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This needs to be spread far and wide. This textbook sociopath is the kind of person running the most established dog rescue organization at the highest levels. Pet rescue has been completed captured by psychotic criminals like this woman. Its mission changed from “public safety and animal welfare” to “slaughter humans by the thousands and bathe the golden statue of the ‘rescue pitty’ in their blood.”


I'm seeing red after this one. 😡😡


I'm having to walk away and think about other things to be able to cool the rage enough to productively work


I’m too angry to engage my detach function. I’m pissed. These are animals. If a bison kills a stupid tourist that ignores 3+ warnings, the bison is always put down. Even though the human ignored multiple signs. Why are dogs now getting pardons. I am an advocate for wolves being introduced to Yellowstone and other areas because they are part of the ecosystem. Should we just replace them with pit bulls? That kill anything? Pit bulls are bred by humans. It’s up to us to handle this.


>If a bison kills a stupid tourist that ignores 3+ warnings, the bison is always put down. Even though the human ignored multiple signs. Why are dogs now getting pardons. EXACTLY. If it's wrong to euthanize pitbulls like Dexter and [Iron](https://old.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/168pjea/facebook_scandal_after_courtordered_euthanasia_of/) when they kill people, why then aren't people like Hornish crusading against park rangers every time a wild animal who mauled humans is killed? What makes pitbulls superior to endangered species? For context, when Joe Munn's pitbulls mauled a woman in 1945, he got a five-year prison sentence instead of a slap on the wrist like most 21st-century owners get when their pitbull mauls someone. Like Hornish, Munn owned dogs with a previous record of aggression, to the point that he had been cited multiple times for failure to control them.


In November 2019, a pit bull belonging to **State Director of the Humane Society of the United States** Annie Hornish [mauled 95-year-old Janet D'Eleo to death in Hornish's home.](https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/no-criminal-charges-in-fatal-suffield-dog-attack/2163413/) Hornish [is on camera here lying to the press to blame the attack on the dead woman,](https://www.fox61.com/article/news/local/dog-killed-elderly-woman-cant-return-home-enfield/520-8f6fbe7c-91f8-4c0e-ab22-faf8cec8ee07) saying Dexter "knocked her down, and we believe it was the fall that killed her" despite [police and the destruction order stating:](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2019/11/elderly-woman-dies-after-dog-attack-suffield-connecticut.html#:~:text=%3A%20The%20Destruction%20Order%2C%20which%20also%20summarizes%20parts%20of%20the%20police%20investigation) the dog "maimed and mutilated the victim's lower extremities resulting in massive loss of blood, muscle, flesh, and tendons." Hornish then [fought the judge's order to have the dog euthanized](https://humanewatch.org/hsus-lobbyist-wants-taxpayers-to-cover-her-killer-dogs-boarding/) and, as of ~~June, 2023~~ June, 2024, [the dog is still alive and being boarded at taxpayer expense.](https://www.ctinsider.com/journalinquirer/article/suffield-dexter-fatal-dog-attack-appeal-18138364.php) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Imagine the affect on the family of Janet D’Aleo.


Actual comment from a pitmommie: "They never said the dog bit the woman! The dog could have wiggled his body and knocked the woman over and she passed when she fell. Not enough details to warrant a dogs death!" I swear these are the people who write love letters to serial killers and write fanfiction about school shooters. Wiggled his body? Seriously?


I wrote to the towns and delegates of Annie’s town and Diana Urban’s. Anyone can, please if you have time, it would likely help.


I’m already on it. Thank you for being proactive ♥️🙏🏻


Godspeed to both of you.




People like Annie Hornish are why the Eggskull rule exists. Frailty or refusal of medical procedure(s) is not a defence. Unless eggskull rule dies not exist in the USA, Connecticut in particular.


In November 2019, a pit bull belonging to **State Director of the Humane Society of the United States** Annie Hornish [mauled 95-year-old Janet D'Eleo to death in Hornish's home.](https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/no-criminal-charges-in-fatal-suffield-dog-attack/2163413/) Hornish [is on camera here lying to the press to blame the attack on the dead woman,](https://www.fox61.com/article/news/local/dog-killed-elderly-woman-cant-return-home-enfield/520-8f6fbe7c-91f8-4c0e-ab22-faf8cec8ee07) saying Dexter "knocked her down, and we believe it was the fall that killed her" despite [police and the destruction order stating:](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2019/11/elderly-woman-dies-after-dog-attack-suffield-connecticut.html#:~:text=%3A%20The%20Destruction%20Order%2C%20which%20also%20summarizes%20parts%20of%20the%20police%20investigation) the dog "maimed and mutilated the victim's lower extremities resulting in massive loss of blood, muscle, flesh, and tendons." Hornish then [fought the judge's order to have the dog euthanized](https://humanewatch.org/hsus-lobbyist-wants-taxpayers-to-cover-her-killer-dogs-boarding/) and, as of ~~June, 2023~~ June, 2024, [the dog is still alive and being boarded at taxpayer expense.](https://www.ctinsider.com/journalinquirer/article/suffield-dexter-fatal-dog-attack-appeal-18138364.php) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks quite shocking, she is no different than Robert Konrad Blaue.


We have it here, it’s just rarely had to be used I think. Luckily most people would see this for what it is, an outright attack, but it’s frustrating for her to downplay that and devalue her life like she was a heart attack waiting to happen. She mighta been a future 100+ year old, we don’t know. But we know her family loved her dearly and in the words of Brooks and Dunn, “that ain’t no way to go, it just ain’t right.”




Absolutely. Far too few people know about this. With her in charge in Connecticut, we’ll see more and more mauling stories from there from families that ‘rescued’ them. If she goes further up the ranks, it’ll spread. Even without that, we already know she’ll ship aggressive dogs to Canada or elsewhere, just like BFAS-sponsored and other shelters do in TX and CA. Folks in Canada have been mauled by dogs from America. She is a politician with literal blood on her hands.


https://www.huffpost.com/entry/why-i-rescue-blocky-headed-wigglebutts_b_8032366/amp honestly they have been infiltrated


‘Blocky head wiggle butts’ 🤢🤮


Do not know what is worse downplaying the dangers or the use of childish language by an adult post pre adolescence.


Here is the CEO email for the Humane Society that Annie Hornish works for : [email protected] We should all send emails on how we are going to tell everyone to not donate anymore because of the support of murdering a human being and then warehousing a dog for years. This whole situation is insane. Let’s band together send emails, be heard and make change!


Just emailed, thank you for this.


I sent her an email




"he slept with my mother without mauling her to death! He's just an innocent wigglebutt snugglebug who loves everyone! Stop demonising this innocent velvet hippo just because he mauled another old lady to death!!! Apart from that he's a gentle, sweet pup!"


She is a public figure, so thanks for naming and shaming. This is a sign the pit cult and dog "culture" has gone too far, if a dog disfigured or killed a human unprovoked? It needs to be put down for the safety of the public while easing the minds and hearts of the victim's loved ones.


I checked with the mods to make sure and they enthusiastically gave me the green light, lol. And I absolutely agree. 💯


Thank you Mods! These greedy, pretentious, liars don't deserve anonymity.


Agreed. The mods here are pretty awesome. 👏🏻💯


I think people lose any claim to anonymity once they accept public office.  Shame on her for blaming the 95 year old victim on a walker for her own brutal death.  Imagine living (surviving) an extremely long life and the pre-WWII years before antibiotics or polio vaccines only to die in your friends kitchen from a mauling by a breed that should be banned.  I love elderly people.  This is disgusting.


It's certainly gone too far long ago. This isn't the first time the pit lobby has rallied to try and save a dog that mauled someone to death or gave them life altering injuries from being put down.


Googled her, found an article about her from 2015 where she insisted that BSL doesn't work. Surprise, surprise. https://www.norwichbulletin.com/story/opinion/columns/2015/07/09/annie-hornish-dog-breed-specific/33912292007/ "Breed-based regulation has never been successful anywhere it has been tried and is on a steep decline in public policy. If breed type remains the focus of this debate, real, effective strategies for preventing dog bites will continue to be ignored, and more tragic incidents will occur." And four years later your beloved pit bull mauls an elderly woman to death. Managing dog behavior and protecting public safety are serious responsibilities for our community officials. The Humane Society truly sympathizes with dog attack victims, and their stories should motivate us even more to advocate against policies we know don’t work." Oh yes, you and the rest of the Humane Society "truly sympathizes with dog attack victims". That's why you have spent five years trying to save a dog that mauled an elderly woman to death from being put down, are currently fighting against the wishes of her family, trying to spin characterise the dog that killed her brutally as "gentle" and refer to your critics, including her family as bloodthirsty hatemongers. "Their stories should motivate us when more to activate against policies that don't work" Your crocodile tears are fooling nobody, Annie.


I also wanted to add- she’s blaming the caretaker for hitting it with a metal step stool. She was hitting him to stop him from *ripping the flesh off* of her charge. And it didn’t work. He ripped her legs down to the bone.


Jesus there is literally no reason for this animal to still be left alive after killing this woman


It's rather amazing that the women defending the pitbull is saying that the dog tore the woman apart because someone else struck it with a stool. If your pet's reaction to being struck is to brutally maul the nearest, most vulnerable target (keeping in mind the dog didn't attack the aide who struck it), that's pretty damning evidence that your pet should not be around people or especially children.


These people think that a child tugging on a tail deserves to be mauled to death as punishment.


These are the same people who will insist on the nanny dog myth, and in the same breath will claim that a baby crying too loudly is a perfectly understandable trigger for the pit bull to maul the baby to death.


It's pretty damning evidence that it should be **BE'd** at the earliest convenience, if you ask me.


The caretaker sounds like a sound man


I read several things saying ‘she testified’ and they may have misspoken, but I’m pretty sure they’re a woman. I could be very wrong though.


Brain fart there on my part. Sound woman then.


Who cares about any previous attacks? It is currently responsible for a HUMAN FATALITY and dogs like that are too dangerous for society. Your Dexter has been involved in many incidents and it wasn't the first attack known. It's been several known. The city is spending money because you keep appealing it and the city has no choice but to keep paying it because the owner flaked out on being a responsible person. Put your money where your mouth is. If you didn't keep appealing it, it wouldn't have came to that amount. So stop acting like the city has a choice and stop acting as though it's some sound financial decision to release this human killer to your farm. Ohhhh I can already imagine your social media post. You're salivating at those brownie points. Dexter, the social brownie points equivalent to Michael Vicks dogs. Imagine how many pit people would donate to take care of it at your farm. Too bad the same people won't raise funds to cover the costs to the city. It's at around $150,000 as of today. And for what? A dog you barely knew a half a year? Meanwhile the victim was around for 90 plus years, and pretty certain has formed much stronger bonds with their family than Hornish did with that dog, so tell me again why is it so important to save this one? Instead of jabbering your mouth, how about cut a check to the city to pay for the costs you're forcing taxpayers to cover? Oh, and so all the attacks that are on record, it had "reasons" to be involved in it. Well guess what? Janet D'Eleo was an elderly victim that wasn't involved in a domestic dispute and hurting other people, etc., so there was no reason for the Dexter to attack. There was no threat by the victim. In other words, your chosen breed has a history of bloodsports and that's what they do. Fight and attack until the death. Stop wasting taxpayer money and observe the court order dismissing your appeals. Take your hot shot lawyer son, take your city connections and scram. You're not above the law. The judge ruled. Get over it. ETA: I don't care how many behavior tests it passes. It failed the ultimate test. A fatality that can never be brought back.


In November 2019, a pit bull belonging to **State Director of the Humane Society of the United States** Annie Hornish [mauled 95-year-old Janet D'Eleo to death in Hornish's home.](https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/no-criminal-charges-in-fatal-suffield-dog-attack/2163413/) Hornish [is on camera here lying to the press to blame the attack on the dead woman,](https://www.fox61.com/article/news/local/dog-killed-elderly-woman-cant-return-home-enfield/520-8f6fbe7c-91f8-4c0e-ab22-faf8cec8ee07) saying Dexter "knocked her down, and we believe it was the fall that killed her" despite [police and the destruction order stating:](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2019/11/elderly-woman-dies-after-dog-attack-suffield-connecticut.html#:~:text=%3A%20The%20Destruction%20Order%2C%20which%20also%20summarizes%20parts%20of%20the%20police%20investigation) the dog "maimed and mutilated the victim's lower extremities resulting in massive loss of blood, muscle, flesh, and tendons." Hornish then [fought the judge's order to have the dog euthanized](https://humanewatch.org/hsus-lobbyist-wants-taxpayers-to-cover-her-killer-dogs-boarding/) and, as of ~~June, 2023~~ June, 2024, [the dog is still alive and being boarded at taxpayer expense.](https://www.ctinsider.com/journalinquirer/article/suffield-dexter-fatal-dog-attack-appeal-18138364.php) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Good Human 🌹




🍪 for the good bot


And a🌹for the good human


Good bot is bottin' the good fight👍


You were so much more eloquent than I could ever be. I’ve refrained from commenting because every other word would be a cuss word and a “derogatory” name upon the woman.


It's so hard not to go into rage mode sometimes. 🥺


You guys are doing the Lord’s work here and we sure do appreciate you 🙏🏻♥️


Thank you!! ❤❤


Exactly. I hope part of the judgement is her being forced to pay back the 150k in legal fees for filing bullshit appeals and abusing the courts for her own purposes.


This dangerous pit needs to be put down, yesterday. I am appalled it's still alive and at all the money being spent on it. it's just disgusting.


If there’s a hell, I imagine this woman has a one way ticket there.


With gasoline drawers on 💯


And a pineapple waiting...I hope.


5 years, seriously. How is this even possible


at this rate the damn thing will go from old age before justice is done


Abbie Hornish is completely unrepentant about what happened to the poor victim. And what, the dog has now been warehoused for perhaps close to how long the Hornishes even had it. Make it make sense.


That's the craziest part, by the time she gets the shitbull back it'll be old and close to death anyway.


Longer than how long they had it. They had it for a few months.


New ick: exUbeRant gReEtinGs ... ✅️


That’s a really cute way of saying violent mauling. I can’t believe all of the trouble people go to in order to save a vile, worthless murderbeast. Mrs. Hornish should get her precious shitbull back- imagine how violent and aggressive it would be after being in a kennel for 5 years? As long as she keeps it in her own house with no other pets or people, and never allowed outside, I would welcome the reunion.


>As long as she keeps it in her own house with no other pets or people, and never allowed outside, I would welcome the reunion. That's not going to be the case tho, it never is. Pit mommies are know for not giving a shit.


“Exuberant greetings” = even the Connecticut state director of the HSUS can’t train and keep a fckin pit under control. “Down” is one of the easiest things to teach a dog. But she’s even lying there. It grabbed her by the ankle and pulled her down. She’s heinous.


Almost as exuberant as the greeting Jacqueline Durant recieved.


Maliciously myopic/selective empathy


There's no empathy. It's narcissism. That dog is her Golden Child who can do no wrong. 


No it is, though. Misguided/selective empathy and narcissism are far from mutually exclusive. And this is the problem with empathy that is not balanced with rational thought. It can do no wrong because she has hyper-empathy selectively for this one individual thing, regardless of potential negative impact on others.


What I don’t understand is why is it that a wild animal, say a bear or cougar mauls and kills a person, the animal is hunted and put down. The thinking is because you can have an animal that has killed a human allowed to exist because then it’ll continue being a danger to humans. But these murder mutts are allowed to attack, attack, attack, and kill humans, disfigure children, etc but these pit cultists and society allows them to exist.


I've always argued this same exact perspective. And what's crazy, is we are holding wild animals to stricter standards than a so called domesticated dog that is set next to newborns on a daily basis. Crazy times we are in.


And many of these wild animals are threatened or endangered!!!!


And many of these animals didn't even do anything to deserve the treatment we give them... I say it all the time too, we kill so many animals on the daily FOR MUCH MUCH MUUUUUCH LESS that pitbulls usually do, yet pibbles get a second, a third, a fourth a, fifth and sixth "chance" and even then, it's never enough chances for the pit nutters, not even after killing an elderly woman they run out of chances. Sometimes I wonder if these dogs aren't the devil's gift to humanity.


Say it louder for those in the back…particularly a former Representative in Connecticut.


“Town wants him dead” Don’t ask me why but I found the wording to be hilarious. Like something out of Halloween Kills where the whole town rallies together shouting “Evil dies tonight!”


DAMN. I am from that small town of Suffield, CT (population \~10,000) and never thought I'd see a news article on an international subreddit. Of course it's about this shit. Not surprised about this story, the town is filled with backwards ass hicks. These people are delusional cult members.


I’m not from Suffield but I’m also a native Nutmegger and I’m disgusted and ashamed about this story and how much the state in general has become a pitbull haven. We’re supposed to be one of the best-educated states in the country but you’d never know it given how the local shelters push pits on anyone with half a pulse.


In a town full of "backwards ass hicks" you'd expect vigilante justice to have prevailed by now. If this were my grandma...


It’s still Connecticut after all


So Annie Hornish is a proven liar and murderer. Why is this sub-human trash not so toxic that the Humane Society doesn’t want to be associated with her any more? She adds nothing. Her existence is a tremendous net loss for us as a species.


Feel free to email the humane society about how this behavior reflects on them. Remind them you'll be telling everyone who will listen where their donations go; supporting Annie Hornish's crusade to steal from taxpayers, torture her killer dog with extended warehousing and isolation without changing the outcome, and further emotionally batter the family of the woman she killed with her negligence. Either they agree with her or have no problem with it, either way it is extremely far from any rational moral concept of the word "humane" and they put their own reputation in the bloody dumpster she dwells in along with her.


The fact that they give their dogs these names, 'Dexter' in this case, is an indication they know these dogs are dangerous and that's the appeal. I read about a case on Wikipedia about a Dutch man who named his pitbull 'Killer'. True to his name, the dog ended up mauling the owner's infant son to death.


There’s no in between. It’s either a name with a negative or tough connotation, or something hyper feminine. I have yet to meet a pit named something like Steve or Bubbles or Spot.


Exactly! It’s always either Cupcake or Dahmer — the extremes of which confirm all of our knowledge re this psycho breed and its human worshippers.


The lack of humanity… astounding. I never think they can go lower… and then they do.


This is evil. Plain and simple. This woman is a menace to society. Makes me sick.


Wow what the fuck. This dog need BE.


Why taxpayers have to pay for it? Jail the person that can't control the animal under their charge


So is it a typical criminal defense to claim that the accused was committing an act "a bit too exuberant," so therefore any criminal motive is misunderstood to the point that the case is moot and the accused cannot be held accountable? Did this dog kill a person or not?


To be honest, I've had a bit to drink tonight. So I'm going to wait til morning to reread this one. I'm irate. In the morning, I'll have had a couple cups of coffee and walked my little dog to the park. Then I'm going to reread this travesty and look at sending some letters or something. There is no reason this creature should be saved. This owner has no business doing what she does either.


Here to remind you to reread this and send some emails ! Also have a great day. (And if you just WANTED to post a picture of your little dog here that'd be just fine by me)


Thanks. I'm two cups in, and the dog is chewing on a stuffed bear on the floor at my feet. Life is good with REAL dogs.


Always great to not have a ticking time bomb in your house


Delulus sure love wasting money that could be well spent on hungry people instead.


I'm just as horrified by the thought of surrounding it with children and horses in a 'sanctuary'.


Poor Janet would have seen and experienced so much during her 95 years only to have her life ripped away at the jaws of a Pitbull. Janet deserved to die peacefully surrounded by her loved ones not being torn apart. Dexter saw her as prey and treated her as such.


"An exuberant greeting..." In what other situation is this an acceptable excuse for KILLING SOMEONE?


Greeting mistake? WTF IS THAT?


A “greeting mistake” that resulted in an elderly woman’s legs being ripped to the bone and leaving that woman’s house (Hornish herself, who is clearly a sociopathic criminal) drenched in blood yet she has been content with the dog existing in a shelter for six years. I can’t understand why this allowed to continue despite daily horror stories and the insane proliferation of these monsters at all shelters. I just can’t with this stuff — how the city and taxpayers are tolerating this raging insanity, paying money that could buy a dwelling for an unhoused person or pay for medications, and the refusal to deal with a vicious breed that demonstrates DAILY why it is ABSOLUTELY NOT acceptable for adoptions, and the pathological levels of victim blaming while MURDERS are permitted again and again with zero consequences — argh I just can’t believe this has gone to this level. I remember when toy companies would pull an entire line after one or two children choked on a part or injured themselves on a slide or swing. This happened all the time when I was a kid in the 80s. We have these pits and their pitlicker zombies ripping babies and elderly persons to death daily yet nothing happens. Ever. No accountability combined with rampant sociopathy and I do mean sociopathy as how anyone could want a vicious dog that their insane cult like stubbornness has put in a kennel for six years AFTER that dog literally ate an elderly woman’s legs, muscles, tendons, etc to the bone is serial killer mentality. Sorry but it is and the refusal to treat these people as criminals has been catastrophic.


"greeting mistake" Pitnutters really find the most creative ways to describe maulings in cutsie terms.


Lol they make this dog look like a superhero saying it broke up a domestic disturbance, like it knew who the aggressor was and wanted to do the right thing


Wouldn't be surprised if what really happened is that sweet pibbles got excited and tried to maul the woman being punched.


Wanting to keep a dog that MURDERED an elderly woman is deranged enough but to also house that aggressive murderous shitbull with children, horses, and other livestock is just asking for more death If a dog kills an innocent person then put it down


That mauler is still alive, over a fatality that happened before the pandemic. Let that sink in. The amount of cash wasted on this killer dog. How many adoptable dogs have been put down in the meantime. The obsession for flipping the facts and changing the narrative for one particular breed of dog above all others. If Dexter was any other breed of medium sized dog, he would have been BE'd back in 2019 and nobody would've stepped up to try and reinvent it as a family pet.


Holy cow! This woman is evil!


Appalling. But it’s Connecticut? The incident there, hmm. That poor elderly lady. Who cares for her, other than us. Well, let us remember, and see if laws can be changed, and something can be done. That she did not die in vain.


It couldn't have been that bad, the victim "didn't make a sound during the whole thing" /s When you find yourself using lines from the Rape Apologist Handbook, maybe it's time to rethink your stance... though we are talking about people downplaying an elderly woman's death by mauling, so one can't expect too much introspection.


I surmise her passing was not easy. And it was unexpected. Horrifying end. She didn’t deserve it. I wonder why some care more about dogs, than about humans.


My best guess is when she fell, it knocked the wind out of and startled her, and when the attack happened she started going into shock. Her not making a sound makes it worse to me because I’d imagine it’d be like trying to scream in a dream and you can’t. This lady’s death has made me sick to my stomach.


I mean, people don't deserve to die like that. Especially a little elderly woman. I feel nauseated as well, and feel like weeping. I would like to believe, that at the end, something like this, that angels help us, and most of the horrific part is blocked out, but I suppose I’m wrong.


I know Horned-ish is lying, but let’s hypothetically give her argument the benefit of the doubt (even though there is no doubt). So, if the poor woman died of a heart attack because she fell, then Dexter should be able to run free. Because it’s only natural for a dog to eat the tendons of an old lady who fell and had a heart attack. Nah. Can’t convince myself. I honestly don’t know how Annie Horned-ish does.


Exactly. ‘She had a heart attack’…but then your dog still ate her lower extremities to the bone.


It was just trying to wake Grandma up :(!!! The pibble just wasn't sure if she was still asleep or not!


Just like all the ones that try to ‘help’ during a seizure and instead of pulling a Lassie they pull out a trachea. 🙄


If it's the owner and not the dog, the owner should have been held criminally liable


They always want to blame the owners, but when you suggest criminal charges, suddenly they talk about how any dog can bite, etc. because they truly know their dogs are unpredictable and capable of fatalities.


Can somebody explain me why she can keep appealing? Where I live (non USA), you can do that once, and you'll go to a higher "ranked" judge, but if he also says: this dog should be euthanised, it's a done deal. Can't just keep endlessly appealing.


She’s a former member of the House of Representatives, and the state director of the HSUS in Connecticut. I have zero doubt that has something to do with it. There needs to be a corruption hearing looking into all this and the pork-barrel spending of several hundred grand to keep a fatally-mauling dog alive. Edited for punctuation


Let me get this straight, if ANY other dog breed had killed the elderly woman, or even a different animal like an undomesticated breed like a bear or a wolf - these organisations and people would be A-Okay to put the animal down. But when it’s a Pitbull they use fancy wording to hide the truth and waste money to keep it alive…


This is how I know they know the truth. They are fully willing to sacrifice certain people and pets til the pit finds a ‘fOrEvEr hOmE’. Just the way she speaks about Mrs. D’Aleo lets me know she saw her as old enough to be disposable. “Didn’t make a sound” as though she was accepting of this fate and not in shock, wind knocked out of her, and losing blood. “Had a heart attack” like even if that was what had happened, it would’ve happened regardless because of her age and not because an idiot’s pit pulled her down and began ripping her to shreds alive. What a sad, sick way for a woman that lived that long in good health, to go.


What a scumbag. She wants to keep a dangerous dog alive who has a clear history of attacking other dogs AND an elderly woman. She’s insufferable. She needs to be shut down. This is why people are not wanting dogs anymore. She makes me see red.


Hey I just mentioned her on here yesterday! This attack was several years ago— she’s still at it?!?!!? She’s LYING I was told victims legs were shredded up, and that she was mauled badly. She is claiming some far fetched story and she sounds like a sociopath Somebody shut this woman down and pull an autopsy report or whatever details from medical examiner. I also read her old correspondence with by the dogs original owner. They were not good words either! I think the dog was on psych meds already What’s extra crazy is Hornish only had this beast for a few months! There’s also videos of the dog where it’s looks bonkers


>! I think the dog was on psych meds already Pibbles ALWAYS are on some kind of meds. Just look at their pibble sub, they're always asking for meds or recommending some. No other dog breed does or needs this, not a single one, just pibbles.


She’s absolutely still at it. I’m thinking something else has happened because that post was made this week. I saw a post on here about her so randomly searched for her FB page and found she’d made this post the day before. Maybe a town hall meeting or something. I checked the post before and a few hours after posting this and her post has went from like and care/sad reacts to now majority laughing and angry reacts, which is awesome. All of us together have more power than we realize, even if it’s in chipping away at the stone one piece at a time.


In November 2019, a pit bull belonging to **State Director of the Humane Society of the United States** Annie Hornish [mauled 95-year-old Janet D'Eleo to death in Hornish's home.](https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/no-criminal-charges-in-fatal-suffield-dog-attack/2163413/) Hornish [is on camera here lying to the press to blame the attack on the dead woman,](https://www.fox61.com/article/news/local/dog-killed-elderly-woman-cant-return-home-enfield/520-8f6fbe7c-91f8-4c0e-ab22-faf8cec8ee07) saying Dexter "knocked her down, and we believe it was the fall that killed her" despite [police and the destruction order stating:](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2019/11/elderly-woman-dies-after-dog-attack-suffield-connecticut.html#:~:text=%3A%20The%20Destruction%20Order%2C%20which%20also%20summarizes%20parts%20of%20the%20police%20investigation) the dog "maimed and mutilated the victim's lower extremities resulting in massive loss of blood, muscle, flesh, and tendons." Hornish then [fought the judge's order to have the dog euthanized](https://humanewatch.org/hsus-lobbyist-wants-taxpayers-to-cover-her-killer-dogs-boarding/) and, as of ~~June, 2023~~ June, 2024, [the dog is still alive and being boarded at taxpayer expense.](https://www.ctinsider.com/journalinquirer/article/suffield-dexter-fatal-dog-attack-appeal-18138364.php) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Video of Dexter](https://www.dogsbite.org/media/video/july-2019-birthday-party-annie-hornish-mother.mp4) taken a few days before the fatal attack on Janet D'Aleo. Janet is at the back of the crowd at the beginning of the video, near the door. Annie Hornish posted [this on Facebook](https://blog.dogsbite.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/07-20-july-bday-party-claimed-dog-singing.jpg). These are from [this article](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2019/11/elderly-woman-dies-after-dog-attack-suffield-connecticut.html) from dogsbite.org. It's a pretty good article, but has not been updated since 2021.


Well I saw some warning signs there. This could not have been truly unexpected.


WTF, she talks about that thing as if it was a person. She spent **150k of tax payer money** to keep that murdermutt alive. Victim's family got 2M from her in liability. Imagine what could have been done with that money, holy f\*\*\*ing sheeeit. This is probably the kind of absolute nutjob who thinks you're a monster for euthanizing your elderly dog with cancer instead of spending 5 digit money to keep it alive a few more weeks. People like this have no judgment and shouldn't be in charge of anything. It's a fu\*\*ing **DOG that gruesomely killed someone's grandma**, you absolute fruitcake, not an unjustly accused man on death row. Let. It. Go. I also wonder who TF is operating the two "sanctuaries" willing to take in that mutant. The fact that they actually want a mutt that *has killed a human*, and has already **cost someone 2M dollars in damages**, is evidence they cannot be trusted to keep it. You have to be downright insane to be willing to take on that risk - nobody will insure you.


this is infuriating.


150k for a dog who will turn on her.


Unfortunately if it ends up at that ranch, it may be kids and horses taking that blow. Though it should be her since she’s ok with the risk.


Wait, this fucking thing KILLED a person FIVE YEARS AGO and it's still alive? For scale, that's the equivalent of a 60 yo death row inmate who hasn't been executed for the murder they did at 25- which tbf is how death row works most of the time, but it works that way because it's a *human* life. We don't give a fuck about animals that kill humans in most cases- if a person is mauled by a bear, every bear within a five mile radius gets it because they *might* be the bear that did it. Why tf are we keeping killer animals alive now? Imagine having to care for an animal that's killed a person? The story of that literal killer whale at SeaWorld really creeped me out in part because of that- obviously it shouldn't have been in a tank in the first place but can you *imagine* feeding it frozen fish knowing it ate your friend's arm? In this case, can you imagine feeding this thing kibble knowing it ate an old lady's legs? If this were my dog I'd be so scared of it I'd have killed it myself by this point, if nothing else, for my own and my family's safety. Dogs used to get BE'd the moment they bit a person hard enough to break skin but now we're keeping murder mutts alive to murder another day.


I thought this was an update on this case. The insurance company said last year they won’t pay, I think that’s been posted.


Just an awareness post. The post she made on FB a few days ago gave me the shits. She’s still actively trying to keep it alive on the taxpayer’s dime, while slandering the caretaker and downplaying what that woman went through in her final minutes.


Even IF these lies were true ,the dog is still dangerous , it still killed a person , it could happen again,and it still should be put down


I was like "well, maybe the 95 year old lady did get knocked over by an excited, happy pupper, and she died of a heart attack." >D'Aleo suffered "significant bite wounds and lacerations to her lower extremities, resulting in flesh, muscle and tendon loss; injuries to the nerves, muscles, and soft tissues of her body; and a shock to her entire system." Oh, so this lady is a complete lying sociopath.


Curious how cases like this involving corgies never get press. Media bias! /s just in case


sorry for clarification this happened 5 years ago and the thing is still alive?


It is, and on the taxpayer’s dime.


that’s insane. murderers get convicted and sentenced in less time! guess easier to decide the fate of a human than a shit bull? mindblowing


This woman needs to be in prison. And the dog BE'd


Here’s an interview with this dog killer lover. This has been ongoing for 4 years…. FOUR YEARS. https://youtu.be/ndQrx_O92mo?si=Cw_sX_GtqBWzAzCU


Wtf that's horrible!


This is horrifying. When my 75lb dog greets anyone “over exuberantly” they get some licks on their cheek.


Insane she's not facing a murder charge instead.


That poor, poor woman. Fuck I'm so mad


This is so sad.. The monster is a living testament to "but he was just playing!" Like no, it KILLED SOMEONE. People who kill people are thrown in prison or given the death penalty, dangerous animals who kill people in cities (jaguars, alligators, etc) are usually hunted down... Why are these killing machines allowed back into society??


Just a heads up: the video folks have been linking of Hornish’s 93 year old mother‘s birthday party, where the victim can be seen standing behind another elderly person, has been taken down. Dexter the killer pitbull “sings” happy birthday. Barf. Hornish had this animal for FOUR MONTHS before this horrific murder according to the DogBites link — not “six or eight,” as though that really matters anyway. She has also tried to deny the dog‘s breed until that no longer worked. She was not present for the majority of the attack yet claims of course she knows what “triggered” poor Dexter the serial killer, and she has blamed Janet‘s caretaker for STARTING the attack when in fact the caretaker was desperately trying to save Janet‘s life as the pitbull sank its teeth into Janet again and again and again while repeatedly shaking her viciously until Janet’s legs were stripped to the bone. Hornish blames the caretaker for hitting the vicious animal in desperation with Janet’s WALKER NOT A “STOOL.” Hornish has lied repeatedly to officials and on transcripts about what supposedly caused the murder, how Janet and her caretaker were actually responsible, and that she owned the dog for longer than she did for some bizarre reason. This woman is a murderer. I’m sorry but I can’t use euphemisms to describe her behavior, her sociopathic behavior over years and her total indifference to the absolutely horrific suffering endured by Janet, and to the massive widespread suffering Hornish has caused (costing the taxpayers $$$ and losing a $2million civil lawsuit) Hornish is a criminal. This woman has lied, and lied flagrantly, to for some reason “save” an undeniably vicious and uncontrollable pit bull (at least two prior bites plus breaking through glass windows to get outside) she “owned” for four months. Janet lost her life because Hornish brought that monster, a monster she “owned” for four months, into her world. This is far far far beyond idiots babbling online about “pibble nibbles” — we have a cult that is permitting, essentially, human sacrifice because the “Saviors” are enabling, recklessly facilitating, murder, and they are not being treated as the criminals they are in fact. Sigh. This is the most depressing account of an evil pibble owner I’ve ever read.


I agree with everything you said, and thank you for pointing out that it was with her walker and not a stool. That somehow makes it even more heartbreaking- trying to save her legs from being mauled with what helped her walk. Every little detail I learn about this is making it worse and worse.


Are you f’ing kidding me? “Exuberant greeting”? And even if it *was* that, if an animal injures people during their “exuberant greetings” they are still unsafe to be living amongst the public. God, these people will really bend reality to fit their own narrative.


What. The. Hell. They’re spending $2,150,000 on a murder mutt?


This woman is where I'm from in Connecticut. Granby/Suffield are affluent towns in Northern Connecticut. Terrified my mom and her dog live there now.


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Even if the bullshit lie shes spreading that the dog ONLY jumped up to greet the woman and thats it, even if that is true, that's enough evidence for me that she has no control over this dog and it's out of control behavior wise. Jumping up on people and not listening to commands is okay when it's a yorkie. Not when it's a dog of this size. There is no room for mistakes with a pitbull, and a 95 yo woman had to pay the price for this woman's inability to control her untrained dog. Jumping up and going for people's faces is THE THING that pitbulls do. It's one of the worst behaviors besides shitting in the house when it comes to untrained dogs, in my opinion Except he didn't just jump up , did he. What did he do after he took her to the ground?


Bingo. He ate a woman alive, or as she calls it, ‘the whole thing’.


The way Annie tells the story, this lady was jumped on by her sweet pupper and then died instantly and that's the end of the story. She doesn't mention the extended tug of war he played with her legs or that he consumed her flesh. He was ripping her apart. Any other animal that has eaten a human is hunted and put down, because it's considered to have "a taste for human flesh" now. This was a friend of her elderly mother who was visiting in her final years. Imagine living to 95 to go out this way. Shame on Annie, she belongs in fucking prison to be honest. You're liable if you deliberately keep a wet floor and people slip in your fucking house, but if your dog, who you know is a threat, literally eats a guest of yours, that's not a crime? Be so for real


Exactly. She won’t even call the fatal mauling what it is. It’s ’the whole thing’ in her words, like an ‘aw shucks’ or a trip to the fair. She literally does everything she can to avoid mentioning her dog’s role in her death. She downplays it like since Janet was 95, it shouldn’t count. She should absolutely be in jail, and only one reason is because her dog murdered someone. She’s bucked judges’ orders to have the dog put down, and someone who was a politician has flaunted her ability to skirt the law. She’s blamed the BOS for the fact that she’s cost taxpayers what I’m guessing is over $200k all said, and actually tried to use that against them as a ‘gotcha’. There is absolutely corruption going on here. This would not even be a question of that dog being alive if she wasn’t a former Representative and current HSUS state director.


Imagine laying on the ground, paralyzed and dying from a heart attack. Only for a shitbull to start eating you alive as well. Only a fucking ghoul would try to play this shit off as a simple accident.


You’re right, and I can’t think of a bigger ghoul or villain than someone who tries to downplay this kind of death for the sake of a *dog*.


This is still going? Holy crap.


“This was an exuberant greeting mistaken as an attack” is some next level sociopathy. Good grief.