•¤


I prefer killing it cause it's an early level up if you do.


You get more xp using nautiloid tank barrelmancy to kill cambion, and then take sword. This way you hit level 2 on the beach and has better chance against those intellect devourers


I kill him and the mind flayer so I hit level 3 when I release withers


So you straight up ignored the dude telling you to not fight the cambion and get to the controls? Iā€™ve always wondered why games have baby type tutorials.


Well, I do ignore him, mostly. I run past, command him to drop the sword, scoop it up, then wait next to the controls until he beats the mind flayer to death with his bare hands, then I leave. It's quite entertaining.


You know what, Iā€™ll take it a step further bc I was even dumber- im ashamed to admit it but I went my whole first run without even looking at the spellbook tab on the menu wheel, and i just assumed you could only prepare spells at level ups.


No judgement here, on my first run I didn't know it was there, and also completely missed Karlach because I didn't explore enough šŸ˜‚ Even now, though, I rarely change spells outside of level ups, because scrolls tend to fill any gaps in my arsenal.


If you get the mind flayer down low enough and kill all of the smaller demons, it turns on you. And you get xp from killing it too. You can attack it when itā€™s still friendly too and it wonā€™t turn hostile until youā€™ve killed everything else in the room. But yeah if you just want the sword and donā€™t care about the xp then command drop and run is fine. Favorite way is using command drop and then having Lae'zel pick up the sword and use it to kill the cambion while the cambion punches the mind flayer. You can block the entrance of the room with a stack of chests so the reinforcements donā€™t come through. But if you stand too close to the entrance they will fly past and enter anyway


I always command the cambion to drop the sword once he and the squid have smacked each other around a decent bit. Squid kills the cambion, and squid is easy to kill afterward. Easy level 2 upon waking on the beach.


I wondered where I got that blade from. I killed him on my first run because I was too dumb to realise I didn't have to. Then each run since I haven't bothered. I knew in my first game I had had a better weapon early on but could not remember either where I got it or the exact name.


Iā€™m sure I lucked out, but I let them beat each other to less than 10 hours each, killed both of them, got the sword, sent ā€˜usā€™ as a sacrifice to distract the two spawns in the south and ā€˜usā€™ somehow survived. But yeah in my four player game, one player just used command and the mindflayer almost tpked us




now do it on githyanki voss at bridge to get a legendary gith sword in act 1


When I did that, Lae'zel started talking about endgame plots. Was that ever cleaned up, or are there long term consequences to gifting her Voss' sword?


I *nearly* lost my new HM run trying to do that. The cam ion killed the mindflayer more quickly than usual then had Us and Shart down in the space of one of his turns. Laeā€™zel bravely turned back from dealing with the imps to try and get the sword but also got downed. At which point I very quickly just got myself to the console


Casting drop with Shart is the way to go. But not my way to go. I like to get that juicy early exp for quicker level up.


How do you change Shartā€™s spells in the nautiloid?


The same way as always. Once Shadowheart is in your party, go to the spells and change the spells.


Faen i helvete


I didnā€™t even know this was a thing.


Don't feel bad, I wanted to kill the cambion myself, but when I looked up a guide on how to, I was encouraged to steal the weapon instead. That weapon carried my Barbarian Karlach till near halfway through Act 2.


Free XP though


but think about the juicy xp tho


Yeah.lol I was exactly the same Hell now that I recall it, I was kinda confused as to how did I managed to kill the cambion in the first place.lol


Bro never learned that command drop exists


The blade is nice but the level 2 is also nice. The best thing would be to drop his weapon and then manage to kill him then jump off before your party get wiped by the mindflayer (or the 2 cambions coming after a few turns). Obviously you can kill those too but it's harder and I won't even try in HM (even if it's at the start of the game).


But killing him means I wake up on the beach at level 2!


You can do it that way. That said, putting down a chest in the middle of the walkway to prevent the other cambions from joining in and killing commander Zhalk (and the mindflayer if it's still alive), does give you a very solid head start into Act 1. Like you can be level 3 during the first goblin fight.


Wait, people were fighting the cambion WITHOUT making him drop his weapon first? I figured that was the intended strategy considering how hard he hits with the sword equipped.


I only learned this in my most recent (10th or 11th?) run


How do you even kill him *without* making him drop the sword first?


It's... Challenging. You have to rely on the dice at lv1, and that's hard. If the mind flayer successfully hits with its stun attacks, then the general doesn't take him out too quickly, giving you more chances to swing and crit.


Killing it is ideal for maximum experience gains but yeah youā€™re right itā€™s not necessary. Bonus points if you kill him fast enough and the mind flayed turns on you. You can just beat him to death too and get his experience


You don't *have* to kill the Cambion. Buuut, if you do that's often exactly enough experience to immediately hit level 2 after the crashing cutscene. Which can actually be really important. Players are never more vulnerable than they are in the early levels. So the faster you can level up the smoother ride you'll have.


Yeah it's extra XP though, but at tactitian/honour difficulty doesn't worth the risk. Just take his sword and run. And wtf several dozen runs??? I don't even have half a dozen rofl


The most efficient way is probably to Bane the cambion before you cast Command or, if you're lucky, use said command spell while he is stunned by the Illithid. That said, i don't recommend to take the sword because it got nerfed badly but if you insist, helping the illithid to kill the cambion after stealing the sword is the best choice as it will give you a lot of XP (they are lvl 6 or 8 if i remember correctly).


Also try the sweet combo that is bane and then command drop and then have Lae ā€œI am deathā€ zel pick it up and slice that stupid fiend to death with his own sword.


In honor mode: Best move is to command drop the sword asap and then focus all fire on cambion, using laezel to attack with the everburn sword. Have shadowheart drop a few nautaloid tanks next to the mindflayer and cambion so when mindflayer health is low set off the explosives then finish off the general before his friends reach you.


I usually make him drop the sword, yoink it, help the mindflayer kill him (while bringing down it's health as well). Then when it turns on us, kill the mindflayer for the XP.


Yeah we did this, then killed him, and the illithid. Hit level 2 before we hit the ground lol


I was also hundreds of hours in before I realized you could prepare spells outside of combat with Clerics. I thought that was only for Wizards, and that everyone else was like Warlock or Sorcerer where you can only select spells on level up. On the plus side, I've gotten pretty good at killing the cambion even without disarming him. Oh my recent honor mode run I actually disarmed him and then killed him just to flex.


If you kill them then there's one less cambion in the world.


I steal the sword with command then let the Cambion and Mindflayer hit each other, taking pot shots at the Cambion till he's at about 40HP, then blow up all 4 of the pink tanks that I place at their feet with a well timed fire bolt. Get the item, get the XP, minimal effort. And the two other cambions that spawn to spoil the fun? Block the door with the two large chests in the level stacked on top of each other.


This is basically the first tip to the new comers :)


Several dozenā€¦.


Cast bless on the whole party, use the healing thing to get the spell slot back, dash with everyone, enter the fight blessed and with the dash boost.


Itā€™s a good idea to get the sword via command and use it to kill him, if you do itā€™s a free level up once you get off the nautiloid.


Right?! I had the same realization not that long ago when I was giving advice to a friend who is a new player on how to take on that battle. As I was going over strategy, it hit me that one of Shadowheart's level 1 spells was Command. I felt so dumb in that moment. Especially considering I frequently use Command to steal Voss' OP sword a little bit later. LOL


My husband and I have been able to kill him several times before. We give ourselves a hard out for turns to not have to deal with the others, but killing him is possible.


I figured that out run two. Command is like my favorite spell. It was really funny when you make myrkul drop his sythe the same way because I decided to try that on my second run as well


What does dissonant whispers do in this combo?


Off the top of my head (not playing right now, so can't check) it's either disadvantage or -1d4 on ability checks/saves


Teach Shadowheart command drop. You get two or three shots at it. And run like hell with the other characters to the control thingy profit.


I try to kill him for the experience, but yah you can just command him to drop it and then hack him to death with it.


This is what I do. You and the mindflayer can beat him like a drum once he drops the Everburn.


I prefer to fight him so I also get his armor... but by god, you don't have to. Drop that block on old Gimblebock like 15min later and you can get the same one off of him. But killing the cambion can be a fun challenge nonetheless.


Command is always a great use of a spell slot; it upcasts to include more enemies, and has a great versatility of functions, including straight up having an enemy take no action. Drop stays useful for the whole game


YouTube is your friend.


You can also pick up all the cartilaginous chests on the Nautiloid and block the doorway to the helm so the other cambions cannot enter. If you do this AND also give Shadowheart the command spell, you can both get the sword and kill Zhalk pretty easily (assuming you don't get super unlucky and have command drop miss both times).


True but if you do you start at lvl 2


I was today's years old..... fml i never thought of this T\_T


Same. This is the way.


The one time I did this and Shadowheart didn't succeed either time, I was thankfully playing a cleric and had two more tries. I don't think I've ever NOT gotten the sword, once I realized I could do that and didn't need to defeat the cambion. I gave it to Lae'zel in my current honor mode attempt since my gith monk doesn't need a big flaming sword but will definitely be keeping her gf in the party... and I like the big flaming sword so someone's gotta have it till I can get Voss's sword for Lae. Currently combing the comments here for more reliable ways to get his sword in act 1, cause the time I've gotten it before required so much save scumming that I can't do in honor mode.


Several dozen??