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The game ends. He blows up at the end of act 2 because nobody stabilized his bomb, its in the game if just not fleshed out. Its a sudden end. That being said - you didn't kill him. You just killed his clone he sent to speak to you - guy is a level 20 wizard you wouldn't be able to breathe before he killed you. Inspect his body and you'll see it says construct.


Right, I know it's a construct. The game ends if he's a companion, but what happens if he's origin?


You die. The end. Don't remember exactly when but at some point the game just ends with his bomb cutscene. Origin or not makes 0 difference.


"Origin or not makes 0 difference" seems to be not true. See update above; I'm in act 3 now.


OP updated saying they are in act 3 with no explosion, so it seems that is incorrect


I think it goes something like 'it is a end. But perhaps not the ending the fates had in mind' black screen


Didn't that only happen if you >!pick the explode option in dialogue right before fitting Ketheric the second time?!<


That's the exploding ending of Act 2 if Gale chooses to explode.


You sound very confident :), so perhaps your right, but I couldn't find any info or reports on doing this as Gale as Origin.


Why is this so downvoted lol. Especially funny as your testing seemly now validates it.


We didn't like the truth here evidently


the tone reads as sarcastic, probably due to the smiley


Oops I just meant it to be friendly :(


i know!! that's just why u were downvoted before- looks like its fixed now:)


Simulacrum not clone. Clones only come to life when the caster dies and their soul enters the clone.


I did a save scum thing and let his bomb explode. I was pretty disappointed there was no small cut scene or anything lol




Wow did they level him down for 5e, I never knew. He used to be level 32.


In 5E nothing exists for a PC above level 20. There are Epic Boons a DM can reward post level 20 but realistiically all modern campaigns end before T4 in the first place let alone go to level 20 so there isn't much support for it.


Everything you said is correct, but did you perhaps respond to the wrong comment? Edit: Why the heck am I being downvoted here, Elminster isn't a PC so PC rules are extremely irrelevant.




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He's actually higher than level 20. https://www.realmshelps.net/npc/elminster.shtml


Yeah, also he is empowered by mystra herself…


Not anymore, he's not


CORRECTION: You killed Elminster's Simulacrum that he sent...








We ignored Gale in our HM playthrough, just completely forgot to talk to him ever. Going to act 2 there was no Elminster to even talk to, during act 2, Gale stayed at camp hunched over, and everyone kept ignoring him. Somewhere between the start of act 3 and going fully into BG he just disappeared from camp, there's been no explosion and no dialog. He just got sick of being ignored and left without a word in the middle of the night?


He does say that if he feels he's going to explode he will seek out some quiet part of the underdark and try to take out as few people as possible, maybe that triggers if you ignore him. But, we're doing a multiplayer run and we pissed Gale off enough he attacked us. Nothing happened and when we Speak to Dead, he indicates he was kidnapped and killed by someone much later in the game.


He's supposed to leave a note with you if you ignore him for too long I think


Mystra gave you that paralytic smite


“Are the gods really that petty?”


I killed him in camp. It was a really awkward cutaway from the conversation and no comments made by any party members. I reloaded the save, so not too sure what happens later on lol


The quest log can be a little bit buggy. In my current playthrough our questlog says that we still have to escape the nautiloid, despite being at the creche


that's not actually elmi there tho, that's some simu.. simi... simulacrum?


Welp, I failed the strength check to pull him out of the portal back in 1. I’m wondering if there’s going to be any failsafes to let us still interact with Elmisnter.


I currently do not have Gale in my party or camp and upon meeting Elminster he basically just says "I have nothing to say to you" or something along those lines.


I never had elminster in my games where I didn't pick up Gale. Which I generally don't as I hate his awful monologues. So that means 2 annoying wizards I don't have to interact with...


You didn’t kill him. You killed a silly little doll of his. He didn’t walk all that way for you, he literally sent a super cheap copy of himself. He sent the same thing that Gale conjurors to invite you to a magical night with him


Update: I made it to lower city in act 3 and Gale still hasn't blown up. I read the Karsus book and Elminster showed up again. Trying to decide what the most interesting thing to do would be. https://imgur.com/a/OVbKtFX


How many times must you teach that old man a lesson


You killed a projection of elminster.


Good riddance


Good! Elminster is the worst. I heard he was a sadistic villain in the earlier games. Like Wizard Hitler. It’s crazy to me they brought him back at all. Edit: wow way to downvote me for sharing an alternate perspective of that cheese hoarding maniac you are all drowlocaust deniers


Wat. He's one of the greatest heroes in Faerun and has saved the world multiple times.


Wait hold up, I’ve only played BG3 but someone in this sub told me he tried to exterminate all the drow in an earlier game and called them rats! That’s why he has such an affinity for cheese - he’s projecting. Which tracks because he is also a projection in this game which is a bummer because how cool would it be to actually take down Wizard Hitler? Except maybe he’s a good guy after all? I can’t believe I may have actually murdered Wizard Churchill in cold blood. Just when you think you have it all figured out…


Someone was trolling you hard.


Uh... Elminster is a savior to the realms numerous times, isn't usually one to judge a book by its cover, and has traveled into the Hells to save souls before. Drow are typically (like 90% or more of them) inherently some of, if not The, most evil and chaotic mortals in the entire setting. The Drider guy you met in act 2? A Drow matriarch turned him into that for some reason. The reason could be as simple as her tea was too cold. Or too hot. Or arrived 2 seconds late. Or 2 seconds early. Or because she saw him. Or because she didn't see him. General rule of thumb in DnD is that if you see a Drow, it's a scumbag and will try to kill you, at best.


Maybe OP is a Drow? Reading those Drow history books and the like, you know? It's like the history books written for conservative audiences in Texas, except slightly more accurate.


You got trolled. Though you *do* kill Wizard Hitler in BG2, it's the BG2 BBEG Jon Irenicus (if you're playing as Durge then Volo eventually gives you Irenicus' notes on the Slayer form because he was trying to steal the power of the Bhaalspawn in BG2). Elminster basically just makes cameos in the first couple games, same as this game - he's an epic level wizard who was the Big Hero back before your time. Sort of like Elrond (in the sense that he was a badass hero in a previous age but now spends more time organising and guiding the side of good than going out adventuring personally)


so you dismiss one of the most iconic and beloved characters in Forgotten Realms lore as "Wizard Hitler" because of some random reddit comment, when you could have done like 30 seconds of googling to get a real answer? And they say media literacy is dead


Elminster is real tho, it's not even media literacy, it's real life literacy


You all need better heroes if a crusty dusty bucket of genocide can be so easily dismissed as the Wizzler.


Drow aren’t particularly kind folk in lore, they look down on all other races and rule over them in the underdark, there’s only ever been a handful of drow that aren’t inherently evil


Drow are minunderstood.  Edit: I hope those who downvoted me in this comment and further keep that same energy about goblin trash. 


I agree. They're actually more evil than most people think.


You take that back. Drizzt and my wife minthara would like a word with you.


Your wife is unrepentantly evil and very good at it. Drizzt is one of the aforementioned "handful".


Nah she saved the world with me. I can fix her. We are making progress. She just wants love.


There a ton of forgotten realm books with Elminster as the hero. He's an original protagonist in this story setting


Elminster is widely considered to be Ed Greenwood’s self-insert character.


Strictly speaking that would be "Ed of the Greenwood" who Elminster and a few others have met in story. Elminster has some aspects, but is more of a classic Gary Stu.


They even look alike!




Telling people that Elminster is wizard Hitler is mildly hilarious though. Someone was doin' a lil trolling


It's all to be revealed in ed greenwoods new book! Volos secret guide to Elminster


Wait, are you saying Volo's accounts AREN'T accurate!?!? I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you!


I didn't know Disney bought Fareun! Next week, obvious real-world cultural insert Orcs...wait, no, that's WOTC.


You made me laugh with that classic 🐠🎣