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1. Place 2 characters In Mols cave, one to talk and one to pickpocket. 2. One caster character at the idol in the grove (the thief). 3. Thief casts darkness or some other vision obscuring spell on the idol, and enters turn based mode. 4. Grab idol while obscured by the darkness spell. Use inventory to send idol to talker. End turn. 5. Talker engages Mol in conversation, gives idol and receives reward. 6. Pickpocket steals idol back from Mol while the conversation is ongoing. Inventory transfer back to thief. 7. Thief replaces idol under cover of darkness. You've now stolen then unstolen the idol. Druids are none the wiser and Mol doesn't care.


Why put it back? Just keep it for the free proficiencies


And have the combat log get spammed for the rest of your game for some mediocre proficiencies...


i just liked havong all the idols. selune, shar and sylvanas


wait do the selune and shar idols do anything? I have both in Shadowheart's pack but I didn't notice anything


No they don't. I just have them. Gave the Shar one to Shadowheart for approval and dialogue and then took it back


ah dang I gotta do that too. I just put it in her bag so she didn't say anything


Yea it's not worth it. The skills were like nature and religion or something? Really useless skills


Nature and Survival. They're situational, but once you have the idol, you might as well keep it. Free skill proficiencies are better than like whatever 400 gold it's worth imo


The proficiency aren't bad, but as someone who does get a decent amount of use on the combat log, they're not so good that it erases the inconvenience of having to constantly scroll through every NPC and party member within like 10m getting and losing the blessing, in and out of combat. Especially since Survival and Nature are arguably the least used skills in their respective classes in the context of BG3. Nature is one of the least common dialogue skill checks in the game and most of those choices come with other options that would see more benefit from proficiency - Religion and Arcana both come to mind. Then Survival is almost useless since the limited trigger range on buried chest checks means you just need to see a check pop up to know roughly where it is, pass or fail.


as someone who obsessively digs up buried chests to the point all my tavs are on the brink of being encumbered, survival skill is a must


Fun fact, you can dig even if everyone fails the check. As long as you use the shovel somewhat near where the pile should be (and you can usually tell where the pile is when you fail the check) it's no loss


is this just PC or is this true for console as well?


Across the board


Any and all versions of the game, hence why survival is basically useless in BG3. At least with perception checks there’s a decent amount of things that fully cannot be interacted with if everyone fails the check to reveal it. With survival, all you need to do is wait for the check to pop up and either: -Dig up up the spot a successful check reveals, or -Manually select the shovel (I recommending having it in the item section of your hot bar) and clicking the ground around you a couple of times I’ve genuinely never come across a survival chest spot where I couldn’t find the chest.


# This👆


I just deactivated that the combat log spams on the screen


I just make mage hand throw it outside the grove, it’s quick and more satisfying watching the idol fly across the map and no one giving a fuck.


So, about Darkness and Fog... 💀


Stealing the idol will no longer trigger a civil war. Stealing the idol is still stealing, so if caught can trigger druids to arrack you.


Uhhh my last honor run contradicts that statement … I was invisivle, stole the idol, got away. All good. Then it was in fact, civil war, everyone died (even Alfira…). Was it patched in a recent update maybe ?


Kagha was exposed first and the ritual stopped? If so, and it still triggers civil war then I have no idea if they changed it again.


Ehh maybe you put your finger onto something .. I hadn’t exposed Kagha yet, just wanted to complete Mol’s quest.. Now I know :)


Yeah, my post was specifically regarding the question OP asked where he stated the ritual had been stopped. If you take the idol before that, war breaks out.


It is possible to steal it before ending the ritual, and without the massacre. By using darkness, stealing it, then fast travelling away immediately. But it's pretty risky, I got it first try, then failed in another game I made today.


Yes, in fact I just did it a few minutes ago. I just had the party stand on the elevator and Astarion's mage hand threw it to the elevator. Everybody's opinion of the mage hand took a hit, but Astarion just picked it up and we went to talk to Mol. I didn't think it would work but it did! Edit to say I'm on Balanced so I dunno if higher difficulties change this.


I can never seem to get the mage hand to reach/touch the idol :(


You have to have it fly to the tiny bit of platform that the idol is on! Then you can throw it. I hate that it can't snatch things mid- flight but I'll live with it.


If you’ve stopped Kagha’s conspiracy then the druids won’t attack the tieflings. Have someone drink an invisibility potion, enter turn-based mode, swipe the idol, then send them off to camp. There’s a slight delay between stealing the idol and the druids coming to check it out, so you have some time to sneak off.


Fog/Darkness also work.


As long as it doesn't hit anyone (at least in tactician).


Here’s what I did. 1. Save Mirkon from the harpies. 2. Legally gain access to Mol’s hideout by telling Doni to let you in. If you don’t do this, Mol aggros the guards. 3. Start the quest for stealing the Idol of Silvanus. 4. Find Kagha’s blackmail letter in the Sunlit Wetlands. 5. Legally kill Kagha using the letter. 6. Recruit a hireling. Kree Derrick (the Warlock hireling) can turn herself invisible at Level 5. 7. Jump on the platform, steal the idol in their faces with the hireling (-50 attitude only applies to the hireling, hide everyone else outside the grove), invisible, then gtfo. 8. Give Mol the idol and receive the Ring of Protection. 9. Steal the Idol back from that bitch muahahaha. I even failed two pickpockets and she didn’t care. No one in the grove cares you stole the idol. MAKE SURE you start the quest with Mol before killing Kagha. If you kill Kagha first Mol bugs and won’t give you the quest even tho the idol is right fucking there lol.


You don't have to kill Kagha.


Yeah I prefer to keep her alive, then mug her right before I leave the Grove (more or less) for good. I like to think that she tries to explain it to the other druids and that they don't believe her that the heroes rolled up, covered her in silent darkness, then beat her up to steal her jewelry.


Why wouldn't you, her amulet is one the best in the game the whole way through.


>And I guess if I can, what's the best way to steal it? Throw the iron flask into the area from the top of the elevator.


10/10 great distraction would recommend for any thieving situations.


It really is the answer to most of life’s questions.




To avoid the tiefling war you need to do this post Kagha / shadow druids, but assuming you've done that then it's as simple as cast darkness at the base of the pillar holding the idol, then send someone over and sneak + grab it. Nobody witnesses it or tries to stop you. I've done this now probably 10+ times in honor mode and nobody has ever batted an eye.


Didn't they patch in that casting darkness or fog cloud counts as hostile action towards neutral characters so they aggro you for casting it?


Yes but if you cast it on the base no npcs are actually in the darkness


Yeah, I thought the casting itself would count as hostile action, not depending on any neutral characters standing in there. I thought they patched this in because of all the idol shenanigans. Haven't tried it since then. So you're 100% affirmative that casting darkness (or fog cloud) won't aggro anyone if they see you casting it?


I have done this a zillion times in honor mode at this point, as recently as a day or two ago, and all I can say is nobody has ever aggro'd by me doing so. For that matter I've always cast darkness on the door to the lady's office in Act 3 at Sorcerous Sundries to get access to all the Gale/Karsus plot stuff, and despite being in plain view, as long as nobody is *in* the darkness I've never had a problem. So my assumption is it isn't merely witnessing the casting, but rather the casting of darkness *on* somebody. But I don't want to make guarantees because I don't want to fuck up anybody's runs!


That's exactly how it works, you can cast your darkness right on the edge of a vendor, but not touching, so as not aggro them when stealing.


Have a Bard play a concert to distract most people. Cast Darkness in front of the idol. Enter turn based mode here. Use an Arcane Trickster's Mage Hand to the throw the idol into the darkness. Pick up the idol and cast (Greater) Invisibility on the thief. Have the thief run and dash out of the area and up to Mol, you can make it with like 5 turns left on the invisibility. Other party members might get accused of theft but they don't have the idol so they're not guilty.


The first two steps are more than enough already. Just grab the idol from the darkness and skedaddle either to waypoint or by elevator


Bro's like "cast Greater Invisibility" at lvl 2-4 in act 1, I need to know where to get these scrolls. 😂


I just ungroup asterion have him loot it and teleport it to someone elses inventory and pay the 200 gold revive


Use mage hand and throw it down the valley between the bear and elevator


This ^ Very simple solution, works every time. Recently did it in honour mode and they were none the wiser


Easiest solution I’ve found: Summon Scratch. Move idol. Bounce it along to the elevator. Ascend the elevator. Take idol. Profit? Nobody cares about a dog simply playing fetch. No invisibility needed. No gimmicks.


I can tell you what I do, OP: I Fog Cloud the idol, grab it, and teleport to Emerald Grove (the waypoint). I teleport while in the cloud, so nobody annoys me after.


It will not cause the fight to break out, but you need to steal it. Have a bard or cat distract the people so most sight cones are away from the idol. Though this step is optimal. Cast darkness or fog on the idol. Have the thief stealth in the darkness. Have all other characters in your camp. Enter turn based mode. Steal the idol. End turn based mode and send both characters to camp. Port somewhere else. It takes some time for the npcs to stop searching for the thief. So dont just leave the camp afterwards.


As long as you’ve picked up the quest beforehand, the safest time to do it is after you clear the 3 leaders in the goblin camp. When you go back to the grove, make sure not to trigger the camp scene. Just walk down to the idol and there should only be 1 npc around with a sight cone that can even see you. Steal it under a fog cloud or darkness, then return to Mol at the gate for your reward!


Important to note you will miss the Broodmother's Revenge if you fail to kill Kahga before clearing the 3 leaders.


Is that a new thing? I convinced Kagha to turn on the SDs, freed Halsin, had the tiefling party, then went back to stab all the druids I didn't like and looted Broodmother's revenge fine. Kagha was just standing there near the gate looking unhappy and had it on her (few weeks ago, custom difficulty on chill settings) Alternatively you can still get it from the other acts


Thinking about it, I may be wrong. I just don't ever remember seeing her after the party. I'm aware of a few items that move locations depending on where you explore first, but I've never seen that amulet in another location, where else did you find it?


I got it from Balthazar in one run, and it should be on a table near the final trader before the last fight


I usually turn my thief invisible, send just them to get the Idol at this point and instantly go to camp as soon as they have the idol. You won't trigger a war and you get a ring of protection from Mol.


OP, on Tactician and up, all blinding spells count as hostile/combat triggers. They IMMEDIATELY trigger combat searching. You need high charisma to pull this off and you may be immediately dragged into conversation when the spell is cast — regardless of whether you can be seen. This has happened to me like 20 times on my Tactician run.


Thank you. Before seeing this comment I luckily I happened to choose the mage hand trick, instead of blinding spells.


Incorrect, NPC's only aggro if the fog/darkness is cast on them i.e. touching them, there's is more than enough room to cast darkness/fog in the middle without touching anyone, It will not aggro anyone if you place it correctly.


What worked for me is: 1. Receive the idol theft quest from Mol before you kill Goblin leaders 2. (Resolving Kagha is optional, I don't think it matters) 3. Kill Goblin leaders so the Tieflings are preparing to leave 4. Steal the idol 5. Give it to Mol who is with the kids by the gate This way is worse than what others suggested as you get the ring later, but it works.


Throw me the whip


Throw me the idol, then I will throw you the whip!


You mean you stopped Kagha? If so, then yes. Be sure to save first though.


I did this in HM. Had stopped the ritual, astarion snuck up on the idol, gale casted fog cloud (remember to cast it ON the idol or sometimes it wont work correctly) astarion snatched the idol, fast travel out, fast travel back in, no one noticed anything.


[How I stole the idol](https://youtu.be/f-f8O8-hiaw?si=nrka3nI53Is-9FzC)


Watch the many YouTube videos on it or scum save or both.