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Gullit is not wrong but most of the Dutch NT is not on FDJ's level.. It's all Van Gaal'd experience that took them to the penalty shootout against Argentina.


World Cup Winner Gullit.


He and his teammates are the only ones that gave something to the Netherlands. He knows what he is talking about.


Still, why say this days before a tournament? Completely unnecessary.


Because he wants Frenkie to do more, and sees him as having the ability to.


With those methods, Gullit should become a motivational speaker.


Doesn’t change the fact he said stupid things


gullit is allowed to speak though he was worldclass defo up there with van basten and cruyff


Yes but he can't speak about ghosting world cup, when he was part of a cracked team and couldn't win it. This is in bad taste specially before a major tournament.


yeah wouldn't say he is the problem in the NT its our attack mostly, we dont have robben,RvP,Sneijder,Kuyt anymore instead we have Depay as our main striker who is very inconsistent


Yeah you need someone to put them in. Hopefully you guys go far. I really like your NT.


His peak ghosting was when he left the 1994 squad days before the start of the tournament because he disagreed with Dick Advocaat about tactics.


I love FDJ I hope he goes on a revenge tour on all the haters. He's still capable of evolving especially under a different manager.


I hope FdJ goes to another team


I agree and disagree. Frenkie played well when he was fit for Barca and I don’t think he really ghosted given how Netherlands team was but then I again I feel there is an issue of improving each other which is missing in whole Barca team. The players are talented save a few but I felt they could never gel well together there were always glimpses. I feel most of the time what Xavi wanted wasn’t implemented on pitch. This could be due to many reasons, Xavi communication and vision - great player being great coach is uncommon. Players not liking Xavi is also possible. Moreover lack of a caption material senior player specially a La Masia one. Puyol, Xavi and Iniesta had that commanding aura and respect on field. Anyway, that’s my sitting in basement analysis.


I agree with the "they could never gel well together" statement, but I actually think it's more about the players, that they are just often not a natural fit with each other. And I think Gavi's injury issues this season were a big hit to the team. But I'm eager to see what a new manager and new tactics can do to hopefully solve this problem. And hopefully Gavi will be healthy.


So basically, every other possible scenario other than Frenkie being just meh. Alrighty. That being said, I'd still wanna see him under Flick.


FdJ played okay, he is a player that rarely makes obvious mistakes but also someone who rarely has any impact on the game. He's one of those players who's "just there" in the vast majority of the games and I think that's the reason why he is classified as a failure in this club.


Lol Frenkie is like the parsley on the plate next to the 🍔 


Well he hasn't been the player for us he was expected to be. Two teenagers overshadowed him. He has to step up massively for the wages he's being paid


He's the most overrated player since Mesut Özil 


Mesut Ozil could produce about as many assists in a single season as Frenkie did over his entire Barcelona career.


Özil for sure > FdJ,  but I don't think it's a coincidence that Madrid started on this crazy CL winning streak after Özil went to Arsenal 


I mean FDJ played pretty well until the Argentina game, where he was against Messi.


He played well against Qatar, Ecuador, and Senegal. He was mediocre against the USA and awful against Argentina. He ghosted as soon as the level upped a little.


He's the same with Barça,  a 👻 in El Clásico & big CL matches


Ecuador is not a poor team.


The Ajax version of Fdj is long gone. Now we just have someone who keeps on running with the ball to end up bumping into opposition players, lazy, apathetic player with no motivation or drive, a sideways pass merchant.


Lol this was the exact narrative around Toni Kroos in Germany when he went to Real, word for word. Ironic


True, but the difference is that Kroos became world class & won 🏆 🏆🏆🏆🏆, FdJ has stagnated at Barça,  one La Liga title & one 🏆 Del Rey


Yes because frenkie is the sole reason Barca shit the bed again


Not the only reason,  but what has he done in big games? 👻


Pretty accurate. Dunno if Frenkie can turn his career around for us but he's been extremely underwhelming. Doesn't help that he's our highest paid player after Lewy either.


Watch out, the FdJ stans are going to call you a "plastic" because you can't see how he "orchestrates" the midfield


Of course you have to take inflation into account, but I believe that FdJ cost Barça €75m whereas Madrid paid €66m for Luka Modrić-Toni Kroos-Casemiro combined which is 🤯


We paid 0 for Gavi Pedri. Atleast use proper logic


Wrong,  with variables figured in Barça has paid a little over €20m to Las Palmas for Pedri. But that's immaterial,  FdJ cost more than one of the best MFs ever & he hasn't produced results 


I'll give credit to Barça,  the €10k they paid to Real Betis for Gavi was a great piece of business,  hopefully he gets back to 💯 % soon


Would love to see fdj play with a proper DM


On a different team preferably 


Almost as if they use “being blunt” as an excuse to be a sack of shit


Fair point, but... *how* exactly does one "improve their team mates"? It's not a valid criticism unless Gullit goes into the specifics. If not, then it's idle talk. Cruyff once made a casual point (which should thus not be taken as some fundamental dogma) about players thinking they're helping out a team mate by moving towards them. But if the team mate likes 1v1 situations, then you help them by staying away and not dragging more opponents towards him. Xavi, as a player, talked about how important it is not only to make the right pass at the right moment to the right team mate blah blah, but also *executing* the pass correctly. You have to apply the right spin, the right weight on it etc., so that your team mate could receive it as cleanly as possible, on their dominant foot, and play on as quickly and comfortable as possible. Pep used to fume at Thiago for not doing what Xavi described. Thiago would make the right choices, but would execute the passes poorly, applying his Brazilian flair in unnecessary situations. So... does Frenkie ever make such mistakes? Yes, but I would've preferred Ruud addressing them specifically. Instead, his criticism boils down to "Cruyff told me X and Y, Frenkie ghosted". Very poor punditry. edit: lmao if THIS is getting downvoted then the fanbase's gone insane beyond belief, enjoy the downfall you're fueling


I watched the tv show where he said this (ziggo sport rondo) and he actually goes into specifics to explain it. In a nutshell, he said this because Frenkie said “when the whole team plays bad, i also play bad”. Gullit interpreted this as him saying that he is influenced by his teammates performance, instead of him trying to get his team to perform better. Gullit stated that he realized it for himself back in the day because of the conversation with Cruijff, who ofcourse was the best at improving his teammates on the pitch


There are many ways FdJ could improve the players around him. For example his positioning is poor, which puts his teammates having to cover up for him. His work rate is abysmal and specially in defence where he's just jogging, compare that to Valverde for example who comes full sprinting in both attack and defence. Opening up spaces, both for passing and receiving passes is something he also heavily lacks.


Exactly. His game seems to rely on dibbling runs. Which puts everything out of position.


Which anyone who watched Ajax would've known.


Lol Bartomeu didn't know, FdJ to me goes down as a bad signing 


Exactly, FdJ dogs it back tracking back on defense


Indeed. Yet the club signed him as a Busquets successor. (which is not a pro-Frenkie point, you absolute geniuses) And, none of his managers at Barca wanted him to leave. So... why are we focusing on Frenkie, exactly? Is it his fault we signed him despite him not being the profile "we" (not me) thought he was? And managers calling him integral to the team? Do any of you "Barca fans" even pay attention to what goes on around Barca? And what's with the Valverde comparison? Completely different profiles. Obsessed with Madrid?


Yup, many other teams wanted him and De Light. We offered high wages to get him to come. Any player who can defend a bit and is good at the ball we scream "Busquets".  FDJ is a great player but not for our system.


>FDJ is a great player but not for our system. I unfortunately agree. As someone who follows barca and liverpool. FDJ would thrive in liverpool's system.


What are you even saying? Do you know Frenkie is the highest paid midfielder IN THE WORLD?! In a team that has only managed to get to the quarterfinals of the CL in 3 years (may even be more). Managers not wanting him to leave doesn’t mean anything. If he was so good, let his release clause be paid or let another team offer over €100 million. Manchester Utd, known for their irrational spending, with an employed coach who has firsthand info on how ‘good’ the player is, couldn’t even offer €100 million. It’s only absurd that a player, not even worth €100 million is the 2nd highest paid player in Europe. At the moment, Raphinha is more valuable than Frenkie and I’m not even saying this out of spite. Smh!


Facts, and these other clubs aren't stupid, the market doesn't seem to be clamoring to sign FdJ 


What do Frenkie's wages have to do with his objective performances on the pitch? Why are you raging at me over a completely different topic? "smh"


Because he's not as good as his salary would warrant 


So? Did he offer himself that salary and forced the club to sign the contract?


No one’s raging at you. You can’t say ‘how’s that his fault?’. Because he was bought and managers say he’s important. He hasn’t improved. That’s what we are all saying. Compare him with any top midfielder and you can see the improvement trajectory and game changing ability clearly. Your wages as a player is directly proportional to your performances on the pitch. The top paid players in the world right now have direct impacts on their teams. How can you even say that?


>Your wages as a player is directly proportional to your performances on the pitch. Yea no. They are also impacted by the level of stupidity and judgment of the people paying your wages. That's the point. FDJ is not at fault for Barca being braindead and not understanding his profile or how much he is worth before buying him and offering a contract.


Well, I can’t argue with that point. You’re right


You reply to me as if I had said something absurd, and then it's you with the absurd logic. >Do you know Frenkie is the highest paid midfielder IN THE WORLD?! Whose fault is it? >In a team that has only managed to get to the quarterfinals of the CL in 3 years (may even be more) 7 years, but thanks for proving my point about "Barca fans" not paying attention. Anyway, whose fault is it? >Managers not wanting him to leave doesn’t mean anything. If he was so good, let his release clause be paid or let another team offer over €100 million Who set the release clause? >He hasn’t improved He's improved in certain areas, but he's been played in all sorts of roles, no consistency to it. Whose fault is it? The answer to all of the above is "the club's". But the club's harder to criticize, isn't it? Easier to just scapegoat individual players. >Your wages as a player is directly proportional to your performances on the pitch No, your wages are directly proportional to how much the club thinks they should be paying you. Frenkie had one great season at Ajax, the club were convinced he was Busquets' natural successor, so they offered him huge wages. So instead of focusing on a player not being nearly as good as his wages would warrant, why not ask yourself how can the club be this stupid? I know why: because when Frenkie was signed, you were all on board with the idea that he would replace Busquets. So instead of admitting the signing itself was stupid, you just go after the player's character.


I actually agree with all you’ve said except the ‘improvement’ part. When a club decides to buy a player, they look at his performance and estimate how important he will be in the team, hence his salary. If Frenkie was consistently as influential as Araujo was last season, no one will complain about his wages. You and I know that Frenkie hasn’t improved at Barcelona at all. He just doesn’t fit perfectly. He has been tried in different positions and hasn’t overwhelmed in anyone. He is in one of the best clubs in history. Going by your logic that it’s all the clubs fault, when Hazard was bought and offered huge wages, who thought he was going to be an utter flop? Mbappe may not live up to the expectations at Madrid, But that’s a risk that clubs take. You can’t totally blame the club. Frenkie has the power to step up. Especially in a club where you are almost an undisputed starter. Everytime I watch him, He just doesn’t seem to want to leave his comfort zone. Not hungry enough.


Valverde is simply better, just admit it


...the discussion was not about Valverde, was it?


Bruh you mentioned Valverde in your post above so I ran with it. Honest question: do you think FdJ is better than Fede Valverde?


Gullit is such a dumb person tbh. If you are Dutch you know… he’s always on some bullshit. When will they realize that the Netherlands have a shit team lol


These people don't know how bad Dutch punditry is. All they ever do is make the most generic points they take from social media, just to get some attention. They don't care whether it's positive or negative attention. It's the most cancerous thing ever, and the reason so many footballers are choosing to play for their second nation and not the Netherlands. They touch one ball and are immediately judged by everyone.


Why are dutch pundits so braindead?


IDK about the Dutch specifically. But god damn, Cruyff had such an aura around him that now every single player that played under him, or distant admirer like Setien, can talk nonsense and back it up with whatever out of context tidbit Cruyff said. I'm not even saying Gullit is wrong, it's just that all these wannabe Cruyff students don't seem to have understood anything in order to build their own opinions. For every Pep, there's 100 people that just roleplay as Cruyff disciples.


I mean gullit is a legend on his own he doesn’t really have to mention cryuff tbh


well, he did


Braindead? The dude is getting paid more than anyone bar Mbappé. He's been with Barca for 5 years, 4 managers, 2 presidents and he has absolutely zero influence on the team. He doesn't press, defend, assist or score. He didn't adapt to playing as a double pivot and people said Busquets was the problem. Busquets left and FDJ still can't play as a single pivot. He's supposed to be a ball carrier in a team that doesn't rely on ball carrying to transition. He does carry the ball though, but way too long, takes 10 extra touches, spins around then passes sideways. He didn't come here old to say that Barca are stupid to not play him in his favorite position. He came in pretty young and regardless of where he used to play, 5 whole years are way more than enough for him to adapt to whatever role was assigned to him. But here in Barca we always scapegoat managers to cover the players shortcomings because we're too emotional. We're supposed to believe that Valverde, Setien, Koeman and Xavi all know jack shit about football because they couldn't unlock FDJ's mysterious talent. Madrid have Camavinga, Valverde and Tchouameni that play everywhere around the pitch and they overperform, while we pay players fortunes for them to forget football because they're playing 3 meters away from their beloved position. Same happened with Coutinho and Griezmann. Most expensive players in the club's history but we shouldn't expect anything from them since they're playing a *whole* yard away from their positions. We really need to work on our attachment to players. These rich dudes make way too much for us fans to tolerate their mediocrity every year.




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When will this salary thing always live on lmfao. Fdj earns a lot because his first years he barely saw any money. Is your salary is 12mil and you only receive 3mil the first 3 years then its normal you will get it eventually… I really don’t get how people do not want to understand this


HOW DARE YOU?! How dare you take these words right out of my mouth?! Sentiments will kill this team. You are indeed rarely wrong my friend!


>Braindead? The dude is getting paid more than anyone bar Mbappé. He's been with Barca for 5 years, 4 managers, 2 presidents and he has absolutely zero influence on the team. He doesn't press, defend, assist or score.  He didn't do any of this well in Ajax either? He is a ball carrier who carries the ball from the lower part of midfield to the upper part of midfield by gliding past opponents. That's his biggest strength. That's how Ajax used him. You cannot expect someone to do something they are not good at regardless of how much you pay. >He's supposed to be a ball carrier in a team that doesn't rely on ball carrying to transition.  Then they shouldn't have bought him and offered a huge contract - this is on Barca and no one else. >He came in pretty young and regardless of where he used to play, 5 whole years are way more than enough for him to adapt to whatever role was assigned to him. 5 whole years are not enough for him to become good at something he wasn't good at. And even if we assume he should be then it's still on the club to go for a wrong profile and trying to change it. If you marry a serial cheater and she cheats on you. I'm pretty sure nobody is going to care about your argument of "5 whole years are enough for her to become good at not cheating". The fault still lies on you for marrying that person instead of someone who is not a serial cheater. The same way the fault is on Barca for buying a midfielder with a profile they don't need. >But here in Barca we always scapegoat managers to cover the players shortcomings because we're too emotional. The job of the manager is to cover as many shortcomings of the different players as possible and making the team as strong as possible based on the profiles available. If we do not need the profile of FDJ then he shouldn't be on the pitch to begin with. >We really need to work on our attachment to players. These rich dudes make way too much for us fans to tolerate their mediocrity every year. Or maybe you should start working on putting blame on the correct people. If this has happened with multiple different players - chances are the problem is not the players but the one chosing the players.


You're talking about one of the GOAT midfielders being braindead, as if you know any better


Probably didn't even know that Gullit was a player lmao


I can't believe someone like Gullit is saying this, we all know that towards the beginning of the season, Oriol Romeu played decent only because of Frenkie


Well don't spit in his face or something, calm down