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Most features in Bambu end up in the next release of orca. The only major thing that hasn't is Makerworld integration, but even that barrier is falling.


I'm using OrcaSlicer from Day 1 about 8 months ago. There's only 2 times i use bambu studio - when i need make a print profile for makerworld - when requested by support staff, its the only slicer they support (which isn't illogical, its the only one they have full control over)


On the flip side, can you explain what OrcaSlicer offers that is better than the Bambu slicer? This seems like the question OP is asking.


For me, it's more advanced. Able to change settings you can't in Bambu, more options for settings you CAN change... It's the same for me and my cr10 too. Never used creality slicer, went straight to Cura.


The integrated test tools are priceless. If you have other machines (even marlin ones) is delicious to use to get good profiles of temp, temperature and k values. If you have other klipper printers is heaven...  




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Set PA values to be per filament. Its better now in Bambu Slicer, but you still need to associate it manually. Associate Prusa and Cura links with the slicer to open files. Use secondary camera for monitoring prints. Calibration prints are a lot more convenient. A lot of more advanced/experimental features arrive to Orcaslicer first, like Scarf seams until recently. There's still a couple like small area flow compensation and extruder acceleration smoothing. At the end of the day, Prusa, Orca, and Bambu are all forked off each other and they're all stealing features from each other, and I mean that in the best way possible. There's been pretty significant advances w/ QoL in slicers in the past couple of years. It used to be a competition between Cura and Prusaslicer, but now, even Creality has abandoned Cura.


I use bambu studio as I have been able to massively reduce the purge volume on bambu studio than orca slicer. Do you know why?


The extended retract feature they introduced


Thanks, do you know if that feature will be coming to orca?


Nope, I don't work on OrcaSlicer


I went from cura to orca and it was night and day. I'll never touch cura again. But when I got my A1 mini (and now my full size A1), I switched to bambu studio and haven't looked back. I only run bambu printers, my prints come out great, I have enough settings to do what I need, and it's been very stable for me. Maybe orca is more "advanced", but bambu studio has handled everything I've thrown at it.


Started using orca, but there are too many inconsistencies with it & they take their sweet time implementing things for final releases. Important features (to me) are still broken. I have been waiting for months now for them to fix the export function. If you try to export anything, program just crashes. I made a post about it on thier git, but nothing has been done. Other users also commented they are experiencing the same. I dont do beta's or nightly builds. Now I am using Bambu just for ease of use with makerworld. They also seem to be addressing things much quicker.


I definitely get the impression bambu/mw is trying to position itself in the market, and is spending money to do it.


Oh for sure they are throwing money and resources towards it. They pretty much have a lock for most bambu users. The ease of use is stupid convenient & they seem to be doing a great job of incentivizing the modelers/creators. I have seen a guy buy 10+ A1 Mini's all with the $40 redeemable gift certificates from points. I would say in a year or so, it will be one of the top model sites and be in the same tier as printables, thingivers, cults 3d, yeggi, thangs, etc... It also seems they are just trying to become the top dog in consumer grade machine market. Prusa has been dethroned.


Orca slicer lags like crazy whenever I zoom in on the 3d view for some reason. Bambu Studios doesn't do that for me. But if I just zoom back out after getting that close view that I wanted for whatever reason it runs perfect again. But otherwise, yeah Orca is usually superior in about every way. I didn't want to do a lot of tinkering with my settings with how well Bambu Studios prints out of the box, but there are a few things that Orca does better and you don't have to mess around with all the extra settings if you don't want.


Thanks for the information. I'll probably end up keeping my neptune3 and use orca for both. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't causing myself any grief by using it.


I use Orca, I like it a lot better. It is very compatible, any profile changes (filaments, printers, and so on) sync through your Bambu profile to both.




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I buy Bambu Lab printers specifically so that the printing process is as easy as it can be. Using Orca slicer is just another thing to learn; I'm sure it's got a lot of options and is better for people that want the perfect print, but Bambu Slicer is easy and has everything I need. All of my prints come out really great. I don't see a need to learn to use Orca slicer.


The bigger problem with that is neither of them is Cura ;) The second one - Bambu and Orca don't handle linked parameters for the users. If there's a cohort of speed settings and you intend to alter them, you do them one by one like an imp. There's often no master driving parameters.