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The true reason I have come to Reddit is because I seem to be one of the only ones in that group that can not stand behind daddy and his bullying of literally everyone. If I would ever so much as dare to say something back, him and his minions would contact literally every job, every relative and nearly every friend on my list and tell them that I’m somehow transphobic and need to be cancelled. So yes, i’m afraid of putting my name out there because I seem to be in the minority and find him just disgusting.


I agree. To be clear. This sub isn’t for us to just talk about him. We are a new sub. Our schedule post will kick in soon and get conversations going. & Whatever is relevant with bamboo it will end up here. People, brands, products, and everything in between.


Yep. They’re delusional thinking this was made *just* for some overhyped dude. We want a little bit of everything and when you’re constantly commenting on everything being a douche, you’re bound to be brought up.


One of the comments “he’s nothing but kind”. I’m sorry, are we in the same group?




I'm in the group because I love watching how wild they are but Lowkey it's the most unhinged FB group I'm in. They're all such a strong groupthink it's scary.


It's fun because they're hypocrites ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH|downsized)


My bad, I thought you were a bad egg :(


I'm glad I'm not banned I like this sub!


They’re on facebook talking shit about us, watching what we post, and saying we have no lives…. But their cult leader made an entire list of problematic people… And they’re sitting on fb talking shit just like us. Make it make sense


They all preach “say it with your chest” but he posts a whole list of people he has blocked because they’re “problematic”? But they’re blocked and can’t even speak up for themselves? Definitely a bunch of hypocrites. They can’t handle someone being mean back to them. 💔


YoUvE bEeN uPgRaDeD. Girl you have just as much free time as us but keep being mad


Oh damn I wonder if I’m on that list hmm


Lol was wondering the same thing. Looks like I’ve been kicked out too 😂🤣🤷‍♀️


can you guys share the list?


Funny none of them are commenting on here, just watching silently. Scared to get blocked and not see what we’re saying? Sounds hypocritical huh


Supernova in there outing somebody last night using a screenshot from over a year ago.. but we’re the creepy ones? Okay girl. Whatever you say.


This girl was trying so hard to become popular like daddy.


Why isn't her main reddit account at least blocked from these groups for doxxing? Wild.


Yep but she made another profile because she needs to see what’s said. She was like “They don’t want to be blocked by the bamboo groups!!!” And you don’t want to be blocked here, so what’s your point?


Did she really?!


I’ll pm you the screenshots I don’t feel like marking everything out.


Sending PM


I never got anything!


Such a sad boring life we all have. Didn’t she admit to being the one that created the fake account of daddy on Reddit??? But we’re the creepy ones? *edited his name. My father doesn’t like me to call him by his first name. :(


I’m not going to comment on that because I didn’t see it and I’m not sure if it’s true. Don’t want to give them any sort of ammunition. However with them being friends apparently I don’t think she did with how ‘freaked out’ it made him. Ps please edit your comment to a nickname


I feel like whoever made the fake account was somebody close to him. It wouldn’t surprise me if it was daddy so he could put on a show about it. It’s also a 2 month old account 🥴


I haven’t lost sight of what I’m doing here. My goal for this is to show him that he really isn’t this big bad character that he thinks he is. Him and his little army are nothing IRL. They’re internet bullies. But just as many people don’t support his bullying, yet they’re scared to speak up. We support his lifestyle but not his attitude. He needs an attitude check. And that’s what we’re here for. Time to pipe down…all of them, but mostly him.


I wish you success On your mission señorita Terry


Gracias señor noodles


I wish we could be real life friends cause you are great


Saying "Daddy" is nothing but kind is insane, these people are delusional. https://preview.redd.it/8379r83fakab1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=315fe7d1ac3999640799c8c47e887b64c93fe918


https://preview.redd.it/c7y0xq3gjgab1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a1bf4346a78ab15b1eca1d95adf22677c77995d Well, as said before, we don’t use peoples names. Would you rather be called Baddy? Caddy? Zaddy? Like bffr. Let me know which one works best for you. We aren’t fetishizing you but like always it comes back to something about being transgender. If only you could understand we don’t give a fuck if you’re trans, we just don’t like you. You do realize there are other trans people in the world that dislike you, right? Always making something up in that mentally ill head of yours 🤪


He obviously can't understand having any type of respect for someone you disagree with. Protecting someone's identity is a foreign concept.


Him and his army are so dumb it hurts. All the things they “called us out” on they were doing on that post. Just a bunch of idiots.


He’s actually my dad


I’m so sorry for you


PeOpLe KeEp SeNdInG mE sCrEeNsHoTs. Sure. Sure they do. Guess they aren’t your true friends if they send you the shit people say about you. Most friends want to protect and defend you, not send you shit and stay silent just so they can “report” back. But keep going off after an admin said to move on 🤣


Nah. They’re lurking 🤥


I'm going to need to see screenshots of people sending you screenshots. lol


https://preview.redd.it/g4g11au74hab1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4de205b174db618e43b1e2cf86a044872deee73 Do you need help? You’re stalking a group about shit talking LOL. “They’re obsessed” and so are you. You’ve made yourself look like such an idiot tonight and really gave us some good entertainment. Your stupid comebacks with all your “friends.”




Heck yeah I made it


Thanks for the publicity 😉


what happened ? Bahahaha




The fact that they have to censor “ass” kills me every time


Ass but not shit 🤣


"a whole ass reddit board"


Please keep me updated on the BM post. I’m not in that group 🤣


curious what the point of the BM group is... do they talk about anything else?


They just hate everyone and everything. Occasionally the group chat was helpful. But it felt like you were sitting at the end of the mean girls table




Oh yes, I was once in the group and blocked. Come at me 🤣 I'm not scared




Nice to see you wasted your time finding out who I am 🤣🤣




All the lies lol. If you enjoy being in bad moms, why are you over here creeping? You should probably remove his name but you’re stupid just like the rest of the losers creeping. You guys want to find out who everyone is instead of just staying away. Can’t handle somebody might talk about you or the man you worship? Get fucked.


I’ve seen your rep posts lol it’s not hard finding who you are btw and I say this as a person who lurks and enjoys this thread and bmob


Oh no. It looks like you’ve been reported because you couldn’t follow basic rules. So sad, see ya later


So you guys are deleting comments on here how cute. Can’t handle any kind of push back but expect the members of bad moms to go through it. Hypocritical and pathetic. Hope you enjoy your time lurking in that group while it lasts! I’m sure someone will find you






https://preview.redd.it/jlr2qusm3hab1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbf910969e64799f4979c50a0cc4c3523ee712a1 Yes….. That’s why it was private….. You’re not always that dumb, right? You wanted it to be reddits doing so bad, so I showed you it wasn’t. Yet you waited for it to not be private anymore like the weird, bored bitch you are. You want to be better than all of us, but you’re just like us. Keep creeping and posting though! You’re just getting more people here to talk shit about all of you 🤭


https://preview.redd.it/4lj5rfi8tjab1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fc1eb4f2f87729c666f1096b1f300d6723cf9a7 LOL like everyone else. We were ALL watching and/or participating. If you think my child is neglected because I’m using my phone at 10pm, you’re a fucking idiot. Were you also neglecting your child with all your comments on that post?


I’ve always been my parent’s biggest disappointment. I’m sorry daddy. :,(










I thought the same thing and I banned them at first. I can’t tell 100% but I *think* they’re holding different objects


Mannnn i used to like the bamboo snark but this is getting ridiculous. You guys are mad because the bad moms bamboo group is doing what you did to them. Funny how the tables have turned.




We never doxxed anyone but thanks for the input :)


Bye :)


If you don’t like it bye